Submissions from 2009
Effect of Intensive Glycemic Control and Diabetes Complications on Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms in Men With Type 1 Diabetes, S. K. Van Den Eeden, A. V. Sarma, B. N. Rutledge, P. A. Cleary, and J. W. Kusek
Rationale, design and methods of the HEALTHY study behavior intervention component, E. M. Venditti, D. L. Elliot, M. S. Faith, L. S. Firrell, and C. M. Giles
Submissions from 2008
Multiple superoxide dismutase 1/splicing factor serine alanine 15 variants are associated with the development and progression of diabetic nephropathy, H. Al-Kateb, A. P. Boright, L. Mirea, X. Xie, and R. Sutradhar
Prevalence and social environment of cigarette smoking in Cyprus youth, C. A. Christophi, O. Kolokotroni, H. R. Alpert, C. W. Warren, and N. R. Jones
The First Therapeutic Game Specifically Designed and Evaluated for Alzheimer's Disease, G. D. Cohen, K. M. Firth, S. Biddle, M. J. L. Lewis, and S. Simmens
Insulin therapy, hyperglycemia, and hypertension in type 1 diabetes mellitus, I. H. de Boer, B. Kestenbaum, T. C. Rue, M. W. Steffes, and P. A. Cleary
Global affordability of fluoride toothpaste, A. S. Goldman, R. Yee, C. J. Holmgren, and H. Benzian
Global affordability of fluoride toothpaste, A. S. Goldman, R. Yee, C. J. Holmgren, and H. Benzian
Sudden cardiac death in patients with stable coronary artery disease and preserved left ventricular systolic function, J. Hsia, K. A. Jablonski, M. M. Rice, M. S. Sabatine, and M. Zabalgoitia
Hookworm, Ascaris lumbricoides infection and polyparasitism associated with poor cognitive performance in Brazilian schoolchildren, A. Jardim-Botelho, S. Raff, R. D. Rodrigues, H. J. Hoffman, and D. J. Diemert
Electronic record linkage to identify deaths among persons with AIDS - District of Columbia, 2000-2005, T. Jolaosho, J. Gauntt, T. West-Ojo, A. D. Castel, R. M. Selik, T. Durant, P. J. Peters, and E. Tai
Rosiglitazone-associated fractures in type 2 diabetes - an analysis from a diabetes outcome progression trial (ADOPT), S. E. Kahn, B. Zinman, J. M. Lachin, S. M. Haffner, and W. H. Herman
Applicability, reliability, sensitivity, and specificity of six Brighton Collaboration standardized case definitions for adverse events following immunization, K. S. Kohl, M. Magnus, R. Ball, N. Halsey, and S. Shadomy
Effect of glycemic exposure on the risk of microvascular complications in the diabetes control and complications trial--revisited, J. M. Lachin, S. Genuth, D. M. Nathan, B. Zinman, and B. N. Rutledge
Teaching excellence in public health: A call to action, J. M. Lee, D. Kleinbaum, M. Diener-Axest, D. M. Grimley, and W. L. Hellerstedt
The epidemiology of inflammatory breast cancer, P. H. Levine and C. Veneroso
Evaluating health information technology: Provider satisfaction with an HIV-specific, electronic clinical management and reporting system, M. Magnus, J. Herwehe, L. Andrews, L. Gibson, and N. Daigrepont
Epidemiology of new cases of HIV-1 infection in children referred to the metropolitan pediatric hospital in Washington, DC, N. Y. Rakhtmanina, A. Sill, A. Baghdassarian, K. Bruce, and K. Williams
Prevention of Diabetes in Women with a History of Gestational Diabetes: Effects of Metformin and Lifestyle Interventions, R. E. Ratner, C. A. Christophi, B. E. Metzger, D. Dabelea, and P. H. Bennett
Undergraduate public health education - Past, present, and future, R. K. Riegelman
Evidence-Based Public Health Education as Preparation for Medical School, R. K. Riegelman and D. R. Garr
A randomized, controlled trial of magnesium sulfate for the prevention of cerebral palsy, D. J. Rouse, D. G. Hirtz, E. Thom, M. W. Varner, and C. Y. Spong
Understanding sequelae of injury mechanism and mild traumatic brain injury incurred during the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan: persistent post concussive symptons and post traumatic stress disorder., A. I. Schneiderman, E. R. Braver, and H. K. Kang
Urinary tract infections in children, S. Sedberry-Ross and H. G. Pohl
Point and interval estimation of accuracies of a binary medical diagnostic test following group sequential testing, Y. Shu, A. Y. Liu, and Z. H. Li
Methods of Prospective Investigation of Pulmonary Embolism Diagnosis III (PIOPED III), P. D. Stein, A. Gottschalk, H. D. Sostman, T. L. Chenevert, and S. E. Fowler
Early age at first childbirth associated with advanced tumor grade in breast cancer, C. Veneroso, R. Seigel, and P. H. Levine
Close Relationships and Emotional Processing Predict Decreased Mortality in Women with Breast Cancer: Preliminary Evidence, K. L. Weihs, T. M. Enright, and S. J. Simmens
Testing the biobehavioral family model in pediatric asthma: Pathways of effect, B. L. Wood, J. Lim, B. D. Miller, P. Cheah, and T. Zwetsch
Two-stage group sequential robust tests in family-based association studies: controlling type I error, L. K. Yan, G. Zheng, and Z. Li
Thimerosal exposure in infants and neurodevelopmental disorders: an assessment of computerized medical records in the Vaccine Safety Datalink, H. A. Young, D. A. Geier, and M. R. Geier
Submissions from 2007
Histologic variants of papillary and follicular carcinomas associated with anaplastic spindle and giant cell carcinomas of the thyroid: An analysis of rhabdoid and thyroglobulin inclusions, J. Albores-Saavedra, M. Hernandez, S. Sanchez-Sosa, K. Simpson, and A. Angeles
Adenomyomatous hyperplasia of the gallbladder with perineural invasion - Revisited, J. Albores-Saavedra, B. Keenportz, P. A. Bejarano, A. A. Alexander, and D. E. Henson
Repeatability of paired counts, N. Alexander, J. Bethony, R. CorrĂȘa-Oliveira, L. C. Rodrigues, and P. Hotez
X-ray structures of Na-GST-1 and Na-GST-2 two glutathione s-transferase from the human hookworm Necator americanus, O. A. Asojo, K. Homma, M. Sedlacek, M. Ngamelue, and G. N. Goud
Natural history of cervical funneling in women at high risk for spontaneous preterm birth, V. Berghella, J. Owen, C. MacPherson, N. Yost, and M. Swain
Uterine weight as a predictor of morbidity after a benign abdominal and total laparoscopic hysterectomy, D. J. Bonilla, L. Mains, R. Whitaker, B. Crawford, and M. Finan
Age-related changes in hookworm infection, anaemia and iron deficiency in an area of high Necator americanus hookworm transmission in south-eastern Brazil., S. Brooker, A. Jardim-Botelho, R. J. Quinnell, M. G. Stefan, and R. C. Iramaya
College and University Compliance with a Required Meningococcal Vaccination Law, A. D. Castel, G. Reed, M. G. Davenport, L. H. Harrison, and D. Blythe
Molecular cloning and characterization of Ac-MTP-2, an astacin-like metalloprotease released by adult Ancylostoma caninum, J. Feng, B. Zhan, Y. Liu, S. Liu, and A. Williamson
Efficacy of a parent-based sexual-risk prevention program for African American preadolescents: a randomized controlled trial, R. Forehand, L. Armistead, N. Long, S. C. Wyckoff, and B. A. Kotchick
A peer-education intervention to reduce injection risk behaviors for HIV and hepatitis C virus infection in young injection drug users, R. S. Garfein, E. T. Golub, A. E. Greenberg, H. Hagan, and D. L. Hanson
Stage-specific immune responses in human Necator americanus infection, S. M. Geiger, I. R. Caldas, B. E. McGlone, A. C. Campi-Azevedo, and L. M. De Oliveira
National mass drug administration costs for lymphatic filariasis elimination, A. S. Goldman, V. H. Guisinger, M. Aikins, M. L. Amarillo, and V. Y. Belizario
Do customer complaints predict poor restaurant inspection scores? the experience in alexandria, Virginia, 2004-2005, A. K. Goodin and K. C. Klontz
Population-based analysis of pathologic data: a new approach to the investigation of uterine endometrial and ovarian endometrioid carcinomas, D. E. Henson, A. M. Schwartz, A. Tilara, P. M. Grimley, and W. F. Anderson
Depressive symptomatology and mental health help-seeking patterns of US- and foreign-born mothers, Z. H. J. Huang, F. Y. Wong, C. R. Ronzio, and S. M. Yu
Inhibition of prostate cancer growth by resveratrol and muscadine grape skin extract through distinct mechanisms, T. S. Hudson, D. Hartle, S. Hurstings, N. Nunez, and S. Perkin
Earlier age at diagnosis: another dimension in cancer disparity?, S. Karami, H. A. Young, and D. E. Henson
Factors associated with recent-onset injection drug use among drug users in Pakistan, I. Kuo, S. Ul-Hasan, T. Zafar, N. Galai, and S. G. Sherman
Factors associated with diabetes onset during metformin versus placebo therapy in the diabetes prevention program, J. M. Lachin, C. A. Christophi, S. L. Edelstein, D. A. Ehrmann, and R. F. Hamman
The hemoglobin glycation index is not an independent predictor of the risk of microvascular complications in the diabetes control and complications trial, J. M. Lachin, D. M. Nathan, and B. N. Rutledge
A composite design for transition from a preliminary to a full-scale study, J. M. Lachin and N. Younes
The national institute of child health and human development maternal-fetal medicine unit network randomized clinical trial in progress, M. B. Landon, E. Thom, C. Y. Spong, M. Carpenter, and L. Mele
A new approach for 'deep salvage' trials in advanced HIV infection, M. M. Lederman, V. Miller, I. Weller, and S. G. Deeks
Association between complementary and alternative medicine use and adherence to highly active antiretroviral therapy in the women's interagency hiv study., C. Liu, V. Lerch, K. Weber, M. F. Schneider, and G. B. Sharp
Guidelines for effective integration of information technology in the care of HIV-infected populations, M. Magnus, J. Herwehe, R. J. Proescholdbell, F. Lombard, and A. Cajina
Perioperative morbidity and mortality from major gynecologic surgery in the elderly woman, L. M. Mains, M. Magnus, and M. Finan
Early- and late-onset breast cancer types among women in the United States and Japan., R. K. Matsuno, W. F. Anderson, S. Yamamoto, H. Tsukuma, and R. M. Pfeiffer
Reliable surrogate outcome measures in multicenter clinical trials of Duchenne muscular dystrophy, J. E. Mayhew, J. M. Florence, T. P. Mayhew, E. K. Henricson, and R. T. Leshner
Effectiveness of repeat single-dose nevirapine for prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV-1 in repeat pregnancies in Uganda, M. S. McConnell, P. Balaki, C. Eure, M. Mubiru, and D. Bagenda
Long-term trandolapril treatment is associated with reduced aortic stiffness. The prevention of events with angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibition hemodynamic substudy, G. F. Mitchell, M. E. Dunlap, W. Warnica, A. Ducharme, and J. M. O. Arnold
The prevalence of retinopathy in impaired glucose tolerance and recent-onset diabetes in the Diabetes Prevention Program., D. M. Nathan, E. Chew, C. A. Christophi, M. D. Davis, and S. Fowler
Prognostic value of B-Type natriuretic peptides in patients with stable coronary artery disease: the PEACE Trial, T. Omland, M. S. Sabatine, K. A. Jablonski, M. M. Rice, and J. Hsia
Preventing blood contamination in nuclear pharmacies: Lessons from an outbreak of hepatitis C virus infections and contaminated 99mTc- Sestamibi [1], Priti R. Patel, Joseph F. Perz, Anthony E. Fiore, and Amanda D. Castel
The effect of intensive diabetes treatment on resting heart rate in type 1 diabetes - The diabetes control and complications trial/epidemiology of diabetes interventions and complications study, A. D. Paterson, B. N. Rutledge, P. A. Cleary, J. M. Lachin, and R. S. Crow
Adverse health outcomes after Hurricane Katrina among children and adolescents with chronic conditions, B. Rath, J. Donato, A. Duggan, K. Perrin, and D. R. Bronfin
Undergraduate Public Health Education: Supporting the Future of Public Health, R. K. Riegelman
Prognostic significance of the Centers for Disease Control/American Heart Association high-sensitivity C-reactive protein cut points for cardiovascular and other outcomes in patients with stable coronary artery disease., M. S. Sabatine, D. A. Morrow, K. A. Jablonski, M. M. Rice, and J. W. Warnica
Prognostic utility of lipoprotein-associated phospholipase A2 for cardiovascular outcomes in patients with stable coronary artery disease, M. S. Sabatine, D. A. Morrow, M. O'Donoghue, K. A. Jablonski, and M. M. Rice
Sequential evaluation of a medical diagnostic test with binary outcomes, Y. Shu, A. Liu, and Z. Li
Treatment utilization for endometriosis symptoms: a cross-sectional survey study of lifetime experience, N. Sinaii, S. D. Cleary, N. Younes, M. L. Ballweg, and P. Stratton
Influence of albuminuria on cardiovascular risk in patients with stable coronary artery disease, S. D. Solomon, J. Lin, C. G. Solomon, K. A. Jablonski, and M. M. Rice
Mental health of U.S. Gulf War veterans 10 years after the war, R. Toomey, H. Kang, J. Karlinsky, D. Baker, and J. Vasterling
Submissions from 2006
Midpregnancy genitourinary tract infection with Chlamydia trachomatis: Association with subsequent preterm delivery in women with bacterial vaginosis and Trichomonas vaginalis, W. W. Andrews, M. A. Klebanoff, E. A. Thom, J. C. Hauth, and J. C. Carey
Presence of diabetes risk factors in a large US eighth-grade cohort, T. Baranowski, A. Canada, K. Cullen, R. Jago, and M. Missaghian
Presence of diabetes risk factors in a large U.S. eighth-grade cohort, T. Baranowski, D. M. Cooper, J. Harrell, K. Hirst, and F. R. Kaufman
Analysis of Tumors Arising in Male B6C3F1 Mice with and without AAV Vector Delivery to Liver, P. Bell, A. D. Moscioni, R. J. McCarter, D. Wu, and G. Gao
Soil-transmitted helminth infections: ascariasis, trichuriasis, and hookworm, J. Bethony, S. Brooker, M. Albonico, S. M. Geiger, and A. Loukas
Chronic multisymptom illness complex in Gulf War I veterans 10 years later, M. S. Blanchard, S. A. Eisen, R. Alpern, J. Karlinsky, and R. Toomey
Fetal pulse oximetry and cesarean delivery, S. L. Bloom, C. Y. Spong, E. Thom, M. W. Varner, and D. J. Rouse
An ounce of prevention on a budget: a nonprofit approach to developing vaccines against neglected diseases, M. E. Bottazzi, A. P. Miles, D. Diemert, and P. J. Hotez
Contrasting patterns in the small-scale heterogeneity of human helminth infections in urban and rural environments in Brazil, S. Brooker, N. Alexander, S. Geiger, R. A. Moyeed, and J. Stander
The impact of professionally conducted cultural programs on the physical health, mental health, and social functioning of older adults, G. D. Cohen, S. Perlstein, J. Chapline, J. Kelly, and K. M. Firth
Is conception delay a risk factor for reduced gestation or birthweight?, M. A. Cooney, G. M. Buck, W. Sun, M. M. Rice, and M. A. Klebanoff
The influence of age on the effects of lifestyle modification and metformin in prevention of diabetes, J. Crandall, D. Schade, Y. Ma, W. Y. Fujimoto, and E. Barrett-Connor
Obesity and cardiovascular events in patients with established coronary disease, M. J. Domanski, K. A. Jablonski, M. M. Rice, S. E. Fowler, and E. Braunwald
Spouse of Gulf War I veterans: medical evaluation of a U.S. cohort, S. A. Eisen, J. Karlinsky, L. W. Jackson, M. Blanchard, and H. K. Kang
Inter- and intra-ethnic differences for female breast carcinoma incidence in the continental United States and in the state of Hawaii, M. Fong, D. E. Henson, S. S. Devesa, and W. F. Anderson
The impact of concurrent and treated Ancylostoma ceylanicum hookworm infections on the immunogenicity of a recombinant hookworm vaccine in hamsters, K. Ghosh, W. Wu, A. D. Antoine, M. E. Bottazzi, and J. G. Valenzuela
Healthcare utilization and mortality among veterans of the Gulf War, G. C. Gray and H. K. Kang
Shigellosis and cryptosporidiosis, Baltimore, Maryland, D.M. Hartley, K.C. Klontz, P. Ryan, and J.G. Morris
Understanding the effect of deployment on the risk of fatal motor vehicle crashes: a nested case-control study of fatalities in Gulf War era veterans, 1991-1995, T. I. Hooper, S. F. DeBakey, K. S. Bellis, H. K. Kang, and D. N. Cowan
New technologies for the control of human hookworm infection. (Special Issue: Practical parasitology.), P. J. Hotez, J. Bethony, M. E. Bottazzi, S. Brooker, and D. Diemert
The antipoverty vaccines, P. J. Hotez and M. T. Ferris
Incorporating a rapid-impact package for neglected tropical diseases with programs for HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria.[see comment], P. J. Hotez, D. H. Molyneux, A. Fenwick, E. Ottesen, and S. Ehrlich Sachs
Emerging and widening colorectal carcinoma disparities between Blacks and Whites in the United States (1975-2002), K. Irby, W. F. Anderson, D. E. Henson, and S. S. Devesa
Comparison of sarcoidosis phenotypes among affected African-American siblings, M. A. Judson, K. Hirst, S. K. Iyengar, B. A. Rybicki, and L. El Ghormli
Glycemic durability of rosiglitazone, metformin, or glyburide monotherapy, S. E. Kahn, S. M. Haffner, M. A. Heise, W. H. Herman, and R. R. Holman