Epidemiology Faculty Publications | Epidemiology | Himmelfarb Health Sciences Library, The George Washington University


Submissions from 2010

Effect of Prior Intensive Insulin Treatment During the Diabetes Control and Complications Trial (DCCT) on Peripheral Neuropathy in Type 1 Diabetes During the Epidemiology of Diabetes Interventions and Complications (EDIC) Study, J. W. Albers, W. H. Herman, R. Pop-Busui, E. L. Feldman, and C. L. Martin

Obesity and outcomes among patients with established atrial fibrillation, A. Ardestani, H.J. Hoffman, and H.A. Cooper

Inflammatory breast cancer in Tunisia: Epidemiological and clinical trends, H Boussen, H Bouzaiene, JB Hassouna, T Dhiab, and F Khomsi

Analysis of HIV tropism in Ugandan infants, JD Church, W Huang, A Mwatha, P Musoke, and JB Jackson

Toxocara infection in the United States: the relevance of poverty, geography and demography as risk factors, and implications for estimating county prevalence, P Congdon and P Lloyd

Neonatal outcomes and operative vaginal delivery versus cesarean delivery, SA Contag, RG Clifton, SL Bloom, CY Spong, and MW Varner

Mortality Patterns of Army Chemical Corps Veterans Who were Occupationally Exposed to Herbicides in Vietnam, Y. Cypel and H. Kang

A one-step, real-time PCR assay for rapid detection of rhinovirus, DH Do, S Laus, A Leber, MJ Marcon, and JA Jordan

A cluster of inflammatory breast cancer (IBC) in an office setting: Additional evidence of the importance of environmental factors in IBC etiology, TJ Duke, NC Jahed, CC Veneroso, R Da Roza, and O Johnson

SAFER Latinos: a community partnership to address contributing factors for Latino youth violence., Mark Edberg, Sean D. Cleary, Elizabeth Andrade, Rodrigo Leiva, Martha Bazurto, Maria Ivonne Rivera, Luisa Montero, and Melba Calderon


The SAFER latinos project: Addressing a community ecology underlying Latino Youth violence, Mark Edberg, Sean D. Cleary, Elizabeth Collins, Joanne Klevens, Rodrigo Leiva, Martha Bazurto, Ivonne Rivera, Alex Taylor Del Cid, Luisa Montero, and Melba Calderon

A school-based intervention for diabetes risk reduction, GD Foster, B Linder, T Baranowski, DM Cooper, and L Goldberg

A School-based intervention for diabetes risk reduction, GD Foster, B Linder, T Baranowski, DM Cooper, and L Goldberg

Ready for Prime Time, R Fulcher, P Honore, B Kirkwood, and R Riegelman

Does C-reactive protein predict recurrent preeclampsia, HS Gammill, RW Powers, RG Clifton, JP Van Dorsten, and MA Klebanoff

Thimerosal exposure & increasing trends of premature puberty in the vaccine safety datalink, D. A. Geier, H. A. Young, and M. R. Geier

Cancers, infections, and endocrine diseases in women with endometriosis, JAL Gemmill, P Stratton, SD Cleary, ML Ballweg, and N Sinaii

Biologic Implications from an Epidemiologic Study of Chromate Production Workers, H. Gibb, H.J. Hoffman, and C. Haver

Provider satisfaction and patient outcomes associated with a statewide prison telemedicine program in Louisiana, M Glaser, T Winchell, P Plant, W Wilbright, and M Kaiser

Provider satisfaction and patient outcomes associated with a statewide prison telemedicine program in Louisiana., M Glaser, T Winchell, P Plant, W Wilbright, and M Kaiser

The effects of salsalate on glycemic control in patients with type 2 diabetes: A randomized trial, A. B. Goldfine, V. Fonseca, K. A. Jablonski, L. Pyle, and M. A. Staten

Failure to preserve B-cell function with mycophenolate mofetil and daclizumab combined therapy in patients with new-onset type 1 diabetes, P. A. Gottlieb, S. Quinlan, H. Krause-Steinrauf, C. J. Greenbaum, and D. M. Wilson

Soluble leptin receptor and leptin are associated with baseline adiposity and metabolic risk factors, and predict adiposity, metabolic syndrome, and glucose levels at 2-year follow-up: the Cyprus Metabolism Prospective Cohort Study, OP Hamnvik, X Liu, M Petrou, H Gong, and J Chamberland

Omega-3 Fatty Acid Supplementation to Prevent Recurrent Preterm Birth A Randomized Controlled Trial, M Harper, E Thom, MA Klebanoff, J Thorp, and Y Sorokin

Vitamin C and E Supplementation to Prevent Spontaneous Preterm Birth A Randomized Controlled Trial, JC Hauth, RG Clifton, JM Roberts, CY Spong, and L Myatt

Common variants in 40 genes assessed for diabetes incidence and response to metformin and lifestyle intervention in the diabetes prevention program, KA Jablonski, JB McAteer, PIW De Bakker, PW Franks, and TI Pollin

Fatness, fitness, and cardiometabolic risk factors among sixth-grade youth, R Jago, KL Drews, RG McMurray, D Thompson, and SL Volpe

Effect of smoking on circulating angiogenic factors in high risk pregnancies, A Jeyabalan, RW Powers, RG Clifton, P van Dorsten, and JC Hauth

Molecular diagnosis of neonatal sepsis, J.A. Jordan

Multicenter study evaluating performance of the smart group B streptococcus (GBS) assay using an enrichment protocol for detecting GBS colonization in patients in the antepartum period, JA Jordan, G Hall, and T Davis

Rosiglitazone Decreases C-Reactive Protein to a Greater Extent Relative to Glyburide and Metformin Over 4 Years Despite Greater Weight Gain: Observations from A Diabetes Outcome Progression Trial (ADOPT), S. E. Kahn, S. M. Haffner, G. Viberti, W. H. Herman, and J. M. Lachin

Effects of metformin and weight loss on serum alanine aminotransferase activity in the diabetes prevention program, J Krakoff, JM Clark, JP Crandall, C Wilson, and ME Molitch

Point: Intensive glycemic control and mortality in ACCORD - A chance finding?, JM Lachin

Pregnancy does not affect HIV incidence test results obtained using the BED capture enzyme immunoassay or an antibody avidity assay, O Laeyendecker, JD Church, AE Oliver, A Mwatha, and SM Owen

The authors reply, MB Landon, CY Spong, and E Thom

Effects of sex, race, and puberty on cortical bone and the functional muscle bone unit in children, adolescents, and young adults, M. B. Leonard, A. Elmi, S. Mostoufi-Moab, J. Shults, and J. M. Burnham

What is inflammatory breast cancer? revisiting the case definition, PH Levine, L Zolfaghari, H Young, M Hafi, and T Cannon

Considerations in Using US-Based Laboratory Toxicity Tables to Evaluate Laboratory Toxicities Among Healthy Malawian and Ugandan Infants, IR Lubega, MG Fowler, PM Musoke, A Elbireer, and D Bagenda

Characteristics Associated With Retention Among African American and Latino Adolescent HIV-Positive Men: Results From the Outreach, Care, and Prevention to Engage HIV-Seropositive Young MSM of Color Special Project of National Significance Initiative, M. Magnus, K. Jones, G. Phillips, D. Binson, and L. B. Hightow-Weidman

Elevated HIV prevalence despite lower rates of sexual risk behaviors among black men in the District of Columbia who have sex with men, M Magnus, I Kuo, G Phillips, K Shelley, and A Rawls

Risk factors driving the emergence of a generalized heterosexual HIV epidemic in Washington, District of Columbia networks at risk, M. Magnus, I. Kuo, K. Shelley, A. Rawls, and J. Peterson

Absence of mitochondrial progesterone receptor polymorphisms in women with spontaneous preterm birth, TA Manuck, TM Price, E Thom, PJ Meis, and MP Dombrowski

Development and progression of renal insufficiency with and without albuminuria in adults with type 1 diabetes in the diabetes control and complications trial and the epidemiology of diabetes interventions and complications study, ME Molitch, M Steffes, W Sun, B Rutledge, and P Cleary

The digital rectal examination scoring system (DRESS), BA Orkin, SB Sinykin, and PC Lloyd

Polymorphisms of estrogen receptors and risk of biliary tract cancers and gallstones: A population-based study in Shanghai, China, SK Park, G Andreotti, A Rashid, J Chen, and PS Rosenberg

A genome-wide association study identifies a novel major locus for glycemic control in type 1 diabetes, as measured by both A1C, A. D. Paterson, D. Waggott, A. P. Boright, S. M. Hosseini, and E. Shen

Development of a Citywide Integrative Model to Reduce Breast Cancer Disparities in Washington, DC, SD Patierno, NL LaVerda, LM Alexander, PH Levine, and HA Young

Human mammary tumor virus in inflammatory breast cancer, BG Pogo and PH Levine

DCCT and EDIC studies in type 1 diabetes: Lessons for diabetic neuropathy regarding metabolic memory and natural history, R Pop-Busui, WH Herman, EL Feldman, PA Low, and CL Martin

Soluble fms-Like Tyrosine Kinase 1 (sFlt1), endoglin and placental growth factor (PlGF) in preeclampsia among high risk pregnancies, RW Powers, A Jeyabalan, RG Clifton, P van Dorsten, and JC Hauth

Viral pathogens, M.V. Ragni, K.E. Sherman, and J.A. Jordan

Evaluating the Brighton Collaboration case definitions, aseptic meningitis, encephalitis, myelitis, and acute disseminated encephalomyelitis, by systematic analysis of 255 clinical cases, B Rath, M Magnus, and U Heininger

Evaluating the Brighton Collaboration case definitions, aseptic eningitis, encephalitis, and acute disseminated encephalomyelitis, by systematic analysis of 255 clinical cases, B. Rath, M. Magnus, and U. Heininger

Education for health: an educational underpinning for Healthy People 2020, R Riegelman


From the schools of public health: On academics: Education for health: An educational underpinning for healthy people 2020, R. Riegelman

Vitamins C and E to Prevent Complications of Pregnancy-Associated Hypertension, J. M. Roberts, L. Myatt, C. Y. Spong, E. A. Thom, and J. C. Hauth

Antidepressant Medicine Use and Risk of Developing Diabetes During the Diabetes Prevention Program and Diabetes Prevention Program Outcomes Study, RR Rubin, Y Ma, M Peyrot, DG Marrero, and DW Price

Gadolinium-enhanced magnetic resonance agiography for pulmonary embolism: A multicenter prospective study (PIOPED III), P. D. Stein, T. L. Chenevert, S. E. Fowler, L. R. Goodman, and A. Gottschalk

Human papillomavirus prevalence and cytopathology correlation in young Ugandan women using a low-cost liquid-based Pap preparation, JM Taube, B Kamira, M Motevalli, C Nakabiito, and R Lukande

Design of a family-based lifestyle intervention for youth with type 2 diabetes: the TODAY study, TODAY Study Group

Analysis of HIV diversity using a high-resolution melting assay, WI Towler, MM James, SC Ray, L Wang, and D Donnell

Associations between anthropometry, cigarette smoking, alcohol consumption, and non-hodgkin lymphoma in the prostate, lung, colorectal, and ovarian cancer screening trial, JD Troy, P Hartge, JL Weissfeld, MM Oken, and GA Colditz

Comparison of urinary albumin-creatinine ratio and albumin excretion rate in the diabetes control and complications trial/epidemiology of diabetes interventions and complications study, N. Younes, P.A. Cleary, M.W. Steffes, I.H. De Boer, and M.E. Molitch

Investigating the Risk of Cancer in 1990-1991 US Gulf War Veterans With the Use of State Cancer Registry Data, H. A. Young, J. D. Maillard, P. H. Levine, S. J. Simmens, and C. M. Mahan

Effect rosiglitazone, metformin, and glyburide on bone biomarkers in patients with type 2 diabetes, B. Zinman, S. M. Haffner, W. H. Herman, R. R. Holman, and J. M. Lachin

Submissions from 2009

HIV prevalence and associated risk factors among individuals aged 13-34 years in rural Western Kenya, P. N. Amornkul, H. Vanderhoudt, P. Nasokho, F. Odhiambo, and D. Mwaengo

Main determinants of cigarette smoking in youth based on the 2006 Cyprus GYTS, C. A. Christophi, E. C. G. Savvides, P. Demokritou, and G. N. Connolly

The first therapeutic game specifically designed and evaluated for Alzheimer's disease, G. D. Cohen, K. M. Firth, S. Biddle, M. J. Lloyd Lewis, and S. Simmens

Urinary Tract Infections in Women With Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus: Survey of Female Participants in the Epidemiology of Diabetes Interventions and Complications Study Cohort, C. A. Czaja, B. N. Rutledge, P. A. Cleary, K. Chan, and A. E. Stapleton

Social marketing-based communications to integrate and support the HEALTHY study intervention, L. L. DeBar, M. Schneider, E. G. Ford, A. E. Hernandez, and B. Showell

Association of diet with glycated hemoglobin during intensive treatment of type 1 diabetes in the diabetes control and complications trial, L. M. Delahanty, D. M. Nathan, J. M. Lachin, F. B. Hu, and P. A. Cleary

Recruitment and retention strategies and methods in the HEALTHY study, K. L. Drews, J. S. Harrell, D. Thompson, S. L. Mazzuto, and E. G. Ford

Sexual Dysfunction in Women With Type 1 Diabetes Long-term findings from the DCCT/EDIC study cohort, P. Enzlin, R. Rosen, M. Wiegel, J. Brown, and H. Wessells

Rationale, design and methods of the HEALTHY study nutrition intervention component, B. Gillis, C. Mobley, D. D. Stadler, J. Hartstein, and A. Virus

Effect of progression from impaired glucose tolerance to diabetes on cardiovascular risk factors and its amelioration by lifestyle and metformin intervention: the Diabetes Prevention Program randomized trial by the Diabetes Prevention Program Research Group, R. B. Goldberg, M. Temprosa, S. Haffner, T. J. Orchard, and R. E. Ratner

Diagnostic experience among 4,334 women reporting surgically diagnosed endometriosis, R. Greene, P. Stratton, S. D. Cleary, M. L. Ballweg, and N. Sinaii

Utility of pyrosequencing in identifying bacteria directly form positive blood culture bottles, J. A. Jordan, J. Jones-Laughner, and M. B. Durso

Is There an Epidemic of Suicides among Current and Former U.S. Military Personnel?, H. K. Kang and T. A. Bullman

Futility interim monitoring with control of type I and II error probabilities using the interim Z-value or confidence limit, J. M. Lachin

A statistical framework for integrating two microarray data sets in differential expression analysis, Y. Lai, S. E. Eckenrode, and J.X. She

A multicenter, randomized trial of treatment for mild gestational diabetes, M. B. Landon, C. Y. Spong, E. Thom, M. W. Carpenter, and S. M. Ramin

A review of the status of the doctor of public health degree and identification of future issues, J. M. Lee, S. E. Furner, J. Yager, and D. Hoffman

Predictors of heart failure in patients with stable coronary artery disease: A PEACE study, E. F. Lewis, S. D. Solomon, K. A. Jablonski, M. M. Rice, and F. Clemenza

Evaluating health information technology: provider satisfaction with an HIV-specific, electronic clinical management and reporting system, M. Magnus, J. Herwehe, L. Andrews, L. Gibson, and N. Daigrepont

Risk factors driving the emergence of a generalized heterosexual HIV epidemic in Washington, District of Columbia networks at risk, M. Magnus, I. Kuo, K. Shelley, A. Rawls, and J. Peterson

The TrialNet natural history study of the development of type 1 diabetes: Objectives, design, and initial results, J. L. Mahon, J. M. Sosenko, L. Rafkin-Mervis, H. Krause-Steinrauf, and J. M. Lachin

Evaluating the accuracy of an aneroid sphygmomanometer in a clinical trial setting, Y. Ma, M. Temprosa, S. Fowler, P. R. J., and J. Brown-Friday

Rationale design and methods of the HEALTHY study physical education intervention component, R. G. McMurray, S. Bassin, R. Jago, S. Bruecker, and E. L. Moe

Modern-day clinical course of type 1 diabetes mellitus after 30 years' duration: The diabetes control and complications trial/epidemiology of diabetes interventions and complications and Pittsburgh epidemiology of diabetes complications experience, D. M. Nathan, B. Zinman, P. A. Cleary, J.Y.C. Backlund, and R. Miller

A sensitive cardiac troponin T assay in stable coronary artery disease, T. Omland

Sexual dysfunction and sympton impact in men with long-standing type 1 diabetes in the DCCT/EDIC cohort, D. F. Penson, H. Wessells, P. Cleary, and B. N. Rutledge

Regression from pre-diabetes to normal glucose regulation in the diabetes prevention program, L. Perreault, S. E. Kahn, C. A. Christophi, W. C. Knowler, and R. F. Hamman

Effects of prior intensive insulin therapy on cardiac autonomic nervous system function in type 1 diabetes mellitus: The diabetes control and complications trial/epidemiology of diabetes interventions and complications study (DCCT/EDIC), R. Pop-Busui, P. A. Low, B. H. Waberski, C. L. Martin, and J. W. Albers

Urinary Incontinence Among Women With Type 1 Diabetes-How Common is it?, A. V. Sarma, A. M. Kanaya, L. M. Nyberg, J. W. Kusek, and E. Vittinghoff

Rationale, design and methods for process evaluation in the HEALTHY study, M. Schneider, W. J. Hall, A. E. Hernandez, K. Hindes, and G. Montez

The correlation between elevated cardiac troponin I and pulmonary artery obstruction index in ED patients with pulmonary embolism, H. Shokoohi, R. Shesser, J.P. Smith, M.C. Hill, and R. Hirsch

Maternal plasma concentrations of the soluble tumor necrosis factor receptor 2 are increased prior to the diagnosis of preeclampsia, B. Sibai

Essential role for eIF4GI overexpression in the pathogenesis of inflammatory breast cancer, D. Silvera, R. Arju, F. Darvishian, P. H. Levine, and L. Zolfaghari

The obesity epidemic and future emergency responders, A. J. Tsismenakis, C. A. Christophi, J. W. Burress, A. M. Kinney, and M. Kim