Comparison of serum vascular endothelial growth factor in pre-eclamptic and normal pregnancies

Document Type

Journal Article

Publication Date



Acta Diabetologica Latina






OBJECTIVE: To determine whether pre-eclampsia is associated with alterations in maternal serum levels of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), a mediator of endothelial cell growth and permeability. STUDY DESIGN: Samples of peripheral venous blood were obtained from 18 women with pre-eclampsia at term (37-42 weeks gestation) and from 18 controls matched for maternal age. gestational age, fetal weight, parity, and race Women with chronic hypertension, renal, or metabolic disease were excluded. Pre-eclampsia was classified as mild in 12 rases and as severe in 6. VEGF concentrations were measured in scrum samples using a sandwich Fl.ISA specific for YEGF (R £D Systems; Minneapolis, MN). Demographic and clinical data were anahzed with c2 analysis. \TGF levels were compared with the Mann-Whitney L test. RESULTS: Serum VEGF le\els were delectable (>9 pM) in 11/18 pre-eclamptics and 11/18 controls (mean 163.7 ±24.7 pM, range 20-390 pM). \T,GF was detectable in 6/12 (50%) women with mild pre-eclampsia and in f>/6 (83.?%) with severe pre-erlampsia. There were 8 matched pairs in which both study patients and their controls had detectable VF_GF levels. Among these, patients with preeclampsia had significantly higher \T.GF le\els than controls (135.4 ±89.5pM versus 29.8 ±3..> ±102.8pM) were similar (P = 0.7) to the levels in severe preeclampsia (94 ±71.4pM). CONCLUSIONS: When detectable, serum VEGF levels are increased in patients with pre-eclampsia. Serum \T,GF levels are more likely to be detectable among patients with se\ere pre-eclampsia. Through ils ability to act as a mitogen for vascular endothelial cells, induction of vascular permeability, and promotion of coagulation, VEGF mav contribute to the endothelial cell activation characteristic of pre-eclampsia.

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