Submissions from 2023
Reasons for ineligibility for clinical trials of patients with medication-resistant epilepsy, Wesley T. Kerr, Hai Chen, Mariana Figuera Losada, Christopher Cheng, Tiffany Liu, and Jaqueline French
Neonatal brain MRI and short-term outcomes after acute provoked seizures, Yi Li, Aaron Scheffler, Anthony James Barkovich, Taeun Chang, Catherine J. Chu, Shavonne L. Massey, Nicholas S. Abend, Monica E. Lemmon, Cameron Thomas, Adam Numis, Linda S. Franck, Elizabeth Rogers, Andrew Callen, Charles E. McCulloch, Renée A. Shellhaas, and Hannah C. Glass
The functional impact of 1,570 individual amino acid substitutions in human OTC, Russell S. Lo, Gareth A. Cromie, Michelle Tang, Kevin Teng, Katherine Owens, Amy Sirr, J Nathan Kutz, Hiroki Morizono, Ljubica Caldovic, Nicholas Ah Mew, Andrea Gropman, and Aimée M. Dudley
Neonatal encephalopathy and hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy: moving from controversy to consensus definitions and subclassification, Eleanor J. Molloy, Aoife Branagan, Tim Hurley, Fiona Quirke, Declan Devane, Petek E. Taneri, Mohamed El-Dib, Frank H. Bloomfield, Beccy Maeso, Betsy Pilon, Sonia L. Bonifacio, Courtney J. Wusthoff, Lina Chalak, Cynthia Bearer, Deirdre M. Murray, Nadia Badawi, Suzann Campbell, Sarah Mulkey, Pierre Gressens, Donna M. Ferriero, Linda S. de Vries, Karen Walker, Sarah Kay, Geraldine Boylan, Chris Gale, Nicola J. Robertson, Mary D'Alton, Alistair Gunn, and Karin B. Nelson
Contemporary Understanding of the Central Autonomic Nervous System in Fetal-Neonatal Transition, Sarah B. Mulkey
Lessons learned in caring for newborns from one viral outbreak to the next, Sarah B. Mulkey
Indirect effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on children relate to the child's age and experience, Sarah B. Mulkey, Cynthia F. Bearer, and Eleanor J. Molloy
Outcomes up to age 36 months after congenital Zika virus infection-U.S. states, Varsha Neelam, Kate R. Woodworth, Daniel J. Chang, Nicole M. Roth, Megan R. Reynolds, Amanda Akosa, Christopher P. Carr, Kayla N. Anderson, Sarah B. Mulkey, Roberta L. DeBiasi, Cara Biddle, Ellen H. Lee, Amanda L. Elmore, Sarah J. Scotland, Similoluwa Sowunmi, Nicole D. Longcore, Muhammad Ahmed, Peter H. Langlois, Salma Khuwaja, Shea Elizabeth Browne, Leah Lind, Kyoo Shim, Michael Gosciminski, Rachel Blumenfeld, Shreya Khuntia, Umme-Aiman Halai, Autumn Locklear, Mary Chan, Teri' Willabus, Julius Tonzel, Natalie S. Marzec, and Nianest Alers Barreto
Cerebral Metabolic Crisis in Pediatric Cerebral Malaria, Nicole F. O'Brien, Karen Chetcuti, Yudy Fonseca, Lorenna Vidal, Prashant Raghavan, Douglas G. Postels, Yamikani Chimalizeni, Stephen Ray, Karl B. Seydel, and Terrie E. Taylor
Early Clinical Variables Associated With Refractory Convulsive Status Epilepticus in Children, Katrina Peariso, Ravindra Arya, Tracy Glauser, Nicholas S. Abend, Cristina Barcia Aguilar, Marta Amengual-Gual, Anne Anderson, Brian L. Appavu, J Nicholas Brenton, Jessica Carpenter, Kevin E. Chapman, Justice Clark, William D. Gaillard, Marina Gaínza-Lein, Joshua Goldstein, Howard Goodkin, Zachary Grinspan, Rejean M. Guerriero, Paul S. Horn, Linda Huh, Robert Kahoud, Sarah A. Kelley, Eric H. Kossoff, Kush Kapur, Yi-Chen Lai, B Oyinkan Marquis, Tiffani McDonough, Mohamad A. Mikati, Lindsey Morgan, Edward Novotny, Adam P. Ostendorf, and Eric T. Payne
Treatment of seizures in the neonate: Guidelines and consensus-based recommendations-Special report from the ILAE Task Force on Neonatal Seizures, Ronit M. Pressler, Nicholas S. Abend, Stéphan Auvin, Geraldine Boylan, Francesco Brigo, Maria Roberta Cilio, Linda S. De Vries, Maurizio Elia, Alberto Espeche, Cecil D. Hahn, Terrie Inder, Nathalie Jette, Angelina Kakooza-Mwesige, Silke Mader, Eli M. Mizrahi, Solomon L. Moshé, Lakshmi Nagarajan, Iris Noyman, Magda L. Nunes, Pauline Samia, Eilon Shany, Renée A. Shellhaas, Ann Subota, Chahnez Charfi Triki, Tammy Tsuchida, Kollencheri Puthenveettil Vinayan, Jo M. Wilmshurst, Elissa G. Yozawitz, and Hans Hartmann
Treatment of seizures in the neonate: Guidelines and consensus-based recommendations-Special report from the ILAE Task Force on Neonatal Seizures, Ronit M. Pressler, Nicholas S. Abend, Stéphan Auvin, Geraldine Boylan, Francesco Brigo, Maria Roberta Cilio, Linda S. De Vries, Maurizio Elia, Alberto Espeche, Cecil D. Hahn, Terrie Inder, Nathalie Jette, Angelina Kakooza-Mwesige, Silke Mader, Eli M. Mizrahi, Solomon L. Moshé, Lakshmi Nagarajan, Iris Noyman, Magda L. Nunes, Pauline Samia, Eilon Shany, Renée A. Shellhaas, Ann Subota, Chahnez Charfi Triki, Tammy Tsuchida, Kollencheri Puthenveettil Vinayan, Jo M. Wilmshurst, Elissa G. Yozawitz, and Hans Hartmann
Capacity Building in Pediatric Critical Care-Global Health Research and Education: The Blantyre Experience, Madiha Q. Raees, Yamikani Chimalizeni, Alice W. Liomba, Paul Pensulo, Montfort Benard Gushu, Andrew Tebulo, Albert Malenga, Michael J. Sikorski, Adrian J. Holloway, Adnan T. Bhutta, Allan Doctor, Kenneth E. Remy, Nicole F. O'Brien, Douglas G. Postels, and Terrie E. Taylor
Correction to: Measuring Overall Severity of Myasthenia Gravis (MG): Evidence for the Added Value of the MG Symptoms PRO, Antoine Regnault, Thomas Morel, Christine de la Loge, Flora Mazerolle, Henry J. Kaminski, and Ali A. Habib
Measuring Overall Severity of Myasthenia Gravis (MG): Evidence for the Added Value of the MG Symptoms PRO, Antoine Regnault, Thomas Morel, Christine de la Loge, Flora Mazerolle, Henry J. Kaminski, and Ali A. Habib
Cortical Grey matter volume depletion links to neurological sequelae in post COVID-19 "long haulers", Ted L. Rothstein
Longitudinal evaluation of serum MOG-IgG titers in MOGAD after initiation of maintenance immunoglobulin: A case series, Shuvro Roy, Eleni Vasileiou, Paula Barreras, Gelareh Ahmadi, Haiwen Chen, William Suslovic, Alexandra Kornbluh, Ilana Kahn, and Elias S. Sotirchos
The Use of Opioids in the Management of Chronic Pain, James L. Sall, Friedhelm Sandbrink, Jennifer L. Murphy, Christopher Spevak, and Ellen Edens
The behavioral profile of 49,XXXXY and the potential impact of testosterone replacement therapy, Carole A. Samango-Sprouse, Mary P. Hamzik, Eliana Gropman, Michaela R. Brooks, Sherida Powell, Alexa M. Taylor, Teresa Sadeghin, and Andrea L. Gropman
The Use of Opioids in the Management of Chronic Pain: Synopsis of the 2022 Updated U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs and U.S. Department of Defense Clinical Practice Guideline, Friedhelm Sandbrink, Jennifer L. Murphy, Melanie Johansson, Juli L. Olson, Ellen Edens, Jamie Clinton-Lont, James Sall, and Christopher Spevak
The Use of Opioids in the Management of Chronic Pain: Synopsis of the 2022 Updated U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs and U.S. Department of Defense Clinical Practice Guideline, Friedhelm Sandbrink, Jennifer L. Murphy, Melanie Johansson, Juli L. Olson, Ellen Edens, Jamie Clinton-Lont, James Sall, and Christopher Spevak
Effect of Pioglitazone on Vascular Events in Post-stroke Cognitive Impairment: Post hoc Analysis of the IRIS Trial, Kat Schmidt, Melinda C. Power, Adam Ciarleglio, and Zurab Nadareishvili
Efficacy of atomoxetine plus oxybutynin in the treatment of obstructive sleep apnea with moderate pharyngeal collapsibility, Paula K. Schweitzer, James P. Maynard, Paul E. Wylie, Helene A. Emsellem, and Scott A. Sands
Evaluation of sleep medicine fellowship program websites, Shanti Shenoy, Wahida Akberzie, Jeremy S. Landeo-Gutierrez, Christopher R. Guerrero, and Elias G. Karroum
Serum metabolomics of treatment response in myasthenia gravis, Patricia Sikorski, Yaoxiang Li, Mehar Cheema, Gil I. Wolfe, Linda L. Kusner, Inmaculada Aban, and Henry J. Kaminski
Case report: A patient with Delayed Sleep-Wake Phase Disorder and Optic Nerve Hypoplasia treated with tasimelteon: a case study, Sandra P. Smieszek, Alyssa R. Kaden, Caroline E. Johnson, Jennifer L. Brzezynski, Changfu Xiao, Christos M. Polymeropoulos, Gunther Birznieks, Helene A. Emsellem, and Mihael H. Polymeropoulos
Neurotoxic properties of the Zika virus envelope protein, Joseph P. Steiner, Muznabanu Bachani, Nasir Malik, Wenxue Li, Richa Tyagi, Kevon Sampson, Rachel P. Abrams, Youssef Kousa, Jamie Solis, Tory P. Johnson, and Avindra Nath
Pediatric Moyamoya Revascularization Perioperative Care: A Modified Delphi Study, Lisa R. Sun, Lori C. Jordan, Edward R. Smith, Philipp R. Aldana, Matthew P. Kirschen, Kristin Guilliams, Nalin Gupta, Gary K. Steinberg, Christine Fox, Dana B. Harrar, Sarah Lee, Melissa G. Chung, Peter Dirks, Nomazulu Dlamini, Cormac O. Maher, Laura L. Lehman, Sue J. Hong, Jennifer M. Strahle, Jose A. Pineda, Lauren A. Beslow, Lindsey Rasmussen, Janette Mailo, Joseph Piatt, Shih-Shan Lang, P David Adelson, Michael C. Dewan, Aleksandra Mineyko, Samuel McClugage, Sudhakar Vadivelu, Michael M. Dowling, and David S. Hersh
Fetal Neurology Practice Survey: Current Practice and the Future Directions, Tomo Tarui, Charu Venkatesan, Dawn Gano, Monica E. Lemmon, Sarah B. Mulkey, Andrea C. Pardo, Lisa Emrick, Mark Scher, and Sonika Agarwal
Bilateral Retinal and Lateral Geniculate Nucleus Infarction in an Adolescent With Influenza, Prayerna Uppal, William P. Madigan, Jonathan Murnick, Jeffrey Strelzik, and Dana Harrar
Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protein (GFAP) Astrocytopathy: An Emerging Cause of Meningoencephalomyelitis in Children and Adolescents, Prayerna Uppal, Jacklyn Smith, Carlos Castillo-Pinto, Elizabeth M. Wells, Anuj Jayakar, and Dana Harrar
Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protein (GFAP) Astrocytopathy: An Emerging Cause of Meningoencephalomyelitis in Children and Adolescents, Prayerna Uppal, Jacklyn Smith, Carlos Castillo-Pinto, Elizabeth M. Wells, Anuj Jayakar, and Dana Harrar
Review of the role of the endogenous opioid and melanocortin systems in the restless legs syndrome, Arthur S. Walters, Yuqing Li, Brian B. Koo, William G. Ondo, Leonard B. Weinstock, David Champion, Lawrence B. Afrin, Elias G. Karroum, Kanika Bagai, and Karen Spruyt
Positive and negative effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on families of young children in rural Colombia and implications for child outcome research, Meagan E. Williams, Madison M. Berl, Elizabeth Corn, Emily Ansusinha, Margarita Arroyave-Wessel, Anqing Zhang, Carlos Cure, and Sarah B. Mulkey
A national population-based study of cannabis use and correlates among U.S. veterans prescribed opioids in primary care, Tauheed Zaman, Dawn M. Bravata, Amy L. Byers, Erin E. Krebs, Samuel J. Leonard, Friedhelm Sandbrink, Wylie Barker, and Salomeh Keyhani
Awakening-Related Bouts of Severe Opisthotonos in, Alonso Zea Vera, Marc DiSabella, Laura Tochen, Meira Meltzer, and Andrea Gropman
Surgical treatment of movement disorders in neurometabolic conditions, Alonso Zea Vera and Andrea L. Gropman
Submissions from 2022
Secondary Stabbing Headache Associated with COVID-19: a Case Report, Hira Akhlaq, Mian Li, and Victor E. Nava
The best and worst of times in therapy development for myasthenia gravis, Michael Benatar, Gary Cutter, and Henry J. Kaminski
Taming the Wild West of Early Life Epilepsy Care: One Question at a Time, Anne T. Berg and William D. Gaillard
Restless Legs Symptoms and Periodic Leg Movements in Sleep Among Patients with Parkinson's Disease, Donald L. Bliwise, Elias G. Karroum, Sophia A. Greer, Stewart A. Factor, and Lynn Marie Trotti
7T versus 3T MRI in the presurgical evaluation of patients with drug-resistant epilepsy, Ellen J. Bubrick, Taha Gholipour, Matthew Hibert, G Rees Cosgrove, Steven M. Stufflebeam, and Geoffrey S. Young
Continuous Electroencephalogram Evaluation of Paroxysmal Events in Critically Ill Patients: Diagnostic Yield and Impact on Clinical Decision Making, Hai Chen, Eugenie Atallah, Jennifer Pauldurai, Andrew Becker, and Mohamad Koubeissi
Implementation of a Low-Field Portable MRI Scanner in a Resource-Constrained Environment: Our Experience in Malawi, K Chetcuti, C Chilingulo, M S. Goyal, L Vidal, N F. O'Brien, D G. Postels, K B. Seydel, and T E. Taylor
Identification of genetic risk loci and prioritization of genes and pathways for myasthenia gravis: a genome-wide association study, Ruth Chia, Sara Saez-Atienzar, Natalie Murphy, Adriano Chiò, and Cornelis Blauwendraat
Validation of an Arabic version of the Cambridge-Hopkins diagnostic questionnaire for restless legs syndrome, Jad Costa, Razane Lakkis, Ghassan Sleilaty, Elias Georges Karroum, and Jeanine El Helou
Diagnostic accuracy of an artificial intelligence online engine in migraine: A multi-center study, Robert P. Cowan, Alan M. Rapoport, Jim Blythe, John Rothrock, Kerry Knievel, Addie M. Peretz, Elizabeth Ekpo, Bharati M. Sanjanwala, and Yohannes W. Woldeamanuel
2021 U.S. Virgin Islands Zika health brigade: Providing recommended pediatric health screenings for children born to mothers with laboratory evidence of possible Zika virus infection during pregnancy, Leah H. de Wilde, Cosme Jeremy Harrison, Binta E. Ceesay, Charmaine S. Mayers, Janney Ferrol-Hawley, Jacqueline Canton, Shana Godfred-Cato, Megan R. Reynolds, Lessely Brown-Shuler, Sukhdeep Randhawa, Dan Schoelles, Braeanna Hillman, Maria Paz Carlos, Tracey Ambrose, Derek Bitner, Sandra Holgado, Cristie Jones, Daniel J. Lattin, Sarah B. Mulkey, Angeline Nguyen, Mary Payne, S Grace Prakalapakorn, Ann Shue, and Esther M. Ellis
Neuromonitoring in neonatal critical care part II: extremely premature infants and critically ill neonates, Mohamed El-Dib, Nicholas S. Abend, Topun Austin, Geraldine Boylan, Valerie Chock, M Roberta Cilio, Gorm Greisen, Lena Hellström-Westas, Petra Lemmers, Adelina Pellicer, Ronit M. Pressler, Arnold Sansevere, Eniko Szakmar, Tammy Tsuchida, Sampsa Vanhatalo, and Courtney J. Wusthoff
Neuromonitoring in neonatal critical care part I: neonatal encephalopathy and neonates with possible seizures, Mohamed El-Dib, Nicholas S. Abend, Topun Austin, Geraldine Boylan, Valerie Chock, M Roberta Cilio, Gorm Greisen, Lena Hellström-Westas, Petra Lemmers, Adelina Pellicer, Ronit M. Pressler, Arnold Sansevere, Tammy Tsuchida, Sampsa Vanhatalo, and Courtney J. Wusthoff
Common functional connectivity alterations in focal epilepsies identified by machine learning, Taha Gholipour, Xiaozhen You, Steven M. Stufflebeam, Murray Loew, Mohamad Z. Koubeissi, Victoria L. Morgan, and William D. Gaillard
Effect of Different Corticosteroid Dosing Regimens on Clinical Outcomes in Boys With Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy: A Randomized Clinical Trial, Michela Guglieri, Kate Bushby, Michael P. McDermott, Kimberly A. Hart, Rabi Tawil, William B. Martens, Barbara E. Herr, Elaine McColl, Chris Speed, Jennifer Wilkinson, Janbernd Kirschner, Wendy M. King, Michelle Eagle, Mary W. Brown, Tracey Willis, and Robert C. Griggs
Zebras Seize the Day: Rare Causes of Status Epilepticus Across the Continuum of Critical Care, Dana Harrar, Lileth Mondok, Samuel Adams, and Raquel Farias-Moeller
Seizure Severity and Treatment Response in Newborn Infants with Seizures Attributed to Intracranial Hemorrhage, Emily M. Herzberg, Michelle Machie, Hannah C. Glass, Renée A. Shellhaas, Courtney J. Wusthoff, Taeun Chang, Nicholas S. Abend, Catherine J. Chu, M Roberta Cilio, Sonia L. Bonifacio, Shavonne L. Massey, Charles E. McCulloch, and Janet S. Soul
Multicenter Study of the Impact of COVID-19 Shelter-In-Place on Tertiary Hospital-based Care for Pediatric Neurologic Disease, Melissa L. Hutchinson, Kendall B. Nash, Nicholas S. Abend, Mahendranath Moharir, Elizabeth Wells, Ricka D. Messer, Jamie Palaganas, Ingo Helbig, Sharon O. Wietstock, William Suslovic, Alexander K. Gonzalez, Michael C. Kaufman, Craig A. Press, and Juan Piantino
The Temporal Lobe as a Symptomatogenic Zone in Medial Parietal Lobe Epilepsy, Nadim Jaafar, Amar Bhatt, Alexandra Eid, and Mohamad Z. Koubeissi
Corticosteroid Treatment-Resistance in Myasthenia Gravis, Henry J. Kaminski and Jordan Denk
Association of a Positive Drug Screening for Cannabis With Mortality and Hospital Visits Among Veterans Affairs Enrollees Prescribed Opioids, Salomeh Keyhani, Samuel Leonard, Amy L. Byers, Tauheed Zaman, Erin Krebs, Peter C. Austin, Tristan Moss-Vazquez, Charles Austin, Friedhelm Sandbrink, and Dawn M. Bravata
Resting-state functional MRI for motor cortex mapping in childhood-onset focal epilepsy, Manu Krishnamurthy, Xiaozhen You, Leigh N. Sepeta, Emily Matuska, Chima Oluigbo, Madison M. Berl, William D. Gaillard, and Taha Gholipour
Pediatric screen exposure and school related headache disability, Raquel Langdon, Alexandra Mandel, Mark Cameron, Emily Pierce, Emily McCracken, Jeffrey Strelzik, William McClintock, James Bost, and Marc DiSabella
Neurodevelopment in Normocephalic Children Exposed to Zika Virus in Utero with No Observable Defects at Birth: A Systematic Review with Meta-Analysis, Elena Marbán-Castro, Laia J. Vazquez Guillamet, Percy Efrain Pantoja, Aina Casellas, Lauren Maxwell, Sarah B. Mulkey, Clara Menéndez, and Azucena Bardají
Pancoast tumor presenting with multiple joint pains: a case report, Safia Mohamud, Mosunmola Oyawusi, Roger L. Weir, Etuajie O. Halbert, Richard M. Millis, Teddy Gebremedhin, and Ozra Dehkordi
Infliximab-Induced Optic Perineuritis and Facial Myositis, Loulwah Mukharesh and Amanda Tinsley
Is Soluble ST-2 a Novel Biomarker of Intracerebral Hemorrhage?, Zurab Nadareishvili and Svetlana Lorenzano
The State of Inpatient Child Neurology: A Survey of North American Academic Programs, Kendall B. Nash, Jamie Palaganas, Nicholas S. Abend, Melissa L. Hutchinson, Ricka Messer, Mahendranath Moharir, Juan Piantino, Craig A. Press, and Elizabeth Wells
Mechanisms of Transcranial Doppler Ultrasound phenotypes in paediatric cerebral malaria remain elusive, Nicole F. O'Brien, Yudy Fonseca, Hunter C. Johnson, Douglas Postels, Gretchen L. Birbeck, Yamikani Chimalizeni, Karl B. Seydel, Montfort Bernard Gushu, Tusekile Phiri, Sylvester June, Karen Chetcuti, Lorenna Vidal, Manu S. Goyal, and Terrie E. Taylor
Surgical evaluation in children <3 years of age with drug-resistant epilepsy: Patient>characteristics, diagnostic utilization, and potential for treatment delays, Michael Scott Perry, Sabrina Shandley, Max Perelman, Rani K. Singh, Lily Wong-Kisiel, Joseph Sullivan, Ernesto Gonzalez-Giraldo, Erin Fedak Romanowski, Nancy A. McNamara, Ahmad Marashly, Adam P. Ostendorf, Allyson Alexander, Krista Eschbach, Jeffrey Bolton, Steven Wolf, Patricia McGoldrick, Dewi F. Depositario-Cabacar, Michael A. Ciliberto, Satyanarayana Gedela, Kumar Sannagowdara, Samir Karia, Daniel W. Shrey, Priya Tatachar, Srishti Nangia, Zachary Grinspan, Shilpa B. Reddy, Patel Shital, and Jason Coryell
Isolated Absent Septum Pellucidum: A Retrospective Study of Fetal Diagnosis and Postnatal Outcomes, Elizabeth E. Pickup, Sarah D. Schlatterer, Adre J. du Plessis, and Sarah B. Mulkey
Aetiology, secondary prevention strategies and outcomes of ischaemic stroke despite oral anticoagulant therapy in patients with atrial fibrillation, Alexandros A. Polymeris, Thomas R. Meinel, Hannah Oehler, Kyra Hölscher, Annaelle Zietz, Jan F. Scheitz, Christian H. Nolte, Christoph Stretz, Shadi Yaghi, Svenja Stoll, Ruihao Wang, Karl Georg Häusler, Simon Hellwig, Markus G. Klammer, Simon Litmeier, Christopher R. Leon Guerrero, Iman Moeini-Naghani, Patrik Michel, Davide Strambo, Alexander Salerno, Giovanni Bianco, Carlo Cereda, Timo Uphaus, Klaus Gröschel, Mira Katan, Susanne Wegener, Nils Peters, Stefan T. Engelter, Philippe A. Lyrer, Leo H. Bonati, Lorenz Grunder, and Peter Arthur Ringleb
Aetiology, secondary prevention strategies and outcomes of ischaemic stroke despite oral anticoagulant therapy in patients with atrial fibrillation, Alexandros A. Polymeris, Thomas R. Meinel, Hannah Oehler, Kyra Hölscher, Annaelle Zietz, Jan F. Scheitz, Christian H. Nolte, Christoph Stretz, Shadi Yaghi, Svenja Stoll, Ruihao Wang, Karl Georg Häusler, Simon Hellwig, Markus G. Klammer, Simon Litmeier, Christopher R. Leon Guerrero, Iman Moeini-Naghani, Patrik Michel, Davide Strambo, Alexander Salerno, Giovanni Bianco, Carlo Cereda, Timo Uphaus, Klaus Gröschel, Mira Katan, Susanne Wegener, Nils Peters, Stefan T. Engelter, Philippe A. Lyrer, Leo H. Bonati, Lorenz Grunder, and Peter Arthur Ringleb
A Neurologist's Practical Guide to Conducting a Fetal Consultation, Margie A. Ream and Sarah B. Mulkey
Estimating Perfusion Deficits in Acute Stroke Patients Without Perfusion Imaging, Dennys Reyes, Alexis N. Simpkins, Emi Hitomi, John K. Lynch, Amie W. Hsia, Zurab Nadareishvili, Marie Luby, Lawrence L. Latour, and Richard Leigh
Novel Neurocognitive Profile in a Minority of Boys with 47,XXY (Klinefelter Syndrome), Carole A. Samango-Sprouse, Mary P. Hamzik, Kosar Khaksari, Michaela R. Brooks, Teresa Sadeghin, and Andrea L. Gropman
A systematic review of resting-state and task-based fmri in juvenile myoclonic epilepsy, Hossein Sanjari Moghaddam, Ali Sanjari Moghaddam, Alireza Hasanzadeh, Zahra Sanatian, Amirreza Mafi, Mohammad Hadi Aarabi, Mohammadmehdi Samimi, Vajiheh Aghamollaii, Taha Gholipour, and Abbas Tafakhori
SARS-CoV-2 Placentitis, Stillbirth and Maternal COVID-19 Vaccination: Clinical-Pathological Correlations, David A. Schwartz, Sarah B. Mulkey, and Drucilla J. Roberts
Predictors of Recurrent Venous Thrombosis After Cerebral Venous Thrombosis: Analysis of the ACTION-CVT Study, Liqi Shu, Ekaterina Bakradze, Setareh Salehi Omran, James Giles, Jordan Amar, Nils Henninger, Marwa Elnazeir, Ava Liberman, Khadean Moncrieffe, Jenny Rotblat, Richa Sharma, Yee Cheng, Adeel S. Zubair, Alexis Simpkins, Grace Li, Justin Kung, Dezaray Perez, Mirjam R. Heldner, Adrian Scutelnic, Rascha von Martial, Bernhard Siepen, Aaron Rothstein, Ossama Khazaal, David Do, Sami Al Kasab, Line Abdul Rahman, Eva A. Mistry, Deborah Kerrigan, Hayden Lafever, Thanh N. Nguyen, Piers Klein, and Hugo J. Aparicio
Minimum Technical Requirements for Performing Ambulatory EEG, William O. Tatum, Jonathan J. Halford, Piotr Olejniczak, Olga Selioutski, Madeleine M. Grigg-Damberger, David Gloss, Jayant Acharya, Stephan Schuele, Saurabh R. Sinha, Tammy Tsuchida, and Frank W. Drislane
Automated analysis of low-field brain MRI in cerebral malaria, Danni Tu, Manu S. Goyal, Jordan D. Dworkin, Samuel Kampondeni, Lorenna Vidal, Eric Biondo-Savin, Sandeep Juvvadi, Prashant Raghavan, Jennifer Nicholas, Karen Chetcuti, Kelly Clark, Timothy Robert-Fitzgerald, Theodore D. Satterthwaite, Paul Yushkevich, Christos Davatzikos, Guray Erus, Nicholas J. Tustison, Douglas G. Postels, Terrie E. Taylor, Dylan S. Small, and Russell T. Shinohara
Advances and ongoing research in the treatment of autoimmune neuromuscular junction disorders, Jan Jgm Verschuuren, Jacqueline Palace, Hiroyuki Murai, Martijn R. Tannemaat, Henry J. Kaminski, and Vera Bril
Direct Oral Anticoagulants Versus Warfarin in the Treatment of Cerebral Venous Thrombosis (ACTION-CVT): A Multicenter International Study, Shadi Yaghi, Liqi Shu, Ekaterina Bakradze, Setareh Salehi Omran, James A. Giles, Jordan Y. Amar, Nils Henninger, Marwa Elnazeir, Ava L. Liberman, Khadean Moncrieffe, Jenny Lu, Richa Sharma, Yee Cheng, Adeel S. Zubair, Alexis N. Simpkins, Grace T. Li, Justin Chi Kung, Dezaray Perez, Mirjam Heldner, Adrian Scutelnic, David Seiffge, Bernhard Siepen, Aaron Rothstein, Ossama Khazaal, David Do, Sami Al Kasab, Line Abdul Rahman, Eva A. Mistry, Deborah Kerrigan, Hayden Lafever, Thanh N. Nguyen, and Piers Klein
Submissions from 2021
Diagnostic Yield of Electroencephalography When Seizure Is Suspected in Acute Ischemic Stroke, Mohanad AlGaeed, Manjot Grewal, Prarthana Hareesh, Soha Sadeghikhah, Hai Chen, Taha Gholipour, and Christopher R. Leon-Guerrero
Time to Treatment in Pediatric Convulsive Refractory Status Epilepticus: The Weekend Effect., Cristina Barcia Aguilar, Marta Amengual-Gual, Iván Sánchez Fernández, Nicholas S Abend, Anne Anderson, Brian Appavu, Ravindra Arya, J Nicholas Brenton, Jessica L. Carpenter, Kevin E Chapman, Justice Clark, Raquel Farias-Moeller, William D. Gaillard, Marina Gaínza-Lein, Tracy Glauser, Joshua L Goldstein, Howard P Goodkin, Rejean M Guerriero, Linda Huh, Yi-Chen Lai, Tiffani L McDonough, Mohamad A Mikati, Lyndsey A Morgan, Edward J Novotny, Adam Ostendorf, Eric T Payne, Katrina Peariso, Juan Piantino, James Riviello, Kumar Sannagowdara, Theodore Sheehan, Tristan T Sands, Robert C Tasker, Dmitry Tchapyjnikov, Alexis A Topjian, Alejandra Vasquez, Mark S Wainwright, Angus A Wilfong, Korwyn Williams, and Tobias Loddenkemper
Multifocal myoclonus as a presentation of levetiracetam toxicity., Mei Bou Nasif, Shweta Varade, and Mohamad Z. Koubeissi
Seizure recurrence after prolonged seizure control: Patterns and risk factors., Hai Chen, Richard Amdur, Jennifer Pauldurai, and Mohamad Koubeissi
Response to Finsterer's "Exclude hereditary and acquired differential disorders before attributing retinoschisis to Kears-Sayre syndrome"., Julia Chertkof, Robert B Hufnagel, Delphine Blain, Andrea L. Gropman, and Brian P Brooks
Hypothalamic Hamartomas: Evolving Understanding and Management., Nathan T. Cohen, J Helen Cross, Alexis Arzimanoglou, Samuel F Berkovic, John F Kerrigan, Ilene Penn Miller, Erica Webster, Lisa Soeby, Arthur Cukiert, Dale K Hesdorffer, Barbara L Kroner, Clifford B Saper, Andreas Schulze-Bonhage, and William D. Gaillard
Clinical diagnosis of presumed SOX2 gonadosomatic mosaicism., Malena Daich Varela, Robert B Hufnagel, Bin Guan, Delphine Blain, Julie C Sapp, Andrea L. Gropman, Ramakrishna Alur, Jennifer J Johnston, Leslie G Biesecker, and Brian P Brooks
Evaluation of Adult Neurology Residency Program Websites., David Daniel, Cayla Vila, Christopher R. Leon Guerrero, and Elias G. Karroum
Clinical and neurodevelopmental outcomes based on brain imaging studies in a Colombian cohort of children with probable antenatal Zika virus exposure., Marcela Daza, Marcela Mercado, Cynthia A Moore, Diana Valencia, Maria Fernanda Lengua, Suzanne Newton, Blanca Rodríguez, Van T Tong, Pedro Acevedo, Suzanne M Gilboa, Martha L Ospina, and Sarah B. Mulkey
Factors associated with long-term outcomes in pediatric refractory status epilepticus., Marina Gaínza-Lein, Cristina Barcia Aguilar, Juan Piantino, Kevin E Chapman, Iván Sánchez Fernández, Marta Amengual-Gual, Anne Anderson, Brian Appavu, Ravindra Arya, James Nicholas Brenton, Jessica L. Carpenter, Justice Clark, Raquel Farias-Moeller, William D. Gaillard, Tracy A Glauser, Joshua L Goldstein, Howard P Goodkin, Linda Huh, Robert Kahoud, Kush Kapur, Yi-Chen Lai, Tiffani L McDonough, Mohamad A Mikati, Lindsey A Morgan, Anuranjita Nayak, Edward Novotny, Adam P Ostendorf, Eric T Payne, Katrina Peariso, Latania Reece, James Riviello, Kumar Sannagowdara, Tristan T Sands, Theodore Sheehan, Robert C Tasker, Dmitry Tchapyjnikov, Alejandra Vasquez, Mark S Wainwright, Angus Wilfong, Korwyn Williams, Bo Zhang, and Tobias Loddenkemper
Design and implementation of electronic health record common data elements for pediatric epilepsy: Foundations for a learning health care system., Zachary M Grinspan, Anup D Patel, Renée A Shellhaas, Anne T Berg, Erika T Axeen, Jeffrey Bolton, David F Clarke, Jason Coryell, William D Gaillard, Howard P Goodkin, Sookyong Koh, Alison Kukla, Juma S. Mbwana, Lindsey A Morgan, Nilika S Singhal, Margaret M Storey, Elissa G Yozawitz, Nicholas S Abend, Mark P Fitzgerald, Sara E Fridinger, Ingo Helbig, Shavonne L Massey, Marisa S Prelack, and Jeffrey Buchhalter
Improving the efficacy of exome sequencing at a quaternary care referral centre: novel mutations, clinical presentations and diagnostic challenges in rare neurogenetic diseases., Christopher Grunseich, Nathan Sarkar, Joyce Lu, Mallory Owen, Alice Schindler, Peter A Calabresi, Charlotte J Sumner, Ricardo H Roda, Vinay Chaudhry, Thomas E Lloyd, Thomas O Crawford, S H Subramony, Shin J Oh, Perry Richardson, Kurenai Tanji, Justin Y Kwan, Kenneth H Fischbeck, and Ami Mankodi
Headache and mental disorders in a nationally representative sample of American youth., Rebecca Hommer, Tarannum Lateef, Jian-Ping He, and Kathleen Merikangas
Presurgical language mapping in patients with intractable epilepsy: A review study, M Karami, J M. Habibabadi, R Nilipour, M Barekatain, William D. Gaillard, and H Soltanian-Zadeh
Causes of Phenotypic Variability and Disabilities after Prenatal Viral Infections., Youssef A. Kousa and Reafa A Hossain
Barriers to and Facilitators of Multimodal Chronic Pain Care for Veterans: A National Qualitative Study., Chelsea Leonard, Roman Ayele, Amy Ladebue, Marina McCreight, Charlotte Nolan, Friedhelm Sandbrink, and Joseph W Frank
Neonatal encephalopathy: Focus on epidemiology and underexplored aspects of etiology., S McIntyre, K B Nelson, Sarah B. Mulkey, M Lechpammer, E Molloy, and N Badawi
Leveling the Playing Field: Combining Pediatric Neurology and Global Health., Douglas G. Postels
Headache secondary to cerebrovascular disease., John F. Rothrock and Hans-Christoph Diener
ALS-Like Disorder in Three HIV-Positive Patients: Case Series., Zachary Aaron Satin and Elham Bayat