Submissions from 2009
Vaccines and Autism: The Evidence and the Law, Alexandra M. Stewart
When vaccine injury claims go to court, Alexandra M. Stewart
Challenging personal belief immunization exemptions: considering legal responses, A. M. Stewart
Mandatory vaccination of health care workers, A. M. Stewart
When Vaccine Injury Claims Go to Court, A. M. Stewart
Community Integration for Students with Disabilities in a Post-Olmstead Environment, A. M. Stewart and A. Cox
HPV Vaccine School Entry Requirements: Confronting the Myths, Misperceptions and Misgivings, A. M. Stewart and A. Cox
Restructuring Food Safety at HHS: Design and Implementation, Michael R. Taylor and Stephanie D. David
District of Columbia v. Heller: Implications for public health policy and practice, Joel B. Teitelbaum and Erica Spector
District of Columbia v. Heller: implications for public health policy and practice, J. Teitelbaum and E. Spector
Commentary: Flexner Redux 2010: graduate medical education in the United States, M. E. Whitcomb
Women's health: moving forward with the Jacobs Institute, S. F. Wood
Women's Health and Health Care Reform: The Economic Burden of Disease in Women, Susan F. Wood, Avi Dor, Rebekah E. Gee, Alison Harms, D. Richard Mauery, Sara J. Rosenbaum, and Ellen Tan
U.S. District Court Directs FDA to Reevaluate Previous Plan B Decision, Susan F. Wood and D. Richard Mauery
An assessment of interactions between global health initiatives and country health systems, World Health Organization Maximizing Positive Synergies Collaborative Group and Seble Frehywot
Submissions from 2008
Healthy Start: Lessons Learned on Interconception Care, M. Badura, K. Hench, and M. Reyes
Health information privacy, patient safety, and health care quality: Issues and challenges in the context of treatment for mental health and substance use, J. Zoe Beckerman, Joy Pritts, Eric Goplerud, Jacqueline C. Leifer, Phyllis Borzi, and Sara J. Rosenbaum
Primer on Medicare Advantage Payments in 2008, Brian Biles and Emily Adrion
Medicare Advantage's Private Fee-for-Service Plans: Paying for Coordinated Care Without the Coordination, Brian Biles, Emily Adrion, and Stuart Guterman
The Continuing Cost of Privatization: Extra Payments to Medicare Advantage Plans in 2008, Brian Biles, Emily Adrion, and Stuart Guterman
Race/ethnicity and patient confidence to self-manage cardiovascular disease, Jan Blustein, Melissa Valentine, Holly Mead, and Marsha Regenstein
Race/ethnicity and patient confidence to self-manage cardiovascular disease, J. Blustein, M. Valentine, H. Mead, and M. Regenstein
There's "Private" and Then There's "Private": ERISA, Its Impact, and Options for Reform, P. C. Borzi
There's "private" and then there's "private": ERISA, its impact, and options for reform, Phyllis Borzi
Selecting a lead hazard control strategy based on dust lead loading and housing condition: II. Application of Housing Assessment Tool (HAT) modeling results, Jill Breysse, Sherry Dixon, Jonathan Wilson, Carol Kawecki, Rodney Green, Janet A. Phoenix, Warren Galke, and Scott Clark
The Legal Context for Employer Health Care Quality Improvement Initiatives That Collect and Report Information by Patient Race and Ethnicity, Taylor Burke, Althea Stewart, Mary Elizabeth Harty, Phyllis Borzi, and Sara J. Rosenbaum
Contract management in USA hospitals: Service duplication and access within local markets, Kathleen Carey and Avi Dor
Expense preference behavior and management “outsourcing”: a comparison of adopters and non-adopters of contract management in U.S. hospitals, Kathleen Carey and Avi Dor
Contract management in USA hospitals: service duplication and access within local markets, K. Carey and A. Dor
Glycemic and lipid control among patients with diabetes at six U.S. public hospitals, Lisa Chew, Dean Schillinger, Charles Maynard, Daniel Lessler, Melanie J. Brunt, Jennifer Huang, Jolene Johnson, John D. Piette, Marsha Regenstein, Brendan M. Reilly, David C. Ziemer, and Chad Vandenberg
Electronic health records in ambulatory care--A national survey of physicians, Catherine M. DesRoches, Eric G. Campbell, Sowmya R. Rao, Karen Donelan, Timothy Ferris, Ashish K. Jha, Rainu Kaushal, Douglas E. Levy, Sara J. Rosenbaum, Alexandra E. Shields, and David Blumenthal
Electronic health recards in ambulatory care - a national of physicians, C. M. DesRoches, E. G. Campbell, S. R. Rao, K. Donelan, and T. G. Ferris
An architecture for privacy in a networked health information environment, C. Diamond, M. Goldstein, D. Lansky, and S. Verhulst
Uninsured and Medicaid Patients' Access to Preventive Care: Comparison of Health Centers and Other Primary Care Providers, Avi Dor, Yuriy Pylypchuck, Peter Shin, and Sara J. Rosenbaum
The long road to health reform requires bipartisan leadership, C. C. Ferguson, E. J. Fowler, and L. M. Nichols
Access to Comprehensive Vision Care Services under SCHIP, Brad Finnegan and Peter Shin
Vision Exams for Children Prior to Entering School, Brad Finnegan and Peter Shin
Improving Medicaid: Assessment of District of Columbia Agencies' Claims Processes and Recommendations for Improvements in Efficiency and Customer Service, George Washington University, School of Public Health and Health Services, Department of Health Policy and Health Management Associates
Role of Medicaid Family Planning Waivers and Title X In Enhancing Access to Preconception Care, R. B. Gold and C. Alrich
Building an information technology infrastructure, Melissa M. Goldstein
Diagnosing Death: Why Does It Remain "Well Settled and Persistently Unresolved"?, Melissa M. Goldstein
Building an Information Technology Infrastructure, M. M. Goldstein and D. Blumenthal
Alcohol Screening and Brief Intervention in the Workplace: Year Two Final Report, Eric Goplerud and Tracy McPherson
Screening and Brief Intervention (SBI): Guide & Resource Manual for Workplace Practitioners, Eric Goplerud and Tracy McPherson
Employer-based health insurance: At the end of the line, Warren Greenberg
Single payer vs. multi-payers under universal health coverage, Warren Greenberg
Second-Generation Consumerism: Increasing Consumer Activation to Improve Health Outcomes and Lower Costs for Patients with Chronic Disease, Judith H. Hibbard and Katherine J. Hayes
Baseline Evaluation of the DC Emergency Healthcare Coalition, Melissa A. Higdon, Peter Shin, and Michael A. Stoto
The future of preconception care: A Clinical Perspective, B. W. Jack, H. Atrash, T. Bickmore, and K. Johnson
War, Its Aftermath, and U.S. Health Policy: Toward a Comprehensive Health Program for America's Military Personnel, Veterans, and Their Families, M. J. Jackonis, L. Deyton, and W. J. Hess
Policy And Finance For Preconception Care: Opportunities for Today and the Future, K. Johnson, H. Atrash, and A. Johnson
Designation of Medically Underserved and Health Professional Shortage Areas: Analysis of the Public Comments on the Withdrawn Proposed Regulation, Emily Jones, Leighton C. Ku, Joseph Lippi, Ramona Whittington, and Sara J. Rosenbaum
Ensuring the use of federal assets in public health emergencies: The role of the Federal Tort Claims Act in enabling the responsiveness of federally funded community health centers, Rebecca L. Katz, Melissa M. Goldstein, and A. Seiji Hayashi
Should a reformed system be prepared for public health emergencies, and what does that mean anyway?, Rebecca L. Katz and Jeffrey Levi
Ensuring the use of federal assets in public health emergencies: The role of the Federal Tort Claims Act in enabling the responsiveness of federally funded community health centers, R. Katz, M. Goldstein, and A. S. Hayashi
Should a Reformed System Be Prepared for Public Health Emergencies, and What Does that Mean Anyway?, R. Katz and J. Levi
Monitoring and Assessing the Use of External Quality Review Organizations to Improve Services for Young Children: A Toolkit for State Medicaid Agencies, Tara Krissik, Henry T. Ireys, Anne R. Markus, and Sara J. Rosenbaum
Public and private health insurance: Stacking up the costs, Leighton C. Ku and Matthew Broaddus
Leveling the playing field: Enabling community-based organizations to utilize geographic information systems for effective advocacy, Haydar Kurban, Makada Henry-Nickie, Rodney D. Green, and Janet A. Phoenix
Gender and leadership in healthcare administration: 21st century progress and challenges, Paula M. Lantz
Liability Protections for Emergency Volunteer Health Practitioners and Entities, Jennifer Lee, Orriel L. Richardson, Ross Margulies, and Sara J. Rosenbaum
Ready or Not? Protecting the Public's Health from Diseases, Disasters, and Bioterrorism, Jeffrey Levi, Serena Vinter, Rebecca St. Laurent, and Laura M. Segal
Reducing racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic disparities in health care: Opportunities in national health reform, Marsha Lillie-Blanton, Saqi Maleque, and Wilhelmine Miller
Reducing Racial, Ethnic, and Socioeconomic Disparities in Health Care: Opportunities in National Health Reform, M. Lillie-Blanton, S. Maleque, and W. Miller
Assessing Health and Health Care in the District of Columbia: Phase 2 Report, Nicole Lurie, Carol Roan Gresenz, Janice Blanchard, Anita Chandra, Barbara O. Wynn, Kristy Gonzalez Morganti, Teague Ruder, Amber Price, Donna Sickler, Bonnie Norton, Karen Jones, Marsha Regenstein, and Bruce Siegel
Assessing Health and Health Care in the District of Columbia, Nicole Lurie, Carol Roan Gresenz, Janice Blanchard, Teague Ruder, Anita Chandra, Bonnie Ghosh-Dastidar, Amber Price, Bruce Siegel, Marsha Regenstein, Donna Sickler, Bonnie Norton, and Karen Jones
Medicaid's role in financing health care for children with behavioral health care needs in the special education system: Implications of the Deficit Reduction Act, David S. Mandell, Aliza Machefsky, David Rubin, Chris Feudtner, Susmita Pati, and Sara J. Rosenbaum
Medicaid's role in financing health care for children with behavioral health care neds in the special education system: implications of the deficit reduction act., D. S. Mandell, A. Machefsky, D. Rubin, C. Feudtner, and S. Pita
Policy and Financing Issues for Preconception and Interconception Health: Editor's Note, A. R. Markus
The profitability of Medicare admissions based on source of admission, Megan McHugh, Marsha Regenstein, and Bruce Siegel
The profitability of medicare admissions based on source of admission, M. McHugh, M. Regenstein, and B. Siegel
Racial and Ethnic Disparities in U.S. Health Care: A Chartbook, Holly Mead, Lara Cartwright-Smith, Karen Jones, Christal Ramos, Bruce Siegel, and Kristy Woods
Non-physician clinicians in 47 sub-Saharan African countries, F. Mullan and S. Frehywot
Aging, Primary Care, and Self-Sufficiency: Health Care Workforce Challenges Ahead, F. Mullan, S. Frehywot, and L. J. Jolley
Aging, primary care, and self-sufficiency: Health care workforce challenges ahead, Fitzhugh Mullan, Seble Frehywot, and Laura J. Jolley
For Asians only? The perils of ancestry-based drug prescribing, Perry W. Payne
The effect of emergency department crowding on patient satisfaction for admitted patients, Jesse M. Pines, Sanjay Iyer, Maureen Disbot, Judd E. Hollander, Frances S. Shofer, and Elizabeth M. Datner
The role of community health centers in responding to disparities in visual health, Michelle Proser, Peter Shin, and American Optometric Association Community Health Center Committee
The role of community health centers in responding to disparities in visual health, M. Proser and P. Shin
Hospital language services: Quality improvement and performance measures, Marsha Regenstein, Jennifer Huang, Catherine West, Holly Mead, Jennifer Trott, and Melissa Stegun
In any language: Improving the quality and availability of language services in hospitals, Marsha Regenstein, Jennifer Trott, and Jennifer Huang
Assessing the Effects of Medicaid Documentation Requirements on Health Centers and Their Patients: Results of a "Second Wave" Survey, Lee Repasch, Brad Finnegan, Peter Shin, and Sara J. Rosenbaum
Commentary: evaluating Title VII investments in primary care training: drop in the ocean, or levee against the flood?, Eugene C. Rich and Fitzhugh Mullan
When worlds collide: public health and union rights in virginia mason hospital v washington state nurses association, S. Rosenbaum
Women and Health Insurance: Implications for Financing Preconception Health, S. Rosenbaum
CMS' Medicaid Regulations: Implications for Children with Special Health Care Needs, Sara J. Rosenbaum
Slouching toward health reform: Insights from the battle over SCHIP, Sara J. Rosenbaum
The CMS Medicaid Targeted Case Management Rule: Implications for Special Needs Service Providers and Programs, Sara J. Rosenbaum
The proxy war--SCHIP and the government's role in health care reform, Sara J. Rosenbaum
Medicare Competitive Acquisition: Implications for Persons with Diabetes, Sara J. Rosenbaum, Avi Dor, Brad Finnegan, and Emily Jones
Emerging Privacy Issues in Health Information Technology, Sara J. Rosenbaum, Melissa M. Goldstein, and Lee Repasch
Foreword: On the cusp: Insight and perspectives on health reform, Sara J. Rosenbaum and Jeanne Lambrew
Access Transformed: Building a Primary Care Workforce for the 21st Century, Sara J. Rosenbaum and Peter Shin
State laws extending comprehensive legal liability protections for professional health-care volunteers during public health emergencies, S. Rosenbaum, M. Harty, and J. Sheer
Foreword: On the Cusp: Insight and Perspectives on Health Reform, S. Rosenbaum and J. M. Lambrew
Confronting the public health workforce crisis: ASPH statement on the public health workforce, L. Rosenstock, G. B. Silver, K. Helsing, C. Evashwick, and R. Katz
US residency training before and after the 1997 Balanced Budget Act.[see comment], E. Salsberg, P. H. Rockey, K Rivers, and G. R. Jackson
An AOA critical issue. Future physician workforce requirements: implications for orthopaedic surgery education, E. S. Salsberg, A. Grover, M. A. Simon, S. L. Frick, and M. A. Kuremsky
Preferences for self-management support: findings from a survey of diabetes patients in safety-net health systems, U. Sarkar, J. D. Piette, R. Gonzales, D. Lessler, and L. D. Chew
Preferences for self-management support: Findings from a survey of diabetes patients in safety-net health systems, Urmimala Sarkar, John D. Piette, Ralph Gonzales, Daniel Lessler, Lisa D. Chew, Brendan Reilly, Jolene Johnson, Melanie Brunt, Jennifer Huang, Marsha Regenstein, and Dean Schillinger