Epidemiology Faculty Publications | Epidemiology | Himmelfarb Health Sciences Library, The George Washington University


Submissions from 2015


Victor and Erika Webnovela: An Innovative Generation @ Audience Engagement Strategy for Prevention, Elizabeth L. Andrade, W. Douglas Evans, Marc C. Edberg, Sean D. Cleary, Ricardo Villalba, and Idalina Cubilla Batista


Diagnostic Utility of QuantiFERON-TB Gold (QFT-G) in Active Pulmonary Tuberculosis., Ahmed Anwar, Al-Jahdali Hamdan, Baharoon Salim, Ali Yosra, Mohamed Hani, and Al-Harbi Abdullah


Health Disparities in the Immunoprevention of Human Papillomavirus Infection and Associated Malignancies., Amira H Bakir and Martin Skarzynski


Multicenter Comparison of Lung and Oral Microbiomes of HIV-infected and HIV-uninfected Individuals., James M Beck, Patrick D Schloss, Arvind Venkataraman, Homer Twigg, Kathleen A. Jablonski, Kimberly L. Drews, Mary A. Foulkes, and +18 more


Survey of U.S. correctional institutions for routine HCV testing, Curt G. Beckwith, Ann Kurth, Lauri Bazerman, Liza Solomon, Emily Patry, Josiah Rich, and Irene Kuo


Survey of US Correctional Institutions for Routine HCV Testing., Curt G Beckwith, Ann E Kurth, Lauri Bazerman, Liza Solomon, Emily Patry, Josiah D Rich, and Irene Kuo


Physical inactivity and risk of poor quality of life among elderly cancer survivors compared to women without cancer: the Iowa Women's Health Study., Cindy K. Blair, Kim Robien, Maki Inoue-Choi, Wendy Rahn, and DeAnn Lazovich


Examining the relationships between bone tissue composition, compositional heterogeneity and fragility fracture: a matched case controlled FTIRI study., Adele L. Boskey, Eve Donnelly, Elizabeth Boskey, Lyudmila Spevak, Yan Ma, Wei Zhang, Joan Lappe, and Robert R. Recker


Comparing cost-effectiveness of HIV testing strategies: Targeted and routine testing in Washington, DC, Amanda D. Castel, Sungwoog Choi, Avi Dor, Jennifer Skillicorn, James Peterson, Nestor Rocha, and Michael Kharfen


Understanding HIV Care Provider Attitudes Regarding Intentions to Prescribe PrEP., Amanda D. Castel, Daniel J. Feaster, Wenze Tang, Sarah Willis, Heather Jordan, and et al.


HIV testing in primary care., Amanda D Castel and Irene Kuo


Sorting through the lost and found: Are patient perceptions of engagement in care consistent with standard continuum of care measures?, Amanda D. Castel, Wenze Tang, James Peterson, Meriam Mikre, David Parenti, Richard Elion, Angela Wood, Irene Kuo, Sarah Willis, Sean Allen, Paige Kulie, Ifeoma Ikwuemesi, Kossia Dassie, Jillian Dunning, Brittani Saafir-Callaway, and Alan Greenberg


Trends in cancer diagnoses and survival among persons with AIDS in a high HIV prevalence urban area., Amanda D. Castel, Heather Young, Ann-Marie Akiwumi, Alicia Vargas, Kathleen Rogers, Tiffany West, and Paul H. Levine


Risk of gastrointestinal bleeding associated with oral anticoagulants: population based retrospective cohort study, Hsien-Yen Chang, Meijia Zhou, Wenze Tang, G. Caleb Alexander, and Sonal Singh


Antiretroviral Drug Use and HIV Drug Resistance Among HIV-Infected Black Men Who Have Sex With Men: HIV Prevention Trials Network 061., Iris Chen, Matthew B Connor, William Clarke, Mark A Marzinke, Vanessa Cummings, Manya Magnus, and +14 additional authors


Parity and diabetes risk among Hispanic women from Colombia: Cross-sectional evidence, Pablo Cure, Heather J. Hoffman, and Carlos Cure-Cure


Intensive diabetes therapy and ocular surgery in type 1 diabetes., DCCT/EDIC Research Group, L. P. Aiello, W. Sun, A. Das, S. Gangaputra, S. Kiss, R. Klein, Patricia A. Cleary, John M. Lachin, D. M. Nathan, and +522 collaborators


Implementation of Point-of-Care Diagnostics Leads to Variable Uptake of Syphilis, Anemia and CD4+ T-Cell Count Testing in Rural Maternal and Child Health Clinics., Caroline De Schacht, Carlota Lucas, Nádia Sitoe, Rhoderick Machekano, Patrina Chongo, Laura Guay, and et al.


Defining the "community": Applying ethnographic methods for a Latino immigrant health intervention, Mark Edberg, Sean Cleary, Lauren B. Simmons, Idalina Cubilla-Batista, Elizabeth L. Andrade, and Glencora Gudger


Caffeine Consumption Contributes to Skin Intrinsic Fluorescence in Type 1 Diabetes, Karen M. Eny, Trevor J. Orchard, Rachel Grace Miller, John Maynard, Denis M. Grant, Tina Costacou, Patricia A. Cleary, Barbara H. Braffett, and Andrew D. Paterson


Paternal sperm DNA methylation associated with early signs of autism risk in an autism-enriched cohort., Jason I. Feinberg, Kelly M. Bakulski, Andrew E. Jaffe, Rakel Tryggvadottir, Shannon C. Brown, Lynn R. Goldman, Lisa A. Croen, Irva Hertz-Picciotto, Craig J Newschaffer, M. Daniele Fallin, and Andrew P. Feinberg


Evidence of altered matrix composition in Iliac crest biopsies from patients with idiopathic juvenile osteoporosis., Ignacio Garcia, Vincent Chiodo, Yan Ma, and Adele Boskey


Extended followup of a cohort of chromium production workers, Herman Jones Gibb, Peter St. John Lees, Jing Wang, and Keri O'Leary


Pregnant and Postpartum Women’s Experiences and Perspectives on the Acceptability and Feasibility of Copackaged Medicine for Antenatal Care and PMTCT in Lesotho, Michelle M. Gill, Heather J. Hoffman, Appolinaire Tiam, Florence M. Mohai, Mokone Majoalane, Anthony Isavwa, Laura Guay, and +4 additional authors


Increasing acceptance of homosexuality in the United States across racial and ethnic subgroups., Sara Nelson Glick, Sean D. Cleary, and Matthew R Golden


Understanding engagement in HIV risk and prevention research among black young men who have sex with men and transgender women in the district of Columbia., Sara Nelson Glick, Ebony Houston, James Peterson, Irene Kuo, and Manya Magnus


Racial disparities in pain management of children with appendicitis in emergency departments, Monika K. Goyal, Nathan Kuppermann, Sean D. Cleary, Stephen J. Teach, and James M. Chamberlain


Nitrate and nitrite ingestion and risk of ovarian cancer among postmenopausal women in Iowa, Maki Inoue-Choi, Rena R. Jones, Kristin E. Anderson, Kenneth P. Cantor, James R. Cerhan, Stuart Krasner, Kimberly Robien, Peter J. Weyer, and Mary H. Ward


Relationship of urologic complications with Health- Related quality of life and perceived value of health in men and women with type 1 Diabetes: The diabetes control and complications trial/epidemiology of interventions and complications (DCCT/EDIC) cohort, Alan M. Jacobson, Barbara H. Braffett, Patricia A. Cleary, Rodney L. Dunn, Mary E. Larkin, Hunter Wessells, and Aruna V. Sarma


Behavioral and neuroimaging evidence for impaired executive function in "cognitively normal" older HIV-infected adults., Xiong Jiang, Rebecca Barasky, Halli Olsen, Maximilian Riesenhuber, and Manya Magnus


Sexual Behaviors of US Women at Risk of HIV Acquisition: A Longitudinal Analysis of Findings from HPTN 064., J Justman, M Befus, J Hughes, J Wang, C E Golin, Irene Kuo, and +8 additional authors


Testosterone Concentrations and Cardiovascular Autonomic Neuropathy in Men with Type 1 Diabetes in the Epidemiology of Diabetes Interventions and Complications Study (EDIC), Catherine Kim, Rodica Pop-Busui, Barbara Braffett, Patricia A. Cleary, Ionut Bebu, Hunter Wessells, Trevor Orchard, and Aruna V. Sarma


Risk Factors for Melanoma Among Survivors of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma., Clara J. Lam, Rochelle E. Curtis, Graça M. Dores, Eric A. Engels, Neil E. Caporaso, Heather A. Young, Paul H. Levine, Angelo F. Elmi, and et al.


A Systematic Review and Meta-Regression Analysis of Lung Cancer Risk and Inorganic Arsenic in Drinking Water., Steven H. Lamm, Hamid Ferdosi, Elisabeth K. Dissen, Ji Li, and Jaeil Ahn


Acceptability of a mobile smartphone application intervention to improve access to HIV prevention and care services for black men who have sex with men in the district of columbia., Matthew E. Levy, Christopher Chauncey Watson, Leo Wilton, Vittoria Criss, Irene Kuo, Sara Nelson Glick, Russell A. Brewer, and Manya Magnus


Quality control measures over 30 years in a multicenter clinical study: Results from the Diabetes Control and Complications Trial / Epidemiology of Diabetes Interventions and Complications (DCCT/EDIC) study, Gayle M. Lorenzi, Barbara H. Braffett, Valerie L. Arends, Ronald P. Danis, Lisa Diminick, Kandace A. Klumpp, Anthony D. Morrison, Elsayed Z. Soliman, Michael W. Steffes, Patricia A. Cleary, J. Crandall, M. Reid, J. Brown-Friday, S. Engel, J. Sheindlin, M. Phillips, H. Martinez, H. Shamoon, H. Engel, R. Gubitosi-Klug, L. Mayer, S. Pendegast, H. Zegarra, D. Miller, L. Singerman, S. Smith-Brewer, M. Novak, J. Quin, Saul Genuth, M. Palmert, E. Brown, and J. McConnell


Evaluation of real-time PCR and pyrosequencing for screening incubating blood culture bottles from adults with suspected bloodstream infection., Chase D McCann, Miranda S Moore, Larissa S May, Matthew G McCarroll, and Jeanne A Jordan


Infectious Gastroenteritis as a Risk Factor for Tropical Sprue and Malabsorption: A Case-Control Study., Matthew G. McCarroll, Mark S Riddle, Ramiro L Gutierrez, and Chad K Porter


Reproductive factors, exogenous hormone use and risk of hepatocellular carcinoma among US women: results from the Liver Cancer Pooling Project., K. A. McGlynn, V. V. Sahasrabuddhe, P. T. Campbell, B. I. Graubard, J. Chen, Kim Robien, and +22 additional authors


Geographic and income variations in age at diagnosis and incidence of chronic myeloid leukemia., Adam M Mendizabal, Naji Younes, and Paul H Levine


Violence Against Women in Selected Areas of the United States., Brooke E E Montgomery, Anne Rompalo, James Hughes, Jing Wang, Danielle Haley, Lydia Soto-Torres, Wairimu Chege, Jessica Justman, Irene Kuo, Carol Golin, Paula Frew, Sharon Mannheimer, and Sally Hodder


Direct Screening of Blood by PCR and Pyrosequencing for a 16S rDNA Target from ED and ICU Patients Being Evaluated for Bloodstream Infection., M S Moore, M G McCarroll, C D McCann, L May, N Younes, and J A Jordan


Finasteride and the Uncertainties of Establishing Harms., Thomas J. Moore


Conventional versus video laryngoscopy for tracheal tube exchange: Glottic visualization, success rates, complications, and rescue alternatives in the high-risk difficult airway patient, Thomas C. Mort and Barbara H. Braffett


Consumption of caffeinated and artificially sweetened soft drinks is associated with risk of early menarche., Noel T. Mueller, David R. Jacobs, Richard F. MacLehose, Ellen W. Demerath, Scott P. Kelly, Jill G. Dreyfus, and Mark A. Pereira


Serum Antioxidants Are Associated with Serum Reproductive Hormones and Ovulation among Healthy Women., Sunni L. Mumford, Richard W. Browne, Karen C. Schliep, Jonathan Schmelzer, Torie C. Plowden, Kara A. Michels, Lindsey A. Sjaarda, Shvetha M. Zarek, Neil J. Perkins, Lynne C. Messer, Rose G. Radin, Jean Wactawski-Wende, and Enrique F. Schisterman


Association between 7 years of intensive treatment of type 1 diabetes and long-term mortality., Trevor J. Orchard, David M. Nathan, Bernard Zinman, Patricia Cleary, David Brillon, Jye-Yu C. Backlund, and John M. Lachin


Early HIV Infections Among Men Who Have Sex with Men in Five Cities in the United States., G Paz-Bailey, A Smith, S Masciotra, W Zhang, T Bingham, Manya Magnus, and +6 additional authors


Patient Perceptions of Telephone vs. In-Person BRCA1/BRCA2 Genetic Counseling., Beth N Peshkin, Scott Kelly, Rachel H Nusbaum, Morgan Similuk, Tiffani A DeMarco, Gillian W Hooker, and +12 additional authors


Technology Use in Linking Criminal Justice Reentrants to HIV Care in the Community: A Qualitative Formative Research Study., James Peterson, Michelle Cota, Holly Gray, Lauri Bazerman, Irene Kuo, Ann Kurth, and Curt Beckwith


Coffee consumption and risk of hepatocellular carcinoma and intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma by sex: The Liver Cancer Pooling Project., Jessica L Petrick, Neal D Freedman, Barry I Graubard, Vikrant V Sahasrabuddhe, Gabriel Y Lai, Kim Robien, and +23 additional authors


Cardiovascular autonomic neuropathy, erectile dysfunction and lower urinary tract symptoms in men with type 1 diabetes: Findings from the DCCT/EDIC, Rodica Pop-Busui, Jim Hotaling, Barbara H. Braffett, Patricia A. Cleary, Rodney L. Dunn, Catherine L. Martin, Alan M. Jacobson, Hunter Wessells, and Aruna V. Sarma


An exploratory analysis of mitochondrial haplotypes and allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation (HCT) outcomes, Julie A. Ross, Jakub Tolar, Logan G. Spector, Todd Defor, Troy C. Lund, Daniel J. Weisdorf, Erica Langer, Anthony J. Hooten, Bharat Thyagarajan, Michelle K. Gleason, John E. Wagner, Kim Robien, and Michael R. Verneris


Uric acid determination in gestational hypertension, Mandy J. Schmella, Rebecca G. Clifton, Andrew D. Althouse, and James M. Roberts


Sexual Behavior and Network Characteristics and Their Association with Bacterial Sexually Transmitted Infections among Black Men Who Have Sex with Men in the United States., Hyman M Scott, Risha Irvin, Leo Wilton, Hong Van Tieu, Chauncey Watson, Manya Magnus, Iris Chen, and + 6 more


Changes in Medical Students’ Exposure to and Attitudes About Drug Company Interactions From 2003 to 2012: A Multi-Institutional Follow-up Survey, Frederick S. Sierles, Kenneth Kessler, Matthew Mintz, Gary Beck, Stephanie Starr, and et al.


Sexual Networks and HIV Risk among Black Men Who Have Sex with Men in 6 U.S. Cities, Hong-Van Tieu, Ting-Yuan Liu, Sophia Hussen, Matthew Connor, Lei Wang, Gregory Phillips II, and + 11 more


Clinical significance of left atrial anatomic abnormalities identified by cardiac computed tomography, Ara V. Vehian, Brian G. Choi, Satinder Rekhi, Heather A. Young, Raman S. Dusaj, and Robert K. Zeman


Association between Respiratory Syncytial Virus Activity and Pneumococcal Disease in Infants: A Time Series Analysis of US Hospitalization Data., Daniel M. Weinberger, Keith P. Klugman, Claudia A. Steiner, Lone Simonsen, and Cécile Viboud


Relation of Childhood Sexual Abuse, Intimate Partner Violence, and Depression to Risk Factors for HIV Among Black Men Who Have Sex With Men in 6 US Cities., John K. Williams, Leo Wilton, Manya Magnus, Lei Wang, Jing Wang, Typhanye Penniman Dyer, and + 7 more


Comparison of antibiotic susceptibility of Escherichia coli in urinary isolates from an emergency department with other institutional susceptibility data, Catherine Zatorski, Jeanne A. Jordan, Sara E. Cosgrove, Mark S. Zocchi, and Larissa S. May


Male pattern baldness in relation to prostate cancer risks: An analysis in the VITamins and lifestyle (VITAL) cohort study, Cindy Zhou, Alyson J. Littman, Paul H. Levine, Heather J. Hoffman, Sean D. Cleary, Emily White, and Michael B. Cook

Submissions from 2014


Characteristics of multiple and concurrent partnerships among women at high risk for HIV infection, Adaora A. Adimora, James P. Hughes, Jing Wang, Danielle F. Haley, Manya Magnus, and +8 additional authors


Neck and waist circumference biomarkers of cardiovascular risk in a cohort of predominantly African-American college students: A preliminary study, Thaddeus J. Arnold, Amy Schweitzer, Heather J. Hoffman, Chiatogu Onyewu, Maria-Eugenia Hurtado, Eric P. Hoffman, and Catherine J. Klein


The impact of salsalate treatment on serum levels of advanced glycation end products in type 2 diabetes, Joshua I. Barzilay, Kathleen A. Jablonski, Vivian Fonseca, Steven E. Shoelson, Allison Goldfine, Christopher C. Strauch, and Vincent M. Monnier


The influence of rare genetic variation in SLC30A8 on diabetes incidence and β-Cell function, Liana K. Billings, Kathleen A. Jablonski, Ronald T. Ackermann, Andrew Taylor, Rebecca R. Fanelli, and +13 additional authors


Pooling prospective studies to investigate the etiology of second cancers, Amanda Black, Todd M. Gibson, Meredith S. Shiels, Yikyung Park, Kim Robien, Demetrius Albanes, Stephanie J. Weinstein, Laura E. Beane-Freeman, Gabriella Andreotti, Mark P. Purdue, Joseph F. Fraumeni, Patricia Hartge, Margaret A. Tucker, Robert N. Hoover, James R. Cerhan, Anne Zeleniuch-Jacquotte, Rochelle E. Curtis, Joanne Elena, Joshua N. Sampson, Amy Berrington de Gonzalez, and Lindasy M. Morton


Feasibility and preliminary efficacy of the effects of flavanoid-rich purple grape juice on the vascular health of childhood cancer survivors: a randomized, controlled crossover trial., Cindy K Blair, Aaron S Kelly, Julia Steinberger, Lynn E Eberly, Char Napurski, Kim Robien, Joseph P Neglia, Daniel A Mulrooney, and Julie A Ross


Exploring the relationship between incarceration and HIV among Black men who have sex with men in the United States, Russell A. Brewer, Manya Magnus, Irene Kuo, Lei Wang, Ting-Yuan Liu, and Kenneth H. Mayer


The high prevalence of incarceration history among black men who have sex with men in the United States: Associations and implications, Russell A. Brewer, Manya Magnus, Irene Kuo, Lei Wang, Ting-Yuan Liu, and Kenneth H. Mayer


Self-reported autoimmune disease by sex in the diabetes control and complications trial/epidemiology of diabetes interventions and complications (dcct/edic) study, Elizabeth Buschur, Aruna V. Sarma, Massimo Pietropaolo, Rodney L. Dunn, Barbara H. Braffett, Patricia A. Cleary, Catherine Cowie, Mary E. Larkin, Hunter Wessells, David M. Nathan, and Catherine Kim


Hemodynamic effects of angiotensin inhibitors in elderly hypertensives undergoing total knee arthroplasty under regional anesthesia., James J Calloway, Stavros G Memtsoudis, Daniel G Krauser, Yan Ma, Linda A Russell, and Susan M Goodman


Laboratory abnormalities in pregnancy-associated hypertension: Frequency and association with pregnancy outcomes, Jessica Cantu, Rebecca G. Clifton, James M. Roberts, Kenneth J. Leveno, Leslie Myatt, Uma M. Reddy, Michael W. Varner, Ronald J. Wapner, John M. Thorp, Brian M. Mercer, Alan M. Peaceman, Susan M. Ramin, Philip Samuels, Anthony Sciscione, George Saade, and Yoram Sorokin


Temporal association between expanded HIV testing and improvements in population-based HIV/AIDS clinical outcomes, District of Columbia, Amanda D. Castel, Alan E. Greenberg, Montina Befus, Sarah Willis, Rowena Samala, Nestor Rocha, Angelique Griffin, Tiffany West-Ojo, and Shannon Hader


Pre-exposure prophylaxis for human immunodeficiency virus: The past, present, and future, Amanda D. Castel, Manya Magnus, and Alan E. Greenberg


Low-level viremia early in HIV infection, Iris Chen, Vanessa Cummings, Jessica M. Fogel, Mark A. Marzinke, William Clarke, Matthew B. Connor, Sam Griffith, Susan Buchbinder, Steven Shoptaw, Carlos Del Rio, Manya Magnus, Sharon Mannheimer, Darrell P. Wheeler, Kenneth H. Mayer, Beryl A. Koblin, and Susan H. Eshleman


Measuring insight through patient self-report: An in-depth analysis of the factor structure of the Birchwood Insight Scale, Sean D. Cleary, Sanaa Bhatty, Beth Broussard, Sarah L. Cristofaro, Claire Ramsay Wan, and Michael T. Compton


Diabetes autoantibodies do not predict progression to diabetes in adults: The Diabetes Prevention Program, Dana Dabelea, Yong Ma, William C. Knowler, Santica M. Marcovina, Christopher D. Saudek, Richard F. Arakaki, Neil H. White, Steven E. Kahn, Trevor J. Orchard, R. B. Goldberg, J. Palmer, and Richard F. Hamman


Renal outcomes in patients with type 1 diabetes and microalbuminuria, Ian H. de Boer, Maryam Afkarian, Tessa C. Rue, Patricia A. Cleary, John M. Lachin, Mark E. Mollitch, Michael W. Steffes, Wanjie Sun, and Bernard Zinman


Effect of intensive diabetes treatment on albuminuria in type 1 diabetes: Long-term follow-up of the Diabetes Control and Complications Trial and Epidemiology of Diabetes Interventions and Complications study, Ian H. de Boer, Wanjie Sun, Xiaoyu Gao, Patricia A. Cleary, John M. Lachin, Mark E. Molitch, Michael W. Steffes, and Bernard Zinman


Alterations in genital tract soluble immune mediators in HIV positive postmenopausal women: Implications for HIV acquisition and transmission, Josie Delisle, Ifeyinwa Benyeogor, Mariel Jais, Naji Younes, Mary Young, and Mimi Ghosh


Access to HIV prevention and care for HIV-exposed and HIV-infected children: A qualitative study in rural and urban Mozambique, Caroline de Schacht, Carlota Lucas, Caterina Mboa, Michelle Gill, Eugenia Macasse, Stelio A. Dimande, Emily A. Bobrow, and Laura Guay


The estimation of branching curves in the presence of subject-specific random effects, Angelo Elmi, Sarah J. Ratcliffe, and Wensheng Guo


GWAS identifies an NAT2 acetylator status tag single nucleotide polymorphism to be a major locus for skin fluorescence, Karen M. Eny, Helen L. Lutgers, John Maynard, Barbara E.K. Klein, Kristine E. Lee, Patricia A. Cleary, and +20 additional authors


Dairy products and pancreatic cancer risk: A pooled analysis of 14 cohort studies, J. M. Genkinger, M. Wang, R. Li, D. Albanes, K. E. Anderson, Kim Robien, and +24 additional authors


Secreted mucosal antimicrobials in the female reproductive tract that are important to consider for HIV prevention, Mimi Ghosh


The immune system in menopause: Pros and cons of hormone therapy, Mimi Ghosh, Marta Rodriguez-Garcia, and Charles R. Wira


Body mass index and risk of second obesity-associated cancers after colorectal cancer: A pooled analysis of prospective cohort studies, Todd M. Gibson, Yikyung Park, Kim Robien, Meredith S. Shiels, Amanda Black, and +10 additional authors


High rates of incident and prevalent anal human papillomavirus infection among young men who have sex with men, Sara Nelson Glick, Qinghua Feng, Viorica Popov, Laura A. Koutsky, and Matthew R. Golden


Early male partnership patterns, social support, and sexual risk behavior among young men who have sex with men, Sara Nelson Glick and Matthew R. Golden


Venue-based recruitment of women at elevated risk for HIV: An HIV prevention trials network study, Danielle F. Haley, Carol E. Golin, Wafaa M. El-Sadr, James P. Hughes, Jing Wang, Irene Kuo, and +13 additional authors


HIV testing implementation in two urban cities: practice, policy, and perceived barriers., Camden J Hallmark, Jennifer Skillicorn, Thomas P Giordano, Jessica A Davila, Marlene McNeese, Nestor Rocha, Avemaria Smith, Stacey Cooper, and Amanda D. Castel


HIV testing implementation in two urban cities: Practice, policy and perceived barriers, Camden J. Hallmark, Jennifer Skillicorn, Thomas P. Giordano, Jessica A. Davila, Marlene McNeese, Nestor Rocha, Avemaria Smith, Stacey Cooper, and Amanda D. Castel


Types of female partners reported by black men who have sex with men and women (MSMW) and associations with intercourse frequency, unprotected sex and HIV and STI prevalence, N. Harawa, L. Wilton, L. Wang, C. Mao, Irene Kuo, T. Penniman, S. Shoptaw, S. Griffith, J. K. Williams, V. Cummings, K. Mayer, and Beryl A. Koblin


Impact of implementation and conduct of the HEALTHY primary prevention trial on student performance, Arthur E. Hernandez, Marsha D. Marcus, Kathryn Hirst, Myles S. Faith, Linn Goldberg, and Roberto P. Trevino


Alterations in left ventricular, left atrial, and right ventricular structure and function to cardiovascular risk factors in adolescents with type 2 diabetes participating in the TODAY clinical trial, Kathryn Hirst


Pseudo-likelihood estimation of multivariate normal parameters in the presence of left-censored data, Heather J. Hoffman and Robert E. Johnson


Initial response to chemotherapy, not delay in diagnosis, predicts overall survival in inflammatory breast cancer cases., Heather J. Hoffman, Adeela Khan, Kunal Ajmera, Ladan Zolfaghari, Jennifer R. Schenfeld, and Paul H. Levine


Prevalence of bacterial vaginosis and candida among postmenopausal women in the United States, Joscelyn N. Hoffmann, Hannah M. You, E. C. Hedberg, Jeanne Jordan, and Martha K. McClintock


Prevalence of low testosterone and predisposing risk factors in men with type 1 diabetes mellitus: Findings from the DCCT/EDIC, Sarah K. Holt, Natalya Lopushnyan, James Hotaling, Aruna V. Sarma, Rodney L. Dunn, Patricia A. Cleary, Barbara H. Braffett, Patricia Gatcomb, Catherine Martin, William H. Herman, and Hunter Wessells