Epidemiology Faculty Publications | Epidemiology | Himmelfarb Health Sciences Library, The George Washington University


Submissions from 2017


The self-curing phenomenon of schistosome infection in rhesus macaques: insight from in vitro studies., Workineh Torben, Adebayo J Molehin, Robert V Blair, Carys Kenway, Faith Shiro, Davis Roslyn, Bayissa Chala, Dereje Gutu, Michael A Kebede, Gul Ahmad, Weidong Zhang, Pyone Aye, Mahesh Mohan, Andrew Lackner, and Afzal A Siddiqui


Depressive Symptoms and Glycemic Control in Youth with Type 2 Diabetes Participating in the TODAY Clinical Trial., Dorothy J Van Buren, Denise E Wilfley, Marsha D Marcus, Barbara Anderson, Natalie Walders Abramson, Robert Berkowitz, Carolyn Ievers-Landis, Paula Trief, Patrice Yasuda, and Kathryn Hirst


Depressive Symptoms and Glycemic Control in Youth with Type 2 Diabetes Participating in the TODAY Clinical Trial., Dorothy J Van Buren, Denise E Wilfley, Marsha D Marcus, Barbara Anderson, Natalie Walders Abramson, Robert Berkowitz, Carolyn Ievers-Landis, Paula Trief, Patrice Yasuda, and Kathryn Hirst


Pregnancies After the Diagnosis of Mild Gestational Diabetes Mellitus and Risk of Cardiometabolic Disorders., Michael W Varner, Madeline Murguia Rice, Mark B Landon, Brian M Casey, Uma M Reddy, Ronald J Wapner, Dwight J Rouse, Alan T N Tita, John M Thorp, Edward K Chien, George R Saade, Alan M Peaceman, Sean C Blackwell, and J Peter Vandorsten


Defining the Relationship Between Hypertension, Cognitive Decline, and Dementia: a Review., Keenan A Walker, Melinda C Power, and Rebecca F Gottesman


Defining the Relationship Between Hypertension, Cognitive Decline, and Dementia: a Review., Keenan A Walker, Melinda C Power, and Rebecca F Gottesman


Midlife Systemic Inflammation, Late-Life White Matter Integrity, and Cerebral Small Vessel Disease: The Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study., Keenan A Walker, Melinda C Power, Ron C Hoogeveen, Aaron R Folsom, Christie M Ballantyne, David S Knopman, B Gwen Windham, Elizabeth Selvin, Clifford R Jack, and Rebecca F Gottesman


Midlife Systemic Inflammation, Late-Life White Matter Integrity, and Cerebral Small Vessel Disease: The Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study., Keenan A Walker, Melinda C Power, Ron C Hoogeveen, Aaron R Folsom, Christie M Ballantyne, David S Knopman, B Gwen Windham, Elizabeth Selvin, Clifford R Jack, and Rebecca F Gottesman


Clustering Big Cancer Data by Effect Sizes, H Wang, D Chen, M T. Hueman, L Sheng, and D E. Henson


Impact of serum SP-A and SP-D levels on comparison and prognosis of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis: A systematic review and meta-analysis., Kai Wang, Qing Ju, Jing Cao, Wenze Tang, and Jian Zhang


Empagliflozin and Clinical Outcomes in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes, Established Cardiovascular Disease and Chronic Kidney Disease., Christoph Wanner, John M Lachin, Silvio E Inzucchi, David Fitchett, Michaela Mattheus, Jyothis T George, Hans-Juergen Woerle, Uli C Broedl, Maximilian von Eynatten, and Bernard Zinman


Data Management and Data Quality in PERCH, a Large International Case-Control Study of Severe Childhood Pneumonia., Nora L Watson, Christine Prosperi, Amanda J Driscoll, Melissa M Higdon, Daniel E Park, Megan Sanza, Andrea N DeLuca, Juliet O Awori, Doli Goswami, Emily Hammond, Lokman Hossain, Catherine Johnson, Alice Kamau, Locadiah Kuwanda, David P Moore, Omid Neyzari, Uma Onwuchekwa, David Parker, and Patranuch Sapchookul


Data Management and Data Quality in PERCH, a Large International Case-Control Study of Severe Childhood Pneumonia., Nora L Watson, Christine Prosperi, Amanda J Driscoll, Melissa M Higdon, Daniel E Park, Megan Sanza, Andrea N DeLuca, Juliet O Awori, Doli Goswami, Emily Hammond, Lokman Hossain, Catherine Johnson, Alice Kamau, Locadiah Kuwanda, David P Moore, Omid Neyzari, Uma Onwuchekwa, David Parker, Patranuch Sapchookul, Phil Seidenberg, Arifin Shamsul, Kazungu Siazeele, Prasong Srisaengchai, Mamadou Sylla, Orin S Levine, David R Murdoch, Katherine L O'Brien, Mark Wolff, and Maria Deloria Knoll


A Summary of The Second Annual HIV Microbiome Workshop., Brett Williams, Mimi Ghosh, Charles A B Boucher, Frederic Bushman, Stacy Carrington-Lawrence, Ronald G Collman, Satya Dandekar, Que Dang, Angela Malaspina, Roger Paredes, Cara Wilson, Piotr Nowak, Nichole Klatt, Laurel Lagenaur, and Alan Landay


The Fate of FDA Postapproval Studies., Steven Woloshin, Lisa M Schwartz, Brian White, and Thomas J Moore


Prediagnosis sleep duration, napping, and mortality among colorectal cancer survivors in a large US cohort, Qian Xiao, Hannah Arem, Ruth Pfeiffer, and Charles Matthews


Racial and Ethnic Differences in Utilization of Labor Management Strategies Intended to Reduce Cesarean Delivery Rates., Lynn M Yee, Maged M Costantine, Madeline Murguia Rice, Jennifer Bailit, Uma M Reddy, Ronald J Wapner, Michael W Varner, John M Thorp, Steve N Caritis, Mona Prasad, Alan T N Tita, Yoram Sorokin, Dwight J Rouse, Sean C Blackwell, and Jorge E Tolosa


The HIV Care Cascade Among Individuals Under Community Supervision in Baltimore, Maryland., Nickolas Zaller, Michael Gordon, Lauri Bazerman, Irene Kuo, and Curt Beckwith


Circulating and Intraprostatic Sex Steroid Hormonal Profiles in Relation to Male Pattern Baldness and chest hair density among men diagnosed with localized prostate cancers., Cindy Ke Zhou, Frank Z Stanczyk, Muhannad Hafi, Carmela C Veneroso, Barlow Lynch, Roni T Falk, Shelley Niwa, Eric Emanuel, Yu-Tang Gao, George P Hemstreet, Ladan Zolfaghari, Peter R Carroll, Michael J Manyak, Isabell A Sesterhenn, Paul H Levine, Ann W Hsing, and Michael B Cook


Empagliflozin and Cerebrovascular Events in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus at High Cardiovascular Risk., Bernard Zinman, Silvio E Inzucchi, John M Lachin, Christoph Wanner, David Fitchett, Sven Kohler, Michaela Mattheus, Hans J Woerle, Uli C Broedl, Odd Erik Johansen, Gregory W Albers, and Hans Christoph Diener

Submissions from 2016


Author Self-Disclosure Compared to Pharmaceutical Company Reporting of Physician Payments., Hani A Alhamoud, Ramzi Dudum, Heather A. Young, and Brian G. Choi


Body mass index, physical activity, and television time in relation to mortality risk among endometrial cancer survivors in the NIH-AARP Diet and Health Study cohort., Hannah Arem, Ruth M Pfeiffer, Steven C Moore, Louise A Brinton, and Charles E Matthews


Pertussis-Associated Pneumonia in Infants and Children From Low- and Middle-Income Countries Participating in the PERCH Study., Breanna Barger-Kamate, Maria Deloria Knoll, E Wangeci Kagucia, Christine Prosperi, Henry C Baggett, Daniel E. Park, and +31 additional authors


The Impact of Patient Navigation on the Delivery of Diagnostic Breast Cancer Care in the National Patient Navigation Research Program: A Prospective Meta-Analysis., Tracy A Battaglia, Julie S Darnell, Naomi Ko, Fred Snyder, Electra D Paskett, Kristen J Wells, Elizabeth M Whitley, Jennifer J Griggs, Anand Karnad, Heather Young, Victoria Warren-Mears, Melissa A Simon, and Elizabeth Calhoun


Large sample inference for a win ratio analysis of a composite outcome based on prioritized components., Ionut Bebu and John M. Lachin


A pilot study of rapid hepatitis C virus testing in the Rhode Island Department of Corrections., Curt G Beckwith, Ann E Kurth, Lauri B Bazerman, Emily J Patry, Alice Cates, Liem Tran, Amanda Noska, and Irene Kuo


Risk Prediction Models in Psychiatry: Toward a New Frontier for the Prevention of Mental Illnesses., Francesco Bernardini, Luigi Attademo, Sean D. Cleary, Charles Luther, Ruth S Shim, Roberto Quartesan, and Michael T. Compton


Changes in Utilization and Discard of Hepatitis C Infected Donor Livers in the Recent Era., Mary G Bowring, Lauren M Kucirka, Allan B Massie, Xun Luo, Andrew Cameron, Mark Sulkowski, Katie Rakestraw, Ahmet Gurakar, Irene Kuo, Dorry L Segev, and Christine M Durand


Urogenital Autonomic Dysfunction in Diabetes, Barbara H. Braffett, Hunter Wessells, and Aruna V. Sarma


Framing HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) for the General Public: How Inclusive Messaging May Prevent Prejudice from Diminishing Public Support., Sarah K Calabrese, Kristen Underhill, Valerie A Earnshaw, Nathan B Hansen, Trace S Kershaw, Manya Magnus, Douglas S Krakower, Kenneth H Mayer, Joseph R Betancourt, and John F Dovidio


Putting PrEP into Practice: Lessons Learned from Early-Adopting U.S. Providers' Firsthand Experiences Providing HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis and Associated Care, S. K. Calabrese, Manya Magnus, K. H. Mayer, D. S. Krakower, A. I. Eldahan, L. A. Gaston Hawkins, and +5 additional authors


Disparities in achieving and sustaining viral suppression among a large cohort of HIV-infected persons in care - Washington, DC., Amanda D. Castel, Mariah M Kalmin, Rachel L D Hart, Heather A. Young, Harlen Hays, Debra Benator, and +20 additional authors


Analysis of HIV Diversity in HIV-Infected Black Men Who Have Sex with Men (HPTN 061), Iris Chen, Gordon Chau, Jing Wang, William Clarke, Mark A. Marzinke, Manya Magnus, and +14 additional authors


CXCR4-Using HIV Variants in a Cohort of Black Men Who Have Sex with Men: HIV Prevention Trials Network 061., Iris Chen, Wei Huang, Matthew B Connor, Arne Frantzell, Vanessa Cummings, Geetha G Beauchamp, Sam Griffith, Sheldon D Fields, Hyman M Scott, Steven Shoptaw, Carlos Del Rio, Manya Magnus, Sharon Mannheimer, Hong-Van Tieu, Darrell P Wheeler, Kenneth H Mayer, Beryl A Koblin, and Susan H Eshleman


Epigenomic profiling reveals an association between persistence of DNA methylation and metabolic memory in the DCCT/EDIC type 1 diabetes cohort., Zhuo Chen, Feng Miao, Andrew D Paterson, John M. Lachin, Lingxiao Zhang, Dustin E Schones, Xiwei Wu, Jinhui Wang, Joshua D Tompkins, Saul Genuth, Barbara H Braffett, Arthur D Riggs, and Rama Natarajan


Racial and ethnic disparities in parent-reported diagnosis of ADHD: National Survey of Children's Health (2003, 2007, and 2011)., Kevin P Collins and Sean D. Cleary


Significance of epicardial and intrathoracic adipose tissue volume among type 1 diabetes patients in the DCCT/EDIC: A pilot study, Sirous Darabian, Jye Yu C. Backlund, Patricia A. Cleary, Nasim Sheidaee, Ionut Bebu, John M. Lachin, Matthew J. Budoff, D. M. Nathan, B. Zinman, O. Crofford, Saul Genuth, J. Brown-Friday, J. Crandall, H. Engel, S. Engel, H. Martinez, M. Phillips, M. Reid, H. Shamoon, J. Sheindlin, R. Gubitosi-Klug, L. Mayer, S. Pendegast, H. Zegarra, D. Miller, L. Singerman, S. Smith-Brewer, M. Novak, J. Quin, M. Palmert, E. Brown, and J. McConnell


Albuminuria Changes and Cardiovascular and Renal Outcomes in Type 1 Diabetes: The DCCT/EDIC Study., Ian H de Boer, Xiaoyu Gao, Patricia A Cleary, Ionut Bebu, John M Lachin, Mark E Molitch, Trevor Orchard, Andrew D Paterson, Bruce A Perkins, Michael W Steffes, and Bernard Zinman


Characterizing the Association Between Alcohol and HIV Virologic Failure in a Military Cohort on Antiretroviral Therapy., Robert G Deiss, Octavio Mesner, Brian K Agan, Anuradha Ganesan, Jason F Okulicz, Mary Bavaro, Tahaniyat Lalani, Thomas A O'Bryan, Ionut Bebu, and Grace E Macalino


Risk factors for Cardiovascular Disease in Type 1 Diabetes., Diabetes Control and Complications Trial (DCCT)-Epidemiology of Diabetes Interventions and Complications (EDIC) Research Group, David M Nathan, Ionut Bebu, Barbara H Braffett, Trevor J Orchard, Catherine C Cowie, Maria Lopes-Virella, Mark Schutta, and John M. Lachin


Arsenic in Drinking Water and Lung Cancer Mortality in the United States: An Analysis Based on US Counties and 30 Years of Observation (1950-1979)., Hamid Ferdosi, Elisabeth K Dissen, Nana Ama Afari-Dwamena, Ji Li, Rusan Chen, Manning Feinleib, and Steven H Lamm


Heart failure outcomes with empagliflozin in patients with type 2 diabetes at high cardiovascular risk: results of the EMPA-REG OUTCOME® trial., David Fitchett, Bernard Zinman, Christoph Wanner, John M. Lachin, Stefan Hantel, Afshin Salsali, Odd Erik Johansen, Hans J Woerle, Uli C Broedl, and Silvio E Inzucchi


Socioecological factors influencing women's HIV risk in the United States: qualitative findings from the women's HIV SeroIncidence study (HPTN 064)., Paula M Frew, Kimberly Parker, Linda Vo, Danielle Haley, Ann O'Leary, Dazon Dixon Diallo, Carol E Golin, Irene Kuo, Lydia Soto-Torres, Jing Wang, Adaora A Adimora, Laura A Randall, Carlos Del Rio, Sally Hodder, and HIV Prevention Trials Network 064 (HTPN) Study Team.


The Intersection of Women’s Health and Poverty, P M. Frew, K A. Parker, L Vo, D F. Haley, T McGovern, L E. Owens, L D. White, A O'Leary, C E. Golin, Irene Kuo, S Hodder, and L Randall


The genetic architecture of type 2 diabetes, Christian Fuchsberger, Jason Flannick, Tanya Teslovich, Anubha Mahajan, Vineeta Agarwala, Kathleen A. Jablonski, and +Several additional authors


Pooled Analysis of Active Cigarette Smoking and Invasive Breast Cancer Risk in 14 Cohort Studies., Mia M Gaudet, Brian D Carter, Louise A Brinton, Roni T Falk, Inger T Gram, Juhua Luo, Roger L Milne, Sarah J Nyante, Elisabete Weiderpass, Laura E Beane Freeman, Dale P Sandler, Kim Robien, Kristin E Anderson, Graham G Giles, Wendy Y Chen, Diane Feskanich, Tonje Braaten, Claudine Isaacs, Lesley M Butler, Woon-Puay Koh, Alicja Wolk, Hans-Olov Adami, Emily White, Karen L Margolis, Michael J Thun, and Susan M Gapstur


Design of lifestyle intervention trials to prevent excessive gestational weight gain in women with overweight or obesity, Rebecca G. Clifton, Mary Evans, Alison G. Cahill, Paul W. Franks, Dympna Gallagher, Suzanne Phelan, Jeremy Pomeroy, Leanne M. Redman, and Linda Van Horn


Detectable Viral Load in Late Pregnancy among Women in the Rwanda Option B+ PMTCT Program: Enrollment Results from the Kabeho Study., Michelle M Gill, Heather J Hoffman, Emily A Bobrow, Placidie Mugwaneza, Dieudonne Ndatimana, Gilles F Ndayisaba, Cyprien Baribwira, Laura Guay, and Anita Asiimwe


Development of a large urban longitudinal HIV clinical cohort using a web-based platform to merge electronically and manually abstracted data from disparate medical record systems: technical challenges and innovative solutions., Alan E. Greenberg, Harlen Hays, Amanda D. Castel, Thilakavathy Subramanian, Lindsey Powers Happ, Maria Jaurretche, Jeff Binkley, Mariah M. Kalmin, Kathy Wood, and Rachel Hart


Effects of prior intensive insulin therapy and risk factors on patient-reported visual function outcomes in the Diabetes Control and Complications Trial/Epidemiology of Diabetes Interventions and Complications (DCCT/EDIC) cohort, Rose A. Gubitosi-Klug, Wanjie Sun, Patricia A. Cleary, Barbara H. Braffett, Lloyd Paul Aiello, Arup Das, William Tamborlane, and Ronald Klein


Factors associated with recruitment and retention in randomized controlled trials of behavioral interventions for patients with pediatric type 1 diabetes., Linda J. Herbert, Catherine Gillespie, Maureen Monaghan, Clarissa Holmes, and Randi Streisand


Cardiovascular autonomic neuropathy, sexual dysfunction, and urinary incontinence in women with type 1 diabetes, James M. Hotaling, Aruna V. Sarma, Darshan P. Patel, Barbara H. Braffett, Patricia A. Cleary, Eva Feldman, William H. Herman, Catherine L. Martin, Alan M. Jacobson, Hunter Wessells, and Rodica Pop-Busui


Is Mid-trimester Insulin Resistance Predictive of Subsequent Puerperal Infection? A Secondary Analysis of Randomized Trial Data, Brenna L. Hughes, Rebecca G. Clifton, John C. Hauth, Kenneth J. Leveno, Leslie Myatt, Uma M. Reddy, Michael W. Varner, Ronald J. Wapner, Brian M. Mercer, Alan M. Peaceman, Susan M. Ramin, Jorge E. Tolosa, George Saade, and Yoram Sorokin


Patient and Genetic Counselor Perceptions of In-Person versus Telephone Genetic Counseling for Hereditary Breast/ovarian Cancer., Aryana S Jacobs, Marc D Schwartz, Heiddis Valdimarsdottir, Rachel H Nusbaum, Gillian W Hooker, Tiffani A DeMarco, Jessica E Heinzmann, Wendy McKinnon, Shelley R McCormick, Claire Davis, Andrea D Forman, Alexandra Perez Lebensohn, Emily Dalton, Diana Moglia Tully, Kristi D Graves, Morgan Similuk, Beth N Peshkin, and S Kelly


Reduced levels of genital tract immune biomarkers in postmenopausal women: implications for HIV acquisition., Mariel Jais, Naji Younes, Stacey Chapman, Susan Cu-Uvin, and Mimi Ghosh


Reduced levels of genital tract immune biomarkers in postmenopausal women: implications for HIV acquisition., Mariel Jais, Naji Younes, Stacey Chapman, Susan Cu-Uvin, and Mimi Ghosh


The Management of Myelomeningocele Study: Obstetrical Outcomes and Risk Factors for Obstetrical Complications Following Prenatal Surgery, Mark P Johnson, Kelly A Bennett, Larry Rand, Pamela K Burrows, Elizabeth A. Thom, Lori J Thom, Jody A Farrell, Mary E Dabrowiak, John W Brock, Diana L Farmer, and N Scott Adzick


Sexually transmitted diseases, Jeanne A. Jordan


Multi-site clinical evaluation of the Xpert(®) HIV-1 viral load assay., Jeanne A. Jordan, J. C. Plantier, K. Templeton, and A. H. B. Wu


Testosterone and depressive symptoms among men in the Diabetes Prevention Program., Catherine Kim, Elizabeth Barrett-Connor, Vanita R Aroda, Kieren J Mather, Costas A Christophi, Edward S Horton, Xavier Pi-Sunyer, George A Bray, Fernand Labrie, and Sherita Hill Golden


Testosterone and cardiac mass and function in men with type 1 diabetes in the Epidemiology of Diabetes Interventions and Complications Study (EDIC), Catherine Kim, Ionut Bebu, Barbara Braffett, Patricia A. Cleary, Valerie Arends, Michael Steffes, Hunter Wessells, Trevor Orchard, and Aruna V. Sarma


Ovarian reserve in women with Type 1 diabetes in the Diabetes Control and Complications Trial/Epidemiology of Diabetes Interventions and Complications Study, C. Kim, R. L. Dunn, B. Braffett, P. A. Cleary, V. Arends, M. Steffes, M. S.M. Lanham, J. F. Randolph, H. Wessells, M. F. Wellons, and A. V. Sarma

Use of Handheld Ultrasound in Ambulatory Heart Failure Patients: Relationship to Clinical Assessment and Outcomes., Ju H. Kim, Gurusher Panjrath, Helma Parikh, Heather Young, Brian G. Choi, and Jannet Lewis


Qualitative Methodological Approach, Irene Kuo


Willingness to use HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis among community-recruited, older people who inject drugs in Washington, DC., Irene Kuo, Halli Olsen, Rudy Patrick, Gregory Phillips II, Manya Magnus, Jenevieve Opoku, Anthony Rawls, James Peterson, Flora Hamilton, Michael Kharfen, and Alan E. Greenberg


Substance Use Among Women in Poverty, Irene Kuo, Melissa Turner, Claudia Trezza, and J Peterson


Intensive Diabetes Treatment and Cardiovascular Outcomes in Type 1 Diabetes: The DCCT/EDIC Study 30-Year Follow-up., John M. Lachin and Diabetes Control and Complications Trial (DCCT)/Epidemiology of Diabetes Interventions and Complications (EDIC) Study Research Group.


Glycemic Control and Urinary Tract Infections in Women with Type 1 Diabetes: Results from the DCCT/EDIC, Sara M. Lenherr, J. Quentin Clemens, Barbara H. Braffett, Patricia A. Cleary, Rodney L. Dunn, James M. Hotaling, Alan M. Jacobson, Catherine Kim, William Herman, Jeanette S. Brown, Hunter Wessells, Aruna V. Sarma, D. M. Nathan, B. Zinman, O. Crofford, S. Genuth, J. Brown-Friday, J. Crandall, H. Engel, S. Engel, H. Martinez, M. Phillips, M. Reid, H. Shamoon, J. Sheindlin, R. Gubitosi-Klug, L. Mayer, S. Pendegast, H. Zegarra, D. Miller, L. Singerman, and S. Smith-Brewer


Glycaemic control and risk of incident urinary incontinence in women with Type 1 diabetes: results from the Diabetes Control and Complications Trial and Epidemiology of Diabetes Interventions and Complications (DCCT/EDIC) study, S. M. Lenherr, J. Q. Clemens, B. H. Braffett, R. L. Dunn, P. A. Cleary, C. Kim, W. H. Herman, J. M. Hotaling, A. M. Jacobson, J. S. Brown, H. Wessells, and A. V. Sarma


Receipt of HIV prevention interventions is more common in community-based clinics than in primary care or acute care settings for Black men who have sex with men in the District of Columbia., Matthew E. Levy, Christopher Chauncey Watson, Sara Nelson Glick, Irene Kuo, Leo Wilton, Russell A. Brewer, Sheldon D. Fields, Vittoria Criss, and Manya Magnus


FTO genotype and weight loss: systematic review and meta-analysis of 9563 individual participant data from eight randomised controlled trials., Katherine M Livingstone, Carlos Celis-Morales, George D Papandonatos, Bahar Erar, Jose C Florez, Kathleen A Jablonski, Cristina Razquin, Amelia Marti, Yoriko Heianza, Tao Huang, Frank M Sacks, Mathilde Svendstrup, Xuemei Sui, Timothy S Church, Tiina Jääskeläinen, Jaana Lindström, Jaakko Tuomilehto, Matti Uusitupa, Tuomo Rankinen, Wim H M Saris, Torben Hansen, Oluf Pedersen, Arne Astrup, Thorkild I A Sørensen, Lu Qi, George A Bray, Miguel A Martinez-Gonzalez, J Alfredo Martinez, Paul W Franks, Jeanne M McCaffery, Jose Lara, and John C Mathers


Breaking Down the Siloes: Developing Effective Multidisciplinary HIV Research Teams., Manya Magnus and Amanda Castel


Preterm Neonatal Morbidity and Mortality by Gestational Age: A Contemporary Cohort., Tracy A Manuck, Madeline Murguia Rice, Jennifer L Bailit, William A Grobman, Uma M Reddy, Ronald J Wapner, John M Thorp, Steve N Caritis, Mona Prasad, Alan T N Tita, George R Saade, Yoram Sorokin, Dwight J Rouse, Sean C Blackwell, and Jorge E Tolosa


Bone mineral properties in growing Col1a2(+/G610C) mice, an animal model of osteogenesis imperfecta., Marco Masci, Min Wang, Laurianne Imbert, Yihe Huang, Yan Ma, and + 7 more


Completeness of Serious Adverse Drug Event Reports Received by The US Food and Drug Administration in 2014., Thomas J Moore, Curt D Furberg, Donald R Mattison, and Michael R Cohen


Importance of hereditary and selected environmental risk factors in the etiology of inflammatory breast cancer: a case-comparison study., Roxana Moslehi, Elizabeth Freedman, Nur Zeinomar, Carmela Veneroso, and Paul H. Levine


Importance of hereditary and selected environmental risk factors in the etiology of inflammatory breast cancer: a case-comparison study., Roxana Moslehi, Elizabeth Freedman, Nur Zeinomar, Carmela Veneroso, and Paul H. Levine


Serum Antioxidants Are Associated with Serum Reproductive Hormones and Ovulation among Healthy Women., Sunni L. Mumford, Richard Browne, Karen C. Schliep, Jonathan Schmelzer, Torie C. Plowden, Kara A. Michels, Lindsey A. Sjaarda, Shvetha M. Zarek, Neil J. Perkins, Lynne C. Messer, Rose G. Radin, Jean Wactawski-Wende, and Enrique F. Schisterman


Estimating bisphenol A exposure levels using a questionnaire targeting known sources of exposure., Sarah Oppeneer Nomura, Lisa Harnack, and Kim Robien


Improving HIV surveillance data for public health action in Washington, DC: A novel multiorganizational data-sharing method, Joanne Michelle F. Ocampo, J. C. Smart, Adam Allston, Reshma Bhattacharjee, Sahithi Boggavarapu, Sharon Carter, Amanda D. Castel, Jeff Collmann, Colin Flynn, Auntré Hamp, Diana Jordan, Seble Kassaye, Michael Kharfen, Garret Lum, Raghu Pemmaraju, Anne Rhodes, Jeff Stover, and Mary A. Young


Characterization of HIV Diversity, Phylodynamics and Drug Resistance in Washington, DC., Marcos Pérez-Losada, Amanda D Castel, Brittany Lewis, Michael Kharfen, Charles P Cartwright, Bruce Huang, Taylor Maxwell, Alan E Greenberg, and Keith A Crandall


Exposure to air pollution as a potential contributor to cognitive function, cognitive decline, brain imaging, and dementia: A systematic review of epidemiologic research., Melinda C Power, Sara D Adar, Jeff D Yanosky, and Jennifer Weuve


Exposure to air pollution as a potential contributor to cognitive function, cognitive decline, brain imaging, and dementia: A systematic review of epidemiologic research., Melinda C. Power, Sara D Adar, Jeff D Yanosky, and Jennifer Weuve


Life-course blood pressure in relation to brain volumes., Melinda C. Power, Andrea L. C. Schneider, Lisa Wruck, Michael Griswold, Laura H. Coker, Alvaro Alonso, Clifford R. Jack, David Knopman, Thomas H. Mosley, and Rebecca F. Gottesman


APOE ε4 allele modifies the association of lead exposure with age-related cognitive decline in older individuals., Diddier Prada, Elena Colicino, Melinda C Power, Marc G Weisskopf, Jia Zhong, Lifang Hou, Avron Spiro, Pantel Vokonas, Kasey Brenan, Luis A Herrera, Joel Schwartz, Robert Wright, Howard Hu, and Andrea A Baccarelli


APOE ε4 Allele Modifies the Association of Lead Exposure with Age-related Cognitive Decline in Older Individuals, Diddier Prada, Elena Colicino, Melinda C. Power, Marc G Weisskopf, Jia Zhong, Lifang Hou, Avron Spiro, Pantel Vokonas, and Plus 4 others...


Interruptions of antiretroviral therapy in children and adolescents with HIV infection in clinical practice: a retrospective cohort study in the USA., Natella Rakhmanina, Kam S Lam, Jaclyn Hern, Heather A. Young, Alex Walters, and Amanda D. Castel


New locus for skin intrinsic fluorescence in type 1 diabetes also associated with blood and skin glycated proteins, Delnaz Roshandel, Ronald Klein, Barbara E.K. Klein, Bruce H.R. Wolffenbuttel, Melanie M. Van Der Klauw, Jana V. Van Vliet-Ostaptchouk, Gil Atzmon, Danny Ben-Avraham, Jill P. Crandall, Nir Barzilai, Shelley B. Bull, Angelo J. Canty, S. Mohsen Hosseini, Linda T. Hiraki, John Maynard, David R. Sell, Vincent M. Monnier, Patricia A. Cleary, Barbara H. Braffett, and Andrew D. Paterson


Poor glycemic control is associated with reduced prostate specific antigen concentrations in men with type 1 diabetes, Aruna V. Sarma, James Hotaling, Rodney L. Dunn, Patricia A. Cleary, Barbara H. Braffett, Catherine Kim, Catherine Martin, William Herman, Patricia Gatcomb, Alan M. Jacobson, Sarah K. Holt, and Hunter Wessells


The relationship between sugar-sweetened beverages and liver enzymes among healthy premenopausal women: a prospective cohort study., Maya K Shimony, Karen C Schliep, Enrique F Schisterman, Katherine A Ahrens, Lindsey A Sjaarda, Yaron Rotman, Neil J Perkins, Anna Z Pollack, Jean Wactawski-Wende, and Sunni L Mumford


Epigenetic regulation of soluble guanylate cyclase (sGC) β1 in breast cancer cells., Alex Sotolongo, Fabiola Zakia Mónica, Alex Kots, Haijie Xiao, Jun Liu, Edward Seto, Ka Bian, and Ferid Murad


Empagliflozin and Progression of Kidney Disease in Type 2 Diabetes, Christoph Wanner, Silvio E Inzucchi, John M. Lachin, David Fitchett, Maximilian von Eynatten, Michaela Mattheus, Odd Erik Johansen, Hans J Woerle, Uli C Broedl, and Bernard Zinman


Ovarian Cancer Risk Factors by Histologic Subtype: An Analysis From the Ovarian Cancer Cohort Consortium, N. Wentzensen, E. Poole, B. Trabert, E. White, A. Arslan, A. Patel, Kimberly Robien, and +several additional authors


Retention of mothers and infants in the prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV programme is associated with individual and facility-level factors in Rwanda., Godfrey B Woelk, Dieudonne Ndatimana, Sally Behan, Martha Mukaminega, Epiphanie Nyirabahizi, Heather J. Hoffman, Placidie Mugwaneza, Muhayimpundu Ribakare, Anouk Amzel, and B Ryan Phelps


A pilot study of rapid hepatitis C testing in probation and parole populations in Rhode Island, Nickolas Zaller, Emily Patry, Lauri B. Bazerman, Amanda Noska, Irene Kuo, Ann Kurth, and Curt G. Beckwith


Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Utilization Rate, Hospital Volume, and Perioperative Outcomes After Total Knee Arthroplasty, Wei Zhang, Stephen Lyman, Carla Boutin-Foster, Michael L Parks, Ting-Jung Pan, Alexis Lan, and Yan Ma


Male Pattern Baldness in Relation to Prostate Cancer–Specific Mortality: A Prospective Analysis in the NHANES I Epidemiologic Follow-up Study, Cindy Ke Zhou, Paul H Levine, Sean D. Cleary, Heather J. Hoffman, Barry I Graubard, and Michael B. Cook


Variation in the Glucose Transporter Gene SLC2A2 is Associated with Glycemic Response to Metformin, Kaixin Zhou, Sook Wah Yee, Eric L Seiser, Nienke van Leeuwen, Roger Tavendale, Amanda J Bennett, Christopher J Groves, Ruth L Coleman, Amber A van der Heijden, Joline W Beulens, Catherine E de Keyser, Linda Zaharenko, Daniel M Rotroff, Mattijs Out, Kathleen A. Jablonski, and +33 others

Submissions from 2015


Prenatal Vitamin C and e supplementation in smokers is associated with reduced placental abruption and preterm birth: A secondary analysis, A. Abramovici, R. E. Gandley, R. G. Clifton, K. J. Leveno, L. Myatt, R. J. Wapner, J. M. Thorp, B. M. Mercer, A. M. Peaceman, P. Samuels, A. Sciscione, M. Harper, G. Saade, and Y. Sorokin


Author Self-Disclosure Compared to Pharmaceutical Company Reporting of Physician Payments., Hani A Alhamoud, Ramzi Dudum, Heather A Young, and Brian G Choi