Submissions from 2012
Organizational Behavior and Management Thinking, Sheila K. McGinnis
More patients are triaged using the Emergency Severity Index than any other triage acuity system in the United States., Megan McHugh, Paula Tanabe, Mark S. McClelland, and Rahul K. Khare
Improving Patient Flow and Reducing Emergency Department Crowding: A Guide for Hospitals, Megan McHugh, Kevin VanDyke, Mark McClelland, and Dina Moss
More patients are triaged using the Emergency Severity Index than any other triage acuity system in the United States, M McHugh, P Tanabe, M McClelland, and RK Khare
The Medical Education Partnership Initiative: PEPFAR'S effort to boost health worker education to strengthen health systems, F Mullan, S Frehywot, F Omaswa, N Sewankambo, and Z Talib
The Medical Education Partnership Initiative: PEPFAR'S effort to boost health worker education to strengthen health systems., Fitzhugh Mullan, Seble Frehywot, Francis Omaswa, Nelson Sewankambo, Zohray Talib, Candice Chen, James Kiarie, and Elsie Kiguli-Malwadde
Bringing Equity into Quality Improvement: An Overview and Opportunities Ahead, Sunita Mutha, Angela Marks, Ignatius Bau, and Marsha Regenstein
Pediatric residents' knowledge of the community, KD Northrip, HM Bush, H Li, C Chen, and MF Guagliardo
Pediatric residents' knowledge of the community., Kimberly D. Northrip, Heather M. Bush, Hsin F. Li, Jennifer E. Marsh, Candice Chen, and Mark F. Guagliardo
HIV testing behaviors of a cohort of HIV-positive racial/ethnic minority YMSM, Gregory Phillips, Lisa Hightow-Weidman, Monisha Arya, Sheldon Fields, Bonnie Halpern-Felsher, Angulique Outlaw, Amy Wohl, and Julia Hidalgo
Immigration and contract problems experienced by foreign-educated nurses, Patricia Pittman, Carolina Herrera, Joanne Spetz, and Catherine R. Davis
Physician wages in states with expanded APRN scope of practice, Patricia Pittman and Benjamin Williams
Immigration and Contract Problems Experienced by Foreign-Educated Nurses, P. Pittman, C. Herrera, J. Spetz, and C. Davis
Physician Wages in States with Expanded APRN Scope of Practice., P Pittman and B Williams
Solutions to emergency department 'boarding' and crowding are underused and may need to be legislated, E Rabin, K Kocher, M McClelland, J Pines, and U Hwang
Solutions to emergency department 'boarding' and crowding are underused and may need to be legislated., Elaine Rabin, Keith Kocher, Mark McClelland, Jesse M. Pines, Ula Hwang, Niels Rathlev, Brent Asplin, N. Seth Trueger, and Ellen Weber
Medication Information for Patients with Limited English Proficiency: Lessons from the European Union, M Regenstein, E Andres, D Nelson, S David, and R Lopert
Medication information for patients with limited English proficiency: Lessons from the European Union, Marsha Regenstein, Ellie Andres, Dylan Nelson, Stephanie David, Ruth Lopert, and Richard Katz
Medicaid Coverage for Individuals in Jail Pending Disposition: Opportunities for Improved Health and Health Care at Lower Costs, Marsha Regenstein and Jade Christie-Maples
Improving the quality of language services delivery: Findings from a hospital Quality improvement initiative, Marsha Regenstein, Jenny Huang, Cathy West, Jennifer Trott, Holly Mead, and Ellie Andres
Racial and Ethnic Disparities in the Quality of Diabetes Care for the Elderly in a Nationally Representative Sample, P. Richard, P.K. Alexandre, M.Z. Younis, A. Lara, and A.B. Akamigbo
Racial and ethnic disparities in the quality of diabetes care for the elderly in a nationally representative sample, Patrick Richard, Pierre Alexandre, Mustafa Younis, Anthony Lara, and Adaeze Akamigbo
Cost savings associated with the use of community health centers, Patrick Richard, Leighton Ku, Avi Dor, Ellen Tan, Peter Shin, and Sara Rosenbaum
The return on investment of a Medicaid tobacco cessation program in Massachusetts, Patrick Richard, Kristina West, and Leighton Ku
Cost Savings Associated With the Use of Community Health Centers, P. Richard, L. Ku, A. Dor, E. Tan, and P. Shin
The return on investment of a Medicaid tobacco cessation program in Massachusetts, P Richard, K West, and L Ku
The Return on Investment of a Medicaid Tobacco Cessation Program in Massachusetts, P. Richard, K. West, and L. Ku
Multi-State Plans Under the Affordable Care Act, Trish Riley and Jane H. Thorpe
Law and the Public's Health., S Rosenbaum
Suing states over threatened access to care - The Douglas decision, S Rosenbaum
The patient protection and affordable care act and the future of child health policy, S Rosenbaum
Threading the needle--Medicaid and the 113th Congress., S Rosenbaum
Law and the public's health, Sara Rosenbaum
Suing states over threatened access to care - The Douglas decision, Sara Rosenbaum
The ACA: implications for the accessibility and quality of breast and cervical cancer prevention and treatment services., Sara Rosenbaum
The patient protection and affordable care act and the future of child health policy, Sara Rosenbaum
Threading the needle - Medicaid and the 113th Congress, Sara Rosenbaum
Case studies at Denver Health: 'patient dumping' in the emergency department despite EMTALA, the law that banned it, Sara Rosenbaum, Lara Cartwright-Smith, Joel Hirsh, and Philip S. Mehler
Examining the evidentiary basis of Congress's commerce clause power to address individuals' health insurance status, Sara J. Rosenbaum, Leighton C. Ku, Paula M. Lantz, Holly Mead, and Michal McDowell
State Health Insurance Exchange Laws: The First Generation, Sara J. Rosenbaum, Nancy Lopez, Taylor Burke, and Mark Dorley
All heat, no light — The states' Medicaid claims before the Supreme Court, Sara Rosenbaum and Timothy Stoltzfus Jost
Building a Relationship between Medicaid, the Exchange and the Individual Insurance Market, Sara J. Rosenbaum and Trish Riley
Examining the Evidentiary Basis of Congress's Commerce Clause Power to Address Individuals' Health Insurance Status, Sara Rosenbaum, Leighton Ku, Paula Lantz, Holly Mead, and Michal McDowell
The Supreme Court's surprising decision on the Medicaid expansion: how will the federal government and states proceed?, Sara Rosenbaum and Timothy M. Westmoreland
Case studies at denver health: 'Patient dumping' in the emergency department despite emtala, the law that banned it, S Rosenbaum, L Cartwright-Smith, J Hirsh, and PS Mehler
Case studies at Denver health: 'patient dumping' in the emergency department despite EMTALA, the law that banned it, S. Rosenbaum, L. Cartwright-Smith, J. Hirsh, and P. S. Mehler
All heat, no light - The states' medicaid claims before the supreme court, S Rosenbaum and TS Jost
The supreme court's surprising decision on the medicaid expansion: How will the federal government and states proceed?, S Rosenbaum and M Timothy
The supreme court's surprising decision on the medicaid expansion: how will the federal government and states proceed?, S. Rosenbaum and T. M. Westmoreland
Association Between Glycosylated Hemoglobin and Intentional Weight Loss in Overweight and Obese Patients With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Retrospective Cohort Study., Ghanshyam P. S. Shantha, Anita A. Kumar, Scott Kahan, and Lawrence J. Cheskin
Association Between Glycosylated Hemoglobin and Intentional Weight Loss in Overweight and Obese Patients With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Retrospective Cohort Study, GPS Shantha, AA Kumar, S Kahan, and LJ Cheskin
Medicaid and Community Health Centers: The Relationship between Coverage for Adults and Primary Care Capacity in Medically Underserved Communities, Peter Shin, Sara J. Rosenbaum, Brian K. Bruen, Alice (Xiao-Xiao) Lu, Rachel Arguello, and Jennifer Tolbert
Community Health Centers: The Challenge of Growing to Meet the Need for Primary Care in Medically Underserved Communities, Peter Shin, Sara J. Rosenbaum, and Julia Paradise
Opportunities and challenges for community health centers in meeting women's health care needs, Peter Shin and Jessica Sharac
Role of Community Health Centers in Providing Services to Low-income Women, Peter Shin and Jessica Sharac
An Early Assessment of the Potential Impact of Texas' "Affiliation" Regulation on Access to Care for Low-income Women, Peter Shin, Jessica Sharac, and Sara J. Rosenbaum
REVISED: An Early Assessment of the Potential Impact of Texas’ “Affiliation” Regulation on Access to Care for Low-income Women, Peter Shin, Jessica Sharac, and Sara J. Rosenbaum
Opportunities and Challenges for Community Health Centers in Meeting Women s Health Care Needs, P. Shin and J. Sharac
Impact of stage 3B chronic kidney disease on thrombosis and bleeding outcomes after orthopedic surgery in patients treated with desirudin or enoxaparin: insights from a randomized trial., Andrew F. Shorr, Bengt I. Eriksson, Amir K. Jaffer, and John J. Smith
Validation of a clinical score for assessing the risk of resistant pathogens in patients with pneumonia presenting to the emergency department., Andrew F. Shorr, Marya D. Zilberberg, Richard Reichley, Jason Kan, Alex Hoban, Justin Hoffman, Scott T. Micek, and Maren H. Kollef
Severe acute hypertension among inpatients admitted from the emergency department., Andrew F. Shorr, Marya D. Zilberberg, Xiaowu Sun, Richard S. Johannes, Vikas Gupta, and Ying P. Tabak
Willingness to pay for cancer therapy, Jonathan Silver and Ruth Lopert
The Use of and Satisfaction with the Emergency Severity Index., Rachel F. Singer, Alycia A. Infante, Caitlin C. Oppenheimer, Catherine A. West, and Bruce Siegel
The Use of and Satisfaction with the Emergency Severity Index, RF Singer, AA Infante, CC Oppenheimer, CA West, and B Siegel
Using state laws to vaccinate the health-care workforce, Alexandra M. Stewart
Using state laws to vaccinate the health-care workforce, AM Stewart
Translating rights into access: language access and the Affordable Care Act, Joel Teitelbaum, Lara Cartwright-Smith, and Sara Rosenbaum
Living Well with Chronic Illness: A Call for Public Health Action, Robert B. Wallace, Ronald T. Ackermann, Karen Basen-Engquist, Bobbie A. Berkowitz, Leigh F. Callahan, Ronni Chernoff, David B. Coultas, Sherita Hill Golden, Jeffrey R. Harris, Russell Harris, Katie B. Horton, M. Jeanne Miranda, Marcia Nielsen, Olugbenga G. Ogedegbe, Patrick Remington, David B. Reuben, and Michael Schoenbaum
Coverage of Medicaid Preventive Services for Adults: A National Review, Sara E. Wilensky and Elizabeth A. Gray
Impact of the 2008-2010 economic recession on local health departments, Rachel Willard, Gulzar H. Shah, Carolyn Leep, and Leighton Ku
Impact of the 2008-2010 Economic Recession on Local Health Departments, R. Willard, G. Shah, C. Leep, and L. Ku
Submissions from 2011
Comparison between Society of Thoracic Surgeons score and logistic EuroSCORE for predicting mortality in patients referred for transcatheter aortic valve implantation., I Ben-Dor, MA Gaglia, G Maluenda, C Hauville, and MA Gonzalez
Catching a wave - Implementing health care reform in California, AB Bindman and AG Schneider
More than four in five office-based physicians could qualify for federal electronic health record incentives. (Profiles Of innovation in health care delivery.), BK Bruen, L Ku, MF Burke, and MB Buntin
More than four in five office-based physicians could qualify for federal electronic health record incentives, Brian K. Bruen, Leighton C. Ku, Matthew F. Burke, and Melinda Buntin
Accountable care organizations., T Burke
Emergency department crowding and time to care in patients with acute stroke, Pia Chatterjee, Brett L. Cucchiara, Nicole Lazarciuc, Frances S. Shofer, and Jesse M. Pines
The Health of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender People: Building a Foundation for Better Understanding, Committee on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Health Issues and Research Gaps and Opportunities, Board on the Health of Select Populations, Institute of Medicine of the National Academies and Robert Graham
Results from the 2010-11 Readiness for Meaningful Use of HIT and Patient Centered Medical Home Recognition Survey, Merle Cunningham, Anthony Lara, and Peter Shin
Legal commentary on the Internet sale of human milk., SD David
Gender and Race Wage Gaps Attributable to Obesity, Avi Dor, Christine Ferguson, Ellen Tan, Lucas Divine, and Jo Palmer
Risk factors for esophageal and gastric cancers in Shanxi Province, China: a case-control study., Y Gao, N Hu, XY Han, T Ding, and C Giffen
Do Minority Patients Use Lower Quality Hospitals?, D Gaskin, J., C Spencer, S., and P Richard
Candidate performance measures for screening for, assessing, and treating unhealthy substance use in hospitals... Ann Intern Med. 2010 Jul 6;153(1):40-3, LM Gentilello and E Goplerud
Development and alumni assessment of an interdisciplinary PhD program offered through a blended learning environment., DG Goldberg, DG Clement, and JJ Cotter
A Natural Fit: Collaborations Between Community Health Centers and Family Planning Clinics, Rachel Benson Gold, Marcie Zakheim, Jillanne M. Schulte, Susan F. Wood, Tishra Beeson, and Sara J. Rosenbaum
Medical education in sub-Saharan Africa: A literature review, SR Greysen, D Dovlo, EO Olapade-Olaopa, M Jacobs, and N Sewankambo
Navigating the puzzle of healthcare reform, K Hayes
Insurance Market Reform and Health Insurance Exchanges, Katherine Hayes
Overview of policy, procedure and legislative history of the Affordable Care Act, Katherine J. Hayes
Roles and challenges of outreach workers in HIV clinical and support programs serving young racial/ethnic minority men who have sex with men., J Hidalgo, E Coombs, WO Cobbs, M Green-Jones, and G Phillips
Measures of crowding in the emergency department: A systematic review., Ula Hwang, Melissa L. McCarthy, Dominik Aronsky, Brent Asplin, Peter W. Crane, Catherine K. Craven, Stephen K. Epstein, Christopher Fee, Daniel A. Handel, Jesse M. Pines, Neil K. Rathlev, Robert W. Schafermeyer, Frank L. Zwemer, and Steven L. Bernstein
The Role of Treaties, Agreements, Conventions, and Other International Instruments in Global Health, J Kates and R Katz
Redefining syndromic surveillance., Rebecca Katz, Larissa May, Julia Baker, and Elisa Test
Defining health diplomacy: changing demands in the era of globalization., R Katz, S Kornblet, G Arnold, E Lief, and JE Fischer
Safety-net providers after health care reform: Lessons from Massachusetts, Leighton C. Ku, Emily Jones, Peter Shin, Fraser Rothenberg Byrne, and Sharon K. Long
The states' next challenge--Securing primary care for expanded Medicaid populations, Leighton C. Ku, Karen Jones, Peter Shin, Brian K. Bruen, and Katherine J. Hayes
Options for CDC's Cancer Screening Programs: Implications of the Affordable Care Act, Leighton C. Ku, Alice R. Levy, Paula M. Lantz, and Rachelle Pierre-Mathieu