
Submissions from 2023


Parental Pre and Postnatal Depression: The Longitudinal Associations with Child Negative Affectivity and Dysfunctional Mother-Child Feeding Interactions, Loredana Lucarelli, Laura Vismara, Irene Chatoor, and Cristina Sechi


Experience of primary healthcare workers in using the mobile app-based WHO mhGAP intervention guide in detection and treatment of people with mental disorders: A qualitative study in Nepal, Nagendra P. Luitel, Vibha Neupane, Bishnu Lamichhane, Gobinda Prasad Koirala, Kamal Gautam, Eliza Karki, Sandarba Adhikari, Nicole Votruba, Mark Jd Jordans, Brandon A. Kohrt, Kenneth Carswell, Graham Thornicroft, and Heidi Lempp


Strengthening self-regulation and reducing poverty to prevent adolescent depression and anxiety: Rationale, approach and methods of the ALIVE interdisciplinary research collaboration in Colombia, Nepal and South Africa, Crick Lund, Mark J. Jordans, Emily Garman, Ricardo Araya, Mauricio Avendano, Annette Bauer, Vikram Bahure, Tarun Dua, Georgia Eleftheriou, Sara Evans-Lacko, Juan Felipe García Rodríguez, Kamal Gautam, Martin Gevonden, Philipp Hessel, Brandon A. Kohrt, Lydia Krabbendam, Nagendra P. Luitel, Sanchari Roy, Manuel Seifert Bonifaz, Rakesh Singh, Mohammadamin Sinichi, Katherine Sorsdahl, Graham Thornicroft, Wietse A. Tol, Daniela Trujillo, Nicci van der Merwe, Syed Shabab Wahid, and Paula Yarrow


Adolescent depression beyond DSM definition: a network analysis, Pedro H. Manfro, Rivka B. Pereira, Martha Rosa, Hugo Cogo-Moreira, Helen L. Fisher, Brandon A. Kohrt, Valeria Mondelli, and Christian Kieling


The Lived Experiences of Students With Food Allergies During a Usual Weekday, Laurie A. Martinez, Andra S. Opalinski, and Linda Herbert


Sustainable Partnerships to Ensure Quality in Psychological Support (EQUIP) for Adolescents, Muthoni Mathai, Anne Mbwayo, Tessa Concepcion, Teresia Mutavi, Michael Njeru, Stella Waruinge, Shannon Dorsey, Alison Schafer, Gloria A. Pedersen, Moitreyee Sinha, Brandon A. Kohrt, and Pamela Y. Collins


Cognitive and Developmental Profiles Associated with Self-Reported Sexual and Gender Minority Stigmatization Among Binary Transgender Adolescents, Lucy S. McClellan, Anna I. van der Miesen, Amy C. Tishelman, Abigail L. Fischbach, Minneh Song, Laura A. Campos, and John F. Strang


The efficacy of cariprazine on cognition: a post hoc analysis from phase II/III clinical trials in bipolar mania, bipolar depression, and schizophrenia, Roger S. McIntyre, David G. Daniel, Eduard Vieta, István Laszlovszky, Pascal J. Goetghebeur, Willie R. Earley, and Mehul D. Patel


Pediatric Lyme disease: systematic assessment of post-treatment symptoms and quality of life, Maureen Monaghan, Stephanie Norman, Marcin Gierdalski, Adriana Marques, James E. Bost, and Roberta L. DeBiasi


Exogenous testosterone administration is associated with differential neural response to unfamiliar peer's and own caregiver's voice in transgender adolescents, Michele Morningstar, Peyton Thomas, Avery M. Anderson, Whitney I. Mattson, Leena Nahata, Scott F. Leibowitz, Diane Chen, John F. Strang, and Eric E. Nelson


Gone Too Soon: priorities for action to prevent premature mortality associated with mental illness and mental distress, Rory C. O'Connor, Carol M. Worthman, Marie Abanga, Nikoletta Athanassopoulou, Niall Boyce, Lai Fong Chan, Helen Christensen, Jayati Das-Munshi, James Downs, Karestan C. Koenen, Christine Yu Moutier, Peter Templeton, Philip Batterham, Karen Brakspear, Richard G. Frank, Simon Gilbody, Oye Gureje, David Henderson, Ann John, Wilbroad Kabagambe, Murad Khan, David Kessler, Olivia J. Kirtley, Sarah Kline, Brandon Kohrt, Alisa K. Lincoln, Crick Lund, Emily Mendenhall, Regina Miranda, Valeria Mondelli, Thomas Niederkrotenthaler, and David Osborn


Gone Too Soon: priorities for action to prevent premature mortality associated with mental illness and mental distress, Rory C. O'Connor, Carol M. Worthman, Marie Abanga, Nikoletta Athanassopoulou, Niall Boyce, Lai Fong Chan, Helen Christensen, Jayati Das-Munshi, James Downs, Karestan C. Koenen, Christine Yu Moutier, Peter Templeton, Philip Batterham, Karen Brakspear, Richard G. Frank, Simon Gilbody, Oye Gureje, David Henderson, Ann John, Wilbroad Kabagambe, Murad Khan, David Kessler, Olivia J. Kirtley, Sarah Kline, Brandon Kohrt, Alisa K. Lincoln, Crick Lund, Emily Mendenhall, Regina Miranda, Valeria Mondelli, Thomas Niederkrotenthaler, and David Osborn


Factors Associated With Attendance for Cardiac Neurodevelopmental Evaluation, Cynthia M. Ortinau, David Wypij, Dawn Ilardi, Valerie Rofeberg, Thomas A. Miller, Janet Donohue, Garrett Reichle, Mike Seed, Justin Elhoff, Nneka Alexander, Kiona Allen, Corinne Anton, Laurel Bear, Gina Boucher, Jennifer Bragg, Jennifer Butcher, Victoria Chen, Kristi Glotzbach, Lyla Hampton, Caroline K. Lee, Linh G. Ly, Bradley S. Marino, Yadira Martinez-Fernandez, Sonia Monteiro, Christina Ortega, Shabnam Peyvandi, Heather Raiees-Dana, Caitlin K. Rollins, Anjali Sadhwani, Renee Sananes, Jacqueline H. Sanz, and Amy H. Schultz


Transforming mental health systems globally: principles and policy recommendations, Vikram Patel, Shekhar Saxena, Crick Lund, Brandon Kohrt, Christian Kieling, Charlene Sunkel, Lola Kola, Odille Chang, Fiona Charlson, Kathryn O'Neill, and Helen Herrman


Practitioners' perspectives on preparing for and delivering remote psychological support in Nepal, Perú and the United States during COVID-19, Gloria A. Pedersen, Abdelrhman Elnasseh, Bani Bhattacharya, Leydi Moran, Vibha Neupane, Jerome T. Galea, Carmen Contreras, Kendall A. Pfeffer, Adam D. Brown, Manaswi Sangraula, Nagendra P. Luitel, and Brandon A. Kohrt


Sensory Processing in Children and Adolescents with Neurofibromatosis Type 1, Natalie A. Pride, Kristina M. Haebich, Karin S. Walsh, Francesca Lami, Melissa Rouel, Alice Maier, Anita K. Chisholm, Jennifer Lorenzo, Stephen J. Hearps, Kathryn N. North, and Jonathan M. Payne


"The peanut butter didn't attack me": Food allergen proximity challenges to improve quality of life, Kaitlin B. Proctor, Ashley M. Ramos, and Linda Jones Herbert


Validation of the Food Allergy Quality of Life Questionnaire (FAQLQ-PF10) Short Form in a diverse US sample, Ashley Ramos, Christopher Warren, Linda Herbert, Andrea A. Pappalardo, Melissa Engel, Hemant Sharma, Amal Assa'ad, Mahabalooba Mahdavinia, Lucy Bilaver, Audrey DunnGalvin, and Ruchi S. Gupta


An MRI-based morphometric and structural covariance network study of Brazilian adolescents stratified by depression risk, Fernanda Rohrsetzer, Joana Bisol Balardin, Felipe Picon, João Ricardo Sato, Lucas Battel, Anna Viduani, Pedro Henrique Manfro, Leehyun Yoon, Brandon A. Kohrt, Helen L. Fisher, Valeria Mondelli, Johnna R. Swartz, and Christian Kieling


Pretraining Skills as Predictors of Competence of Nonspecialists in Delivery of Mental Health Services, Alexandra L. Rose, Yi Feng, Sauharda Rai, Pragya Shrestha, Jessica F. Magidson, and Brandon A. Kohrt


Parental awareness and management of bullying in children with food allergies, Hana B. Ruran, Roxanne Dupuis, Linda J. Herbert, Rachel K. D'Anna, Suzanne E. Dahlberg, Michael C. Young, Scott H. Sicherer, and Lisa M. Bartnikas


Development of the data registry for the Cardiac Neurodevelopmental Outcome Collaborative, Anjali Sadhwani, Erica Sood, Andrew H. Van Bergen, Dawn Ilardi, Jacqueline H. Sanz, J William Gaynor, Michael Seed, Cynthia M. Ortinau, Bradley S. Marino, Thomas A. Miller, Michael Gaies, Adam R. Cassidy, Janet E. Donohue, Amy Ardisana, David Wypij, and Caren S. Goldberg


Addressing caregiver mental health in the neonatal ICU, Erin M. Sadler, Ololade Okito, and Lamia Soghier


Comparison of psychosocial screeners in an epilepsy clinic, Gabrielle L. Sarlo, Taylor Haughton, Eleni Rizakos, Stephanie Merwin, Kathryn A. Havens, Archana Pasupuleti, William D. Gaillard, and Madison M. Berl


The American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine Diagnostic Criteria for Mild Traumatic Brain Injury, Noah D. Silverberg and Grant L. Iverson


Psychosocial Peer Support to Address Mental Health and Burnout of Health Care Workers Affected by COVID-19: A Qualitative Evaluation, Lea Simms, Katherine E. Ottman, James L. Griffith, Michael G. Knight, Lorenzo Norris, Viktoriya Karakcheyeva, and Brandon A. Kohrt


Parent Perspectives of School/Daycare Experiences in Young Children Newly Diagnosed With Diabetes, Alexa Stern, Brenda Duran, Randi Streisand, Christine H. Wang, Carrie Tully, Lauren Clary, Katherine Gallagher, Fran Cogen, Lefkothea Karaviti, Maureen Monaghan, and Marisa E. Hilliard


Parent Perspectives of School/Daycare Experiences in Young Children Newly Diagnosed With Diabetes, Alexa Stern, Brenda Duran, Randi Streisand, Christine H. Wang, Carrie Tully, Lauren Clary, Katherine Gallagher, Fran Cogen, Lefkothea Karaviti, Maureen Monaghan, and Marisa E. Hilliard


In Addition to Stigma: Cognitive and Autism-Related Predictors of Mental Health in Transgender Adolescents, John F. Strang, Laura G. Anthony, Amber Song, Meng-Chuan Lai, Megan Knauss, Eleonora Sadikova, Elizabeth Graham, Zosia Zaks, Harriette Wimms, Laura Willing, David Call, Michael Mancilla, Sara Shakin, Eric Vilain, Da-Young Kim, Tekla Maisashvili, Ayesha Khawaja, and Lauren Kenworthy


The autism spectrum among transgender youth: default mode functional connectivity, John F. Strang, Lucy S. McClellan, Sufang Li, Allison E. Jack, Gregory L. Wallace, Goldie A. McQuaid, Lauren Kenworthy, Laura G. Anthony, Meng-Chuan Lai, Kevin A. Pelphrey, Alexandra E. Thalberg, Eric E. Nelson, Jenny M. Phan, Eleonora Sadikova, Abigail L. Fischbach, John Thomas, and Chandan J. Vaidya


The Gender-Diversity and Autism Questionnaire: A Community-Developed Clinical, Research, and Self-Advocacy Tool for Autistic Transgender and Gender-Diverse Young Adults, John F. Strang, Lucy S. McClellan, Daphne Raaijmakers, Reid Caplan, Sascha E. Klomp, Mindy Reutter, Meng-Chuan Lai, Minneh Song, Finn V. Gratton, Laura K. Dale, Anouschka Schutte, Annelou L. de Vries, Finn Gardiner, Laura Edwards-Leeper, Amélie Lune Minnaard, Niki Lou Eleveld, Endever Corbin, Yenn Purkis, Wenn Lawson, Da-Young Kim, Isa M. van Wieringen, Victoria M. Rodríguez-Roldán, Marvel C. Harris, Madeline F. Wilks, Gee Abraham, Anouk Balleur-van Rijn, Lydia X. Brown, Alexandra Forshaw, Gary B. Wilks, April Dawn Griffin, Elizabeth K. Graham, and Sandy Krause


Common Intersection of Autism and Gender Diversity in Youth: Clinical Perspectives and Practices, John F. Strang, Anna I. van der Miesen, Abigail L. Fischbach, Milana Wolff, Marvel C. Harris, and Sascha E. Klomp


The Gender Self-Report: A multidimensional gender characterization tool for gender-diverse and cisgender youth and adults, John F. Strang, Gregory L. Wallace, Jacob J. Michaelson, Abigail L. Fischbach, Taylor R. Thomas, Allison Jack, Jerry Shen, Diane Chen, Andrew Freeman, Megan Knauss, Blythe A. Corbett, Lauren Kenworthy, Amy C. Tishelman, Laura Willing, Goldie A. McQuaid, Eric E. Nelson, Russell B. Toomey, Jenifer K. McGuire, Jessica N. Fish, Scott F. Leibowitz, Leena Nahata, Laura G. Anthony, Graciela Slesaransky-Poe, Lawrence D'Angelo, Ann Clawson, Amber D. Song, Connor Grannis, Eleonora Sadikova, Kevin A. Pelphrey, Gendaar Consortium, Michael Mancilla, and Lucy S. McClellan


Glycemic and Psychosocial Correlates of Continuous Glucose Monitor Use Among Adolescents With Type 1 Diabetes, Emma Straton, Hailey Inverso, Hailey Moore, Kashope Anifowoshe, Kendall Washington, Randi Streisand, Karishma Datye, and Sarah S. Jaser


Transatlantic progress in measurement of cognitive outcomes in paediatric oncology trials, Sophie Thomas, Leanne Embry, Karin Walsh, Kim Bull, Richard Grundy, Colin Kennedy, Jurgen Lemiere, Pablo Hernáiz Driever, Jennifer Limond, Mathilde Chevignard, and Kristina Hardy


Mental health and psychosocial support in humanitarian settings: research priorities for 2021-30, Wietse A. Tol, PhuongThao D. Le, Sarah L. Harrison, Ananda Galappatti, Jeannie Annan, Florence K. Baingana, Theresa S. Betancourt, Cecile Bizouerne, Julian Eaton, Michelle Engels, Zeinab Hijazi, Rebecca R. Horn, Mark J. Jordans, Brandon A. Kohrt, Phiona Koyiet, Catherine Panter-Brick, Michael Pluess, Atif Rahman, Derrick Silove, Mark Tomlinson, José Miguel Uribe-Restrepo, Peter Ventevogel, Inka Weissbecker, Alastair Ager, and Mark van Ommeren


Accuracy of a Proactive Case Detection Tool for Internalizing and Externalizing Problems Among Children and Adolescents, Myrthe van den Broek, Lina Hegazi, Nisreen Ghazal, Layaly Hamayel, Anna Barrett, Brandon A. Kohrt, and Mark J. Jordans


School Absenteeism and the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Role of Pediatricians, Carol Vidal, Leslie Hinson, and Ellen Bartolini


Assessing Mood With the Identifying Depression Early in Adolescence Chatbot (IDEABot): Development and Implementation Study, Anna Viduani, Victor Cosenza, Helen L. Fisher, Claudia Buchweitz, Jader Piccin, Rivka Pereira, Brandon A. Kohrt, Valeria Mondelli, Alastair van Heerden, Ricardo Matsumura Araújo, and Christian Kieling


Climate-related shocks and other stressors associated with depression and anxiety in Bangladesh: a nationally representative panel study, Syed Shabab Wahid, Wameq Azfar Raza, Iffat Mahmud, and Brandon A. Kohrt


Sex-specific inflammatory markers of risk and presence of depression in adolescents, Zuzanna Zajkowska, Naghmeh Nikkheslat, Pedro H. Manfro, Laila Souza, Fernanda Rohrsetzer, Anna Viduani, Rivka Pereira, Jader Piccin, Valentina Zonca, Annabel E. Walsh, Nancy Gullett, Helen L. Fisher, Johnna R. Swartz, Brandon A. Kohrt, Christian Kieling, and Valeria Mondelli


Psychometric evaluation and reference values for the German Postconcussion Symptom Inventory (PCSI-SR8) in children aged 8-12 years, Marina Zeldovich, Leonie Krol, Dagmar Timmermann, Ugne Krenz, Juan Carlos Arango-Lasprilla, Gerard Gioia, Knut Brockmann, Inga K. Koerte, Anna Buchheim, Maike Roediger, Matthias Kieslich, Nicole von Steinbuechel, and Katrin Cunitz

Submissions from 2022


Using participatory action research to pilot a model of service user and caregiver involvement in mental health system strengthening in Ethiopian primary healthcare: a case study, Sisay Abayneh, Heidi Lempp, Brandon A. Kohrt, Atalay Alem, and Charlotte Hanlon


Empowerment training to support service user involvement in mental health system strengthening in rural Ethiopia: a mixed-methods pilot study, Sisay Abayneh, Heidi Lempp, Sauharda Rai, Eshetu Girma, Medhanit Getachew, Atalay Alem, Brandon A. Kohrt, and Charlotte Hanlon


Mental health stigma at primary health care centres in Lebanon: qualitative study, Racha Abi Hana, Maguy Arnous, Eva Heim, Anaïs Aeschlimann, Mirja Koschorke, Randa S. Hamadeh, Graham Thornicroft, Brandon A. Kohrt, Marit Sijbrandij, Pim Cuijpers, and Rabih El-Chammay


Up all night? Sleep disruption in parents of young children newly diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, Iman S. Al-Gadi, Randi Streisand, Carrie Tully, Maureen Monaghan, Lefkothea Karaviti, Tom Hildebrandt, and Marisa E. Hilliard


Competency-based pre-service education for clinical psychology training in low- and middle-income countries: Case study of Makerere University in Uganda, Benjamin Alipanga and Brandon A. Kohrt


Fatal Food Anaphylaxis: Distinguishing Fact From Fiction, Aikaterini Anagnostou, Vibha Sharma, Linda Herbert, and Paul J. Turner


Longitudinal Change in Adolescent Depression and Anxiety Symptoms from before to during the COVID-19 Pandemic, Marjolein E. Barendse, Jessica Flannery, Caitlin Cavanagh, Melissa Aristizabal, Stephen P. Becker, Estelle Berger, Rosanna Breaux, Nicole Campione-Barr, Jessica A. Church, Eveline A. Crone, Ronald E. Dahl, Tracy A. Dennis-Tiwary, Melissa R. Dvorsky, Sarah L. Dziura, Suzanne van de Groep, Tiffany C. Ho, Sarah E. Killoren, Joshua M. Langberg, Tyler L. Larguinho, Lucía Magis-Weinberg, Kalina J. Michalska, Jordan L. Mullins, Hanna Nadel, Blaire M. Porter, Mitchell J. Prinstein, Elizabeth Redcay, Amanda J. Rose, Wendy M. Rote, Amy K. Roy, Sophie W. Sweijen, Eva H. Telzer, and Giana I. Teresi


Treatment Preferences for Pharmacological versus Psychological Interventions among Primary Care Providers in Nepal: Mixed Methods Analysis of a Pilot Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial., Anvita Bhardwaj, Dristy Gurung, Sauharda Rai, Bonnie N Kaiser, Cori L Cafaro, Kathleen J Sikkema, Crick Lund, Nagendra P Luitel, and Brandon A. Kohrt


Detection of risk for future depression among adolescents: Stakeholder views of acceptability and feasibility in the United Kingdom, Abigail Burgess, Syed Shabab Wahid, Katherine Ottman, Christian Kieling, Valeria Mondelli, Brandon A. Kohrt, and Helen L. Fisher


Translation and Adaptation of the Revised Children's Anxiety and Depression Scale: A Qualitative Study in Belize, Liliana Carvajal, Katherine Ottman, Jill W. Ahs, Geffrey Nan Li, Juliet Simmons, Bruce Chorpita, Jennifer Harris Requejo, and Brandon A. Kohrt


Validation of the Kriol and Belizean English Adaptation of the Revised Children's Anxiety and Depression Scale for Use With Adolescents in Belize, Liliana Carvajal-Velez, Jill W. Ahs, Andreas Lundin, Myrthe van den Broek, Juliet Simmons, Paulette Wade, Bruce Chorpita, Jennifer Harris Requejo, and Brandon A. Kohrt


Identifying adolescents at risk for depression: Assessment of a global prediction model in the Great Smoky Mountains Study, Arthur Caye, Lauro E. Marchionatti, Rivka Pereira, Helen L. Fisher, Brandon A. Kohrt, Valeria Mondelli, Ellen McGinnis, William E. Copeland, and Christian Kieling


A cross-sectional study of father-daughter/son interactions from 1 Month to 3 years of age with the feeding and play scales: Exploring the psychometric properties, Irene Chatoor, Cristina Sechi, Laura Vismara, and Loredana Lucarelli


Victimization by traditional bullying and cyberbullying and the combination of these among adolescents in 13 European and Asian countries, Roshan Chudal, Elina Tiiri, Anat Brunstein Klomek, Say How Ong, Sturla Fossum, Hitoshi Kaneko, Gerasimos Kolaitis, Sigita Lesinskiene, Liping Li, Mai Nguyen Huong, Samir Kumar Praharaj, Lauri Sillanmäki, Helena R. Slobodskaya, Jorge C. Srabstein, Tjhin Wiguna, Zahra Zamani, and Andre Sourander


Handling missing data in rest-activity time series measured by actimetry, André Comiran Tonon, Luísa K. Pilz, Guilherme Rodriguez Amando, Débora Barroggi Constantino, Rogério Boff Borges, Arthur Caye, Fernanda Rohrsetzer, Laila Souza, Helen L. Fisher, Brandon A. Kohrt, Valeria Mondelli, Christian Kieling, Marco Idiart, Antoni Diez-Noguera, and Maria Paz Hidalgo


Integrating Telehealth Into Neurodevelopmental Assessment: A Model From the Cardiac Neurodevelopmental Outcome Collaborative, Stephany M. Cox, Jennifer L. Butcher, Anjali Sadhwani, Renee Sananes, Jacqueline H. Sanz, Elizabeth Blumenfeld, Adam R. Cassidy, Jessica C. Cowin, Dawn Ilardi, Nadine A. Kasparian, Joslyn Kenowitz, Kristin Kroll, Thomas A. Miller, and Kelly R. Wolfe


Psychosocial functioning in pediatric food allergies: A scoping review, Grace K. Cushman, Kristine Durkin, Rebecca Noga, Frances Cooke, Linda Herbert, Cynthia Esteban, and Elizabeth L. McQuaid


Understanding the Neurofibromatosis Type 1 (NF1) experience and the priorities of individuals with NF1 and their caregivers for cognitive and social-emotional research, Allison Del Castillo, Marina Dekarchuk, Tess Inker, Maureen Hussey, and Karin S. Walsh


Distinguishing lone from group actor terrorists: A comparison of attitudes, ideologies, motivations, and risks, Saleh Dhumad, Philip J. Candilis, Sean D. Cleary, Allen R. Dyer, and Najat R. Khalifa


Religion, Spirituality, and Ethics in Psychiatric Practice, Charles C. Dike, Laura Briz, Matthew Fadus, Richard Martinez, Catherine May, Richard Milone, Ariana Nesbit-Bartsch, Tia Powell, Ashley Witmer, and Rebecca Weintraub Brendel


Clinical Considerations for Immigrant, Refugee, and Asylee Youth Populations, Vincenzo Di Nicola, Marissa Leslie, Camila Haynes, and Kanya Nesbeth


Adolescents with ADHD are at increased risk for COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy, Melissa R. Dvorsky, Rosanna Breaux, Joshua M. Langberg, and Stephen P. Becker


Psychiatrists Are From Mars; Neurologists Are From Missouri: Clinical Neuroscience and the Future of Psychiatry, Julia B. Frank


Rumination as a Mechanism of the Longitudinal Association Between COVID-19-Related Stress and Internalizing Symptoms in Adolescents, Joseph W. Fredrick, Kerensa Nagle, Joshua M. Langberg, Melissa R. Dvorsky, Rosanna Breaux, and Stephen P. Becker


Assessing stigma in low- and middle-income countries: A systematic review of scales used with children and adolescents, Luana Gavan, Kim Hartog, Gabriela V. Koppenol-Gonzalez, Petra C. Gronholm, Allard R. Feddes, Brandon A. Kohrt, Mark J. Jordans, and Ruth M. Peters


Mental health stigma and discrimination in Ethiopia: evidence synthesis to inform stigma reduction interventions, Eshetu Girma, Bezawit Ketema, Tesfahun Mulatu, Brandon A. Kohrt, Syed Shabab Wahid, Eva Heim, Petra C. Gronholm, Charlotte Hanlon, and Graham Thornicroft


A call for improving lithium literacy among clinicians and patients, Fabiano A. Gomes, Elisa Brietzke, Michael Bauer, and Robert M. Post


Assessing Patients Who Seek Help Ending Their Lives, Sheila Hafter Gray, Philip J. Candilis, Edmund G. Howe, Theodore Fallon, Karen G. Gennaro, Robert Nesheim, and Jon A. Van Loon


Development of a Culturally Sensitive Asian American/Pacific Islander Curriculum for Child Psychiatry Trainees, Crystal Han, Shinnyi Chou, Deepika Shaligram, Vivien Chan, Suzan Song, Sarah Edwards, and Kimberly Gordon-Achebe


Sluggish Cognitive Tempo in Pediatric Sickle Cell Disease, Steven J. Hardy, Sydney Forman, Kristina K. Hardy, and Jeffrey Schatz


Food allergy anxiety assessment: New tools can promote enhanced clinical care and patient-centered treatment evaluation, Linda Jones Herbert and Ashley Ramos


Test-Retest Reliability of a Semi-Structured Interview to Aid in Pediatric Traumatic Brain Injury Diagnosis, Danielle C. Hergert, Veronik Sicard, David D. Stephenson, Sharvani Pabbathi Reddy, Cidney R. Robertson-Benta, Andrew B. Dodd, Edward J. Bedrick, Gerard A. Gioia, Timothy B. Meier, Nicholas A. Shaff, Davin K. Quinn, Richard A. Campbell, John P. Phillips, Andrei A. Vakhtin, Robert E. Sapien, and Andrew R. Mayer


Time for united action on depression: a Lancet-World Psychiatric Association Commission, Helen Herrman, Vikram Patel, Christian Kieling, Michael Berk, Claudia Buchweitz, Pim Cuijpers, Toshiaki A. Furukawa, Ronald C. Kessler, Brandon A. Kohrt, Mario Maj, Patrick McGorry, Charles F. Reynolds, Myrna M. Weissman, Dixon Chibanda, Christopher Dowrick, Louise M. Howard, Christina W. Hoven, Martin Knapp, Helen S. Mayberg, Brenda W. Penninx, Shuiyuan Xiao, Madhukar Trivedi, Rudolf Uher, Lakshmi Vijayakumar, and Miranda Wolpert


Demographic and Glycemic Factors Linked With Diabetes Distress in Teens With Type 1 Diabetes, Hailey Inverso, Lauren M. LeStourgeon, Angie Parmar, Isha Bhangui, Bailey Hughes, Emma Straton, Madeleine Alford, Randi Streisand, and Sarah S. Jaser


Mindfulness-Based Interventions: Focus on Pediatric Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes, Hailey Inverso, Hailey R. Moore, Francesca Lupini, Christine H. Wang, Randi Streisand, Lauren B. Shomaker, and Eleanor R. Mackey


"We Feel Like We Are in It Alone": A Mixed-Methods Study of Pediatric Primary Care Barriers for Weight Management, Sheryl Johnson, Simran Gupta, Eleanor Mackey, Kristy McCarron, Laura Fischer, Domonique Panton, and Kofi Essel


Evaluation of competency-driven training for facilitators delivering a psychological intervention for children in Lebanon: a proof-of-concept study, M J. Jordans, F Steen, G V. Koppenol-Gonzalez, R El Masri, A R. Coetzee, S Chamate, M Ghatasheh, G A. Pedersen, M Itani, R El Chammay, A Schafer, and B A. Kohrt


Mechanisms of action for stigma reduction among primary care providers following social contact with service users and aspirational figures in Nepal: an explanatory qualitative design, Bonnie N. Kaiser, Dristy Gurung, Sauharda Rai, Anvita Bhardwaj, Manoj Dhakal, Cori L. Cafaro, Kathleen J. Sikkema, Crick Lund, Vikram Patel, Mark J. Jordans, Nagendra P. Luitel, and Brandon A. Kohrt


Implementation strategy in collaboration with people with lived experience of mental illness to reduce stigma among primary care providers in Nepal (RESHAPE): protocol for a type 3 hybrid implementation effectiveness cluster randomized controlled trial, Brandon A. Kohrt, Elizabeth L. Turner, Dristy Gurung, Xueqi Wang, Mani Neupane, Nagendra P. Luitel, Muralikrishnan R. Kartha, Anubhuti Poudyal, Ritika Singh, Sauharda Rai, Phanindra Prasad Baral, Sabrina McCutchan, Petra C. Gronholm, Charlotte Hanlon, Heidi Lempp, Crick Lund, Graham Thornicroft, Kamal Gautam, and Mark J. Jordans


Strengthening public mental health during and after the acute phase of the COVID-19 pandemic, Lola Kola, Manasi Kumar, Brandon A. Kohrt, Tobi Fatodun, Bisola A. Olayemi, and Adeyinka O. Adefolarin


Longitudinal associations between adolescents' individualised risk for depression and inflammation in a UK cohort study, Rachel M. Latham, Christian Kieling, Louise Arseneault, Brandon A. Kohrt, Terrie E. Moffitt, Line J. Rasmussen, Thiago Botter-Maio Rocha, Valeria Mondelli, and Helen L. Fisher


Context, COVID-19 and comorbidities: exploring emergent directions in syndemics and HIV research, Carmen H. Logie, Madelaine Coelho, Brandon Kohrt, Alexander C. Tsai, and Emily Mendenhall


Impact of development and recent-onset epilepsy on language dominance, Madeline Marcelle, Xiaozhen You, Eleanor J. Fanto, Leigh N. Sepeta, William Davis Gaillard, and Madison M. Berl


Detecting Depression and Anxiety Among Adolescents in South Africa: Validity of the isiXhosa Patient Health Questionnaire-9 and Generalized Anxiety Disorder-7, Marguerite Marlow, Sarah Skeen, Caitlin M. Grieve, Liliana Carvajal, Jill W. Åhs, Brandon A. Kohrt, Jennifer Requejo, Jaqueline Stewart, Junita Henry, Daniel Goldstone, Tashmira Kara, and Mark Tomlinson


The clinical characterization of the adult patient with bipolar disorder aimed at personalization of management, Roger S. McIntyre, Martin Alda, Ross J. Baldessarini, Michael Bauer, Michael Berk, Christoph U. Correll, Andrea Fagiolini, Kostas Fountoulakis, Mark A. Frye, Heinz Grunze, Lars V. Kessing, David J. Miklowitz, Gordon Parker, Robert M. Post, Alan C. Swann, Trisha Suppes, Eduard Vieta, Allan Young, and Mario Maj


Syndemics and clinical science, Emily Mendenhall, Brandon A. Kohrt, Carmen H. Logie, and Alexander C. Tsai


Young Children with Type 1 Diabetes: Recent Advances in Behavioral Research, Maureen Monaghan, Breana L. Bryant, Hailey Inverso, Hailey R. Moore, and Randi Streisand


A Pandemic Perspective: Analyzing the Impact of COVID-19 on Diabetes Management and Mood Through the Lens of Location and Family Conflict, Hailey Moore, Fayo Abadula, Sydney Garretson, Nkemjika Okonkwo, Randi Streisand, and Sarah Jaser


A Pandemic Perspective: Analyzing the Impact of COVID-19 on Diabetes Management and Mood Through the Lens of Location and Family Conflict, Hailey Moore, Fayo Abadula, Sydney Garretson, Nkemjika Okonkwo, Randi Streisand, and Sarah Jaser


Feeling Unsafe at School Among Adolescents in 13 Asian and European Countries: Occurrence and Associated Factors, Yuko Mori, Elina Tiiri, Lotta Lempinen, Anat Brunstein Klomek, Gerasimos Kolaitis, Helena R. Slobodskaya, Hitoshi Kaneko, Jorge C. Srabstein, Liping Li, Mai Nguyen Huong, Samir Kumar Praharaj, Say How Ong, Sigita Lesinskiene, Henriette Kyrrestad, Tjhin Wiguna, Zahra Zamani, Lauri Sillanmäki, and Andre Sourander


Experiences and Perceptions of Telephone-delivery of the Common Elements Treatment Approach for Mental Health Needs Among Young People in Zambia During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Saphira Munthali-Mulemba, Caleb J. Figge, Kristina Metz, Jeremy C. Kane, Stephanie Skavenski, Mwamba Mwenge, Brandon A. Kohrt, Gloria A. Pedersen, Izukanji Sikazwe, and Laura K. Murray


Cultural and contextual adaptation of mental health measures in Kenya: An adolescent-centered transcultural adaptation of measures study, Vincent Nyongesa, Joseph Kathono, Shillah Mwaniga, Obadia Yator, Beatrice Madeghe, Sarah Kanana, Beatrice Amugune, Naomi Anyango, Darius Nyamai, Grace Nduku Wambua, Bruce Chorpita, Brandon A. Kohrt, Jill W. Ahs, Priscilla Idele, Liliana Carvajal, and Manasi Kumar


Psychological and contextual risk factors for first-onset depression among adolescents and young people around the globe: A systematic review and meta-analysis, Gloria A. Pedersen, Crystal Lam, Megan Hoffmann, Zuzanna Zajkowska, Annabel Walsh, Christian Kieling, Valeria Mondelli, Helen L. Fisher, Kamal Gautam, and Brandon A. Kohrt


Identifying Core Competencies for Remote Delivery of Psychological Interventions: A Rapid Review, Gloria A. Pedersen, Kendall A. Pfeffer, Adam D. Brown, Kenneth Carswell, Ann Willhoite, Alison Schafer, and Brandon A. Kohrt


Some Clinical Contributions of Jacques Lacan, Gerald P. Perman


Development of a Web-Based Training Platform for School Clinicians in Evidence-Based Practices for ADHD, Linda J. Pfiffner, Melissa R. Dvorsky, Lauren M. Friedman, Lauren M. Haack, Sara Chung, Julia M. Charalel, Elizabeth Hawkey, and Madeline Spiess


Opening Up with Open Notes: Writing Notes in the Era of Full Patient Access, Jacqueline Posada, Hannah Potvin, and Carolyn Cookson


Stigma Kills Psychiatric Patients and Is Now Killing Clinical Research Too, Robert M. Post