Health Policy and Management Faculty Publications | Health Policy and Management | Himmelfarb Health Sciences Library, The George Washington University


Submissions from 2004


Health service access, use, and insurance coverage among American Indians/Alaska Natives and Whites: What role does the Indian Health Service play?, Stephen Zuckerman, Jennifer Haley, Yvette Roubideaux, and Marsha Lillie-Blanton

Submissions from 2003

Globalization, global health, and access to healthcare, T. Collins


Review of the Literature Regarding Community Integration: Services Necessary for Individuals with Disabilities to Live in their Own Homes, Marisa A. Cox, Alexandra M. Stewart, and Sara J. Rosenbaum

Review of the literature regarding community integration: services necessary for individuals with disabilities to live in their own homes., M. Cox, A. Stewart, and S. Rosenbaum

Policy brief: lessons from medicare + choice for medicare reform., G. Dallek, B. Biles, and L. Nicholas


Lessons from Medicare+Choice for Medicare Reform, Geraldine Dallek, Brian Biles, and Lauren Hersch Nicholas


Consent and compensation: A social compact for smallpox vaccine policy in the event of an attack, Alan I. Faden, Holly A. Taylor, and Naomi Seiler


The Alcohol Cost Calculator, George Washington University, Ensuring Solutions to Alcohol Problems


The Growing Share of Uninsured Workers Employed by Large Firms, Sherry Glied, Jeanne Lambrew, and Sarah Little

A sound investment: identifying and treating alcohol problems., E. Goplerud

Primer 1: treating alcoholism as a chronic disease., E. Goplerud

Talking about alcohol problems and alcoholism treatment., E. Goplerud

The alcohol cost calculator., E. Goplerud

How much medical care do the uninsured use, and who pays for it?, J. Hadley and J. Holahan

Access to care for the uninsured and underserved., Health Foundation of Greater Cincinnati


Access to Care for the Uninsured and Underserved: An Assessment of the 20-County Service Area of the Health Foundation of Greater Cincinnati, Health Foundation of Greater Cincinnati, Marsha Regenstein, Kyle Kenney, Lissette Vaquerano, Jennel Harvey, Sunga Carter, Cincinnati Health Network, HealthPoint Family Care, and Southern Ohio Health Services Network

Maximizing access to medications through efficient use of CARE act resources., Health Resources and Services Administration HIV/AIDS Bureau

Which way for Federalism and health policy, J. Holahan, A. Weil, and J. M. Wiener


A Sound Investment: Identifying and Treating Alcohol Problems, Jeffrey Hon


Treating Alcoholism as a Chronic Disease, Jeffrey Hon

Alpha thalassemia is associated with decreased risk of abnormal transcranial Doppler ultrasonography in children with sickle cell anemia, L. L. Hsu, S. T. Miller, E. Wright, A. Kutlar, and V. McKie

Law and the public's health. "Megan's laws" and the US Constitution: implications for public health policy and practice, B. Kamoie, J. Teitelbaum, and S. Rosenbaum

Covering the uninsured: what is the problem, why care?, J. Lambrew

Medicare prescription drug legislation: what it means for rural beneficiaries., J. Lambrew and B. Briesacher


Medicare Prescription Drug Legislation: What It Means for Rural Beneficiaries, Jeanne Lambrew and Becky Briesacher

The growing share of uninsured workers employed by large firms., J. Lambrew, S. Glied, and S. Little


Maximizing Access to Medications through Efficient Use of CARE Act Resources, Jeffrey Levi, Julia Hidalgo, John Palen, Blaine Parrish, Kendra Williams, and Anthony Lara


Contracting for Coordination of Behavioral Health Services in Privatized Child Welfare and Medicaid Managed Care, D. Richard Mauery, Julie Collins, Jan McCarthy, Charlotte McCullough, and Sheila Pires


Public Health Communicable Disease Reporting Laws: Managed Care Organizations' Laboratory Contracting Practices and Their Implications for State Surveillance and Reporting Statutes, D. Richard Mauery, Brian Kamoie, Sarah C. Blake, and Jeffrey Levi

Contracting for coordination of behavioral health services in privatized child welfare and medicaid managed care., R. Mauery, J. Collins, J. McCarthy, C. McCullough, and S. Pires

Communicable disease reporting laws: managed care organizations' laboratory contracting practices and their implications for state surveillance and reporting statutes., R.D. Mauery, B. Kamoie, S.C. Blake, and J. Levi

Being born female is dangerous for your health, E.M. Murphy


Medicare+Choice in Palm Beach: Watching and Waiting?, Lauren Hersch Nicholas, Geraldine Dallek, and Brian Biles


Medicare+Choice in Phoenix, Arizona: So Far So Good? Maricopa County Site Visit Report, May 7-9, 2003, Lauren Hersch Nicholas, Geraldine Dallek, and Brian Biles


The Effects of State Dental Practice Laws Allowing Alternative Models of Preventive Oral Health Care Delivery to Low-Income Children, Lea Nolan, Brian Kamoie, Jennel Harvey, Lissette Vaquerano, Sarah Blake, Satvinder Chawla, Jeffrey Levi, and Sara J. Rosenbaum

Side-by-side analysis of HIFA waivers., L. Nolan, B. Kamoie, J. Harvey, L. Vaquerano, and S. Blake

The effects of state dental practice laws allowing alternative models of preventive oral health care delivery to low-income children., L. Nolan, B. Kamoie, J. Harvey, L. Vaquerano, and S. Blake

Enrolling uninsured children in SCHIP: lessons learned from community health centers., L. Nolan, A. Zuvekas, J. Harvey, K. Jones, and L. Vaquerano

Strengthening the supply of routinely recommended vaccines in the United States - Recommendations from the National Vaccine Advisory Committee, G. Peter, A. M. Arvin, J. P. Davis, M. D. Decker, and A. Pasteur

New directions in health insurance design: Implications for public policy and practice, K. Pollitz, D. Imhoff, C. Scott, and S. Rosenbaum

Assessing the need to enact medical liability reform., S. Rosenbaum

Law and the public's health. Medical errors, medical negligence, and professional medical liability reform, S. Rosenbaum

Law and the public's health. Medicare reform, S. Rosenbaum

Managed care and patients' rights, S. Rosenbaum

The impact of United States law on medicine as a profession, S. Rosenbaum


Managed care and patients' rights, Sara J. Rosenbaum


Managed Care Corporate Failures: An Overview of Bankruptcy and Insurance Insolvency Procedures, Sara J. Rosenbaum


The impact of United States law on medicine as a profession, Sara J. Rosenbaum

Beyond Olmstead and Toward Community Integration: Measuring Progress and Change, Sara J. Rosenbaum, Marisa A. Cox, Joel B. Teitelbaum, and Alexandra M. Stewart


Finding a way through the hospital door: The role of EMTALA in public health emergencies, Sara J. Rosenbaum and Brian Kamoie


Analysis of CareFirst's Performance as a Charitable Not-for-Profit Health Insurance Company in the National Capital Area, Sara J. Rosenbaum, Brian Kamoie, Charlotte Collins, Ann Zuvekas, Judy Feder, and Gary Claxton


Medical Necessity in Private Health Plans: Implications for Behavioral Health Care, Sara J. Rosenbaum, Brian Kamoie, D. Richard Mauery, and Brian Walitt


Accountability in Medicaid Managed Care: Implications for Pediatric Health Care Quality, Sara J. Rosenbaum, Anne R. Markus, Colleen Sonosky, Lee Repasch, D. Richard Mauery, and Andy Schneider


Health Centers as Safety Net Providers: An Overview and Assessment of Medicaid's Role, Sara J. Rosenbaum and Peter Shin


The Epidemiology of U.S. Immunization Law: A National Study for the National Immunizations Program, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Medicaid Coverage of Immunizations for Non-Institutionalized Adults, Sara J. Rosenbaum, Alexandra M. Stewart, Marisa A. Cox, and Alexis Lee


The Epidemiology of U.S. Immunization Law: Mandated Coverage of Immunizations Under State Health Insurance Laws, Sara J. Rosenbaum, Alexandra M. Stewart, Marisa A. Cox, and Shawnte Mitchell


Reasonable Modification or Fundamental Alteration? Recent Developments in ADA Caselaw and Implications for Behavioral Health Policy, Sara J. Rosenbaum, Joel B. Teitelbaum, D. Richard Mauery, and Alexandra M. Stewart

Low-income children and health insurance: old news and new realities, S. Rosenbaum and P. Budetti

Law and the public's health. Lawrence v Texas: implications for public health policy and practice, S. Rosenbaum and T. Burke

Finding a way through the hospital door: the role of EMTALA in public health emergencies, S. Rosenbaum and B. Kamoie

Analysis of carefirst's performance as a charitable not-for-profit health insurance company in the national capital area., S. Rosenbaum, B Kamoie, C. Collins, A. Zuvekas, and J. Feder

Medical necessity in private health plans: implications for behavioral health care., S. Rosenbaum, B. Kamoie, D.R. Mauery, and B. Walitt

Accountability in medicaid managed care: implications for pediatric healh care quality., S. Rosenbaum, A. Markus, C. Sonosky, L. Repasch, and D.R. Mauery

Health centers as safety net providers: an overview and assessment of medicaid's role., S. Rosenbaum and P. Shin

The epidemiology of u.s. immunization law: a national study for the national immunizations program., S. Rosenbaum, A. Stewart, M. Cox, and A. Lee

Civil rights enforcement in the modern healthcare system: reinvigorating the role of the federal government in the aftermath of alexander v. sandoval., S. Rosenbaum and J. Teitelbaum

Reasonable modification or fundamental alteration? recent developments in ADA caselaw and implications for behavioral health policy., S. Rosenbaum, J. Teitelbaum, D.R. Mauery, and A. Stewart


Why competition law matters to health care quality, William M. Sage, David A. Hyman, and Warren Greenberg

Why competition law matters to health care quality, W. M. Sage, D. A. Hyman, and W. Greenberg


Access to medication and drug company sales practices: Setting priorities for critique and advocacy, Naomi Seiler


Identifying racial privilege: Lessons from critical race theory and the law, Naomi Seiler

The effect of financial pressure on the quality of care in hospitals, Y. C. Shen


Reducing Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities: Estimating the Impact of High Health Center Penetration in Low-income Communities, Peter Shin, Karen Jones, and Sara J. Rosenbaum

Reducing racial and ethnic health disparities: estimating the impact of high health center penetration in low-income communities., P. Shin, K. Jones, and S. Rosenbaum

Triage for overcrowding: hospitals should fix the emergency department problems they can control, B. Siegel


Triage for overcrowding. Hospitals should fix the emergency department problems they can control, Bruce Siegel


Using theories of action to guide national program evaluation and local strategy in the community care network demonstration, Shoshanna Sofaer, Gloria J. Bazzoli, Jeffrey A. Alexander, Douglas A. Conrad, Romana Hasnain-Wynia, Stephen M. Shortell, Frances Margolin, Mary Pittman, Elizabeth Casey, Kala Ladenheim, D. Richard Mauery, and Ann P. Zukoski

Beyond olmstead and toward community integration: measuring progress and change., A. Stewart, M. Cox, J. Teitelbaum, and S. Rosenbaum


Medical care as a public accommodation: Moving the discussion to race, Joel B. Teitelbaum and Sara J. Rosenbaum


2003 State of the State Addresses: Governors' Discussions of Budget and Health Care Issues, Sara E. Wilensky and Betsy Schipani

State of the state addresses: governors' discussions of budget and health care issues., S. Wilensky and B. Schipani

Enhanced adaptive capacities after brief treatment for depression, D. C. Zuroff, S. J. Blatt, J. L. Krupnick, and S. M. Sotsky

Submissions from 2002


ERISA Health Plans: Key Structural Variations and their Effect on Liability, Phyllis Borzi


How Care Is Managed: A Descriptive Study of Current and Future Trends in Care and Cost Management Practices Under Private Sector Employee Benefit Plans, Phyllis Borzi, Marsha Regenstein, Lee Repasch, Soeurette Cyprien, and Sara J. Rosenbaum

Physician withdrawals: a major source of instability in medicare + choice., G. Dallek and A. Dennington

Medicare + choice after five years: harris county, TX site visit report., C. Daw, A. Dennington, B. Biles, and G. Dallek

Medicaid buy-in programs: case studies of early implementer states., D. Folkemer, A. Jensen, R. Silverstein, and T. Straw

The medicaid buy-in program: lessons learned from nine 'early implementer' states., D. Folkemer, A. Jensen, R. Silverstein, and T. Straw

Workplace solutions: treating alcohol problems through employment-based health insurance., E. Goplerud and M. Cimons


School-Based Health Centers And Managed Care Arrangements: A Review Of State Models And Implementation Issues, Jennel Harvey, Lissette Vaquerano, Lea Nolan, and Colleen Sonosky

School-based health centers and managed care arrangements: a review of state models and implementation issues., J. Harvey, L. Vaquerano, L. Nolan, and C. Sonosky

Rural poverty in Ecuador: assessing local realities for the development of anti-poverty programs., J. Hentschel and W.F. Waters

A summary description of the federal income maintenance and health care programs for disabled persons who are working or want to work., A. Jensen, R. Silverstein, and D. Folkemer

Policy frameworks for designing medicaid buy-in programs and related state work incentive initiatives., A. Jensen, R. Silverstein, D. Folkemer, and T. Straw

HIPAA's electronic transactions rule: implications for behavioral health providers., B. Kamoie


HIPAA's Electronic Transactions Rule: Implications for Behavioral Health Providers, Brian Kamoie

Issues with a state-based low-income prescription drug benefit for medicare beneficiaries., J. Lambrew


Differential pricing of drugs: A role for cost-effectiveness analysis?, Ruth Lopert, Danielle L. Lang, Suzanne R. Hill, and David A. Henry


Welfare Reform Reauthorization in 2002:What Are the Issues for Tribal Communities and Indian Families?, Kathleen A. Maloy

A profile of federally funded health centers serving a higher proportion of uninsured patients., A.R. Markus, D. Roby, and S. Rosenbaum