
Submissions from 2001

Estrogen receptor expression in an endometrial stromal sarcoma after tamoxifen therapy, J. B. Liao and J. Y. Lin

El abordaje de la osteoporosis desade la ginecologia, J.A. Simon

Safety of estrogen/androgen regimens, J.A. Simon

Surgically induced Menopause: sexual function issues., J.A. Simon

Safety profile: Transdermal testosterone treatment of women after Oophorectomy., J.A. Simon, N.A. Mazer, and K. Wekselman

Perimenopausal women in estrogen vasomotor trials: contribution to placebo effect and efficacy outcome, J.A. Simon, R.E. Stevens, S.A. Ayres, and K.V. Phelps

Unscheduled bleeding during initiation of continuous combined HRT: a direct comparison of two combinations of norethindrone acetate and ethinyl estradiol to medroxyprogesterone acetate and conjugated equine estrogens., J.A. Simons and Symons


Care of HIV-infected pregnant women in maternal-fetal medicine programs, Peter A. Sklar, Susanne L. Bathgate, Heather A. Young, and David M. Parenti

Late outcome of reoperative coronary revascularization on the beating heart, S.C. Stamou, A.J. Pfister, M.K. Dullum, S.W. Boyce, and A.S. Bafi

Submissions from 2000

Controversies in cardiology: role of HRT in treatment of postmenopausal women with cardiovascular risk factors. Risks and benefits of HRT: a roundtable discussion., R.S. Blumenthal, C.N. Bairey-Merz, and J.A. Simon

Controversies in cardiology: role of HRT in treatment of postmenopausal women with cardiovascular risk factors. Risks and benefits of HRT: a roundtable discussion., R.S. Blumenthal, C.N. Bairey-Merz, and J.A. Simon

Prevention of perinatal group B streptococcal infection: current controversies., W.D. Hager, A. Schuchat, R. Gibbs, R. Sweet, and P. Mead

Group intervention as one facet of a multi-component intervention with high risk mothers and their babies, M. H. Jarrett, L. T. Diamond, and A. El-Mohandes

First-trimester Down syndrome screening using dried blood biochemistry and nuchal translucency., D.A. Krantz, T.W. Hallahan, F. Orlandi, P. Buchanan, and J.W. Larsen

Transdermal testosterone treatment in oophorectomized women with impaired sexual function., J.L. Shifren, G.D. Braunstein, J.A. Simon, P.R. Casson, and G.P. Redmond

Submissions from 1999

Pregnancy-specific glycoprotein gene expression in recurrent aborters: a potential correlation to interleukin-10 expression, L.L. Arnold, T.M. Doherty, A.W. Flor, J.A. Simon, and J.Y. Chou

Impact of genetic counseling on primary and preventive care in obstetrics and gynecology, Gabriel M. Cohn, Richard C. Miller, Margot Gould, Charles J. Macri, and Martin L. Gimovsky

Is blastocyst transfer useful as an alternative treatment for patients with multiple in vitro fertilization failures?, J. R. Cruz, A. K. Dubey, J. Patel, D. Peak, and B. Hartog


Isolated bilateral anophthalmia in a girl with an apparently balanced de novo translocation: 46,XX,t(3;11)(q27;p11.2), Rita W. Driggers, Charles J. Macri, Jeffrey Greenwald, David Carpenter, John Avallone, Patricia N. Howard-Peebles, and Sondra W. Levin

Toxic effect patient's serum on mouse blastocyst., A.K. Dubey


Problems with evidence-based medicine, S. I. Lalwani and D. L. Olive

Successful management of fetal cervical teratoma using the EXIT procedure, M. E. Larsen, J. W. Larsen, S. L. Hamersley, T. P. McBride, and R. S. Bahadori

Simple office form for documentation of pelvic organ prolapse., T.T.M. Lee, T.L. Lyons, and W Winer


Is adrenomedullin a causal agent in some cases of type 2 diabetes?, A. Martínez, T. H. Elsasser, S. J. Bhathena, R. Pío, T. A. Buchanan, C. J. Macri, and F. Cuttitta

Progestogens in the treatment of secondary amenorrhea., J.A. Simon

Differential effects of estrogen-androgen and estrogen-only therapy on vasomotor symptoms, gonadotropin secretion and endogenous androgen bioavailability in postmenopausal women., J.A. Simon, E. Klaider, B. Wiita, A. Bowen, and H.M. Yang


Effect of meconium on the hemoglobin-oxygen association curve, S. S. Stadler, C. J. Macri, J. N. Kopelman, A. Mitchell, P. K. Chakraborty, and A. J. Satin

Submissions from 1998

Comparison of urinary free beta HCG and beta core HCG in prenatal screening for chromosomal abnormalities., T.W. Hallahan, D.A. Krantz, A.E. Tului, P.D. Buchanan, and F. Orlandi

Androgen effects on the Central Nervous System in the Post Menopausal woman., J.R. Plouffe and J.A. Simon

The role of progestogens in the treatment of secondary amenorrhea and postmenopausal bleeding., J.A. Simon

Effects of progestins and progesterone on CNS function., J.A. Simon, G. Kay, and C. Eberle

Submissions from 1997


Neoplastic transformation of the endocervix associated with downregulation of lactoferrin expression, John Farley, Davonne Loup, Myra Nelson, Annette Mitchell, Gretchen Esplund, Charles Macri, Charles Harrison, and Karen Gray

Comparison of serum vascular endothelial growth factor in pre-eclamptic and normal pregnancies, Robert B. Gherman, David A. Miller, Prnbir K. Chakrnboty, Karen D. Gray, and Charles J. Macri

Adrenomedullin, a new hypotensive peptide is expressed in maternal decidual cells and fetal cells in first trimester of pregnancy, C. Macri, M. Miller, K. Gray, M. Rtillngher, and A. Martins Phf Ciittitta


Expression of adrenomedullin and its receptor in normal and malignant human skin: A potential pluripotent role in the integument, Alfredo Martínez, Theodore H. Elsasser, Carlos Muro-Cacho, Terry W. Moody, Mae Jean Miller, Charles J. Macri, and Frank Cuttitta

Submissions from 1996


The usefulness of a prenatal genetic questionnaire in genetic risk assessment, Gabriel M. Cohn, Terri Cimaroli, Margot Gould, Charles J. Macri, Julia Habecker-Green, and Richard C. Miller

The Importance of Genetic Counseling before Amniocentesis, Gabriel M. Cohn, Margot Gould, Richard C. Miller, Julia Habecker-Green, Charles J. Macri, and Martin L. Gimovsky


Femoral hypoplasia and maternal diabetes: Consider femoral hypoplasia/unusual facies syndrome, Roger M. Hinson, Richard C. Miller, and Charles J. Macri


Biochemical markers of early and late spermatogenesis: Relationship between the lactate dehydrogenase-X and creatine kinase-M isoform concentrations in human spermatozoa, Sasmira Lalwani, Nabil Sayme, Lynne Vigue, Marcelia Corrales, and Gabor Huszar


Erratum: Biochemical markers of early and late spermatogenesis: Relationship between the lactate dehydrogenase-X and creatine kinase-M isoform concentrations in human spermatozoa (Molecular Reproduction and Development (1996) 43 (495-502)), S. Lalwani, N. Sayme, L. Vigue, M. Corrales, and G. Huszar


Detection of adrenomedullin, a hypotensive peptide, in amniotic fluid and fetal membranes, C. J. Macri, A. Martinez, T. W. Moody, K. D. Gray, M. J. Miller, M. Gallagher, and F. Cuttitta

Submissions from 1995

Neonatal pulmonary mechanics and oxygenation after prophylactic amnioinfusion in labor: A randomized clinical trial, C. McEvoy, S. Sardesai, C. Macri, R. Paul, and M. Durand

Submissions from 1994

Fetal oculocerebrorenal syndrome of lowe associated with elevated maternal serum and amniotic fluid alpha-fetoprotein levels, Richard C. Miller, Edward J. Wolf, Margot Gould, Charles J. Macri, and Lawrence R. Charnas


Improvements in assessment of human failed fertilization oocytes using the supravital dye hoechst 33342, E. Neuber, J. Witmyer, S. P. Oskowitz, and R. D. Powers


Possible Use of an Unusual HLA Antigen to Select Trophoblast Cells from the Maternal Circulation to Perform Early Prenatal Diagnosis, M. SBRACIA, F. SCARPELLINI, S. LALWANI, J. A. GRASSO, and L. SCARPELLINI

Submissions from 1993

Morbidity associated with abdominal myomectomy, Annette I. Lamorte, Sasmira Lalwani, and Michael P. Diamond

Submissions from 1992

Management and therapy of human immunodeficiency virus-infected pregnancies in maternal-fetal medicine fellowship training programs, John H. Grossman, Barbara M. Nies, Jose Lopez-Zeno, Susanne L. Bathgate, and David M. Parenti


Aging in America: Limits to life span and elderly care options, Roxanne Jamshidi, Allison J. Oppenheimer, Doris S. Lee, Felice H. Lepar, and Thomas J. Espenshade


Prophylactic amnioinfusion improves outcome of pregnancy complicated by thick meconium and oligohydramnios, Charles J. Macri, David B. Schrimmer, Anna Leung, Jeffrey S. Greenspoon, and Richard H. Paul


Amnioinfusion does not affect the length of labor, Charles J. Macri, D. B. Schrimmer, Jeffrey S. Greenspoon, Thomas H. Strong, and Richard H. Paul

Submissions from 1991


Prophylactic amnioinfusion as a treatment for oligohydramnios in laboring patients: A prospective, randomized trial, David B. Schrimmer, Charles J. Macri, and Richard H. Paul

Submissions from 1985


Evaluation of human fetal cord sera, Ham's F-10 medium, and in vitro culture materials with a mouse in vivo fertilization system, M. Condon-Mahony, J. W.E. Wortham, J. C. Bundren, J. Witmyer, and B. Shirley


Effects of human serum and plasma on development of mouse embryos in culture media, B. Shirley, J. W.E. Wortham, J. Witmyer, M. Condon-Mahony, and G. Fort

Submissions from 1983


Maturation and fertilization of morphologically immature human oocytes in a program of in vitro fertilization, L. L. Veeck, J. W.E. Wortham, J. Witmyer, B. A. Sandow, A. A. Acosta, J. E. Garcia, and G. S. Jones

Characteristics of oocytes and conceptuses following induction of ovulation using serophene/pergonal for in vitro fertilization, J. W.E. Wortham, J. C. Bundren, and J. Witmyer


Vital initiation of pregnancy (VIP) using human menopausal gonadotropin and human chorionic gonadotropin ovulation induction: Phase I - 1981, J. W.E. Wortham, L. L. Veeck, J. Witmyer, and H. W. Jones


Vital initiation of pregnancy (VIP) using human menopausal gonadotropin and human chorionic gonadotropin ovulation induction: Phase II - 1981, J. W.E. Wortham, L. L. Veeck, J. Witmyer, B. A. Sandow, and H. W. Jones

Submissions from 1982


The program for in vitro fertilization at Norfolk, H. W. Jones, G. S. Jones, M. C. Andrews, A. Acosta, C. Bundren, J. Garcia, and B. Sandow