Epidemiology Faculty Publications | Epidemiology | Himmelfarb Health Sciences Library, The George Washington University


Submissions from 2013


Differing HIV risks and prevention needs among men and women injection drug users (IDU) in the District of Columbia, Manya Magnus, Irene Kuo, Gregory Phillips, Anthony Rawls, James Peterson, Luz Montanez, Tiffany West-Ojo, Yujiang Jia, Jenevieve Opoku, Nnemdi Kamanu-Elias, Flora Hamilton, Angela Wood, and Alan E. Greenberg


Prevalence of hematopoietic cell transplant survivors in the United States, Navneet S. Majhail, Li Tao, Christopher Bredeson, Stella Davies, Jason Dehn, James L. Gajewski, Theresa Hahn, Ann Jakubowski, Steven Joffe, Hillard M. Lazarus, Susan K. Parsons, and Kim Robien


Lessons learned from the HEALTHY primary prevention trial of risk factors for type 2 diabetes in middle school youth, Marsha D. Marcus, Kathryn Hirst, Francine Kaufman, Gary D. Foster, and Tom Baranowski


Regional variations in age at diagnosis and overall survival among patients with chronic myeloid leukemia from low and middle income countries, Adam M. Mendizabal, Pat Garcia-Gonzalez, and Paul H. Levine


The association between skin collagen glucosepane and past progression of microvascular and neuropathic complications in type 1 diabetes, Vincent M. Monnier, David R. Sell, Christopher C. Strauch, Wanjie Sun, John M. Lachin, Patricia A. Cleary, and Saul Genuth


Molecular detection of culture-confirmed bacterial bloodstream infections with limited enrichment time, Miranda S. Moore, Chase D. McCann, and Jeanne Jordan


Comparison of the respiratory microbiome in healthy nonsmokers and smokers, Alison Morris, James M. Beck, Patrick D. Schloss, Thomas B. Campbell, Kristina Crothers, Jeffrey L. Curtis, Sonia C. Flores, Andrew P. Fontenot, Elodie Ghedin, Laurence Huang, Kathleen A. Jablonski, Eric Kleerup, Susan V. Lynch, Erica Sodergren, Homer Twigg, Vincent B. Young, Christine M. Bassis, Arvind Venkataraman, Thomas M. Schmidt, George M. Weinstock, and HIV Lung Biome Project


Comparison of the respiratory microbiome in healthy nonsmokers and smokers., Alison Morris, James M Beck, Patrick D Schloss, Thomas B Campbell, Kristina Crothers, Kimberly L. Drews, and + Lung HIV Microbiome Project collaborators


Can changes in angiogenic biomarkers between the first and second trimesters of pregnancy predict development of pre-eclampsia in a low-risk nulliparous patient population?, L. Myatt, R. G. Clifton, J. M. Roberts, C. Y. Spong, R. J. Wapner, J. M. Thorp, B. M. Mercer, A. M. Peaceman, S. M. Ramin, M. W. Carpenter, A. Sciscione, J. E. Tolosa, G. Saade, Y. Sorokin, and G. D. Anderson


Diabetes control and complications trial/epidemiology of diabetes interventions and complications study at 30 years: Advances and contributions, David M. Nathan, Margaret L. Bayless, Patricia A. Cleary, Saul Genuth, Rose Gubitosi-Klug, John M. Lachin, Gayle Lorenzi, Bernard Zinman, and DCCT/EDIC Research Group


Primary care-based educational interventions to decrease risk factors for metabolic syndrome for adults with major psychotic and/or affective disorders: A systematic review, Cynthia Nover and Sarah S. Jackson


Long-term effects of the Diabetes Prevention Program interventions on cardiovascular risk factors: A report from the DPP Outcomes Study, T. J. Orchard, M. Temprosa, Elizabeth Barrett-Connor, Sarah E. Fowler, R. B. Goldberg, K. J. Mather, S. M. Marcovina, M. Montez, R. E. Ratner, C. D. Saudek, H. Sherif, and Karol E. Watson


The association of skin intrinsic fluorescence with type 1 diabetes complications in the DCCT/EDIC Study, Trevor J. Orchard, Timothy J. Lyons, Patricia A. Cleary, Barbara H. Braffett, John Maynard, Catherine Cowie, Rose A. Gubitosi-Klug, Jeff Way, Karen Anderson, Annette Barnie, and Stephan Villavicencio

Haptoglobin Genotype and the Rate of Renal Function Decline in the Diabetes Control and Complications Trial/Epidemiology of Diabetes Interventions and Complications Study, Trevor J. Orchard, Wanjie Sun, Patricia A. Cleary, Saul M. Genuth, John M. Lachin, Paula McGee, Andrew D. Paterson, Philip Raskin, Yefim Anbinder, Andrew P. Levy, and DCCT/EDIC Research Group


Long-term follow-up of children in the HIVNET 012 perinatal HIV prevention trial: Five-year growth and survival, Maxensia Owor, Anthony Mwatha, Deborah Donnell, Philippa Musoke, Francis Mmiro, Melissa Allen, J. Brooks Jackson, Maryl Glenn Fowler, and Laura Guay


Multiple hypotheses testing procedures in clinical trials and genomic studies, Qing Pan


Proportional hazards regression in the presence of missing study eligibility information, Qing Pan and Douglas E. Schaubel


Experiences of community and parental violence among HIV-positive young racial/ethnic minority men who have sex with men, Gregory Phillips II, Lisa Hightow-Weidman, Sheldon D. Fields, Thomas P. Giordano, Angulique Y. Outlaw, Bonnie Halpern-Felsher, and Amy Wohl


Correlates of frequency of HIV testing among men who have sex with men in Washington, DC, Gregory Phillips II, Manya Magnus, Irene Kuo, Katherine D. Shelley, Anthony Rawls, Tiffany West-Ojo, Yujiang Jia, Jenevieve Opoku, and Alan E. Greenberg


Association between cardiovascular autonomic neuropathy and left ventricular dysfunction: DCCT/EDIC study (diabetes control and complications trial/epidemiology of diabetes interventions and complications), Rodica Pop-Busui, Patricia A. Cleary, Barbara H. Braffett, Catherine L. Martin, William H. Herman, Phillip A. Low, Joao A.C. Lima, and David A. Bluemke


Depression as a predictor of weight regain among successful weight losers in the diabetes prevention program, David W. Price, Yong Ma, Richard R. Rubin, Leigh Perreault, George A. Bray, David Marrero, William C. Knowler, Elizabeth Barrett-Connor, and D. Yvette Lacoursiere


The effect of excess weight gain with intensive diabetes mellitus treatment on cardiovascular disease risk factor and atherosclerosis in type 1 diabetes mellitus: Results from the Diabetes Control and Complications Trial/Epidemiology of Diabetes Interventions and Complications Study (DCCT/EDIC), Jonathan Q. Purnell, John E. Hokanson, Patricia A. Cleary, David M. Nathan, John M. Lachin, Bernard Zinman, and John D. Brunzell


Drug-vitamin D interactions: A systematic review of the literature, Kim Robien, Sarah J. Oppeneer, Julia A. Kelly, and Jill M. Hamilton-Reeves


HIV medical providers' perceptions of the use of antiretroviral therapy as nonoccupational postexposure prophylaxis in 2 major metropolitan area, Allan E. Rodriguez, Amanda D. Castel, Carrigan L. Parish, Sarah Willis, Daniel L. Feaster, Michael Kharfen, Gabriel A. Cardenas, Kira Villamizar, Michael Kolber, Liliana Vazquez-Rivera, and Lisa R. Metsch


Cardiovascular outcome trials in type 2 diabetes and the sulphonylurea controversy: Rationale for the active-comparator CAROLINA trial, Julio Rosenstock, Nikolaus Marx, Steven E. Kahn, Bernard Zinman, John J. Kastelein, John M. Lachin, Erich Bluhmki, Sanjay Patel, Odd-Erik Johansen, and Hans-Jurgen Woerle


Sync and swim: The impact of medication consolidation on adherence in Medicaid patients, Alexander Ross, Humaira Jami, Heather A. Young, and Richard Katz

Circulating vitamin D metabolites and subclinical atherosclerosis in type 1 diabetes, Michael C. Sachs, John D. Brunzell, Patricia A. Cleary, Andrew N. Hoofnagle, John M. Lachin, Mark E. Molitch, Michael W. Steffes, Bernard Zinman, and Ian H. de Boer


Re: age-specific incidence of breast cancer subtypes: Understanding the black-white crossover, Arnold M. Schwartz, Donald E. Henson, and Ankita Patel


Not just the needle: The state of HIV-prevention science among substance users and future directions, Steve Shoptaw, Brooke Montgomery, Chyvette Williams, Nabila El-Bassel, Apinun Aramrattana, Lisa Metsch, David S. Metzger, Irene Kuo, Francisco I. Bastos, and Steffanie A. Strathdee


Sexually transmitted infections among HIV-infected adults in HIV care programs in Kenya: A national sample of HIV clinics, Benson Singa, Sara Nelson Glick, Naomi Bock, Judd Walson, Linda Chaba, James Odek, R. Scott McClelland, Gaston Djomand, Hongjiang Gao, and Grace John-Stewart


Modeling the impact and costs of semiannual mass drug administration for accelerated elimination of lymphatic filariasis, Wilma A. Stolk, Quirine A. ten Bosch, Sake J. De Vlas, Peter U. Fischer, Gary J. Weil, and Ann S. Goldman


Aortic distensibility in type 1 diabetes, Evrim B. Turkbey, Alban Redheuil, Jye-Yu C. Backlund, Alexander C. Small, Patricia A. Cleary, John M. Lachin, Joao A.C. Lima, and David A. Bluemke


Process evaluation results from the HEALTHY nutrition intervention to modify the total school food environment, S. L. Volpe, W. J. Hall, A. Steckler, M. Schneider, D. Thompson, C. Mobley, Trang H. Pham, and Laure El Ghormli


Intraoperative frozen section of the prostate decreases positive margin rate while ensuring nerve sparing procedure during radical prostatectomy, Christian J. von Bodman, Marko Brock, Florian Roghmann, Anne Byers, Bjorn Loppenberg, Katharina Braun, Jobst C. Pastor, Florian Sommerer, Joachim Noldus, and Rein J. Palisaar


Lipid and inflammatory risk worsens over 3 years in youth with type 2 diabetes: The TODAY clinical trial, R. S. Weinstock, S. Caprio, Kenneth Copeland, S. S. Gidding, Kathryn Hirst, Elyse B. Katz, L. L. Katz, S. Marcovina, K. J. Nadeau, and D. M. Nathan


Linkage, engagement, and viral suppression rates among HIV-infected persons receiving care at medical case management programs in Washington, DC, Sarah Willis, Amanda D. Castel, Tashrik Ahmed, Christie Olejemeh, Lawrence Frison, and Michael Karfen


The Smoking Cessation and Reduction in Pregnancy Treatment (SCRIPT) adoption scale: Evaluating the diffusion of a tobacco treatment innovation to a statewide prenatal care program and providers, Richard Windsor, Sean Cleary, Kalpana Ramiah, Jeannie Clark, Lorien Abroms, and Amanda Davis


Genetic Association With Multiple Traits in the Presence of Population Stratification., Ting Yan, Qizhai Li, Yuanzhang Li, Zhaohai Li, and Gang Zheng


Environmental exposure to pyrethroids and sperm sex chromosome disomy: A cross-sectional study, Heather A. Young, John D. Meeker, Sheena E. Martenies, Zaida I. Figueroa, Dana Boyd Barr, and Melissa J. Perry

Submissions from 2012


High and persistent HIV seroincidence in men who have sex with men across 47 U.S. cities, Marta-Louise Ackers, Alan E. Greenberg, Carol Y. Lin, Bradford N. Bartholow, Adrian Hirsch Goodman, Michael Longhi, and Marc Gurwith

High and persistent HIV seroincidence in men who have sex with men across 47 U.S. cities, M. Ackers, CY Lin, BN Bartholow, AH Goodman, and M Longhi

In vitro anti-HIV-1 activity in cervicovaginal secretions from pregnant and nonpregnant women, BL Anderson, M Ghosh, C Raker, J Fahey, and Y Song


In vitro anti-HIV-1 activity in cervicovaginal secretions from pregnant and non-pregnant women., Brenna L. Anderson, Mimi Ghosh, Christina Raker, John V. Fahey, Yan Song, Dwight J. Rouse, Charles R. Wira, and Susan Cu-Uvin


The effect of rest breaks on time to injury - a study on work-related ladder-fall injuries in the United States., Anna Arlinghaus, David A. Lombardi, Theodore K. Courtney, David C. Christiani, Simon Folkard, and Melissa J. Perry

Rapid HIV Testing in Large Urban Jails, C Beckwith, G., A Nunn, S Baucom, and A Getachew


Rapid HIV Testing in Large Urban Jails., Curt G. Beckwith, Amy Nunn, Sharon Baucom, Asresahegn Getachew, Akin Akinwumi, Bruce Herdman, Phil DiBartolo, Susan Spencer, Devon Brown, Henry Lesansky, and Irene Kuo


Excessive early gestational weight gain and risk of gestational diabetes mellitus in nulliparous women, Carlos A. Carreno, Rebecca G. Clifton, John C. Hauth, Leslie Myatt, James M. Roberts, Catherine Y. Spong, Michael W. Varner, John M. Thorp, Brian M. Mercer, Alan M. Peaceman, Susan M. Ramin, Marshall W. Carpenter, Anthony Sciscione, Jorge E. Tolosa, and Yoram Sorokin

Use of the community viral load as a population-based biomarker of HIV burden, A.D. Castel, M. Befus, S. Willis, A. Griffin, and T. West

Use of the community viral load as a population-based biomarker of HIV burden, AD Castel, M Befus, S Willis, A Griffin, and T West

Implementing a novel citywide rapid HIV testing campaign in Washington, D.C.: Findings and lessons learned, AD Castel, M Magnus, J Peterson, K Anand, and C Wu

Mapping community viral load and social boundaries: Geographies of stigma and exclusion: Authors' reply, AD Castel, S Willis, A Griffin, T West, and AE Greenberg


Implementing a novel citywide rapid HIV testing campaign in Washington, D.C.: Findings and lessons learned, Amanda D. Castel, Manya Magnus, James Peterson, Karishma Anand, Charles Wu, Marsha Martin, Marie Sansone, Nestor Rocha, Titilola Jolaosho, Tiffany West, Shannon Hader, and Alan E. Greenberg


Mapping community viral load and social boundaries: Geographies of stigma and exclusion: Authors' reply, Amanda D. Castel, Sarah Willis, Angelique Griffin, Tiffany West, and Alan E. Greenberg

Some new lower bounds to centered and wrap-round L 2-discrepancies., Kashinath Chaterjee, Zhaohai Li, and Hong Qin

Some new lower bounds to centered and wrap-round L 2-discrepancies, K Chatterjee, Z Li, and H Qin


Modulation of hepatocyte growth factor secretion in human female reproductive tract stromal fibroblasts by poly (I:C) and estradiol, Kimberly D. Coleman, Mimi Ghosh, Sarah G. Crist, Jacqueline A. Wright, Richard M. Rossoll, Charles R. Wira, and John V. Fahey

Efficacy and safety of an extended nevirapine regimen in infant children of breastfeeding mothers with HIV-1 infection for prevention of postnatal HIV-1 transmission (HPTN 046): A randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial, HM Coovadia, ER Brown, MG Fowler, T Chipato, and D Moodley


Efficacy and safety of an extended nevirapine regimen in infant children of breastfeeding mothers with HIV-1 infection for prevention of postnatal HIV-1 transmission (HPTN 046): A randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial, Hoosen M. Coovadia; Elizabeth R. Brown; Mary Glenn Fowler; Tsungai Chipato; Dhayendre Moodley; Karim Manji; Philippa Musoke; Lynda Stranix-Chibanda; Vani Chetty; Wafaie Fawzi; Clemensia Nakabiito; Lindiwe Msweli; Roderick Kisenge; Laura Guay; Anthony Mwatha; Diana J. Lynn; Susan H. Eshleman; Paul Richardson; Kathleen George; Philip Andrew; Lynne M. Mofenson; Sheryl Zwerski; Yvonne Maldonado; and HPTN 046 protocol team ,. + Additional Contributors


Circulating vitamin D metabolites and kidney disease in type 1 diabetes, Ian H. DeBoer, Michael C. Sachs, Patricia A. Cleary, Andrew N. Hoofnagle, John M. Lachin, Mark E. Molitch, Michael W. Steffes, Wanjie Sun, Bernard Zinman, and John D. Brunzell

The authors reply, IH De Boer, JM Lachin, and MW Steffes

Genetic predictors of weight loss and weight regain after intensive lifestyle modification, metformin treatment, or standard care in the diabetes prevention program, Linda M. Delahanty, Qing Pan, Kathleen A. Jablonski, Karol E. Watson, Jeanne M. McCaffery, Alan Shuldiner, Steven E. Kahn, William C. Knowler, Jose C. Florez, and Paul W. Franks

Genetic predictors of weight loss and weight regain after intensive lifestyle modification, metformin treatment, or standard care in the diabetes prevention program, LM Delahanty, Q Pan, KA Jablonski, KE Watson, and JM McCaffery

Factors in the technical quality of gadolinium enhanced magnetic resonance angiography for pulmonary embolism in PIOPED III, H Dirk Sostman, KA Jablonski, PK Woodard, PD Stein, and DP Naidich


Immigrant Health Disparities, Mark Edberg, Sean D. Cleary, and Amita Vyas

The C allele of ATM rs11212617 does not associate with metformin response in the diabetes prevention program, JC Florez, E Barrett-Connor, KA Jablonski, WC Knowler, and A Taylor

Effects of Genetic Variants Previously Associated with Fasting Glucose and Insulin in the Diabetes Prevention Program, JC Florez, KA Jablonski, JB McAteer, PW Franks, and CC Mason


Effects of genetic variants previously associated with fasting glucose and insulin in the diabetes prevention program, Jose C. Florez, Kathleen A. Jablonski, Jarred B. McAteer, Paul W. Franks, Clinton C. Mason, Kieren J. Mather, Edward Horton, Ronald Goldberg, Dana Dabelea, Steven E. Kahn, Richard F. Arakaki, Alan R. Shuldiner, and William C. Knowler

The C allele of ATM rs11212617 does not associate with metformin response in the diabetes prevention program, Jose C. Florez, Kathleen A. Jablonski, Andrew Taylor, Kieren Mather, Edward Horton, Neil H. White, Elizabeth Barrett-Connor, William C. Knowler, Alan R. Shuldiner, and Toni I. Pollin

Elective repeat cesarean delivery compared with spontaneous trial of labor after a prior cesarean delivery: A propensity score analysis, S.A. Gilbert, W.A. Grobman, M.B. Landon, C.Y. Spong, and D.J. Rouse


Elective repeat cesarean delivery compared with spontaneous trial of labor after a prior cesarean delivery: A propensity score analysis., Sharon A. Gilbert, William A. Grobman, Mark B. Landon, Catherine Y. Spong, Dwight J. Rouse, Kenneth J. Leveno, Michael W. Varner, Steve N. Caritis, Paul J. Meis, Yoram Sorokin, Marshall W. Carpenter, Mary J. O'Sullivan, Baha M. Sibai, John M. Thorp, Susan M. Ramin, and Brian M. Mercer


A comparison of sexual behavior patterns among men who have sex with men and heterosexual men and women, Sara N. Glick, Martina Morris, Betsy Foxman, Sevgi O. Aral, Lisa E. Manhart, King K. Holmes, and Matthew R. Golden

A comparison of sexual behavior patterns among men who have sex with men and heterosexual men and women, SN Glick, M Morris, B Foxman, SO Aral, and LE Manhart


Resistance exercise training influences skeletal muscle immune activation: A microarray analysis, Paul M. Gordon, Dongmei Liu, Maureen A. Sartor, Heidi B. Iglay Reger, Emidio E. Pistilli, Laurie Gutmann, Gustavo A. Nader, and Eric P. Hoffman


Fall in C-peptide during first 2 years from diagnosis: Evidence of at least two distinct phases from composite type 1 diabetes trialnet data., Carla J. Greenbaum, Craig A. Beam, David Boulware, Stephen E. Gitelman, Peter A. Gottlieb, Kevan C. Herold, John M. Lachin, Paula L. McGee, Jerry P. Palmer, Mark D. Pescovitz, Heidi Krause-Steinrauf, Jay S. Skyler, and Jay M. Sosenko

Fall in C-peptide during first 2 years from diagnosis: Evidence of at least two distinct phases from composite type 1 diabetes trialnet data, CJ Greenbaum, CA Beam, D Boulware, SE Gitelman, and PA Gottlieb


Does secondary inflammatory breast cancer represent post-surgical metastatic disease?, Salman Hashmi, Ladan Zolfaghari, and Paul H. Levine

Does secondary inflammatory breast cancer represent post-surgical metastatic disease?, S Hashmi, L Zolfaghari, and PH Levine


Use of the Michigan Neuropathy Screening Instrument as a measure of distal symmetrical peripheral neuropathy in Type1 diabetes: Results from the Diabetes Control and Complications Trial/Epidemiology of Diabetes Interventions and Complications, W. H. Herman, R. Pop-Busui, B. H. Braffett, C. L. Martin, P. A. Cleary, J. W. Albers, and E. L. Feldman


Implementation of an innovative, integrated electronic medical record (EMR) and public health information exchange for HIV/AIDS., Jane Herwehe, Wayne Wilbright, Amir Abrams, Susan Bergson, Joseph Foxhood, Michael Kaiser, Luis Smith, Ke Xiao, Amy Zapata, and Manya Magnus

Implementation of an innovative, integrated electronic medical record (EMR) and public health information exchange for HIV/AIDS, J Herwehe, W Wilbright, A Abrams, S Bergson, and J Foxhood


Patient navigation significantly reduces delays in breast cancer diagnosis in the District of Columbia, Heather J. Hoffman, Nancy L. LaVerda, Heather A. Young, Paul H. Levine, Lisa M. Alexander, Rachel Brem, Larisa Caicedo, Jennifer Eng-Wong, Wayne Frederick, William Funderburk, Elmer Huerta, Sandra Swain, and Steven R. Patierno

Patient navigation significantly reduces delays in breast cancer diagnosis in the District of Columbia, HJ Hoffman, NL LaVerda, HA Young, PH Levine, and LM Alexander


Pilot genome-wide association search identifies potential loci for risk of erectile dysfunction in type 1 diabetes using the DCCT/EDIC study cohort., James M. Hotaling, Daryl R. Waggott, Jack Goldberg, Andrew D. Paterson, Patricia A. Cleary, John M. Lachin, Aruna Sarma, and Hunter Wessells

Pilot genome-wide association search identifies potential loci for risk of erectile dysfunction in type 1 diabetes using the DCCT/EDIC study cohort, JM Hotaling, DR Waggott, J Goldberg, G Jarvik, and AD Paterson


Selenoproteins reduce susceptibility to DMBA-induced mammary carcinogenesis., Tamaro S. Hudson, Bradley A. Carlson, Mark J. Hoeneroff, Heather A. Young, Lorraine M. Sordillo, William J. Muller, Dolph L. Hatfield, and Jeffrey E. Green


Inhibition of androgen-responsive LNCaP prostate cancer cell tumor xenograft growth by dietary phenethyl isothiocyanate correlates with decreased angiogenesis and inhibition of cell attachment, Tamaro S. Hudson, Susan N. Perkins, Stephen D. Hursting, Heather A. Young, Young S. Kim, Tien-Chung Wang, and Thomas T.Y. Wang

Selenoproteins reduce susceptibility to DMBA-induced mammary carcinogenesis, TS Hudson, BA Carlson, MJ Hoeneroff, HA Young, and L Sordillo

Inhibition of androgen-responsive LNCaP prostate cancer cell tumor xenograft growth by dietary phenethyl isothiocyanate correlates with decreased angiogenesis and inhibition of cell attachment, TS Hudson, SN Perkins, SD Hursting, HA Young, and YS Kim

Evaluation of a manual DNA extraction protocol and an isothermal amplification assay for detecting HIV-1 DNA from dried blood spots for use in resource-limited settings, J. A. Jordan, C. O. Ibe, M. S. Moore, C. Host, and G. L. Simon

Evaluation of a manual DNA extraction protocol and an isothermal amplification assay for detecting HIV-1 DNA from dried blood spots for use in resource-limited settings., JA Jordan, CO Ibe, MS Moore, C Host, and GL Simon


Evaluation of a manual DNA extraction protocol and an isothermal amplification assay for detecting HIV-1 DNA from dried blood spots for use in resource-limited settings, Jeanne A. Jordan, Christine O. Ibe, Miranda S. Moore, Christel Host, and Gary L. Simon

Characteristics of children with type 1 diabetes and persistent suboptimal glycemic control, H Kim, A Elmi, CL Henderson, FR Cogen, and PB Kaplowitz


Characteristics of children with type 1 diabetes and persistent suboptimal glycemic control., Hyuntae Kim, Angelo Elmi, Celia L. Henderson, Fran R. Cogen, and Paul B. Kaplowitz


Participant characteristics and study features associated with high retention rates in a longitudinal investigation of type 1 diabetes mellitus, John R. Kramer, Margaret L. Bayless, Gayle M. Lorenzi, Georgia K. Ziegler, Mary E. Larkin, Mary E. Lackaye, Judith Harth, Lisa J. Diminick, Karen L. Anderson, Barbara H. Braffett, and Patricia A. Cleary


Glycemic control in youth with type 2 diabetes, Nithya Krishnan, Ramiah Krishnan, Phil Zeitler, and Kathryn Hirst

Metformin monotherapy in youth with recent onset type 2 diabetes: Experience from the prerandomization run-in phase of the TODAY study, L Laffel, N Chang, M Grey, D Hale, and L Higgins


Metformin monotherapy in youth with recent onset type 2 diabetes: Experience from the prerandomization run-in phase of the TODAY study., Lori Laffel, Nancy Chang, Margaret Grey, Dan Hales, Laurie Higgins, Kathryn Hirst, Roberto Izquierdo, Mary Larkin, Christina Macha, Trang Pham, Aimee Wauters, and Ruth S. Weinstock

Selective impact of HIV disease progression on the innate immune system in the human female reproductive tract, T Lahey, M Ghosh, JV Fahey, Z Shen, and LR Mukura


Selective impact of HIV disease progression on the innate immune system in the human female reproductive tract., Timothy Lahey, Mimi Ghosh, John V. Fahey, Zheng Sheng, Lucy R. Mukura, Yan Song, Susan Cu-Uvin, Kenneth H. Mayer, Peter F. Wright, John C. Kappes, Christina Ochsenbauer, and Charles R. Wira

Change-point analysis of paired allele-specific copy number variation data., Y Lai