Himmelfarb Library Faculty Publications
Submissions from 2023
Incivility in medical education: a scoping review, Laura E. Abate and Larrie Greenberg
Searching for evidence in public health emergencies: a white paper of best practices, Stacy Brody, Sara Loree, Margaret Sampson, Shaila Mensinkai, Jennifer Coffman, Mark Heinrich Mueller, Nicole Askin, Cheryl Hamill, Emma Wilson, Mary Beth McAteer, and Heather Staines
The Medical Institutional Repositories in Libraries (MIRL) Symposium: a blueprint designed in response to a community of practice need., Brenda Fay, Lisa M Buda, Anthony J Dellureficio, Sara Hoover, Ramune K Kubilius, Steven J Moore, and Lisa A Palmer
Body composition and chemotherapy toxicity among women treated for breast cancer: a systematic review., Heather Wopat, Tom Harrod, Rachel F. Brem, Rebecca Kaltman, Kendall Anderson, and Kim Robien
Submissions from 2022
The currency and completeness of specialized databases of COVID-19 publications., Robyn Butcher, Margaret Sampson, Rachel J Couban, James Edward Malin, Sara Loree, and Stacy Brody
Doctor of nursing practice scholarship dissemination through an open access repository, Karen S. Kesten and Sara N. Hoover
Submissions from 2021
Scite: Contextualizing the Citation Count, Stacy Brody
Library involvement in health informatics education for health professions students and practitioners: a scoping review., Deborah L Lauseng, Kristine M Alpi, Brenda M Linares, Elaine Sullo, and Megan von Isenburg
Learning Outcomes Attributed to Prelicensure Clinical Education in Nursing: A Systematic Review of Qualitative Research., Kim Leighton, Suzan Kardong-Edgren, Angela McNelis, and Elaine Sullo
Providing Information to Support COVID-19 Pandemic Response: Academic Medical Librarians' Roles in Creating an Intelligence Report., Elaine Sullo and Stacy Brody
Submissions from 2020
UMLS users and uses: a current overview., Liz Amos, David Anderson, Stacy Brody, Anna Ripple, and Betsy L Humphreys
Acute respiratory viral adverse events during use of antirheumatic disease therapies: a scoping review, Adam Kilian, Yu Pei Chock, Irvin J. Huang, Elizabeth R. Graef, Laura A. Upton, Aneka Khilnani, Sonia D. Silinsky Krupnikova, Ibrahim Almaghlouth, Laura C. Cappelli, Ruth Fernandez-Ruiz, Brittany A. Frankel, Jourdan Frankovich, Carly Harrison, Bharat Kumar, Kanika Monga, Jorge A. Rosario Vega, Namrata Singh, Jeffrey A. Sparks, Elaine Sullo, Kristen J. Young, Ali Duarte-Garcia, Michael Putman, Sindhu Johnson, Rebecca Grainger, Zachary S. Wallace, Jean W. Liew, and Aruni Jayatilleke
Submissions from 2019
Website of Note: Study Design 101, Alexandra W. Gomes
Establishing an Open Access Repository for Doctor of Nursing Practice Projects, Meaghan Heselden, Kate Driscoll Malliarakis, Beverly K. Lunsford, Anne M. Linton, Elaine J. Sullo, Deborah Cardenas, Michael LeGal, and Cathie E. Guzzetta
Postgraduate Medical Education in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Scoping Review Spanning 26 Years and Lessons Learned., Zohray Talib, Lalit Narayan, and Thomas Harrod
Submissions from 2018
Research Data Curation: A Framework for an Institution-Wide Services Approach, Sayeed Choudhury, Esmé Cowles, Holly R. Croft, Karen Estlund, Michael Fary, Grace Faustino, Thomas Hauser, Anne Linton, Clifford Lynch, Karen Menard, David Minor, Gregory E. Monaco, Daniel Noonan, Sarah Shreeves, Dale Ulate, and Natalie Waters
Congress of Neurological Surgeons Systematic Review and Evidence-Based Guidelines on the Role of Chemotherapy in the Management of Adults With Newly Diagnosed Metastatic Brain Tumors, Jonathan H. Sherman, Simon S. Lo, Tom Harrod, Alia Hdeib, Yiping Li, Timothy Ryken, and Jeffrey J. Olson
Discovery Assessment and Improvement at an Academic Health Sciences Library: Health Information @ Himmelfarb Five Years Later, JoLinda Thompson, Elaine Sullo, Laura E. Abate, Meaghan Heselden, and Kathleen Lyons
Submissions from 2017
The Development and Impact of a Social Media and Professionalism Course for Medical Students, Alexandra Gomes, Gisela Butera, Katherine C. Chretien, and Terry Kind
Creative Curriculum: The Experience of Writing and Teaching Formative Objective Structured Clinical Examinations (FOSCEs), Thomas Harrod and Alexandra W Gomes
A systematic review of the literature for severity predictors in children with sickle cell anemia., Emily Riehm Meier, Ross M Fasano, and Paul R Levett
Examining the Gap: Compensation Disparities between Male and Female Physician Assistants., Noël Smith, James F Cawley, and Timothy C McCall
Academic Librarians at Institutions with LIS Programs Assert that Project Management Training is Valuable, Elaine Sullo
Submissions from 2016
Emerging Roles for Librarians in the Medical School Curriculum and the Impact on Professional Identity, Anne Linton
A profession without limits: the changing roles of reference librarians, Elaine Sullo and Alexandra Gomes
Submissions from 2015
Profiles in health insurance information provision best practices: Paul Levett, Emily Vardell and Paul Levett
Submissions from 2014
Marketing library mobile resources: Welcome to the library app store, Michael Blake
Expanding our roles: Embedded in curriculum design, Gisela Butera, Alexandra Gomes, and Seema Kakar
'Mr Royston I preye send these bookes': An Oxford Bookseller's Wife's Order of 1650, Christopher D. Cook
An Additional Incunabulum in Westminster Abbey Library, Christopher D. Cook and Mirjam M. Foot
Information and communication technology to facilitate learning for students in the health professions: Current uses, gaps, and future directions, Ellen Costello, Mary A. Corcoran, Jacqueline S. Barnett, Marisa C. Birkmeier, Rhea Cohn, Ozgur Ekmekci, Nancy L. Falk, Thomas Harrod, Debra Herrmann, Sean Robinson, and Bryan Walker
Anatomical knowledge retention in third-year medical students prior to obstetrics and gynecology and surgery rotations, Rosalyn A. Jurjus, Juliet Lee, Samantha Ahle, Kirsten Marie Brown, Gisela Butera, Ellen F. Goldman, and Jill A. Krapf
How readable is the patient education material found on top-rated hospital web sites?, Susan Keller
Advancing an African Medical Library into the Digital Age, Anne Linton and Alexandra Gomes
Academic library administrators perceive value in their librarians' research, Elaine Sullo
Implementing Web-Scale Discovery Services: A Practical Guide for Librarians, JoLinda Thompson
Submissions from 2013
Incunabula in the Westminster Abbey and Westminster School Libraries, Christopher D. Cook and Mirjam M. Foot
Launching a Mobile Initiative: Outreach Strategies, Alexandra Gomes
Strengthening our collaborations: Building an electronic health record educational module, Alexandra Gomes, Anne Linton, and Laura E. Abate
Mind the gap: Fostering scholarship-into-practice for advanced practice nursing students through embedded librarianship, Brenda H. Sheingold and Thomas Harrod
Web-scale discovery in an academic health sciences library: Development and implementation of the EBSCO discovery service, JoLinda Thompson, Kathe Obrig, and Laura E. Abate
Submissions from 2012
Rethinking our Mobility: Supporting our Patrons Where They Live, A. Gomes and L. Abate
Rethinking our mobility: Supporting our patrons where they live, Alexandra Gomes and Laura E. Abate
Complementary and alternative therapies for atopic dermatitis., Simone Norris, David D. Ortiz, and Elaine Sullo
Complementary and alternative therapies for atopic dermatitis, S Norris, DD Ortiz, and E Sullo
Rethinking Library Service to Distance Education Students: Analyzing the Embedded Librarian Model, E. Sullo, T. Harrod, G. Butera, and A. Gomes
Rethinking library service to distance education students: Analyzing the embedded librarian model, Elaine Sullo, Thomas Harrod, Gisela Butera, and Alexandra Gomes
Submissions from 2011
Engaging students in active learning: Use of a blog and audience response system, Laura E. Abate, Alexandra Gomes, and Anne Linton
Connecting to our community: Extending librarian's roles through collaboration, Alexandra Gomes, Elizabeth Palena Hall, Laura E. Abate, Elaine Sullo, Paul Levett, and Morgan Wilcoxson
Connecting to our community: extending librarians' roles through collaboration, A. Gomes, E. Palena-Hall, L. Abate, E. Sullo, and P. Levett
Meeting preview. The Joseph Leiter NLM/MLA Lecture at MLA '11, A Linton and M.
The Joseph Leiter NLM/MLA lecture at MLA '11, Anne Linton
Conducting a journal assessment using an enhanced MS Access database, Kathe Obrig, Yvonne Lee, Semhar Yohannes, Steven W. Brown, and Lionel Williams
Conducting a Journal Assessment Using an Enhanced MS Access Database, K Obrig, Y Lee, S Yohannes, S Brown, and L Williams
Going Mobile: A Medical Library's Outreach Strategy, E. Palena-Hall and A. Gomes
Going mobile: A medical library's outreach strategy, Elizabeth Palena Hall and Alexandra Gomes
Healthy DC - Go Local: It takes a village, E Sullo
Healthy DC – Go local: It takes a village, Elaine Sullo
Enhance and "mobilize" the Library Catalog with Cloud Services, J Thompson and L.
Enhance and "mobilize" the library catalog with cloud services, JoLinda Thompson
Submissions from 2007
Do computer-generated summaries, "The Bottom Line (TBL)" accurately reflect published journal abstracts?, O. Tom, P. Fontelo, and F. Liu
Submissions from 2006
How can you prevent migraines during pregnancy?, S. J. Conner and E. Sullo
Submissions from 2005
Collaboration in support of curricular innovations., S.A. Bader and A. Gomes
Collaboration in support of curricular innovations, Shelley Bader and Alexandra Gomes
The status of open access publishing by academic societies., G.D. Byrd, S.A. Bader, and A.J. Mazzasci
eJournals forum. Changing titles, changing duties: restructuring the role of the serials librarian for an electronic future, K. S. Obrig and J. L. Thompson
Submissions from 2004
Evaluation of evidence-based medicine search skills in the clinical years, A. M. Linton, P. H. Wilson, A. Gomes, L. Abate, and M. Mintz
Submissions from 2003
Obituaries. Winifred (Win) Emma Sewell, 1917-2002, S. A. Bader and K. L. Pomerantz
Winifred (Win) Emma Sewell, 1917-2002 - Obituary, S. A. Bader and K. L. Pomerantz
The association of Academic Health Sciences Libraries' collaboration with the Association of American Medical Colleges, Medical Library Association, and other organizations, C. G. Jenkins and S. A. Bader
Submissions from 1999
Colorectal cancer surveillance in African-American and white patients at an urban university medical center, M. L. Borum
Lymph node architecture preceding and following 6 months of potent antiviral therapy: follicular hyperplasia persists in parallel with p24 antigen restoration after involution and CD4 cell depletion in an AIDS patient, J. M. Orenstein, M. Feinberg, C. Yoder, L. Schrager, and J. M. Mican
Febrile response after knee and hip arthroplasty, J. A. Shaw and R. Chung
Submissions from 1998
"Patient informatics": creating new partnerships in medical decision making., S A Bader and R M Braude