Himmelfarb Library Faculty Publications
Conducting a journal assessment using an enhanced MS Access database
Document Type
Journal Article
Publication Date
Journal of Electronic Resources in Medical Libraries
Volume 8, Issue 1
Inclusive Pages
Library Collection Development; Databases; Journal Assessment; Microsoft Access; Surveys
An existing Microsoft Access journals-specific database providing aggregated subject and other department-specific title information was enhanced to support the ease and efficacy of conducting a survey of George Washington University School of Medicine faculty to ensure the journal collection reflected their educational and professional needs. Additional evaluative data points were recorded in the database. MS Access then facilitated the creation of the surveys, recording results from returned surveys and creation of results summaries for departments. The surveys expanded the knowledge of full-time faculty about departmental holdings at the title level, while enabling the serials team to obtain better information to support collection development.
APA Citation
Obrig, K., Lee,Y., Yohannes, S., Brown, S.W., & Williams, L. (2011). Conducting a journal assessment using an enhanced MS Access database. Journal of Electronic Resources in Medical Libraries, 8(1), 35-49.
DOI: 10.1080/15424065.2011.551489