"GWAS identifies an NAT2 acetylator status tag single nucleotide polymo" by Karen M. Eny, Helen L. Lutgers et al.

Document Type

Journal Article

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Skin fluorescence (SF) is a non-invasive marker of AGEs and is associated with the long-term complications of diabetes. SF increases with age and is also greater among individuals with diabetes. A familial correlation of SF suggests that genetics may play a role. We therefore performed parallel genome-wide association studies of SF in two cohorts.


Cohort 1 included 1,082 participants, 35–67 years of age with type 1 diabetes. Cohort 2 included 8,721 participants without diabetes, aged 18–90 years.


rs1495741 was significantly associated with SF in Cohort 1 (p < 6 × 10−10), which is known to tag theNAT2 acetylator phenotype. The fast acetylator genotype was associated with lower SF, explaining up to 15% of the variance. In Cohort 2, the top signal associated with SF (p = 8.3 × 10−42) was rs4921914, also in NAT2, 440 bases upstream of rs1495741 (linkage disequilibrium r 2 = 1.0 for rs4921914 with rs1495741). We replicated these results in two additional cohorts, one with and one without type 1 diabetes. Finally, to understand which compounds are contributing to the NAT2–SF signal, we examined 11 compounds assayed from skin biopsies (n = 198): the fast acetylator genotype was associated with lower levels of the AGEs hydroimidazolones of glyoxal (p = 0.017).


We identified a robust association between NAT2 and SF in people with and without diabetes. Our findings provide proof of principle that genetic variation contributes to interindividual SF and thatNAT2 acetylation status plays a major role.


Reproduced with permission of Springer, Diabetologia.

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ESM Study writing groups.pdf (27 kB)
ESM Study writing groups

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ESM Table 1

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ESM Table 6

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ESM Table 9

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ESM Fig. 1

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ESM Fig. 2

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ESM Fig. 3

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ESM Fig. 6

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ESM Fig. 8
