
Submissions from 2011


Transforming Community Health Centers Into Patient-Centered Medical Homes: The Role of Payment Reform, Leighton C. Ku, Peter Shin, Emily Jones, and Brian K. Bruen


Promoting the Integration and Coordination of Safety-Net Health Care Providers Under Health Reform: Key Issues, Leighton C. Ku, Peter Shin, Marsha Regenstein, and Holly Mead

Safety-net providers after health care reform: lessons from Massachusetts., L Ku, E Jones, P Shin, FR Byrne, and SK Long

The states' next challenge--securing primary care for expanded Medicaid populations., L Ku, K Jones, P Shin, B Bruen, and K Hayes

Health insurance exchanges: implications for public health policy and practice., J Leonard and S Rosenbaum

Breastfeeding and new federal prevention efforts in the affordable care act, J Levi


Addressing the Challenges of Reporting on Childhood Asthma in a Changing Health Care System: Building Better Evidence for High Performance, Meagan Lyon, Anne Rossier Markus, Maya Tuchman Gerstein, and Sara J. Rosenbaum


Medicaid statistical information system (MSIS): A data source for quality reporting for Medicaid and the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP), Patricia MacTaggart, Ashley Foster, and Anne R. Markus

Medicaid Statistical Information System (MSIS): a data source for quality reporting for Medicaid and the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP)., P MacTaggart, A Foster, and A Markus

Overcrowding in emergency departments and adverse outcomes: Death and admission rates are higher when length of stay is longer, ML McCarthy


The past, present, and future of urgent matters: lessons learned from a decade of emergency department flow improvement, Mark S. McClelland, Danielle Lazar, Vickie Sears, Marcia J. Wilson, Bruce Siegel, and Jesse M. Pines


The impact of declining smoking on radon-related lung cancer in the United States, David Mendez, Omar Alshanqeety, Kenneth E. Warner, Paula M. Lantz, and Paul N. Courant

Carol Anne Bond v the United States of America: How a woman scorned threatened the chemical weapons convention, A Muldoon, S Kornblet, and R Katz


Carol Anne Bond v the United States of America: How a woman scorned threatened the Chemical Weapons Convention, Anna Muldoon, Sarah Kornblet, and Rebecca L. Katz

Medical schools in sub-Saharan Africa, F Mullan, S Frehywot, and F Omaswa

Medical schools in sub-Saharan Africa, F. Mullan, S. Frehywot, F. Omaswa, E. Buch, and C. Chen

Authors' reply, F Mullan, S Freyhwot, F Omaswa, and T Wassermann

The relationship between alternative medication possession ratio thresholds and outcomes: Evidence from the use of glatiramer acetate, M.A. Oleen-Burkey, A. Dor, J. Castelli-Haley, and M.J. Lage


The relationship between alternative medication possession ratio thresholds and outcomes: Evidence from the use of glatiramer acetate, M. A. Oleen-Burkey, Avi Dor, Jane Castelli-Haley, and Maureen J. Lage

House/ball culture and adolescent African-American transgender persons and men who have sex with men: a synthesis of the literature, G Phillips, D Binson, J Hidalgo, and M Magnus

Survivorship navigation outcome measures: a report from the ACS patient navigation working group on survivorship navigation, M Pratt-Chapman, MA Simon, AK Patterson, BC Risendal, and S Patierno

Racial and ethnic disparities in the quality of diabetes care in a nationally representative sample., P Richard, PK Alexandre, A Lara, and AB Akamigbo


Bending the Health Care Cost Curve in North Carolina: The Experience of Community Health Centers, Patrick Richard, Peter Shin, Kristina Vasilkovska, and Sara J. Rosenbaum

Equal access for Medicaid beneficiaries--the Supreme Court and the Douglas cases., S Rosenbaum


Medicaid and access to health care--a proposal for continued inaction?., S Rosenbaum


An overview of the administration's ACO policy: Opportunities and challenges, Sara J. Rosenbaum


Crossing the Rubicon: The impact of the Affordable Care Act on the content of insurance coverage for persons with disabilities, Sara J. Rosenbaum


Equal access for Medicaid beneficiaries — The Supreme Court and the Douglas cases, Sara J. Rosenbaum


Medicaid and access to health care--A proposal for continued inaction?, Sara J. Rosenbaum


Medicaid and access to the courts, Sara J. Rosenbaum

Ethical Considerations for Decision Making Regarding Allocation of Mechanical Ventilators during a Severe Influenza Pandemic or Other Public Health Emergency, Sara J. Rosenbaum and CDC Ethics Subcommittee members


Community Health Centers and the Economy: Assessing Centers' Role in Immediate Job Creation Efforts, Sara J. Rosenbaum and Peter Shin


Medicare's Accountable Care Organization Regulations: How Will Medicare Beneficiaries Who Reside in Medically Underserved Communities Fare?, Sara J. Rosenbaum and Peter Shin


Who Are the Health Center Pati ents Who Risk Losing Care Under the House of Representatives’ Pr oposed FY 2011 Spending Reductions?, Sara J. Rosenbaum, Peter Shin, and Leighton C. Ku


Who Are the Health Center Patients Who Risk Losing Care Under the House of Representatives' Proposed FY 2011 Spending Reductions?, Sara J. Rosenbaum, Peter Shin, and Leighton C. Ku


The Essential Health Benefits Provisions of the Affordable Care Act: Implications for People with Disabilities, Sara J. Rosenbaum, Joel B. Teitelbaum, and Katherine J. Hayes


Assessing and addressing legal barriers to the clinical integration of community health centers and other community providers, Sara J. Rosenbaum, Marcie Zakheim, Jacqueline C. Leifer, Michael D. Golde, Jillanne M. Schulte, and Ross Margulies

Tax-exempt hospitals and the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act: implications for public health policy and practice., S Rosenbaum and R Margulies

Realizing health reform's potential: the essential health benefits provisions of the Affordable Care Act: implications for people with disabilities., S Rosenbaum, J Teitelbaum, and K Hayes


What Community Health Centers Mean to Economic and Health Security, Peter Shin and Kristen Perosino


The Health Care Access and Cost Consequences of Reducing Health Center Funding, Peter Shin and Sara J. Rosenbaum


The Role of Community Health Centers in Addressing the Needs of Uninsured Low-income Workers: Implications of Proposed Federal Funding Reductions, Peter Shin and Sara J. Rosenbaum

Issues in health reform: How changes in eligibility may move millions back and forth between medicaid and insurance exchanges, BD Sommers and S Rosenbaum


Issues in health reform: How changes in eligibility may move millions back and forth between Medicaid and insurance exchanges, Benjamin D. Sommers and Sara J. Rosenbaum


Influenza Vaccination of the Healthcare Workforce: Developing a Model State Law, Alexandra M. Stewart and Marisa A Cox


Influenza Vaccination of the Health Care Workforce: A Literature Review, Alexandra M. Stewart, Marisa A. Cox, and Mallory O'Connor


Does medication adherence lower Medicare spending among beneficiaries with diabetes?, Bruce Stuart, Amy Davidoff, Ruth Lopert, Thomas Shaffer, J. Samantha Shoemaker, and Jennifer Lloyd

How health care organizations are using data on patients' race and ethnicity to improve quality of care, R Thorlby, S Jorgensen, B Siegel, and JZ Ayanian


A New State Plan Option to Integrate Care and Financing for Persons Dually Eligible for Medicare and Medicaid, Jane H. Thorpe and Katherine J. Hayes

Commentary: Meeting future medical care needs: a perfect storm on the horizon., ME Whitcomb

Policy implications of a new National Institutes of Health Agenda for Women's Health Research, 2010-2020., SF Wood, MC Blehar, and DR Mauery


Citizen-centered health promotion: Building collaboration to facilitate healthy living, Steven H. Woolf, Mercedes M. Dekker, Fraser Rothenberg Byrne, and Wilhelmine Miller

Submissions from 2010

Health Care Reform and Primary Care ? The Growing Importance of the Community Health Center, E. Y. Adashi, H. J. Geiger, and M. D. Fine

Disparities in adequate mental health care for past-year major depressive episodes among white and non-white youth, P. K. Alexandre, M. Z. Younis, S. S. Martins, and P. Richard

Blueprint for Action. Steps Toward a High-Quality, High-Value Maternity Care System, PB Angood, EM Armstrong, D Ashton, H Burstin, and MP Corry


Implementation of EAPs, Mark Attridge, Patricia Herlihy, Dave Sharar, Tom Amaral, Tracy McPherson, Diane Stephenson, Tom Bjornson, Rich Paul, Lisa Teems, Eric Goplerud, and Sandra Routledge

Quality improvement in local health departments: Results of the NACCHO 2008 survey, L. M. Beitsch, C. Leep, G. Shah, R. G. Brooks, and R. M. Pestronk

Education of health professional for the 21st century: a global independent Commission, Z. A. Bhutta, L. Chen, J. Cohen, N. Crisp, and T. Evans


Medicare Advantage Payment Provisions: Health Care and Education Affordability Reconciliation Act of 2010 H.R. 4872, Brian Biles and Grace Arnold


Analysis & commentary. Measuring patient experience as a strategy for improving primary care, Katherine Browne, Deborah Roseman, Dale Shaller, and Susan Edgman-Levitan

Measuring Patient Experience As A Strategy For Improving Primary Care, K. Browne, D. Roseman, D. Shaller, and S. Edgman-Levitan

The health information technology provisions in the American recovery and reinvestment act of 2009: Implications for public health policy and practice, T. Burke


The health information technology provisions in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, Taylor Burke


Accountable care organizations: Implications for antitrust policy, Taylor Burke and Sara J. Rosenbaum


Patient-Centered Medical Home Pilot Program: the Cincinnati Experience, Christina A. Burke-Tillema and Robert Graham


So, You are Thinking About Becoming a Patient-Centered Medical Home, Christina A. Burke-Tillema and Robert Graham


Trends in boarding of admitted patients in US Emergency Departments 2003-2005, Brendan G. Carr, Judd E. Hollander, William G. Baxt, Elizabeth M. Datner, and Jesse M. Pines


Can the deployment of community health workers for the delivery of HIV services represent an effective and sustainable response to health workforce shortages? Results of a multicountry study, Francesca Celletti, Anna Wright, John Palen, Seble Frehywot, Anne R. Markus, Alan E. Greenberg, Rafael Augusto Teixeira de Aguiar, Francisco Campos, Eric Buch, and Badara Samb

Can the deployment of community health workers for the delivery of HIV services represent an effective and sustainable response to health workforce shortages? Results of a multicountry study, F. Celletti, A. Wright, J. Palen, S. Frehywot, and A. Markus

Community-oriented Primary Care: An Often Overlooked Option for Community Pediatrics Practice and Training, C Chen, C Lichtenstein, KD Northrip, and I Horn

Wyeth v Levine: Implications for public health policy and practice, S. David and S. Rosenbaum


Electronic health records' limited successes suggest more targeted uses, Catherine M. DesRoches, Eric G. Campbell, Christine Vogeli, Jie Zheng, Sowmya R. Rao, Alexandra E. Shields, Karen Donelan, Sara J. Rosenbaum, Steffanie J. Bristol, and Ashish K. Jha

Electronic health records' limited successes suggest more targeted uses, C. M. DesRoches, E. G. Campbell, C. Vogeli, J. Zheng, and S. R. Rao

Meaningful use of health information technology in U.S. Hospitals, CM DesRoches and SJ Rosenbaum

Pharmaceutical markets and insurance worldwide. Overview., A Dor

How does cost-sharing affect drug purchases insurance regimes in the private market for prescription drugs, A Dor and W Encinosa

Cost sharing, benefit design, and adherence: the case of multiple sclerosis, A Dor, MJ Lage, ML Tarrants, and J Castelli-Haley

Cost sharing, benefit design, and adherence: the case of multiple sclerosis., A Dor, MJ Lage, ML Tarrants, and J Castelli-Haley


A Heavy Burden: The Individual Costs of Being Overweight and Obese in the United States, Avi Dor, Christine Ferguson, Casey Langwith, and Ellen Tan


Cost Sharing, Benefit Design, and Adherence: The Case of Multiple Sclerosis, Avi Dor, Maureen J. Lage, Marcy L. Tarrants, and Jane Castelli-Haley


Does Prescription Drug Adherence Reduce Hospitalizations and Costs? The Case of Diabetes, William E. Encinosa, Didem Bernard, and Avi Dor

Your mission, should you choose to accept it..., JL Feder


Compulsory service programmes for recruiting health workers in remote and rural areas: Do they work?, Seble Frehywot, Fitzhugh Mullan, Perry W. Payne, and Heather Ross

Compulsory service programmes for recruiting health workers in remote and rural areas: Do they work?, S Frehywot, F Mullan, PW Payne, and H Ross


Impact of time to antibiotics on survival in patients with severe sepsis or septic shock in whom early goal-directed therapy was initiated in the emergency department, David F. Gaieski, Mark E. Mikkelsen, Roger A. Band, Jesse M. Pines, Richard Massone, Frances F. Furia, Frances S. Shofer, and Munish Goyal

There wasn't a lot of comforts in those days': African Americans, public health, and the 1918 influenza epidemic (Public Health Reports), VN Gamble


Medical home infrastructure: Effect of the environment and practice characteristics on adoption in Virginia., Debora Goetz Goldberg and Stephen S. Mick


Health information technology and the idea of informed consent, Melissa M. Goldstein


Consumer Consent Options for Electronic Health Information Exchange: Policy Considerations and Analysis, Melissa M. Goldstein and Alison L. Rein


Data Segmentation in Electronic Health Information Exchange: Policy Considerations and Analysis, Melissa M. Goldstein, Alison L. Rein, Melissa M. Heesters, Penelope P. Hughes, Benjamin Williams, and Scott A. Weinstein

Health Information Technology and the Idea of Informed Content, M. M. Goldstein


Health information technology and the idea of informed consent, MM Goldstein

Law and the public's health. The health privacy provisions in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009: implications for public health policy and practice, MM Goldstein

Information technology is considered a potentially transformative element in the field of health care by purchasers, regulators, providers, vendors, and consumers alike. Introduction., MM Goldstein and MA Rothstein

Introduction, MM Goldstein and MA Rothstein

The First Anniversary of the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act: the regulatory outlook for implementation., MM Goldstein and H Thorpe


Controversy undermines support for state mandates on the human papillomavirus vaccine, Sarah E. Gollust, Amanda F. Dempsey, Paula M. Lantz, Peter A. Ubel, and Erika F. Fowler


Images of illness: How causal claims and racial associations influence public preferences toward diabetes research spending, Sarah E. Gollust, Paula M. Lantz, and Peter A. Ubel