Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences Faculty Publications | Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences | Himmelfarb Health Sciences Library, The George Washington University


Submissions from 1981

A comparative study of selective stimulation of raphe nuclei in the cat in inhibiting dorsal horn neuron responses to noxious stimulation, James L. Griffith and Glenn B. Gatipon

Submissions from 1978

Is social evolution a moral inversion?, Allen R. Dyer

Submissions from 1974

R.D. Laing in post critical perspective, A. R. Dyer

Submissions from 214


Use of modified acute concussion evaluation tools in the emergency department, Noel S. Zuckerbraun, Shireen M. Atabaki, Michael T. Collins, Danny Thomas, and Gerard A. Gioia

Submissions from 213


An educational symposium for patients with sickle cell disease and their families: Results from surveys of knowledge and factors influencing decisions about hematopoietic stem cell transplant, Amanda L. Thompson, Alexis Bridley, Eileen Twohy, Jackie Dioguardi, Jane Sande, Lewis L. Hsu, Naynesh Kamani, and Emily R. Meier