Submissions from 2005
National Security and U.S. Child Health Policy: The Origins and Continuing Role of Medicaid and EPSDT, Sara J. Rosenbaum, D. Richard Mauery, Peter Shin, and Julia Hidalgo
Assessing Legal Implications of Using Health Data to Improve Health Care Quality and Eliminate Health Care Disparities, Sara J. Rosenbaum and Michael W. Painter
Migrant and Seasonal Farmworkers: Health Insurance Coverage and Access to Care, Sara J. Rosenbaum and Peter Shin
EMTALA and hospital "community engagement:" The search for a rational policy, Sara J. Rosenbaum, Bruce Siegel, and Marsha Regenstein
Addressing Racial Inequality in Health Care, Sara J. Rosenbaum and Joel B. Teitelbaum
Implementing the Medicare part D prescription drug benefit program: Implications for public health policy and practice., Sara J. Rosenbaum and Joel B. Teitelbaum
Reducing Obesity Risks During Childhood: The Role of Public and Private Health Insurance, Sara J. Rosenbaum, Sara E. Wilensky, Marisa A. Cox, and D. Brad Wright
Achieving "Readiness" in Medi-Cal's Managed Care Expansion for Persons with Disabilities: Issues and Process, Sara J. Rosenbaum, Sara E. Wilensky, and Peter Shin
Charting the legal environment of health information., S. Rosenbaum, P.C. Borzi, L. Repasch, T. Burke, and J.F. Benevelli
Law and the public's health. Legal issues in health information: implications for public health practice and policy, S. Rosenbaum, T. Burke, J. Benevelli, P. C. Borzi, and L. Repash
Public health insurance design for children: the evolution from medicaid to SCHIP., S. Rosenbaum, A. Markus, and C. Sonosky
National security and U.S. child health policy: the origins and continuing role of medicaid and EPSDT., S. Rosenbaum, D.R. Mauery, P. Shin, and J. Hidalgo
Assessing legal implications of using health data to improve health care quality and eliminate health care disparities., S. Rosenbaum and M.W. Painter
Migrant and seasonal farmworkers: health insurance coverage and access to care., S. Rosenbaum and P. Shin
Law and the public's health. Implementing the Medicare Part D prescription drug benefit program: implications for public health policy and practice, S. Rosenbaum and J. Teitelbaum
Achieving "readiness" in medi-cal's managed care expansion for persons with disabilities: issues and process., S. Rosenbaum, S. Wilensky, and P. Shin
Medicaid's Role in Treating Children in Military Families, Peter Shin, Sara J. Rosenbaum, and D. Richard Mauery
Medicaid's role in treating children in military families., P. Shin, S. Rosenbaum, and D.R. Mauery
The epidemiology of u.s. immunization law: immunization requirements for staff and residents of long-term care facilities under state laws/regulations., A. Stewart, M. Cox, and S. Rosenbaum
The Epidemiology of U.S. Immunization Law: Immunization Requirements for Staff and Residents of Long-Term Care Facilities Under State Laws/Regulations, Alexandra M. Stewart, Marisa A. Cox, and Sara J. Rosenbaum
The Epidemiology of U.S. Immunization Law: Translating CDC Immunization Guidelines into Practice: State Laws Related to the Use of Standing Orders Covering Immunization Practice, Alexandra M. Stewart, Marisa A. Cox, and Sara J. Rosenbaum
Health care and civil rights: An introduction, J. B. Teitelbaum
Health care and civil rights: An introduction, Joel B. Teitelbaum
Health centers and health insurance: Complements, not alternatives, Sara E. Wilensky and Dylan Roby
State-funded comprehensive primary medical care service programs for medically underserved populations: 1995 vs. 2000, Sara E. Wilensky, Sara J. Rosenbaum, Dan Hawkins, and Heather Mizeur
State-funded Comprehensive Primary Medical Care service programs for medically underserved populations: 1995 vs 2000, S. Wilensky, S. Rosenbaum, D. Hawkins, and H. Mizeur
Perfecting Patient Flow: America's Safety Net Hospitals and Emergency Department Crowding, Marcia J. Wilson, Bruce Siegel, and Mike Williams
Submissions from 2004
Medicare Advantage: deja vu all over again?, B. Biles, G. Dallek, and L. H. Nicholas
Medicare advantage: Déjà vu all over again?, Brian Biles, Geraldine Dallek, and Lauren Hersch Nicholas
The Cost of Privatization: Extra Payments to Medicare Advantage Plans: 2005 Update, Brian Biles, Lauren Hersch Nicholas, and Barbara S. Cooper
Medicaid Prescription Drug Spending and Use, Brian Bruen and Arunabh Ghosh
Inside the triple helix: Technology transfer and commercialization in the life sciences, E. G. Campbell, J. B. Powers, D. Blumenthal, and B. Biles
High Quality Developmental Screening, Margaret C. Dunkle
Research reflections. Developmental checkups: they're good, they're cheap and they're almost never done. What is wrong with this picture?, M. Dunkle and L. Vismara
State implementation of the Breast and Cervical Cancer Prevention and Treatment Act of 2000: A collaborative effort among government agencies, C. French, S. true, R. McIntyre, M. Sciulli, and K. A. Maloy
An Assessment of the Safety Net in Atlanta, Georgia, Jennel Harvey, Marsha Regenstein, and Karen C. Jones
An assessment of the safety net in atlanta, georgia., J. Harvey, M. Regenstein, and K. Jones
It's the vision thing: mobilizing the Grace Abbots [sic] of the twenty-first century, C. A. Hess
Final Report of the Outcome Evaluation for the Talbot County, Maryland Safe Schools/Healthy Students Program, June 1, 2000-May 31, 2004, Karen Jones and C. H. Sparks
EMTALA: dedicating an emergency department near you., B. Kamoie
HIPAA'S implications for public health policy and practice: guidance from the CDC, B. Kamoie and J. G. Hodge
EMTALA: Dedicating an emergency department near you, Brian Kamoie
Hearing their voices: lessons from the breast and cervical cancer prevention and treatment act (BCCPTA)., K. Kenney, S.C. Blake, K. Maloy, U.R. Ranji, and A. Salganicoff
Hearing Their Voices: Lessons from the Breast and Cervical Cancer Prevention and Treatment Act (BCCPTA), Kyle Kenney, Sarah C. Blake, Kathleen A. Maloy, Usha Ranji, and Alina Salganicoff
An assessment of the safety net in san diego, california., N. Khoa, P. Shin, M. Regenstein, M.J. Wilson, and K. Kenney
The Effects of Copayments on the Use of Medical Services and Prescription Drugs in Utah's Medicaid Program, Leighton Ku, Elaine Deschamps, and Judi Hilman
Disparities in cardiac care: Rising to the challenge of Healthy People 2010, Marsha Lillie-Blanton, Thomas M. Maddox, Osula Rushing, and George A. Mensah
SCHIP-Enrolled Children with Special Health Care Needs: An Assessment of Coordination Efforts between State SCHIP and Title V Programs, Anne R. Markus, Sara J. Rosenbaum, and Soeurette Cyprien
SCHIP-enrolled children with special health care needs: an assessment of coordination efforts between state SCHIP and title V programs., A. Markus, S. Rosenbaum, and S. Cyprien
An Assessment of the Safety Net in Queens, New York, Holly Mead, Marsha Regenstein, and Karen C. Jones
An Assessment of the Safety Net in Boston, Massachusetts, Holly Mead, Peter Shin, Marsha Regenstein, Kyle Kenney, and Karen C. Jones
An assessment of the safety net in queens, new york., H. Mead, M. Regenstein, and K. Jones
An assessment of the safety net in boston, massachusetts., H. Mead, P. Shin, M. Regenstein, K. Kenney, and K. Jones
Covering the uninsured: What is it worth?, Wilhelmine Miller, Elizabeth Richardson Vigdor, and Willard G. Manning
Affirmative action, Cuban style, Fitzhugh Mullan
An Assessment of the Safety Net in San Diego, California, Khoa Nguyen, Peter Shin, Marsha Regenstein, Marcia J. Wilson, Kyle Kenney, and Karen C. Jones
Medicare + choice in palm beach: watching and waiting?, L.H. Nicholas, G. Dallek, and B. Biles
Medicare + choice in phoenix, arizona: so far so good?, L.H. Nicholas, G. Dallek, and B. Biles
An Assessment of the Safety Net in Memphis, Tennessee, Lea Nolan, Jennel Harvey, Karen C. Jones, and Marsha Regenstein
An Assessment of the Safety Net in Fairfax County, Virginia, Lea Nolan, Lissette Vaquerano, Karen C. Jones, and Marsha Regenstein
An Assessment of the Safety Net in Lincoln, Nebraska, Lea Nolan, Lissette Vaquerano, Karen C. Jones, and Marsha Regenstein
An Assessment of the Safety Net in Phoenix, Arizona, Lea Nolan, Lissette Vaquerano, Marsha Regenstein, and Karen C. Jones
An assessment of the safety net in memphis, tennessee., L. Nolan, J. Harvey, K. Jones, and M. Regenstein
An assessment of the safety net in fairfax county, virginia., L. Nolan, L. Vaquerano, K. Jones, and M. Regenstein
An assessment of the safety net in lincoln, nebraska., L. Nolan, L. Vaquerano, K. Jones, and M. Regenstein
An assessment of the safety net in phoenix, arizona., L. Nolan, L. Vaquerano, M. Regenstein, and K. Jones
Integrating HIV prevention services into the clinical care setting in medicaid and ryan white CARE act programs: legal, financial, and organizational issues., J. Palen, J. Levi, S. Wilensky, and J. Kates
Integrating HIV Prevention Services into the Clinical Care Setting in Medicaid and Ryan White CARE Act Programs: Legal, Financial, and Organizational Issues, John Palen, Jeffrey Levi, Sara E. Wilensky, and Jennifer Kates
Understanding the First Institute of Medicine Report and Its Impact on Patient Safety, Marsha Regenstein
An Assessment of the Safety Net in Detroit, Michigan, Marsha Regenstein, Khoa Nguyen, Karen C. Jones, and Kyle Kenney
Walking a Tightrope: The State of the Safety Net in Ten U.S. Communities, Marsha Regenstein, Lea Nolan, Marcia J. Wilson, Holly Mead, and Bruce Siegel
An assessment of the safety net in detroit, michigan., M. Regenstein, N. Khoa, K. Jones, and K. Kenney
Walking a tightrope: the state of the safety net in ten U.S. communities., M. Regenstein, L. Nolan, M. Wilson, H. Mead, and B. Siegel
Foreword: National health reform and America's uninsured, Sara J. Rosenbaum, Jeanne Lambrew, and Joel B. Teitelbaum
Public health insurance design for children: The evolution from Medicaid to SCHIP, Sara J. Rosenbaum, Anne R. Markus, and Colleen Sonosky
Economic Stress and the Safety Net: A Health Center Update, Sara J. Rosenbaum, Peter Shin, and Julie S. Darnell
Aetna Health, Inc. v. Davila: Implications for Public Health Policy, Sara J. Rosenbaum and Joel B. Teitelbaum
Analysis of State Laws Permitting Intoxication Exclusions in Insurance Contracts and Their Judicial Enforcement, Sara J. Rosenbaum, Henry Van Dyck, Mandy Bartoshesky, and Joel B. Teitelbaum
Teaching medicaid: a tool for health law teachers (2004 update)., S. Rosenbaum and D. Rousseau
Economic stress and the safety net: a health center update., S. Rosenbaum, P. Shin, and J. Darnell
Aetna Health, Inc. v. Davila: implications for public health policy, S. Rosenbaum and J. Teitelbaum
SAMHSA policy brief: analysis of state laws permitting intoxication exclusions in insurance contracts and their judicial enforcement., S. Rosenbaum, H. Van Dyck, M. Bartoshesky, and J. Teitelbaum
Legal and ethical considerations in government compensation plans: A case study of smallpox immunization, Naomi Seiler, Holly Taylor, and Ruth Faden
The emergency department: Rethinking the safety net for the safety net, Bruce Siegel
Health reform and the safety net: Big opportunities; major risks., Bruce Siegel, Marsha Regenstein, and Peter Shin
Law and the public's health. Olmstead v. L.C. and the Americans with Disabilities Act: implications for public health policy and practice, J. Teitelbaum, T. Burke, and S. Rosenbaum
Olmstead V.L.C. and the Americans with disabilities act: Implications for public health policy and practice, J. Teitelbaum, T. Burke, and S. Rosenbaum
Olmstead v. L.C. and the Americans With Disabilities Act: Implications for public health policy and practice, Joel B. Teitelbaum, Taylor Burke, and Sara J. Rosenbaum
State laws permitting intoxication exclusions in insurance contracts: Implications for public health policy and practice, Joel B. Teitelbaum, Sara J. Rosenbaum, and Eric Goplerud
Law and the public's health, J. Teitelbaum, S. Rosenbaum, and E. Goplerud
State laws permitting intoxication exclusions in insurance contracts: implications for public health policy and practice, J. Teitelbaum, S. Rosenbaum, and E. Goplerud
Monitoring the health care safety net: developing data-driven capabilities to support policymaking., R.M. Weinick and P. Shin
Monitoring the Health Care Safety Net: Developing Data-Driven Capabilities to Support Policymaking, Robin M. Weinick and Peter Shin
Bursting at the Seams: Improving Patient Flow to Help America's Emergency Departments, Marcia J. Wilson and Khoa Nguyen
An Assessment of the Safety Net in San Antonio, Texas, Marcia Wilson, Peter Shin, Marsha Regenstein, and Karen C. Jones
Bursting at the seams: improving patient flow to help america's hospitals., M.J. Wilson and N. Khoa
An assessment of the safety net in san antonio, texas., M. Wilson, P. Shin, M. Regenstein, and K. Jones
The consequences of uninsurance for individuals, families, communities, and the nation, Diane Miller Wolman and Wilhelmine Miller