Epidemiology Faculty Publications | Epidemiology | Himmelfarb Health Sciences Library, The George Washington University


Submissions from 2014


The association between postdiagnosis dietary supplement use and total mortality differs by diet quality among older female cancer survivors, Maki Inoue-Choi, Heather Greenlee, Sarah J. Oppeneer, and Kim Robien


Long-term changes in dietary and food intake behaviour in the Diabetes Prevention Program Outcomes Study, L. M. Jaacks, Yong Ma, N. Davis, L. M. Delahanty, E. J. Mayer-Davis, P. W. Franks, J. Brown-Friday, M. Isonaga, A. M. Kriska, E. M. Venditti, J. Wylie-Rosett, and Diabetes Prevention Program Research Group


Effect of relative weight group change on nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy derived lipoprotein particle size and concentrations among adolescents, Russell Jago, Kimberly L. Drews, James D. Otvos, Marsha D. Marcus, John B. Buse, Michele L. Mietus-Snyder, and Steven M. Willi


Altered levels of soluble immune mediators in HIV-negative postmenopausal women: Implications for HIV acquisition in the elderly, Mariel Jais, Naji Younes, Susan Cu-Uvin, and Mimi Ghosh


Proteinuria is associated with neurocognitive impairment in antiretroviral therapy treated HIV-infected individuals, Robert C. Kalayjian, Kunling Wu, Scott Evans, David B. Clifford, Muraldihar Pallaki, Judith S. Currier, and Marlene Smurzynski


Immunogenicity of ALVAC-HIV vCP1521 in infants of of HIV-1 infected women in Uganda (HPTN 027): The first pediatric HIV vaccine trial in Africa, Pontiano Kaleebu, Harr Freeya Njai, Lei Wang, Norman Jones, Isaac Ssewanyana, Paul Richardson, Kenneth Kintu, Lynda Emel, Philippa Musoke, Mary Glenn Fowler, San-San Ou, J. Brooks Jackson, Laura Guay, Philip Andrew, Lynn Baglyos, and Huyen Cao


Effect of glycemic treatment and microvascular complications on menopause inwomen with type 1 diabetes in the diabetes control and complications trial/ epidemiology of diabetes interventions and complications (DCCT/EDIC) cohort, Catherine Kim, Patricia A. Cleary, Catherine C. Cowie, Barbara H. Braffett, Rodney L. Dunn, Mary E. Larkin, Patricia M. Gatcomb, Hunter B. Wessells, David M. Nathan, and Aruna V. Sarma


Association between class III obesity (BMI of 40-59 kg/m2) and mortality: A pooled analysis of 20 prospective studies, Cari M. Kitahara, Alan J. Flint, Amy Berrington de Gonzalez, Leslie Bernstein, Michelle Brotzman, Kim Robien, and +30 additional authors


Decreased plasma levels of select very long chain ceramide species are associated with the development of nephropathy in type 1 diabetes., Richard L Klein, Samar M Hammad, Nathaniel L Baker, Kelly J Hunt, Mohammed M Al Gadban, Patricia A Cleary, Gabriel Virella, and Maria F Lopes-Virella


Substance use patterns and factors associated with changes over time in a cohort of heterosexual women at risk for HIV acquisition in the United States, Irene Kuo, Carol E. Golin, Jing Wang, Danielle F. Haley, James P. Hughes, Sharon B. Mannheimer, Jessica Justman, Anne Rompalo, Paula Frew, Adaora A. Adimora, Lydia Soto-Torres, and Sally L. Hodder


HIV testing among heterosexuals at elevated risk for HIV in the District of Columbia: Has anything changed over time?, Irene Kuo, Manya Magnus, Gregory Phillips II, Amanda D. Castel, Jenevieve Opoku, James Peterson, Yujiang Jia, Tiffany West, and Alan E. Greenberg


Impact of c-peptide preservation on metabolic and clinical outcomes in the Diabetes Control and Complications trial, John M. Lachin, Paula McGee, and Jerry P. Palmer


Musculoskeletal complications in type 1 diabetes, Mary E. Larkin, Annette Barnie, Barbara H. Braffett, Patricia A. Cleary, Lisa Diminick, Judy Harth, Patricia Gatcomb, Ellen Golden, Gayle Lorenzi, Carol Mahony, and David M. Nathan


Inflammatory breast cancer clusters: A hypothesis, Paul H. Levine, Salman Hashmi, Ashley A. Minaei, and Carmela Veneroso


Prognostic value of lymphocyte vascular density and e-cadherin in inflammatory breast cancer, Paul H. Levine, Heather J. Hoffman, Audra MacNeil, Salman Hashmi, Sherry X. Yang, Stephen Hewitt, Kenneth L. van Golen, and Sandra M. Swain


Understanding structural barriers to accessing HIV testing and prevention services among black men who have sex with men (BMSM) in the United States, Matthew E. Levy, Leo Wilton, Gregory Phillips II, Sara Nelson Glick, Irene Kuo, Russell A. Brewer, Ayana Elliott, Christopher Watson, and Manya Magnus


Engaging, recruiting, and retaining black men who have sex with men in research studies: Don't underestimate the importance of staffing-lessons learned from HPTN 061, the BROTHERS study, Manya Magnus, Julie Franks, Sam Griffith, Michael P. Arnold, Krista Goodman, and Darrell Wheeler


The validity of clinic-based samples in approximating out-of-care HIV-infected populations, Manya Magnus, Jane Herwehe, Wayne Wilbright, Amir Abrams, Joe Foxhood, Deann Gruber, Elizabeth Shepard, Luis Smith, Ke Xiao, Kathryn DeYoung, and Michael Kaiser


HIV among women in the District of Columbia: An evolving epidemic?, Manya Magnus, Gregory Phillips, Irene Kuo, James Peterson, Anthony Rawls, Tiffany West-Ojo, Yujiang Jia, Jenevieve Opoku, and Alan E. Greenberg


Adverse pregnancy outcomes among women with prior spontaneous or induced abortions, Michel A. Makhlouf, Rebecca G. Clifton, James M. Roberts, Leslie Myatt, John C. Hauth, Kenneth J. Leveno, Michael W. Varner, John M. Thorp, Brian M. Mercer, Alan M. Peaceman, Susan M. Ramin, Jay D. Iams, Anthony Sciscione, Jorge E. Tolosa, and Yoram Sorokin


Infrequent HIV testing and late HIV diagnosis are common among a cohort of black men who have sex with men in 6 US cities., Sharon B. Mannheimer, Lei Wang, Leo Wilton, Hong Van Tieu, Carlos Del Rio, Susan Buchbinder, Sheldon Fields, Sara Nelson Glick, Matthew B. Connor, Vanessa Cummings, Susan H. Eshleman, Beryl Koblin, and Kenneth H. Mayer


Nondisclosure of HIV status in a clinical trial setting: antiretroviral drug screening can help distinguish between newly diagnosed and previously diagnosed HIV infection., Mark A Marzinke, William Clarke, Lei Wang, Vanessa Cummings, Ting-Yuan Liu, Manya Magnus, and +13 additional authors


Meta-analysis of Proportions of Rare Events–A Comparison of Exact Likelihood Methods with Robust Variance Estimation, Yan Ma, Haitao Chu, and Madhu Mazumdar


Concomitant socioeconomic, behavioral, and biological factors associated with the disproportionate HIV infection burden among black men who have sex with men in 6 U.S. cities, Kenneth H. Mayer, Lei Wang, Beryl A. Koblin, Sharon B. Mannheimer, Manya Magnus, and +13 additional authors


Evaluation of MolYsis™ Complete5 DNA extraction method for detecting Staphylococcus aureus DNA from whole blood in a sepsis model using PCR/pyrosequencing, Chase D. McCann and Jeanne A. Jordan


Association between efavirenz as initial therapy for HIV-1 infection and increased risk for suicidal ideation or attempted or completed suicide: An analysis of trial data, Katie R. Mollan, Marlene Smurzynski, Joseph J. Eron, Eric S. Daar, Thomas B. Campbell, Paul E. Sax, Roy M. Gulick, Lumine Na, Lauren O'Keefe, Kevin R. Robertson, and Camlin Tierney


Development times, clinical testing, postmarket follow-up, and safety risks for the new drugs approved by the US food and drug administration: the class of 2008, Thomas J. Moore and Curt D. Furberg


Reports of pathological gambling, hypersexuality, and compulsive shopping associated with dopamine receptor agonist drugs, Thomas J. Moore, Joseph Glenmullen, and Donald R. Mattison


A review of software for analyzing molecular sequences., Haema Nilakanta, Kimberly L Drews, Suzanne Firrell, Mary A Foulkes, and Kathleen A Jablonski


Hispanic overweight and obese children: Thirty cases managed with standard WIC counseling or motivational interviewing, Linda C. Ogu, Jayasri Janakiram, Heather J. Hoffman, Libia McDonough, Ana P. Valencia, and Catherine J. Klein


Bisphenol A exposure and associations with obesity among adults: A critical review, Sarah J. Oppeneer and Kim Robien


Body mass index and risk of death in Asian-Americans, Yikung Park, Sophia Wang, Cari M. Kitahara, Steven C. Moore, Amy Bennington de Gonzalez, Kim Robien, and +14 additional authors


Innate immunity in the vagina (Part II): Anti-HIV activity and antiviral content of human vaginal secretions., Mickey V Patel, Mimi Ghosh, John V Fahey, Christina Ochsenbauer, Richard M Rossoll, and Charles R Wira


Childhood sexual abuse and HIV-related risks among men who have sex with men in Washington, D.C., Gregory Phillips II, Manya Magnus, Irene Kuo, Anthony Rawls, Luz Montanez, Tiffany West-Ojo, Yujiang Jia, Jenevieve Opoku, and Alan E. Greenberg


Use of geosocial networking (GSN) mobile phone applications to find men for sex by men who have sex with men (MSM) in Washington, D.C., Gregory Phillips II, Manya Magnus, Irene Kuo, Anthony Rawls, James Peterson, Yujiang Jia, Jenevieve Opoku, and Alan E. Greenberg


Correlates of group sex among a community-based sample of Men Who Have Sex With Men (MSM) in Washington, DC., Gregory Phillips, Manya Magnus, Irene Kuo, Anthony Rawls, James Peterson, Tiffany West-Ojo, Yujiang Jia, Jenevieve Opoku, and Alan E. Greenberg


Failure to identify HIV-infected individuals in a clinical trial using a single HIV rapid test for screening, Estelle Piwowar-Manning, Jessica M. Fogel, Oliver Laeyendecker, Shauna Wolf, Vanessa Cummings, Mark A. Mazinke, William Clarke, Autumn Breaud, Sarah Wendel, Wang Lei, Priscilla Swanson, John Hackett, Sharon B. Mannheimer, Carlos Del Rio, Irene Kuo, Nina Harawa, Beryl A. Koblin, Richard Moore, Joel N. Blankson, and Susan H. Eshleman


Factors affecting acceptance of routine human immunodeficiency virus screening by adolescents in pediatric emergency departments, Natella Rakhmanina, Nicole Messenger, Gregory Phillips, Stephen Teach, Sephora Morrison, Jaclyn Hern, Jun Payne, Kavitha Ganesan, and Amanda D. Castel


Community colleges and public health: An integral part of the continuum of education for public health, Richard Riegelman and Cynthia Wilson


Nitrofurantoin retains antimicrobial activity against multidrug-resistant urinary Escherichia coli from US outpatients., Guillermo V. Sanchez, A M G Baird, J A Karlowsky, R N Master, and J M Bordon


Incidence and trends of blastomycosis-associated hospitalizations in the United States, Amy E. Seitz, Naji Younes, Claudia A. Steiner, and Rebecca Prevots


Cigarette smoking prior to first cancer and risk of second smoking-associated cancers among survivors of bladder, kidney, head and neck, and stage I lung cancers, Meredith S. Shiels, Todd Gibson, Joshua Sampson, Demetrius Albanes, Gabriella Andreotti, Laura Beane Freeman, Amy Berrington de Gonzalez, Neil Caporaso, Rochelle E. Curtis, Joanne Elena, Neal D. Freeman, Kim Robien, Amanda Black, and Lindsay M. Morton


Sedentary behaviour and physical inactivity assessment in primary care: the Rapid Assessment Disuse Index (RADI) study, Kerem Shuval, Harold W. Kohl, Ira Bernstein, Dunlei Chang, Kelley Pettee Gabriel, Carolyn E. Barlow, Liu Yinghui, and Loretta DiPietro


Genome-wide meta-analysis of myopia and hyperopia provides evidence for replication of 11 loci, Claire L. Simpson, Robert Wojciechowski, Konrad Oexle, Federico Murgia, Laura Portas, Xiaohui Li, J. M.Verhoeven Virginie, Veronique Vitart, Maria Schache, S. Mohsen Hosseini, Pirro G. Hysi, Leslie J. Raffel, Mary Frances Cotch, Emily Chew, Barbara E.K. Klein, Ronald Klein, Tien Yin Wong, Cornelia M. Van Duijn, Paul Mitchell, Seang Mei Saw, Maurizio Fossarello, Jie Jin Wang, Ozren Polašek, Harry Campbell, Igor Rudan, Ben A. Oostra, André G. Uitterlinden, Albert Hofman, Fernando Rivadeneira, Najaf Amin, Lennart C. Karssen, and Johannes R. Vingerling


Assessing the impact of misclassification when comparing prevalence data: A novel sensitivity analysis approach, Ninet Sinaii, Sean D. Cleary, and Pamela Stratton


Survey finds that many prisons and jails have room to improve HIV testing and coordination of postrelease treatment, Liza Solomon, Brian Montague, Curt G. Beck, Jacques Baillargeon, Michael Costa, Dora Dumont, Irene Kuo, Ann Kurth, and Josiah D. Rich


The use of web-based diaries in sexual risk behaviour research: A systematic review, Carolyn Stalgaitis and Sara Nelson Glick


Methods for a longitudinal quantitative outcome with a multivariate Gaussian distribution multi-dimensionally censored by therapeutic intervention, Wanjie Sun, Michael D. Larsen, and John M. Lachin


Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics: Standards of professional performance for registered dietitian nutritionists (competent, proficient and expert) in sustainable, resilient, and healthy food and water systems, Angie Tagtow, Kim Robien, Erin Bergquist, Meg Bruening, Lisa Dierks, Barbara E. Hartman, Ramona Robinson-O'Brien, Tamara Steinitz, Bettina Tahsin, Teri Underwood, and Jennifer Wilkins


Body size and multiple myeloma mortality: A pooled analysis of 20 prospective studies, Lauren R. Teras, Cari M. Kitahara, Brenda M. Birmann, Patricia A. Hartge, Sophia S. Wang, Kim Robien, and +30 additional authors


Preventing tuberculosis among HIV-infected pregnant women in Lesotho: The case for rolling out active case finding and isoniazid preventive therapy, Appolinaire Tiam, Roderick Machekano, Celine R. Gounder, Llang B.M. Maama-Maime, Keletso Ntene-Sealiete, Maitreyi Sahu, Anthony Isavwa, Oyebola Oyebanji, Allan Ahimbisibwe, Majoalane Mokone, Grace L. Barnes, Richard E. Chaisson, Laura Guay, and Sebie Kassaye


Periprosthetic Knee Infections Treated with Irrigation and Debridement: Outcomes and Preoperative Predictive Factors, Georgios K. Triantafyllopoulos, Lazaros A. Poultsides, Wei Zhang, Peter K. Sculco, Yan Ma, and Thomas P. Sculco


Association between the intake of α-linolenic acid and the risk of CHD, Mia Sadowa Vedtofte, Marianne U. Jakobsen, Lotte Lauritzen, Eilis J. O'Reilly, Jarmo Virtamo, Paul Knekt, Graham Colditz, Goran Hallmans, Julie Buring, Lyn N. Steffen, Kim Robien, Eric B. Rimm, and Berit L. Heitmann


Interactive learning activities for the middle school classroom to promote health energy balance and decrease diabetes risk in the HEALTHY primary prevention trial, Elizabeth M. Venditti, Catherine Giles, L. Suzanne Firrell, Abigail D. Zeveloff, Kathryn Hirst, and Marsha D. Marcus


Association of vitamin D status with arterial blood pressure and hypertension risk: A Mendelian randomisation study, Karani S. Vimaleswaran, Alana Cavadino, Diane J. Berry, Rolf Jorde, Aida Karina Diffenbach, Kathleen A. Jablonski, and +97 additional authors


Circulating natriuretic peptide concentrations reflect changes in insulin sensitivity over time in the Diabetes Prevention Program, Geoffrey A. Walford, Yong Ma, Costas A. Christophi, Ronald B. Goldberg, Petr Jarolim, Edward Horton, Kieren J. Mather, Elizabeth Barrett-Connor, Jaclyn Davis, Jose C. Florez, and Thomas J. Wang


The effects of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 on in vitro human NK cell development from hematopoietic stem cells., Matthew A Weeres, Kim Robien, Yong-Oon Ahn, Marie-Luise Neulen, Rachel Bergerson, Jeffery S Miller, and Michael R Verneris


Understanding prolonged cessation from heroin use: Findings from a community-based sample, Linda Weiss, Jonathon Gass, James E. Egan, Danielle C. Ompad, Claudia Trezza, and David Vlahov


Effectiveness of the smoking cessation and reduction in pregnancy treatment (script) dissemination project: A science to prenatal care practice partnership, Richard Windsor, Jeannie Clark, Sean Cleary, Amanda Davis, Stephanie Thorn, Lorien Abroms, and John Wedeles


Relationship between male pattern baldness and the risk of aggressive prostate cancer: An analysis of the Prostate, Lung, Colorectal, and Ovarian cancer screening trial, Cindy Ke Zhou, Ruth M. Pfeiffer, Sean D. Cleary, Heather J. Hoffman, Paul H. Levine, Lisa W. Chu, Ann W. Hsing, and Michael B. Cook


Rationale, design, and baseline characteristics of a randomized, placebo-controlled cardiovascular outcome trial of empagliflozin (EMPA-REG OUTCOMETM), Bernard Zinman, Silvio E. Inzucchi, John M. Lachin, Christoph Wanner, Roberto Ferrari, David Fitchett, Erich Bluhmki, Stefan Hantel, Joan Kempthorne-Rawson, Jennifer Newman, Odd Erik Johansen, Hans Juergen Woerle, and Uli C. Broedl

Submissions from 2013

Diabetes screening with hemoglobin A1c versus fasting plasma glucose in a multiethnic middle-school cohort, John B. Buse, Francine R. Kaufman, Barbara Linder, Kathryn Hirst, Laure El Ghormli, and Steven M. Willi


Transmission potential of influenza A/H7N9, February to May 2013, China, Gerardo Chowell, Lone Simonsen, Sherry Towers, Mark A. Miller, and Cecile G. Viboud


Clinical and technical factors associated with skin intrinsic fluorescence in subjects with type 1 diabetes from the diabetes control and complications trial/epidemiology of diabetes interventions and complications study, Patricia A. Cleary, Barbara H. Braffett, Trevor Orchard, Timothy J. Lyons, John Maynard, Catherine Cowie, Rose A. Gubitosi-Klug, Jeff Way, Karen Anderson, Annette Barnie, and Stephan Villavicencio


Treatment effects on measures of body composition in the TODAY clinical trial, Kenneth Copeland, Thomas L. Higgins, Laure El Ghormli, Linda M. Delahanty, M. Grey, A. M. Kriska, T. H. Lipman, Laura Pyle, H. Shepherd, and Kathryn Hirst


Measuring trauma and stressful events in childhood and adolescence among patients with first-episode psychosis: Initial factor structure, reliability, and validity of the trauma experiences checklist, Sarah L. Cristofaro, Sean D. Cleary, Claire Ramsay Wan, Beth Broussard, Colby Chapman, Patrick J. Haggard, Sara Jananeh, Neely L. Myers, and Michael T. Compton


A case–control study of incident rheumatological conditions following acute gastroenteritis during military deployment, Kathryn DeYoung, Mark A. Riddle, Larissa S. May, and Chad K. Porter


The cancer-associated FGFR4-G388R polymorphism enhances pancreatic insulin secretion and modified the risk of diabetes, Shereen Ezzat, Lei Zheng, Jose C. Florez, Norbert Stefan, Thomas Mayr, Maw Maw Hliang, Kathleen A. Jablonski, Maegan Harden, Alena Stancakova, and Markku Laakso


Common variation at PPARGC1A/B and change in body composition and metabolic traits following preventive interventions: the Diabetes Prevention Program, Paul W. Franks, Costas A. Christophi, Kathleen A. Jablonski, Liana K. Billings, Linda M. Delahanty, Edward Horton, William C. Knowler, and Jose C. Florez


Is frequent CD4+ T-lymphocyte count monitoring necessary for persons with counts ≥300 cells/μL and HIV-1 suppression?, Howard B. Gale, Steven R. Gitterman, Heather J. Hoffman, Fred M. Gordin, Debra A. Benator, Ann M. Labriola, and Virginia L. Kan


Progress realized: Trends in HIV-1 viral load and CD4 cell count in a tertiary-care center from 1999 through 2011, Howard B. Gale, Manuel D. Rodriguez, Heather J. Hoffman, Debra A. Benator, Fred M. Gordin, Ann M. Labriola, and Virginia L. Kan


Immunobiology of genital tract trauma: Endocrine regulation of HIV acquisition in women following sexual assault or genital tract mutilation, Mimi Ghosh, Marta Rodriguez-Garcia, and Charles R. Wira


Pathogen recognition in the human female reproductive tract: expression of intracellular cytosolic sensors NOD1, NOD2, RIG-1, and MDA5 and response to HIV-1 and Neisseria gonorrhea., Mimi Ghosh, Zheng Sheng, John V. Fahey, Sarah G. Crist, Mickey Patel, Jennifer M. Smith, and Charles R. Wira


Analyses of radiation and mesothelioma in the U.S. transuranium and uranium registries, Herman Gibb, Keri Fulcher, Sumitha Nagarajan, Stacey McCord, Naz Afarin Fallahian, Heather J. Hoffman, Cary Haver, and Sergei Tolmachev


Cost-effectiveness of trial of labor after previous cesarean in a minimally biased cohort, Sharon A. Gilbert, William A. Grobman, Mark B. Landon, Catherine Y. Spong, Dwight J. Rouse, Kenneth J. Leveno, Michael W. Varner, Ronald J. Wapner, Yoram Sorokin, Mary J. O'Sullivan, Baha M. Sibai, John M. Thorp, Susan M. Ramin, and Brian M. Mercer


Lifetime cost-effectiveness of trial of labor after cesarean in the United States, Sharon A. Gilbert, William A. Grobman, Mark B. Landon, Michael W. Varner, Ronald J. Wapner, Yoram Sorokin, Baha M. Sibai, John M. Thorp Jr., Susan M. Ramin, and Brian M. Mercer


Web-based sex diaries and young adult men who have sex with men: Assessing feasibility, reactivity, and data agreement, Sara N. Glick, Rachel L. Winer, and Matthew R. Golden


Salicylate(Salsalate) in patients with type 2 diabetes: A randomized trial., Allison Goldfine, Vivian Fonseca, Kathleen A. Jablonski, Yii D.I. Chen, Laura Tipton, Myrlene A. Staten, and Steven E. Shoelson


NIH support of Centers for AIDS Research (CFAR) and Department of Health collaborative public health research: Advancing CDC's enhanced comprehensive HIV prevention planning (ECHPP) project, Alan E. Greenberg, David W. Purcell, Christopher M. Gordon, Stephen Flores, Cynthia Grossman, Holly H. Fisher, and Rebecca J. Barasky


Patterns of HIV disclosure and condom use among HIV-infected young racial/ethnic minority men who have sex with men, Lisa B. Heightow-Weidman, Gregory Phillips, Angulique Y. Outlaw, Amy R. Wohl, Sheldon Fields, Julia Hidalgo, and Sara LeGrand


Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of diabetes prevention among adherent participants, William H. Herman, Sharon Edelstein, Robert E. Ratner, Maria G. Montez, Ronald T. Ackermann, Trevor J. Orchard, Mary A. Foulkes, Ping Zhang, Christopher D. Saudek, and Morton B. Brown


HIV acquisition among women from selected areas of the United States: A cohort study, Sally L. Hodder, Jessica Justman, James P. Hughes, Jing Wang, Danielle F. Haley, Adaora A. Adimora, Carlos Del Rio, Carol E. Golin, Irene Kuo, Anne Rompalo, Lydia Soto-Torres, Sharon B. Mannheimer, LeTanya Johnson-Lewis, Susan H. Eshleman, and Wafaa M. El-Sadr


Alterations in ostopontin modify muscle size in females in both humans and mice, Eric P. Hoffman, Heather Gordish-Dressman, Virginia D. McLane, Joseph M. Devaney, Paul D. Thompson, Paul Visich, Paul M. Gordon, Linda S. Pescatello, Robert F. Zoeller, Niall M. Moyna, Theodore J. Angelopoulos, Elena Pegoraro, Gregory A. Cox, and Priscilla M. Clarkson


Adherence to the World Cancer Research Fund/American Institute for Cancer Research recommendations for cancer prevention is associated with better health-related quality of life among elderly female cancer survivors, Maki Inoue-Choi, Deann Lazovich, Anna E. Prizment, and Kim Robien


Plasma s-adenosylmethionine, DNMT polymorphisms, and peripheral blood LINE-1 methylation among healthy Chinese adults in Singapore, Maki Inoue-Choi, Heather H. Nelson, Kim Robien, Erland Arning, Teodoro Bottiglieri, Woon-Puay Koh, and Jian-Min Yuan


Sugar-sweetened beverage intake and the risk of type I and type II endometrial cancer among postmenopausal women, Maki Inoue-Choi, Kim Robien, Andrea Mariani, James R. Cerhan, and Kristin E. Anderson


The long-term effects of type 1 diabetes treatment and complications on health-related quality of life: A 23-year follow-up of the diabetes control and complications/ epidemiology of diabetes interventions and complications cohort, Alan M. Jacobson, Barbara H. Braffett, Patricia A. Cleary, Rose A. Gubitosi-Klug, and Mary E. Larkin


Changes in sodium levels in processed and restaurant foods, 2005 to 2011., Michael F. Jacobson, Stephen Havas, and Robert McCarter


BMI change, fitness change and cardiometabolic risk factors among 8th grade youth, Russell Jago, Kimberly L. Drews, Robert G. McMurray, Tom Baranowski, Pietro Galassetti, Gary D. Foster, Ester Moe, and John B. Buse


Infant mortality in American Indians and Alaska Natives 1995-1999 and 2000-2004, Patrik L. Johansson, Weston Williams, and Ayman A.E. El-Mohandes


Pregnancy outcomes with weight gain above or below the 2009 institute of medicine guidelines, Julie Johnson, Rebecca G. Clifton, James M. Roberts, Leslie Myatt, John C. Hauth, Catherine Y. Spong, Michael W. Varner, Ronald J. Wapner, John M. Thorp, Brian M. Mercer, Alan M. Peaceman, Susan M. Ramin, Philip Samuels, Anthony Sciscione, Margaret Harper, Jorge E. Tolosa, George Saade, and Yoram Sorokin


Correlates of HIV acquisition in a cohort of black men who have sex with men in the United States: HIV prevention trials network (HPTN) 061, Beryl A. Koblin, Kenneth H. Mayer, Susan H. Eshleman, Lei Wang, Sharon B. Mannheimer, Carlos Del Rio, Steve Shoptaw, Manya Magnus, Susan Buchbinder, Leo Wilton, Ting-Yuan Liu, Vanessa Cummings, Estelle Piwowar-Manning, Sheldon D. Fields, Sam Griffith, Vanessa Elharrar, and Darrell Wheeler


Information and communication technology to link criminal justice reentrants to HIV care in the community, Ann Kurth, Irene Kuo, James Peterson, Nkiru Azikiwe, Lauri Bazerman, Alice Cates, and Curt G. Beckwith


Power of the Mantel-Haenszel and other tests for discrete or grouped time-to-event data under a chained binomial model, John M. Lachin


Reminiscences of Jerry Cornfield, John M. Lachin


Sample size and power for a logrank test and Cox proportional hazards model with multiple groups and strata, or a quantitative covariate with multiple strata, John M. Lachin


Retinopathy in youth with type 2 diabetes participating in the TODAY clinical trial, L. L. Levitsky, R. P. Danis, Kimberly L. Drews, W. V. Tamborlane, M. W. Haymond, L. Laffel, and T. H. Lipman

Baseline markers of inflammation are associated with progression to macroalbuminuria in type 1 diabetic subjects, Maria F. Lopes-Virella; Nathaniel L. Baker; Kelly J. Hunt; Patricia A. Cleary; Richard Klein; Gabriel Virella; and +217 contributors, for the DCCT/EDIC Research Group


When to start antiretroviral therapy: The need for an evidence base during early HIV infection, James D. Lundgren, Abdel G. Babiker, Fred M. Gordin, Alvaro H. Borges, and James D. Neaton


Linking and retaining HIV patients in care: The importance of provider attitudes and behaviors, Manya Magnus, Jane Herwehe, Michelli Murtaza-Rossini, Petera Reine, Damien Cuffie, Deann Gruber, and Michael Kaiser