Epidemiology Faculty Publications | Epidemiology | Himmelfarb Health Sciences Library, The George Washington University


Submissions from 2006

Obesity is a major determinant of the association of C-reactive protein levels and the metabolic syndrome in type 2 diabetes, S. E. Kahn, B. Zinman, S. M. Haffner, C. O'Neill, and B. G. Kravitz

Risk of selected cardiovascular diseases and posttraumatic stress disorder among former World War II prisoners of war, H. K. Kang, T. A. Bullman, and J. W. Taylor

Health status of Army Chemical Corps Vietnam veterans who sprayed defoliant in Vietnam, H. K. Kang, N. A. Dalager, L. L. Needham, D. G. Patterson, and P. S. J. Lees

Physical activity in individuals at risk for diabetes: Diabetes Prevention Program, A. M. Kriska, S. L. Edelstein, R. F. Hamman, A. Otto, and G. A. Bray

Operating characteristics of sample size re-estimation with futility stopping based on conditional power, J. M. Lachin

A study of Gulf War veterans with a possible deployment-related syndrome, P. H. Levine, P. K. Richardson, L. Zolfaghari, S. D. Cleary, and C. E. Geist

A clinical evaluation of Gulf War veterans with a possible deployment-related neurological syndrome and Gulf War era controls, P. H. Levine, P. K. Richardson, L. Zolfaghari, S. D. Cleary, and S. Potolicchio

The War-Related Illness and Injury Study Centers: A resource for deployment-related health concerns, A. E. Lincoln, D. A. Helmer, A. I. Schneiderman, M. Li, and H. L. Copeland

Motor vehicle fatalities among Gulf War era veterans: characteristics, mechanisms and circumstances, A. E. Lincoln, T. I. Hooper, and H. K. Kang

Novel cystogenic role of basic fibroblast growth factor in developing rodent kidneys, Z. W. Li, M. Jerebtsova, X. H. Liu, P. T. Tang, and P. E. Ray

Statistical analysis for haplotype-based matched case-control studies, Z. Li, H. Zhang, and G. Zheng

Transition to adulthood in congenital heart disease: missed adolescent milestones, M. E. Lyon, K. Kuehl, and R. McCarter

Partner age not associated with recurrent chlamydia trachomatis infection, condom use, or partner treatment and referral among adolescent women, M. Magnus, J. A. Schillinger, J. D. Fortenberry, S. M. Berman, and P. Kissinger

Is there life as an investigator after becoming a pediatric department chair?, R. McCarter and M. L. Batshaw

Mean blood glucose and biological variation have greater influence on HbA(1c) levels than glucose instability - An analysis of data from the Diabetes Control and Complications Trial, R. J. McCarter, J. M. Hempe, and S. A. Chalew

Patterns of health care seeking of gulf war registry members prior to deployment, R. N. Miller, D. J. Costigan, H. A. Young, H. K. Kang, and N. Dalager

Occupational exposure to pfiesteria species in estuarine waters is not a risk factor for illness environ, J. G. Morris, L. A. Wilson, W. A. Meyer, R. McCarter, and H. A. Bowers

Long-Term Correction of Ammonia Metabolism and Prolonged Survival in Ornithine Transcarbamylase-Deficient Mice Following Liver-Directed Treatment with Novel Adeno-associated Viral Vectors, D. Moscioni, H. Morizono, R. J. McCarter, A. Stern, and J. Cabrera-Luque

Integrins in slow cycling corneal epithelial cells at the limbus in the mouse, A. Pajoohesh-Ganji, S. Pal-Ghosh, S. J. Simmens, and M. A. Stepp


Hepatitis C virus infections from a contaminated radiopharmaceutical used in myocardial perfusion studies, Priti R. Patel, A. Kirsten Larson, Amanda D. Castel, Lilia M. Ganova-Raeva, Robert A. Myers, Brenda J. Roup, Katherine P. Farrell, Leslie Edwards, Omana Nainan, John P. Krick, David Blythe, Anthony E. Fiore, and Jeffrey C. Roche

An analysis of SEER data of increasing risk of secondary malignant neoplasms among long-term survivors of childhood brain tumors, K. M. Peterson, C. Shao, R. McCarter, T. J. MacDonald, and J. Byrne

Epidemiology of pediatric mastoiditis in the pre- and post-pneumococcal vaccine eras, M. G. Roddy, S. Glazier, and D. Agrawal

Disparity in location of urban mental service providers, C. R. Ronzio, M. F. Guagliardo, and N. Persaud

Maternal morbidity associated with multiple repeat cesarean deliveries, R. M. Silver, M. B. Landon, D. J. Rouse, K. J. Leveno, and C. Y. Spong

A cross-sectional survey of women with endometriosis: Experiences during the diagnostic process, N. Sinaii, S. D. Cleary, M. L. Ballweg, D. Knoff, and P. Stratton

Physiological changes in venous hemodynamics associated with elective fasciotomy, N. Singh, A. N. Sidawy, C. R. Bottoni, E. Antedomenico, and T. S. Gawley

Renal function and effectiveness of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor therapy in patients with chronic stable coronary disease in the prevention of events with ACE inhibition (PEACE) trial, S. D. Solomon, M. M. Rice, K. A. Jablonski, P. Jose, and M. Domanski

Parametric survival models for interval-censored data with time-dependent covariates, Y. H. Sparling, N. Younes, J. M. Lachin, and O. M. Bautista

Morbidities associated with bullying behaviors in adolescents. School based study of American adolescents, J. C. Srabstein, R. J. McCarter, C. Shao, and Z. J. Huang

Spatial Accessibility of Primary Care Pediatric Services in an Urban Environment: Association With Asthma Management and Outcome, S. J. Teach, M. F. Guagliardo, E. F. Crain, R. J. McCarter, and D. M. Quint

Potential Outcome Factors in Subacute Combined Degeneration: Review of Observational Studies, O. M. Vasconcelos, E. H. Poehm, R. J. McCarter, W. W. Campbell, and Z.M. Quezado

A Diabetes Outcome Progression Trial (ADOPT): baseline characteristics of Type 2 diabetic patients in North America and Europe, G. Viberti, J. Lachin, R. Holman, B. Zinman, and S. Haffner

Maternal Panic Disorder: Infant Prematurity and Low Birth Weight, S. L. Warren, C. Racu, V. Gregg, and S. J. Simmens

Toddler Anxiety Disorders: A Pilot Study, S. L. Warren, P. Umylny, E. Aron, and S. J. Simmens

Effect of coitus on recurrent preterm birth, N. P. Yost, J. Owen, V. Berghella, E. Thom, and M. Swain

The Effects of pulsed 860 MHz radiofrequency radiation on the promotion of neurologic tumors in rats, B. C. Zook and S. J. Simmens

Submissions from 2005

Linkage analysis of anorexia and bulimia nervosa cohorts using selected behavioral phenotypes as quantitative traits or covariates., S.A. Bacanu, C.M. Bulik, K.A. Klump, M.M. Fichter, and K.A. Halmi

Elevated first-trimester nuchal translucency increases the risk of congenital heart defects, R. O. Bahado-Singh, R. Wapner, E. Thom, J. Zachary, and L. Platt

Comparison of yield and genotyping performance of multiple displacement amplification and Omniplex whole genome amplification from multiple DNA sources., A.W. Bergen, K.A. Haque, Y. Qi, M.B. Beerman, and M. Garcia-Closas

Effects of DNA mass on multiple displacement whole genome amplification and genotyping performance., A.W. Bergen, Y. Qi, K.A. Haque, R.A. Welch, and S.J. Chanock

Effects of electron-beam irradiation on whole genome amplification., A.W. Bergen, Y. Qi, K. Haque, R.A. Welch, and M. Garcia-Closas

Association of multiple DRD2 polymorphisms with anorexia nervosa., A.W. Bergen, M. Yeager, R.A. Welch, K. Haque, and J.K. Ganjei

Genetic variation and willingness to participate in epidemiologic research: data from three studies., P. Bhatti, A.J. Sigurdson, S.S. Wang, J. Chen, and N. Rothman

Alcohol and cognitive performance: a longitudinal study of older Japanese Americans: the Kame Project., G.E. Bond, R.L. Burr, S.M. McCurry, M.M. Rice, and A.R. Borenstein

A Summary of the FDA-NIMH-MATRICS Workshop on Clinical Trial Design for Neurocognitive Drugs for Schizophrenia, Robert Buchanan, Miriam Davis, Donald Goff, Michael F. Green, and S. E. Keefe Richard

Selection of eating-disorders phenotypes for linkage analysis., C.M. Bulik, S.A. Bacanu, K.A. Klump, M.M. Fichter, and K.A. Halmi

A comparison of the glycosylation gap and hemoglobin glycation index in patients with diabetes, S. A. Chalew, R. J. McCarter, J. Thomas, J. L. Thomson, and J. M. Hempe

Hospital diversification, S. R. Eastaugh

Immunogenicity of the hookworm Na-ASP-2 vaccine candidate: characterization of humoral and cellular responses after vaccination in the Sprague Dawley rat, R. T. Fujiwara, J. Bethony, L. L. Bueno, Y. Wang, and S. Y. Ahn

Differences in inflammatory cytokine and Toll-like receptor genes and bacterial vaginosis in pregnancy, A. R. Goepfert, M. Varner, K. Ward, C. Macpherson, and M. Klebanoff

Lipid, lipoproteins, C-reactive protein, and hemostatic factors at baseline in the Diabetes Prevention Program, R. B. Goldberg, M. G. Temprosa, S. M. Haffner, T. J. Orchard, and R. Ratner

CDC international HIV prevention research activities among injection drug users in Thailand and Russia, A. E. Greenberg, J. Tappero, K. Choopanya, F. van Griensven, and M. Martin

Trends in inflammatory breast carcinoma incidence and survival: the surveillance, epidemiology, and end results program at the National Cancer Institute., K.W. Hance, W.F. Anderson, S.S. Devesa, H.A. Young, and P.H. Levine

Perinatal outcomes in women with preterm rupture of membranes between 24 and 32 weeks of gestation and a history of vaginal bleeding, M. D. Hnat, B. M. Mercer, G. Thurnau, R. Goldenberg, and E. A. Thom

Comparison of phenethyl and 6-phenylhexyl isothiocyanate-induced toxicity in rat esophageal cell lines with and without glutathione depletion, T. S. Hudson, G. D. Stoner, M. A. Morse, H. Young, and S. R. Mallery

Effects of natural selection on inter-population divergence at polymorphic sites in human protein-coding loci., A. Hughes, B. Packer, R. Welch, A.W. Bergen, and S.J. Chanock

Genome-wide search for sarcoidosis susceptibility genes in African Americans, M. C. Iannuzzi, S. K. Iyengar, C. Gray-McGuire, R. C. Elston, and R. P. Baughman

I know what love means. - Gender-based violence in the lives of urban adolescents, S. B. Johnson, S. Frattaroli, J. Campbell, J. Wright, and A. S. Pearson-Fields

Identification of susceptibility loci for complex diseases in a case-control association study using the GAW14 simulated dataset., K.F. Kerstann, K. Jacobs, R. Yang, A.W. Bergen, and L.R. Goldin

Is bacterial vaginosis a stronger risk factor for preterm birth when it is diagnosed earlier in gestation?, M. A. Klebanoff and A. Moawad

Regenerative medicine: a radical reappraisal of the spleen, S. Kodama, M. Davis, and D. L. Faustman

A review of methods for futility stopping based on conditional power, J. M. Lachin

Maximum information designs., J.M. Lachin

CYP1A1 and CYP1B1 genotypes, haplotypes, and TCDD-induced gene expression in subjects from Seveso, Italy., M.T. Landi, A.W. Bergen, A. Baccarelli, D.G. Jr. Patterson, and J. Grassman

Improving the Case Definition of Inflammatory Breast Cancer, P.H. Levine, B.J. Cartin, J.A. Lowe, D.A. Siegel, and H.A. Young

Is testicular cancer related to Gulf War deployment? Evidence from a pilot population-based study of Gulf War era veterans and cancer registries, P. H. Levine, H. A. Young, S. J. Simmens, D. Rentz, and V. E. Kofie

Is testicular cancer related to Gulf War deployment? Evidence from a pilot population-based study of Gulf War era veterans and cancer registries., P.H. Levine, H.A. Young, S.J. Simmens, D. Rentz, and V.E. Kofie

Power and related statistical properties of conditional likelihood score tests for association studies in nuclear families with parental genotypes., Z. Li, J.L. Gastwirth, and M.H. Gail

Lymphocyte sub-populations in gestational diabetes, F. Mahmoud, H. Abul, A. Omu, and D. Haines

Does progesterone treatment influence risk factors for recurrent preterm delivery?, P. J. Meis, M. Klebanoff, M. P. Dombrowski, B. M. Sibai, and S. Leindecker

Retrospective family study of childhood medulloblastoma, D. Ng, T. Stavrou, L. Liu, M. D. Taylor, and B. Gold

The effect of metformin and intensive lifestyle intervention on the metabolic syndrome: the Diabetes Prevention Program Randomized Trial, T. J. Orchard, M. Temprosa, R. Goldberg, S. Haffner, and R. Ratner

Plasma leptin concentration increases early during highly active antiretroviral therapy for acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, independent of body weight, J. J. Pinzone, M. L. Fox, M. K. Sastry, D. M. Parenti, and G. L. Simon

The effect of trihalomethane and haloacetic acid exposure on fetal growth in a Maryland county, C. K. Porter, S. D. Putnam, K. L. Hunting, and M. R. Riddle

Elderly African American and Caucasian Men Attending a Rheumatology Clinic are Infrequently Screened for Osteoporosis., J.S. Richards, H.A. Young, R. DeSagun, and G.S. Kerr

Genetic Variants of DNA repair genes and prostate cancer: a population-based study., J.D. Ritchey, W.Y. Huang, A.P. Chokkalingam, Y.T. Gao, and J. Deng

Plasma CRH measurement at 16 to 20 weeks' gestation does not predict preterm delivery in women at high-risk for preterm delivery, B. Sibai, P. J. Meis, M. Klebanoff, M. P. Dombrowski, and S. J. Weiner

Late first-trimester placental disruption and subsequent gestational hypertension/preeclampsia, R. K. Silver, R. D. Wilson, M. Philip, E. A. Thom, and J. M. Zachary

Control of vancomycin-resistant enterococci in the neonatal intensive care unit, N. Singh, M. Leger, J. Campbell, B. Short, and J. M. Campos

Progesterone for prevention of recurrent preterm birth: Impact of gestational age at previous delivery, C. Y. Spong, P. J. Meis, E. A. Thom, B. Sibai, and M. P. Dombrowski

Genome analysis of multiple pathogenic isolates of Streptococcus agalactiae: Implications for the microbial "pan-genome", H. Tettelin, V. Masignani, M. J. Cieslewicz, C. Donati, and D. Medini

Issues in clinical trial design: stopping a trial early and the large and simple trial, E. A. Thom

Dependable social relationships predict overall survival in Stages II and III breast carcinoma patients, K. L. Weihs, S. J. Simmens, J. Mizrahi, T. M. Enright, and M. E. Hunt

Corroboration of a familial chordoma locus on chromosome 7q and evidence of genetic heterogeneity using single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs)., R. Yang, M.B. Beerman, A.W. Bergen, D.M. Parry, and E. Sheridan

Linkage analysis of GAW14 simulated dataset with microsatellite and SNP markers in large pedigrees., R. Yang, K. Jacobs, K.F. Kerstann, A.W. Bergen, and A.M. Goldstein

Triazine herbicides and epithelial ovarian cancer risk in central California, H. A. Young, P. K. Mills, D. G. Riordan, and R. D. Cress

Triazine herbicides and epithelial ovarian cancer risk in central California, H. A. Young, P. K. Mills, D. G. Riordan, and R. D. Cress

Neurogenic tumors in rats induced by ethylnitrosourea., B.C. Zook and S.J. Simmens

Submissions from 2004

Clinical prevention and population health - Curriculum framework for health professions, J. Allan, T. A. Barwick, S. Cashman, J. F. Cawley, and C. Day

Parental cultural perspectives in relation to weight-related behaviors and concerns of African-American girls, B. M. Beech, S. K. Kumanyika, T. Baranowski, M. Davis, and T. N. Robinson

Frequency of uterine contractions in asymptomatic pregnant women with or without a short cervix on transvaginal ultrasound scan, V. Berghella, J. D. Iams, R. B. Newman, C. MacPherson, and R. L. Goldenberg

Alcohol, gender, and cognitive performance: a longitudinal study comparing older Japanese and Non-Hispanic White Americans., G.E. Bond, R. Burr, S.M. McCurry, M.M. Rice, and A.R. Borenstein

Angiotensin-converting-enzyme inhibition in stable coronary artery disease., E. Braunwald, M.J. Domanski, S.E. Fowler, N.L. Geller, and B.J. Gersh

Prevalence of cataract and pseudophakia/aphakia among adults in the United States, N. Congdon, J. R. Vingerling, B. E. K. Klein, S. West, and D. S. Friedman

Validity and reliability of a behavior-based food coding system for measuring fruit, 100% fruit juice, vegetable, and sweetened beverage consumption: results from the Girls Health Enrichment Multisite Studies, K. W. Cullen, J. H. Himes, T. Baranowski, J. Pettit, and M. Stevens

Measurement characteristics of diet-related psychosocial questionnaires among African-American parents and their 8- to 10-year-old daughters: results from the Girls' health Enrichment Multi-site Studies, K. W. Cullen, L. M. Klesges, N. E. Sherwood, T. Baranowski, and B. Beech

Evaluation of quality control procedures for 24-h dietary recalls: results from the Girls health Enrichment Multisite Studies, K. W. Cullen, K. Watson, J. H. Himes, T. Baranowski, and J. Rochon

Randomized trial of inhaled beclomethasone dipropionate versus theophylline for moderate asthma during pregnancy, M. P. Dombrowski, M. Schatz, R. Wise, E. A. Thom, and M. Landon

Prevalence of age-related macular degeneration in the United States, D. S. Friedman, B. O'Colmain, S. C. Tomany, C. McCarty, and P de Jong

Prevalence of open-angle glaucoma among adults in the United States, D. S. Friedman, R. C. W. Wolfs, B. O'Colmain, B. E. Klein, and H. R. Taylor