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Americans with Disabilities Act; Medical Necessity; Persons with Disabilities; Chronic Diseases and Conditions
This analysis, prepared for The California Endowment, is a follow-on report to our earlier work that raised issues to be considered before moving persons with disabilities into compulsory Medicaid managed care plans and reviewed the extent to which California's legal framework addressed the concerns identified. In this report, the George Washington University School of Public Health and Health Services examines how other states have addressed issues that arise in designing, implementing and overseeing compulsory managed care systems for persons with disabilities and serious and chronic health conditions. The experiences of other states that have developed these types of arrangements offer an important learning opportunity for any state that is beginning the process of evaluating possible reforms. In addition, we evaluate how the changes in the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005 relate to decisions regarding the use of mandatory managed care enrollment for disabled beneficiaries.
APA Citation
Rosenbaum, S., Wilensky, S., Shin, P., & Whittington, R. (2006). Managed care and Medi-Cal beneficiaries with disabilities: Assessing current state practice in a changing federal policy environment. Washington, DC: Department of Health Policy, School of Public Health and Health Services, The George Washington University.
Open Access
Funder: The California Endowment.