Epidemiology Faculty Publications | Epidemiology | Himmelfarb Health Sciences Library, The George Washington University


Submissions from 2004

A note on appropriate use of statistical tests of mutation rates from ordered groups., J. L. Gastwirth and B. Freidlin

Thrombosed external hemorrhoids: outcome after conservative or surgical management., J. Greenspon, S.B. Williams, H.A. Young, and B.A. Orkin

Comparison of phenethyl and 6-phenylhexyl isothiocynate induced-toxicity in rat esophagheal cell lines with and without glutathione depletion/supplementation., T.S. Hudson, G.D. Stoner, M.A. Morse, H.A. Young, and S.R. Mallery

Relationship between physical activity and diet among African-American girls, R. Jago, T. Baranowski, S. Yoo, K. W. Cullen, and I. Zakeri

The prevalence of refractive errors among adults in the United States, Western Europe, and Australia, A. H. Kempen, P. Mitchell, K. E. Lee, J. M. Tielsch, and A. T. Broman

The prevalence of diabetic retinopathy among adults in the United States, J. H. Kempen, B. J. O'Colmam, C. Leske, S. M. Haffner, and R. Klein

Association of extreme first-trimester free human chorionic gonadotropin-beta, pregnancy-associated plasma protein A, and nuchal translucency with intrauterine growth restriction and other adverse pregnancy outcomes, D. Krantz, L. Goetzl, J. L. Simpson, E. Thom, and J. Zachary

HIV/AIDS prevention programs: methodologies and insights from the dynamic modeling literature, G.R. Krieger, M. Magnus, and S.E. Hassig

Conflicts of interest in data monitoring of industry versus publicly financed clinical trials., J.M. Lachin

Maternal and perinatal outcomes associated with a trial of labor after prior cesarean delivery, M. B. Landon, J. C. Hauth, K. J. Leveno, C. Y. Spong, and S. Leindecker

Increasing evidence for a human breast carcinoma virus with geographic differences., P.H. Levine, B.G. Pogo, A. Klouj, S. Coronel, and K. Woodson

The effect of vitamin therapy on the progression of coronary artery atherosclerosis varies by haptoglobin type in postmenopausal women, A. P. Levy, P. Friedenberg, R. Lotan, P. Ouyang, and M. Tripputi

On the power of affected relative pair designs for linkage studies, Z. Li and J. L. Gastwirth

Effect of IgG therapy on lymphocyte subpopulations in the peripheral blood of Kuwaiti women experiencing recurrent pregnancy loss, F. Mahmoud, M. Diejomaoh, A. Omu, H. Abul, and D. Haines

In vitro effects of astaxanthin combined with ginkgolide B on T lymphocyte activation in peripheral blood mononuclear cells from asthmatic subjects, F. F. Mahmoud, D. D. Haines, H. T. Abul, A. T. Abal, and B. O. Onadeko

Cryptosporidiosis Susceptibility and Risk: A Case Study, A. Makri, R. Modarres, and R. Parkin

Dietary intake in the diabetes prevention program Cohort: Baseline and 1-year post-randomization, E. J. Mayer-Davis, K. C. Sparks, K. Hirst, T. Costacou, and J. C. Lovejoy

Biological variation in HbA(1c) predicts risk of retinopathy and nephropathy in type 1 diabetes, R. J. McCarter, R. Gomez, J. M. Hempe, and S. A. Chalew

Perineal talc exposure and epithelial ovarian cancer risk in the Central Valley of California., P.K. Mills, D.G. Riordan, R.D. Cress, and H.A Young

Odds ratios for a continuous outcome variable without dichotomizing, B. K. Moser and L. P. Coombs

Prenatal nicotine exposure alters central cardiorespiratory responses to hypoxia in rats: implications for Sudden Infant Death Syndrome., R.A. Neff, S.J. Simmens, C. Evans, and D. Mendelowitz

Late first-trimester invasive prenatal diagnosis: Results of an international randomized trial, J. Philip, R. K. Silver, R. D. Wilson, E. A. Thom, and J. M. Zachary

Sequential pathways of testing after first-trimester screening for trisomy 21, L. D. Platt, N. Greene, A. Johnson, J. Zachary, and E. Thom

Differences in pulsatile ocular blood flow among three classifications of diabetic retinopathy., H.I. Savage, J.W. Hendrix, D.C. Peterson, H.A. Young, and C.P. Wilkinson

Large infection problems in small patients merit a renewed emphasis on prevention, N. Singh

Psychometric properties of optimism and pessimism: results from the girls' health enrichment multisite studies, W. C. Taylor, T. Baranowski, L. M. Klesges, E. Sydney, and C. Pratt

Physical activity self-report and accelerometry measures from the Girls health Enrichment Multi-site Studies, M. S. Treuth, N. E. Sherwood, T. Baranowski, N. F. Butte, and D. R. Jacobs

Number and gestational age of prior preterm births does not modify the predictive value of a short cervix, N. P. Yost, J. Owen, V. Berghella, C. MacPherson, and M. Swain

Second-trimester cervical sonography: Features other than cervical length to predict spontaneous preterm birth, N. P. Yost, J. Owen, V. Berghella, C. MacPherson, and M. Swain

Use of a crop and job specific exposure matrix for estimating cumulative exposure to triazine herbicides among female agricultural workers in the Central Valley of California., H.A. Young, P.K. Mills, D. Riordan, and R. Cress

Submissions from 2003

Within-trial cost-effectiveness of lifestyle intervention or metformin for the primary prevention of type 2 diabetes, Anon

The fun, food and fitness project (FFFP): The Baylor GEMS pilot study, T. Baranowski, J.C. Baranowski, D.W. Cullen, D.I. Thompson, and T. Nicklas

Study design of the Medical Therapy of Prostatic Symptoms (MTOPS) trial, O. M. Bautista, J. W. Kusek, L. M. Nyberg, J. D. McConnell, and R. P. Bain

Urinary matrix metalloproteinases as a potential screening test for gynecologic malignancies, L.B. Bazzett, M. Magnus, D.D. Taylor, and C. Gercel-Taylor

Child- and parent-targeted interventions: the Memphis GEMS pilot study, B.M. Beech, R.C. Klesges, S.K. Kumanyika, D.M. Murray, and L. Klesges

Alcohol, aging, and cognitive performance: a cross-cultural comparison, G.E. Bond, R. Burr, M.M. Rice, S.M. McCurry, and A.B. Graves

Confronting depression and suicide in physicians - A consensus statement, C. Center, M. Davis, T. Detre, D. E. Ford, and W. Hansbrough

Nasopharyngeal carcinoma and genetic polymorphisms of DNA repair enzymes XRCC1 and hOGG1, E. Y. Cho, A. Hildesheim, C. J. Chen, M. M. Hsu, and I. H. Chen

Correlation of expression of BP1, a homeobox gene, with estrogen receptor status in breast cancer, S. Fu, A. Schwartz, H. Stevenson, J.J. Pinzone, and G.J. Davenport

The public health impact of scioeconomic status on adolescent depression and obesity, E. Goodman, G. B. Slap, and B. Huang

On psychiatry, epidemiology, and statistics: a view from the 1950s and 1960s, S. W. Greenhouse

Early pregnancy threshold vaginal pH and Gram stain scores. predictive of subsequent preterm birth in asymptomatic women, J. C. Hauth, C. MacPherson, J. C. Carey, M. A. Klebanoff, and S. L. Hillier

Corrections for bias in maximum likelihood parameter estimates due to nuisance parameters, M.X. Hu and J.M. Lachin

Plasma prekallikrein: a risk factor for hypertension and nephropathy in type-1 diabetes., A.A. Jaffa, R. Durazo-Arvizu, D. Zheng, D.T. Lackland, and S. Srikanth

NMR analysis of lipoprotein subclasses in the EDIC cohort: associations with gender and glycemia., A.J. Jenkins, T.J. Lyons, J. Otvos, D. Zheng, and D.T. Lackland

Incidence of lung, eye, and skin lesions as late complications in 34,000 Iranians with wartime exposure to mustard agent, S. Khateri, M. Ghanei, S. Keshavarz, M. Soroush, and D. Haines

Anthropometric measures, cytokines and survival in haemodialysis patients, P.L. Kimmel, L.S. Chawla, A. Amarasinghe, R.A. Peterson, and K.L. Weihs

Partner notification for HIV and syphilis: effects on sexual behaviors and relationship stability, P.J. Kissinger, L.M. Nicolai, M. Magnus, T.A. Farley, and J.E. Maher

Sexual behavior after HIV diagnosis and disclosure, P. Kissinger, M. O'Brien, G. Richardson-Alston, M. Magnus, and C.L. Besch

Fibrinogen is a marker for nephropathy and peripheral vascular disease in type 1 diabetes: studies of plasma fibrinogen and fibrinogen gene polymophism in the DCCT/EDIC cohort., R.L. Klein, S.J. Hunter, A.J. Jenkins, D. Zheng, and A.J. Semler

Phase 1 of the Girls Health Enrichment Multi-Site Stuides (GEMS): conclusion, S.K. Kumanyika, E. Obarzanek, T.N. Robinson, and B. Beech

Supplement 1: phase 1 of the Girls Health Enrichment Multi-Site Studies (GEMS), S.K. Kumanyika, E. Obarzanek, T.N. Robinson, and B. Beech

Collaborative planning for formative assessment and cultural appropriateness in the Girls Health Enrichment Multi-Site studies (GEMS): a retrospective, S.K. Kumanyika, M. Story, B.M. Beech, N.E. Sherwood, and J.C. Baranowski

A tribute to Samuel W. Greenhouse., J.M. Lachin

Group sequential large sample T2-like X2 tests for multivariate observations., J.M. Lachin, S.W. Greenhouse, and O.M. Bautista

Over-ruling a group sequential boundary - a stopping rule versus a guideline, K.K.G. Lan, J.M. Lachin, and O.M. Bautista

Trichomonas vaginalis among HIV-infected women: are immune status or protease inhibitor use associated with T vaginasis, M. Magnus, R. Clark, L. Myers, T. Farley, and P. Kissinger

Trichomonas vaginalis among HIV-infected women - Are immune status or protease inhibitor use associated with subsequent T-vaginalis positivity?, M. Magnus, R. Clark, L. Myers, T. Farley, and P. J. Kissinger

Butyrylcholinesterase activity and pregnancy-associated differences in immunologically relevant peripheral blood leukocyte populations, F. Mahmoud, D. Haines, H. Abul, and A. Omu

The long-term effect of doxazosin, finasteride, and combination therapy on the clinical progression of benign prostatic hyperplasia, J.D. McConnell, R.G. Claus, O.M. Bautista, Jr. G.L. Andriole, and C.M. Dixon

Prevention of recurrent preterm delivery by 17 alpha-hydroxyprogesterone caproate, P. J. Meis, M. Klebanoff, E. Thom, M. P. Dombrowski, and B. Sibai

Uterine contraction frequency before and after successful tocolytic therapy for preterm uterine contractions, R. B. Newman, F. Johnson, A. Das, R. L. Goldenberg, and M. Swain

The health-related quality of life effects of once-daily cetirizine HCl in patients with seasonal allergic rhinitis: a randomized double-blind, placebo-controlled trial, M. J. Noonan, G. D. Raphael, A. Nayak, L. Greos, and A. O. Olufade

Relationship of family history of type 2 diabetes, hypoglycemia and autoantibodies to weight gain and lipids with intensive and conventional therapy in the diabetes control and complications trial., J.Q. Purnell, R.K. Dev, M.W. Steffes, P.A. Cleary, and J.P. Palmer

Dance and reducing television viewing to prevent weight gain in African-American girls: the Stanford GEMS pilot study, T.N. Robinson, J.D. Killen, H.C. Kraemer, D.M. Wilson, and D.M. Matheson

Common design elements of the Girls Health Enrichment Multi-Site Studies (GEMS), J. Rochon, R.C. Klesges, M. Story, T.N. Robinson, and T. Baranowski

Urban premature mortality in the US between 1980 and 1990: Changing roles of income inequality and social spending, C. R. Ronzio

Sustained effect of intensive treatment of type 1 diabetes mellitus on the development and progression of diabetic nephropathy in epidemiology of diabetes interventions and complications (EDIC) study., M. Steffes, M. Molitch, B. Chavers, P. Cleary, and J. Lachin

Relationship of body mass index, race, age, education, and income to self-reported health-related quality of life in middle-aged women, N.R. Stegon, W.L. Johnson-Taylor, S.D. Cleary, and H.A. Young

An after-school obesity prevention program for African-American girls: the Minnesota GEMS pilot project, M. Story, N.E. Sherwood, J.H. Himes, M. Davis, and D.R. Jacobs

Recruitment of African-American pre-adolescent girls into an obesity prevention trial: the GEMS pilot studies, M Story, N.E. Sherwood, E. Obarzanek, B.M. Beech, and J.C. Baranowski

Intensive diabetes therapy and carotid intima-media thickness in type 1 diabetes mellitus, The Diabetes Control and Complications Trial

Costs associated with the primary prevention of type 2 diabetes mellitus in the Diabetes Prevention Program., The Diabetes Prevention Program

Effects of withdrawal from metformin on the development of diabetes in the diabetes prevention program., The Diabetes Prevention Program Research Group.

Within-trial cost-effectiveness of lifestyle intervention or metformin for the primary prevention of type 2 diabetes., The Diabetes Prevention Program Research Group.

What we have learned about conducting randomized controlled trials in the NICHD MFMU network, E.A. Thom and D.J. Rouse

Validity and reliability of activity measures in African-American girls for GEMS, M. S. Treuth, N. E. Sherwood, N. F. Butte, B. McClanahan, and E. Obarzanek

Seroincidence of human T-lymphotropic virus type I infection and characterization of seroconverters in Jamaican food handlers, P. C. Van Veldhuisen, M. Walters, T. Sawada, P. H. Levine, and R. Wilks

Autoimmune response to advanced glycosylation end-products of human LDL, G. Virella, S.R. Thorpe, N.L. Alderson, E.M. Stephan, and D. Atchley

First-trimester screening for trisomies 21 and 18, R Wapner

Maternal panic disorder: infant temperament, neurophysiology and parenting behaviors, S.L. Warren, M.R. Gunnar, J. Kagan, T.F. Anders, and S.J. Simmens

Factor analysis of fatiguing syndrome in Gulf War era veterans: implications for etiology and pathogenesis, H.A. Young, S.J. Simmens, H.K. Kang, C.M. Mahan, and P.H. Levine

Submissions from 2002

The Maternal Lifestyle Study: Drug exposure during pregnancy and short-term maternal outcomes, C.R. Bauer, S. Shankaran, H.S. Bada, B. Lester, and L.L. Wright

Adverse perinatal outcomes are significantly higher in severe gestational hypertension than in mild preeclampsia, A. Buchbinder, B.M. Sibai, S. Caritis, C. MacPherson, and J. Hauth

Cancer knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, and practices (KABP) of disadvantaged women in the South Bronx., J. Carter, E. Park, A. Moadel, S.D. Cleary, and C. Morgan

[Epidemiology of homicides in Cali, Colombia, 1993-1998: six years of a population-based model]. [Spanish], A. Concha-Eastman, V. E. Espitia, R. Espinosa, and R. Guerrero

Body size and serum levels of insulin and leptin in relation to the risk of benign prostatic hyperplasia, S.E. Dahle, A.P. Chokkalingam, Y.T. Gao, J. Deng, and F.Z. Stanczyk

Risk factors and outcome of varicella-zoster virus pneumonia in pregnant women, J.H. Harger, J.M. Ernest, G.R. Thurnau, A. Moawad, and V. Momirova

Human leukocyte antigen (HLA) class I and II alleles and extended haplotypes are consistently associated with nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) in Taiwan., A. Hildesheim, R.J. Apple, C.J. Chen, S.S. Wang, and Y.J. Cheng

Natural history of primary canine hookworm infections following three different oral doses of third-stage infective larvae of Ancylostoma caninum., P.J. Hotez, Z. Bin, J. Bethony, Q. Jin, and J.M. Hawdon

Frequency of uterine contractions and the risk of spontaneous preterm delivery, J.D. Iams, R.B. Newman, E.A. Thom, R.L. Goldenberg, and E. Mueller-Heubach

Mortality among US and UK veterans of the Persian Gulf War: a review, H.K. Kang, T.A. Bullman, G.J. Macfarlane, and G.C. Gray

Evidence for a deployment related gulf war syndrome by factor analysis., H.K. Kang, S. Simmens, C.M. Mahan, H.A. Young, and K.Y. Lee

Recruitment for a clinical trial of drug treatment for benign prostatic hyperplasia, J.W. Kusek, A. Ahrens, P.K. Burrows, H.S. Clarke, and H.E. Foster

Statistical properties of Teng and Risch's sibship type tests for detecting an association between disease and a candidate allele, Z. Li, M.H. Gail, D. Pee, and J.L. Gastwirth

Inflammatory breast cancer is associated with an increased microvessel density compared with non-inflammatory breast cancer., N. McCarthy, I. Linnoila, M. Merino, S. Paik, and A. Parr

Older adults and functional decline: A cross-cultural comparison., S.M. McCurry, L.E. Gibbons, G.E. Bond, M.M. Rice, and A.B. Graves

Treatment expectancies, patient alliance, and outcome: Further analyses from the NIMH Treatment of Depression Collaborative Research program., B. Meyer, P. Pilkonis, J.L. Krupnick, M. Egan, and S. Simmens

The Preterm Prediction Study: The value of serum alkaline phosphatase, alpha-fetoprotein and plasma corticotropin-releasing hormone, and other serum markers for the prediction of spontaneous preterm birth, A.H. Moawad, R.L. Goldenberg, B. Mercer, P.J. Meis, and J.D. Iams

The Preterm Prediction Study: Elevated cervical ferritin levels at 22-24 weeks gestation are associated with spontaneous preterm delivery in asymptomatic women, P.S. Ramsey, T. Tamura, R.L. Goldenberg, B.M. Mercer, and J.D. Iams