
Submissions from 2008


How Does Investment in Community Health Centers Affect the Economy?, Peter Shin, Brad Finnegan, and Sara J. Rosenbaum


Health Centers: An Overview and Analysis of Their Experiences with Private Health Insurance, Peter Shin, Brad Finnegan, Jessica Sharac, and Sara J. Rosenbaum


Analysis of the Proposed Rule on Designation of Medically Underserved Populations and Health Professional Shortage Areas, Peter Shin, Leighton C. Ku, Emily Jones, and Sara J. Rosenbaum


Grantee-Level Estimates Show That 31 Percent of All Health Centers Would Fail to Meet Tier Two Status under HRSA's Proposed MUA/MUP/HPSA Designation Regulations, Peter Shin, Leighton C. Ku, Emily Jones, and Sara J. Rosenbaum


Highlights: Analysis of the Proposed Rule on Designation of Medically Underserved Populations and Health Professional Shortage Areas, Peter Shin, Leighton C. Ku, Emily Jones, and Sara J. Rosenbaum


Adoption of health center performance measures and national benchmarks, Peter Shin, Anne R. Markus, Sara J. Rosenbaum, and Jessica Sharac

New Directions in Ambulatory Care Financing, P. Shin, A. Markus, S. Rosenbaum, and J Sharac


Crowd-out in the State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP): Incidence, enrollee characteristics and experiences, and potential impact on New York's SCHIP, Laura P. Shone, Paula M. Lantz, Andrew W. Dick, Michael E. Chernew, and Peter G. Szilagyi

Private Gain and Public Pain: Financing American Health Care, B. Siegel; H,. Mead; and R. Burke


Equity: Leveling the Playing Field: A Case for Reducing Disparities through Shared Decision-making, Bruce Siegel and Holly Mead


Private gain and public pain: Financing American health care, Bruce Siegel, Holly Mead, and Robert Burke


Health care reform: Looking back to go ahead, Richard F. Southby

Childhood vaccine and school entry laws: the case of HPV vaccine, A. Stewart


HPV vaccine school entry requirements: Confronting the myths, misperceptions and misgivings, Alexandra M. Stewart and Marisa A. Cox


Harnessing Knowledge to Ensure Food Safety: Opportunities to Improve the Nation's Food Safety Information Infrastructure, Michael R. Taylor and Michael B. Batz


Building a High-Quality Language Services Program Toolkit, Jennifer Trott, Catherine West, Priti Shah, and Marsha Regenstein

Frequency of HIV Screening in the Veterans Health Administration: Implications for Early Diagnosis of HIV Infection, R. O. Valdiserri, F. Rodriguez, and M. Holodniy

Community Approaches to Women's Health: Delivering Preconception Care in a Community Health Center Model, S. Wilensky and M. Proser

Submissions from 2007


Will Medicare wither on the vine? How Congress has advantaged Medicare Advantage--and what's a level playing field anyway?, Robert A. Berenson and Melissa M. Goldstein


Payments to Medicare Advantage Plans Exceed Fee-for-Service Costs: Options for Medicare Savings from 2008 through 2012, Brian Biles and Emily Adrion


The Continuing Cost of Privatization: Extra Payments to Medicare Advantage Plans: Updated Tables for 2007: February 2007 MA Plan Enrollment, 2007 MA and FFS Payment Rates, Brian Biles and Emily Adrion


Notes from the field: Jumpstarting the IRB approval process in multicenter studies, Jan Blustein, Marsha Regenstein, Bruce Siegel, and John Billings

Notes from the field: jumpstarting the IRB approval process in multicenter studies, J. Blustein, M. Regenstein, B. Siegel, and J. Billings

Uterine weight as a predictor of morbidity after a benign abdominal and total laparoscopic hysterectomy, D. J. Bonilla, L. Mains, R. Whitaker, B. Crawford, and M. Finan

Moments in Leadership: Case Studies in Public Health Policy and Practice, Barbara DeBuono, Ana Rita Gonzalez, and Sara J. Rosenbaum


Assessing the Effects of Federal Pediatric Drug Safety Policies, Avi Dor, Taylor Burke, Ramona Whittington, Taylor Clark, Ruth Lopert, and Sara J. Rosenbaum


End-stage renal disease and economic incentives: The International Study of Health Care Organization and Financing (ISHCOF), Avi Dor, Mark V. Pauly, Margaret A. Eichleay, and Phillip J. Held

Special Issue on Early Detection, Margaret C. Dunkle

Barriers to serving the vulnerable: thoughts of a former public official, C. C. Ferguson


Barriers to serving the vulnerable: Thoughts of a former public official, Christine Ferguson

The Reemerging HIV/AIDS Epidemic in Men who Have Sex with Men, H. W. Jaffe, R. O. Valdiserri, and K. M. DeCock

Insurance coverage and access to HIV testing and treatment: Considerations for individuals at risk for infection and for those with undiagnosed infection, J. Kates and J. Levi


Can an attribution assessment be made for Yellow Rain? Systematic reanalysis in a chemical-and-biological-weapons use investigation, Rebecca L. Katz and Burton Singer


Health and security in foreign policy, Rebecca L. Katz and Daniel A. Singer

Can an attribution assessment be made for Yellow Rain Systematic reanalysis in a chemical-and-biological-weapons use investigation, R. Katz and B. Singer

Health and Security in Foreign Policy, R. Katz and D. A. Singer

The physician workforce challenge: response of the academic community, D. G. Kirch and E. Salsberg


Health policy approaches to population health: The limits of medicalization, Paula M. Lantz, Richard Lichtenstein, and Harold A. Pollack

Heart Patients' Experiences with the Health Care System in 10 Communities, Anthony Lara, Karen Jones, Marsha Regenstein, Holly Mead, and Christal Ramos

Financing and Reimbursement of Cardiac Care: Implications for 10 Hospitals and Their Patient Populations, Anthony Lara, Marsha Regenstein, Holly Mead, Kathryn E. Muessig, and Lea Nolan

Financing public health: diminished funding for core needs and state-by-state variation in support, J. Levi, C. Juliano, and M. Richardson

Toward a rational, value-based drug benefit for Medicare, R. Lopert and M. Moon


Toward a rational, value-based drug benefit for Medicare, Ruth Lopert and Marilyn Moon


What is fair? Choice, fairness and transparency in access to prescription medicines in the United States and Australia, Ruth Lopert and Sara J. Rosenbaum

Guidelines for effective integration of information technology in the care of HIV-infected populations, M. Magnus, J. Herwehe, R. J. Proescholdbell, F. Lombard, and A. Cajina

The heart of the matter: the relationship between communities, cardiovascular services, and racial and ethnic gaps in care., H. Mead, M. Regenstein, and A. Lara

The significance of using US-valued eq-5d health states for comparative effectiveness and cost-effectiveness studies in US populations., W. Miller


The significance of using US-valued EQ-5D health states for comparative effectiveness and cost-effectiveness studies in U.S. popualtions, Wilhelmine Miller

Doctors and soccer players -- African professionals on the move, F. Mullan

Health, equity, and political economy: a conversation with Paul Farmer, F. Mullan

Responding to the global HIV/AIDS crisis: a Peace Corps for health, F. Mullan

Non-physician clinicians in 47 sub-Saharan African countries, F. Mullan and S. Frehywot


Doctors and soccer players--African professionals on the move, Fitzhugh Mullan


Plight of the surgeon general, Fitzhugh Mullan


Responding to the global HIV/AIDS crisis: A peace corps for health, Fitzhugh Mullan


Non-physician clinicians in 47 sub-Saharan African countries, Fitzhugh Mullan and Seble Frehywot


Knowledge and attitudes of young people in Guyana to HIV/AIDS, Brian J. O'Toole, Roy McConkey, Karen Casson, Debora Goetz Goldberg, and Arash Yazdani


Massachusetts et al. v Environmental Protection Agency: Implications for public health policy and practice, Perry W. Payne and Sara J. Rosenbaum


The role of genetic and sociopolitical definitions of race in clinical trials, Perry W. Payne and Charmaine Royal


Genetic and social environment interactions and their impact on health policy, Perry W. Payne, Charmaine Royal, and Sharon L.R. Kardia

Massachusetts et al. v Environmental Protection Agency: implications for public health policy and practice, P. W. Payne and S. Rosenbaum

The Role of Genetic and Sociopolitical Definitions of Race in Clinical Trials, P.W. Payne and C. Royal

Genetic and Social Environment Interactions and Their Impact on Health Policy, P. W. Payne, C. Royal, and S. L. R. Kardia


ED crowding is associated with variable perceptions of care compromise, Jesse M. Pines, Chad Garson, William G. Baxt, Karin V. Rhodes, Frances S. Shofer, and Judd E. Hollander


The impact of emergency department crowding measures on time to antibiotics for patients with community-acquired pneumonia, Jesse M. Pines, Russell Localio, Judd E. Hollander, William G. Baxt, Hoi Lee, Carolyn Philips, and Joshua P. Metlay

Measuring and improving the quality of hospital language services: insights from the Speaking Together collaborative, M. Regenstein


Measuring and improving the quality of hospital language services: Insights from the Speaking Together collaborative, Marsha Regenstein

An Analysis Of Proposed Rules Restricting Federal Medicaid Payments For Publicly Supported Healthcare Services., S. Rosenbaum

A season of changes, S. Rosenbaum

SCHIP reconsidered, S. Rosenbaum


An analysis of propsed rules restricting federal Medicaid payments for publicly supported healthcare services, Sara J. Rosenbaum


SCHIP reconsidered, Sara J. Rosenbaum


Does HIPAA preemption pose a legal barrier to health information transparency and interoperability?, Sara J. Rosenbaum, Phyllis Borzi, Taylor Burke, and Sonia W. Nath


An Assessment of Legal Issues Raised in "High Performing" Health Plan Quality and Efficiency Tiering Arrangements: Can the Patient Be Saved?, Sara J. Rosenbaum, Sarah Kornblet, and Phyllis Borzi


Achieving Family Health Literacy: The Case for Insuring Children, Sara J. Rosenbaum, Peter Shin, and Barbara DeBuono


Parental Health Insurance Coverage as Child Health Policy: Evidence from the Literature, Sara J. Rosenbaum and Ramona Whittington


Crossing the Medicaid-private insurance divide: the case of EPSDT, Sara J. Rosenbaum and Paul H. Wise


Prices for innovative pharmaceutical products that provide health gain: A comparison between Australia and the United States, Elizabeth E. Roughead, Ruth Lopert, and Lloyd Norman Sansom


Adoption of health information technology in community health centers: Results of a national survey, Alexandra E. Shields, Peter Shin, Michael G. Leu, Douglas E. Levy, Renee Marie Betancourt, Dan Hawkins, and Michelle Proser


An Initial Assessment of the Effects of Medicaid Documentation Requirements on Health Centers and Their Patients, Peter Shin, Brad Finnegan, Lauren Hughes, and Sara J. Rosenbaum

Assumed equity: early observations from the first hospital disparities collaborative, B. Siegel, J. Bretsch, V. Sears, M. Regenstein, and M. Wilson

Enhancing Public Hospitals' Reporting of Data on Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Care, B. Siegel, M. Regenstein, and K. Jones


Assumed equity: Early observations from the first Hospital Disparities Collaborative, Bruce Siegel, Jennifer K. Bretsch, Vickie Sears, Marsha Regenstein, and Marcia J. Wilson


Enhancing Public Hospitals' Reporting of Data on Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Care, Bruce Siegel, Marsha Regenstein, and Karen Jones


Enhancing work flow to reduce crowding, Bruce Siegel, Marcia J. Wilson, and Donna Sickler

Enhancing work flow to reduce crowding, B. Siegel, M. J. Wilson, and D. Sickler


HPV Vaccination: Should It Be Recommended or Required?, Alexandra M. Stewart

Mandating HPV Vaccination -- Private Rights, Public Good, A. M. Stewart


Gonzales v. Oregon: Implications for public health policy and practice, Joel B. Teitelbaum and Sara J. Rosenbaum

Essentials of Health Policy and Law, Joel B. Teitelbaum and Sara E. Wilensky

Gonzales v. Oregon: implications for public health policy and practice, J. Teitelbaum and S. Rosenbaum

Late HIV Diagnosis: Bad Medicine and Worse Public Health, R. O. Valdiserri


Low Health Literacy: Implications for National Health Policy, John A. Vernon, Antonio Trujillo, Sara J. Rosenbaum, and Barbara DeBuono

Preparing the personal physician for practice (P(4)): meeting the needs of patients: redesign of residency training in family medicine, M. E. Whitcomb


Philip Morris USA v. Williams: Implications for public health policy and practice, Kristin Younger and Sara J. Rosenbaum

Philip Morris USA v Williams: implications for public health policy and practice, K. Younger and S. Rosenbaum

Submissions from 2006

Epidemiology of a pediatric emergency medicine research network - The PECARN core data project, E. R. Alpern, R. M. Stanley, M. H. Gorelick, A. Donaldson, and S. Knight

The cost of privatization: extra payments to Medicare Advantage plans - updated and revised. The Commonwealth Fund., B. Biles, L. Hersch, B. S. Cooper, E. Adrion, and S. Guterman


Payments to Medicare Advantage Plans Exceed Fee-for-Service Costs: Options for Medicare Savings from 2007 through 2011, Brian Biles and Emily Adrion


The Cost of Privatization: Extra Payments to Medicare Advantage Plans: Updated and Revised, Brian Biles, Lauren Hersch Nicholas, Barbara S. Cooper, Emily Adrion, and Stuart Guterman