Health Policy and Management Faculty Publications | Health Policy and Management | Himmelfarb Health Sciences Library, The George Washington University


Submissions from 2007

Essentials of Health Policy and Law, Joel B. Teitelbaum and Sara E. Wilensky

Gonzales v. Oregon: implications for public health policy and practice, J. Teitelbaum and S. Rosenbaum

Late HIV Diagnosis: Bad Medicine and Worse Public Health, R. O. Valdiserri


Low Health Literacy: Implications for National Health Policy, John A. Vernon, Antonio Trujillo, Sara J. Rosenbaum, and Barbara DeBuono

Preparing the personal physician for practice (P(4)): meeting the needs of patients: redesign of residency training in family medicine, M. E. Whitcomb


Philip Morris USA v. Williams: Implications for public health policy and practice, Kristin Younger and Sara J. Rosenbaum

Philip Morris USA v Williams: implications for public health policy and practice, K. Younger and S. Rosenbaum

Submissions from 2006

Epidemiology of a pediatric emergency medicine research network - The PECARN core data project, E. R. Alpern, R. M. Stanley, M. H. Gorelick, A. Donaldson, and S. Knight

The cost of privatization: extra payments to Medicare Advantage plans - updated and revised. The Commonwealth Fund., B. Biles, L. Hersch, B. S. Cooper, E. Adrion, and S. Guterman


Payments to Medicare Advantage Plans Exceed Fee-for-Service Costs: Options for Medicare Savings from 2007 through 2011, Brian Biles and Emily Adrion


The Cost of Privatization: Extra Payments to Medicare Advantage Plans: Updated and Revised, Brian Biles, Lauren Hersch Nicholas, Barbara S. Cooper, Emily Adrion, and Stuart Guterman


Health Information Technology in the United States: The Information Base for Progress, David Blumenthal, Catherine M. DesRoches, Karen Donelan, Sara J. Rosenbaum, and Timothy Ferris

The National Uniformity for Food Act: implications for public health policy and practice, T. Burke

A Preview of Health Care in El Paso, Texas: Implications for Hispanic Residents, Soeurette Cyprien, Anthony Lara, Jennifer Trott, and Marsha Regenstein

A Preview of Health Care in Greenville, Mississippi: Implications for African American and Hispanic Residents, Soeurette Cyprien, Anthony Lara, Jennifer Trott, and Marsha Regenstein

A Preview of Heart Care in Broward County, Florida: Implications for Hispanic and African American Residents, Soeurette Cyprien, Anthony Lara, Jennifer Trott, and Marsha Regenstein

A Preview of Heart Care in Durham, North Carolina: Implications for African American and Latino Residents, Soeurette Cyprien, Anthony Lara, Jennifer Trott, and Marsha Regenstein

A Preview of Heart Care in San Antonio, Texas: Implications for African American and Latino Residents, Soeurette Cyprien, Anthony Lara, Jennifer Trott, and Marsha Regenstein

A Preview of Heart Care in Washington, DC: Implications for African American and Latino Residents, Soeurette Cyprien, Anthony Lara, Jennifer Trott, and Marsha Regenstein

A Preview of Health Care in Jackson, Mississippi: Implications for African American and Hispanic Residents, Soeurette Cyprien, Marsha Regenstein, and Holly Mead

The Effect of Private Insurance on the Health of Older, Working Age Adults: Evidence from the Health and Retirement Study, A. Dor, J. J. Sudano, and D.W . Baker

Alcohol Screening and Brief Intervention in the Workplace: Year One Final Report, Eric Goplerud and Tracy McPherson

How common are electronic health records in the United States? A summary of the evidence, A. K. Jha, T. G. Ferris, K. Donelan, C. DesRoches, and A. Shields

Colorectal Cancer Screening in the Elderly Population: Disparities by Dual Medicare-Medicaid Enrollment Status, S. Koroukian, F. X. Fang, A. Dor, and G. Cooper

Federal health policy response to Hurricane Katrina: what it was and what it could have been, J. M. Lambrew and D. E. Shalala


The influence of race, ethnicity, and individual socioeconomic factors on breast cancer stage at diagnosis, Paula M. Lantz, Mahasin Mujahid, Kendra Schwartz, Nancy K. Janz, Angela Fagerlin, Barbara Salem, Lihua Liu, Dennis Deapen, and Steven J. Katz

Partner age not associated with recurrent chlamydia trachomatis infection, condom use, or partner treatment and referral among adolescent women, M. Magnus, J. A. Schillinger, J. D. Fortenberry, S. M. Berman, and P. Kissinger


From SCHIP Benefit Design to Individual Coverage Decisions, Anne R. Markus, Sara J. Rosenbaum, Ruth E. K. Stein, and Jill Joseph


A field test of a web-based substance abuse prevention training program for health promotion professionals, Tracy McPherson, Royer F. Cook, Anita S. Back, Rebekah K. Hersch, and April Hendrickson


Valuing Health for Regulatory Cost-Effectiveness Analysis, Wilhelmine Miller; Lisa A. Robinson; Robert S. Lawrence; and Institute of Medicine Committee to Evaluate Measures of Health Benefits for Environmental, Health, and Safety Regulation


International medical graduates in family medicine in the United States of America: An exploration of professional characteristics and attitudes, Amanda L. Morris, Robert L. Phillips, George E. Fryer, Larry A. Green, and Fitzhugh Mullan


Doctors for the world: Indian physician emigration, Fitzhugh Mullan


Narrative Matters: The Power of the Personal Essay in Health Policy, Fitzhugh Mullan, Ellen Ficklen, and Kyna Rubin


Language barriers to health care access among Medicare beneficiaries, Ninez A. Ponce, Leighton C. Ku, William E. Cunningham, and E. Richard Brown


The Heart of the Matter: The Relationship between Communities, Cardiovascular Services, and Racial and Ethnic Gaps in Care, Marsha Regenstein, Holly Mead, and Anthony Lara


Race, Ethnicity, and Language of Patients: Hospital Practices Regarding Collection of Information to Address Disparities in Health Care, Marsha Regenstein and Donna Sickler

A dose of reality: assessing the Federal Trade Commission/Department of Justice report in an uninsured, underserved, and vulnerable population context, S. Rosenbaum

US health policy in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, S. Rosenbaum

When public health meets market forces: Rapanos v U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, S. Rosenbaum


A dose of reality: Assessing the Federal Trade Commission/Department of Justice report in an uninsured, underserved, and vulnerable population context, Sara J. Rosenbaum


Defined-Contribution Plans and Limited-Benefit Arrangements: Implications for Medicaid Beneficiaries, Sara J. Rosenbaum


Is health care quality purchasing an ERISA fiduciary obligation, Sara J. Rosenbaum


Medicaid at Forty: Revisiting Structure and Meaning in a Post-Deficit Reduction Era, Sara J. Rosenbaum


U.S. health policy in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, Sara J. Rosenbaum


The Legality of Collecting and Disclosing Patient Race and Ethnicity Data, Sara J. Rosenbaum, Taylor Burke, Sonia W. Nath, Jennifer Santos, and Dana Thomas


Medicaid and Health Information: Current and Emerging Legal Issues, Sara J. Rosenbaum, Patricia MacTaggart, and Phyllis Borzi


Health Centers Reauthorization: An Overview of Achievements and Challenges, Sara J. Rosenbaum and Peter Shin


Laying the Foundation: Health System Reform in New York State and the Primary Care Imperative, Sara J. Rosenbaum, Peter Shin, and Ramona Whittington


Managed Care and Medi-Cal Beneficiaries with Disabilities: Assessing Current State Practice in a Changing Federal Policy Environment, Sara J. Rosenbaum, Sara E. Wilensky, Peter Shin, and Ramona Whittington

Is health care quality purchasing an ERISA fiduciary obligation?, S. Rosenbaum and P. Borzi


Update on the Status of the Medicaid Prospective Payment System in the States, Roger Schwartz, Peter Shin, and Megan Reilly


Designing Employer-Sponsored Mental Health Benefits, Rachel Sethi, Joanne Jee, Lisa Chimento, and D. Richard Mauery

From capitation to fee-for-service in Cincinnati: A physician group responds to a changing marketplace, N. Super

From the field. From capitation to fee-for-service in Cincinnati: a physician group responds to a changing marketplace: financial incentives, not physician payment method, can be key to promoting high-value, efficient health care, N. Super

Town of Castle Rock, Colorado v Gonzales: Implications for public health policy and practice, J. Teitelbaum, V. N. Coogan, and S. Rosenbaum


Town Of Castle Rock, Colorado v. Gonzales: Implications for public health policy and practice, Joel B. Teitelbaum, V. Nelligan Coogan, and Sara J. Rosenbaum


Strategies for Improving Access to Comprehensive Obesity Prevention and Treatment Services for Medicaid-Enrolled Children, Sara E. Wilensky, Ramona Whittington, and Sara J. Rosenbaum

General psychiatrists and their patients' children: assessment and prevention, J. Yuh, K. A. Maloy, K. A. Kenney, and D. Reiss

Submissions from 2005

Medicare advantage: Deja Vu all over again? Experiences with Medicare plus Choice suggest major challenges that will affect both beneficiaries and the Medicare program, B. Biles, G. Dallek, and L. H. Nicholas

How care is managed: a descriptive study of current and future trends in care and cost management practices under private sector employee benefit plans., P.C. Borzi, M. Regenstein, L Repasch, S. Cyprien, and S. Rosenbaum

Law and the public's health. Molloy v Meier and the expanding standard of medical care: implications for public health policy and practice, T. Burke and S. Rosenbaum

Assessing Cardiovascular Reactivity in Working Women with the Social Competence Interview. [References], Barbara Curbow, Karen A. McDonnell, Erin Dreyling, Alyson Hall, and Sheila Fitzgerald


Improving Developmental Screening Through Public Policy, Margaret C. Dunkle


The inverse care law: Implications for healthcare of vulnerable populations, Kevin Fiscella and Peter Shin

The Personal Living Space Cue Inventory: An Analysis and Evaluation, Samuel D. Gosling, Kenneth H. Craik, Nicholas R. Martin, and Michelle R. Pryor

A killer flu? scientific experts estimate that "inevitable" major epidemic of new influenza virus strain could result in millions of deaths if preventive actions are not taken., M.A. Hamburg, S.A. Hearne, J. Levi, K. Elliott, and L.M. Segal


A Killer Flu? Scientific Experts Estimate that "Inevitable" Major Epidemic of New Influenza Virus Strain Could Result in Millions of Deaths if Preventive Actions Are Not Taken, Margaret A. Hamburg, Shelley A. Hearne, Jeffrey Levi, Kim Elliott, Laura M. Segal, and Michael J. Earls


Continuity and change in the social stratification of aging and health over the life course: evidence from a nationally representative longitudinal study from 1986 to 2001/2002 (Americans' Changing Lives Study), James S. House, Paula M. Lantz, and Pamela Herd

Act now for your tomorrow: final report of the national commission on nursing workforce for long-term care, E. Howard, B. Biles, R. Burke, R. Ston, and P. Wing


Act Now for Your Tomorrow: Final Report of the National Commission on Nursing Workforce for Long-Term Care, Edward Howard, Brian Biles, Robyn Stone, Paul Wing, Kristin McCloskey, and Tim M. Henderson


America's Public Hospitals and Health Systems, 2003: Results of the Annual NAPH Hospital Characteristics Survey, Jennifer Huang, Joshua Silbert, and Marsha Regenstein

Law and the public's health. The National Response Plan and legal issues in public health emergency preparedness, B. Kamoie

The national response plan: a new framework for homeland security, public health, and bioterrorism response., B. Kamoie

Change in challenging times: A plan for extending and improving health coverage, J. M. Lambrew, J. D. Podesta, and T. L. Shaw


Satisfaction with surgery outcomes and the decision process in a population-based sample of women with breast cancer, Paula M. Lantz, Nancy K. Janz, Angela Fagerlin, Kendra Schwartz, Lihua Liu, Indu Lakhani, Barbara Salem, and Steven J. Katz


The role of health insurance coverage in reducing racial/ethnic disparities in health care, Marsha Lillie-Blanton and Catherine Hoffman


Vaccination with recombinant aspartic hemoglobinase reduces parasitic load and blood loss after hookworm infection in dogs, Alex Loukas, Jeffrey M. Bethony, Susana Mendez, Ricardo T. Fujiwara, Gaddam Narsa Goud, Najju Ranjit, Bin Zhan, Karen Jones, Maria Elena Bottazzi, and Peter J. Hotez

Cultivating men's interest in family planning in rural El Salvador., R.I. Lundgren, J.N. Gribble, M.E. Greene, G.E. Emrick, and M. de Monroy


State purchasing and enforcement quality care for children in Medicaid and SCHIP managed care, Anne R. Markus, Sara J. Rosenbaum, Colleen Sonosky, Lee Repasch, and D. Richard Mauery


How Medical Claims Simplification Can Impede Delivery of Child Developmental Services, Anne R. Markus, Sara J. Rosenbaum, Alexandra M. Stewart, and Marisa A. Cox

How medical claims simplification can impede delivery of child development services, A. Markus, S. Rosenbaum, A. Stewart, and M. Cox

State purchasing and enforcement of quality care for children in Medicaid and SCHIP managed care, A. R. Markus, S. Rosenbaum, C. Sonosky, L. Repasch, and D. R. Mauery

State purchasing and enforcement of quality care for children in medicaid and SCHIP managed care., A.R. Markus, S. Rosenbaum, C. Sonosky, L. Repasch, and D.R. Mauery


Managed Mental Health Care: Findings from the Literature, 1990–2005, D. Richard Mauery, Lissette Vaquerano, Rachel Sethi, Joanne Jee, and Lisa Chimento

Immigration pediatrics: an inner-city pediatrician finds himself in a medical no-man's land where social policies undermine the care of his newly arrived immigrant patients -- and their contributions to society, F. Mullan

The metrics of the physician brain drain, F. Mullan


Immigration pediatrics, Fitzhugh Mullan


The metrics of the physician brain drain, Fitzhugh Mullan


An Assessment of Hospital-Sponsored Health Care for the Uninsured in Polk County/Des Moines, Iowa, Lea Nolan, Marsha Regenstein, and Marisa A. Cox

An assessment of hospital-sponsored health care for the uninsured in Polk County/Des Moines, Iowa., L. Nolan, M. Regenstein, and M. Cox


Developmental stages of developmental screening: Steps to implementation of a successful program., Jennifer A. Pinto-Martin, Margaret C. Dunkle, Marian Earls, Dane Fliedner, and Cynthia Landes


A Nation's Health at Risk III: Growing Uninsured, Budget Cutbacks Challenge President's Initiative to Put a Health Center in Every Poor County, Michelle Proser, Peter Shin, and Dan Hawkins

A nation's health at risk III: growing uninsured, budget cutbacks challenge president's initiative to put a health center in every poor county., M. Proser, P. Shin, and D. Hawkins


Stresses to the Safety Net: The Public Hospital Perspective, Marsha Regenstein and Jennifer Huang


Caring for Patients with Diabetes at Safety Net Hospitals and Health Systems: What the Patients Say about Their Care, Marsha Regenstein, Jennifer Huang, Dean Schillinger, Daniel Lessler, Brendan Reilly, Melanie Brunt, Jolene Johnson, and John Piette

Assessment of the National Governors Association's Demonstration Project: Enhancing the Safety Net through Data-Driven Policy, Marsha Regenstein and Holly Mead

The case of Laguna Honda, S. Rosenbaum


The enduring role of the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act, Sara J. Rosenbaum


Charting the Legal Environment of Health Information, Sara J. Rosenbaum, Phyllis Borzi, Lee Repasch, Taylor Burke, and John F. Benevelli


Legal issues in health information: Implications for public health practice and policy, Sara J. Rosenbaum, Taylor Burke, John F. Benevelli, Phyllis Borzi, and Lee Repasch