Submissions from 2022
Identifying Core Competencies for Remote Delivery of Psychological Interventions: A Rapid Review, Gloria A. Pedersen, Kendall A. Pfeffer, Adam D. Brown, Kenneth Carswell, Ann Willhoite, Alison Schafer, and Brandon A. Kohrt
Some Clinical Contributions of Jacques Lacan, Gerald P. Perman
Development of a Web-Based Training Platform for School Clinicians in Evidence-Based Practices for ADHD, Linda J. Pfiffner, Melissa R. Dvorsky, Lauren M. Friedman, Lauren M. Haack, Sara Chung, Julia M. Charalel, Elizabeth Hawkey, and Madeline Spiess
Opening Up with Open Notes: Writing Notes in the Era of Full Patient Access, Jacqueline Posada, Hannah Potvin, and Carolyn Cookson
Stigma Kills Psychiatric Patients and Is Now Killing Clinical Research Too, Robert M. Post
The Enactment Concept in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Literature, Timothy Rice and Rachel Z. Ritvo
Comparison of Prolonged Exposure vs Cognitive Processing Therapy for Treatment of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Among US Veterans: A Randomized Clinical Trial, Paula P. Schnurr, Kathleen M. Chard, Josef I. Ruzek, Bruce K. Chow, Patricia A. Resick, Edna B. Foa, Brian P. Marx, Matthew J. Friedman, Michelle J. Bovin, Kristina L. Caudle, Diane Castillo, Kyle T. Curry, Michael Hollifield, Grant D. Huang, Christine L. Chee, Millie C. Astin, Benjamin Dickstein, Kerry Renner, Carolina P. Clancy, Claire Collie, Kelly Maieritsch, Su Bailey, Karin Thompson, Michael Messina, Laurel Franklin, Steve Lindley, Karen Kattar, Brandi Luedtke, Jennifer Romesser, John McQuaid, Patrick Sylvers, and Ruth Varkovitzky
Addressing Discrimination Against Asian American and Pacific Islander Youths: The Mental Health Provider's Role, Deepika Shaligram, Shinnyi Chou, Rohit M. Chandra, Suzan Song, and Vivien Chan
Behavioral asymmetries in visual short-term memory occur in retinotopic coordinates, Summer Sheremata, George L. Malcolm, and Sarah Shomstein
Testing delivery of components of cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia to breast cancer survivors by smart speaker: a study protocol, Claire M. Starling, Daniel Greenberg, Eric Zhou, Daniel Lewin, Allison S. Morrow, Daniel Lieberman, Callen Shaw, and Hannah Arem
Validation of the English and Swahili Adaptation of the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 for Use Among Adolescents in Kenya, Albert Kimtai Tele, Liliana Carvajal, Vincent Nyongesa, Jill W. Ahs, Shillah Mwaniga, Joseph Kathono, Obadia Yator, Simon Njuguna, Ian Kanyanya, Nabila Amin, Brandon Kohrt, Grace Nduku Wambua, and Manasi Kumar
The Lancet Commission on ending stigma and discrimination in mental health, Graham Thornicroft, Charlene Sunkel, Akmal Alikhon Aliev, Sue Baker, Elaine Brohan, Rabih El Chammay, Kelly Davies, Mekdes Demissie, Joshua Duncan, Wubalem Fekadu, Petra C. Gronholm, Zoe Guerrero, Dristy Gurung, Kassahun Habtamu, Charlotte Hanlon, Eva Heim, Claire Henderson, Zeinab Hijazi, Claire Hoffman, Nadine Hosny, Fiona-Xiaofei Huang, Sarah Kline, Brandon A. Kohrt, Heidi Lempp, Jie Li, Elisha London, Ning Ma, Winnie W. Mak, Akerke Makhmud, Pallab K. Maulik, Maria Milenova, and Guadalupe Morales Cano
Sleep Disturbances, Circadian Activity and Nocturnal Light Exposure Characterize High Risk for and Current Depression in Adolescence, André Comiran Tonon, Débora Barroggi Constantino, Guilherme Rodriguez Amando, Ana Carolina Abreu, Ana Paula Francisco, Melissa Alves de Oliveira, Luísa K. Pilz, Nicóli Bertuol Xavier, Fernanda Rohrsetzer, Laila Souza, Jader Piccin, Arthur Caye, Sandra Petresco, Pedro H. Manfro, Rivka Pereira, Thaís Martini, Brandon A. Kohrt, Helen L. Fisher, Valeria Mondelli, Christian Kieling, and Maria Paz Hidalgo
Physical activity and depressive symptoms among adolescents in a school-based sample, Bruna Velazquez, Sandra Petresco, Rivka Pereira, Claudia Buchweitz, Pedro H. Manfro, Arthur Caye, Helen L. Fisher, Brandon A. Kohrt, Valeria Mondelli, and Christian Kieling
The experience of receiving a diagnosis of depression in adolescence: A pilot qualitative study in Brazil, Anna Viduani, Silvia Benetti, Sandra Petresco, Jader Piccin, Bruna Velazquez, Helen L. Fisher, Valeria Mondelli, Brandon A. Kohrt, and Christian Kieling
Adolescent perspectives on depression as a disease of loneliness: a qualitative study with youth and other stakeholders in urban Nepal, Syed Shabab Wahid, Katherine Ottman, Jyoti Bohara, Vibha Neupane, Helen L. Fisher, Christian Kieling, Valeria Mondelli, Kamal Gautam, and Brandon A. Kohrt
Correlates and Patterns of COVID-19 Vaccination Intentions among Parents of Children with Type 1 Diabetes, Christine H. Wang, Jasmine Jones, Marisa E. Hilliard, Carrie Tully, Maureen Monaghan, Brynn E. Marks, Tom Hildebrandt, and Randi Streisand
Design and methods of a randomized web-based physical activity intervention among children with cancer: A report from the Children's Oncology Group, Megan E. Ware, Nina S. Kadan-Lottick, Meenakshi Devidas, Sarah Terrell, Eric J. Chow, Matthew J. Ehrhardt, Kristina K. Hardy, Wassim Chemaitilly, Wendy Hein, Naomi Winick, David Teachey, Adam Esbenshade, Saro H. Armenian, Robyn E. Partin, and Kirsten K. Ness
Design and methods of a randomized web-based physical activity intervention among children with cancer: A report from the Children's Oncology Group, Megan E. Ware, Nina S. Kadan-Lottick, Meenakshi Devidas, Sarah Terrell, Eric J. Chow, Matthew J. Ehrhardt, Kristina K. Hardy, Wassim Chemaitilly, Wendy Hein, Naomi Winick, David Teachey, Adam Esbenshade, Saro H. Armenian, Robyn E. Partin, and Kirsten K. Ness
Cortisol and development of depression in adolescence and young adulthood - a systematic review and meta-analysis, Zuzanna Zajkowska, Nancy Gullett, Annabel Walsh, Valentina Zonca, Gloria A. Pedersen, Laila Souza, Christian Kieling, Helen L. Fisher, Brandon A. Kohrt, and Valeria Mondelli
Submissions from 2021
آنفلوانزای 1918 در آمریکا و ایران [The 1918 Influenza in America and Iran], Amir A. Afkhami
Coping With Addictive Opioid Markets, Amir A. Afkhami and John J. Fatollahi
Psychological functioning and psychosocial issues in pediatric kidney transplant recipients., Kaushalendra Amatya, Kara Monnin, and Elizabeth Steinberg Christofferson
Impact of COVID-19 Mitigation Efforts on Adults With Serious Mental Illness: A Patient-Centered Perspective., Ivy Benjenk, Zeina Saliba, Neel Duggal, Asmaa Albaroudi, Jacqueline Posada, and Jie Chen
Health Profession Students' Awareness, Knowledge, and Confidence Regarding Preexposure Prophylaxis: Results of a National, Multidisciplinary Survey., Samuel R Bunting, Sarah S Garber, Robert H Goldstein, Sarah K. Calabrese, Timothy D Ritchie, and Tamzin J Batteson
Classifying terrorism: a latent class analysis of primary source socio-political and psychological data, Philip J. Candilis, Sean D. Cleary, S Dhumad, Allen Dyer, and N Khalifa
Zinc treatment of outpatient COVID-19: A retrospective review of 28 consecutive patients., Eric Finzi and Allan Harrington
The mediating role of ADHD symptoms between executive function and social skills in children with neurofibromatosis type 1., Kristina M Haebich, Duy P Dao, Natalie A Pride, Belinda Barton, Karin S. Walsh, Alice Maier, Anita K Chisholm, Hayley Darke, Cathy Catroppa, Stephanie Malarbi, Jake C Wilkinson, Vicki A Anderson, Kathryn N North, and Jonathan M Payne
Life-Altering Consequences of Neurocognitive Impairment in Survivors of Pediatric Cancer., Kristina K. Hardy, Melissa M Hudson, and Kevin R Krull
Patients' Perspectives and Needs on Novel Food Allergy Treatments in the United States., Linda Herbert, Mary Jane Marchisotto, and Brian Vickery
Addressing Neurocognitive Late Effects in Pediatric Cancer Survivors: Current Approaches and Future Opportunities., Matthew C Hocking, Karin S. Walsh, Kristina K. Hardy, and Heather M Conklin
Acupuncture for combat post-traumatic stress disorder: trial development and methodological approach for a randomized controlled clinical trial., Michael Hollifield, An-Fu Hsiao, Kala Carrick, Andrea Gory Munoz, Teresa Calloway, Karen Cocozza, Besa Smith, Tyler Smith, Tanja Jovanovic, Seth Norrholm, Estate Sokhadze, and Christopher Reist
Distress and Resilience in Resettled Refugees of War: Implications for Screening., Michael Hollifield, Eric C Toolson, Sasha Verbillis-Kolp, Beth Farmer, Junko Yamazaki, Tsegaba Woldehaimanot, and Annette Holland
Perspectives of healthcare providers, service users, and family members about mental illness stigma in primary care settings: A multi-site qualitative study of seven countries in Africa, Asia, and Europe., Mirja Koschorke, Nathalie Oexle, Uta Ouali, Anish V Cherian, Vayankarappadam Deepika, Gurucharan Bhaskar Mendon, Dristy Gurung, Lucie Kondratova, Matyas Muller, Mariangela Lanfredi, Antonio Lasalvia, Andrea Bodrogi, Anna Nyulászi, Mario Tomasini, Rabih El Chammay, Racha Abi Hana, Yosra Zgueb, Fethi Nacef, Eva Heim, Anaïs Aeschlimann, Sally Souraya, Maria Milenova, Nadja van Ginneken, Graham Thornicroft, and Brandon A. Kohrt
Consensus on nomenclature for clinical staging models in bipolar disorder: A narrative review from the International Society for Bipolar Disorders (ISBD) Staging Task Force., Ralph Kupka, Anne Duffy, Jan Scott, Jorge Almeida, Vicent Balanzá-Martínez, Boris Birmaher, David J Bond, Elisa Brietzke, Ines Chendo, Benicio N Frey, Iria Grande, Danella Hafeman, Tomas Hajek, Manon Hillegers, Marcia Kauer-Sant'Anna, Rodrigo B Mansur, Afra van der Markt, Robert Post, Mauricio Tohen, Hailey Tremain, Gustavo Vazquez, Eduard Vieta, Lakshmi N Yatham, Michael Berk, Martin Alda, and Flávio Kapczinski
Passive sensing on mobile devices to improve mental health services with adolescent and young mothers in low-resource settings: the role of families in feasibility and acceptability., Sujen Man Maharjan, Anubhuti Poudyal, Alastair van Heerden, Prabin Byanjankar, Ada Thapa, Celia Islam, Brandon A. Kohrt, and Ashley Hagaman
Introduction to collection: confronting the challenges of health research in humanitarian crises., Amit S Mistry, Brandon A. Kohrt, Blythe Beecroft, Nalini Anand, and Iman Nuwayhid
Exploring the role of immune pathways in the risk and development of depression in adolescence: Research protocol of the IDEA-FLAME study., Valeria Mondelli, Annamaria Cattaneo, Naghmeh Nikkheslat, Laila Souza, Annabel Walsh, Zuzanna Zajkowska, Valentina Zonca, Moira Marizzoni, Helen L Fisher, Brandon A. Kohrt, Christian Kieling, and Paola Di Meglio
Cognitive Risk in Survivors of Pediatric Brain Tumors., Ade Oyefiade, Iris Paltin, Cinzia R De Luca, Kristina K. Hardy, David R Grosshans, Murali Chintagumpala, Donald J Mabbott, and Lisa S Kahalley
Perception of healthcare workers on mobile app-based clinical guideline for the detection and treatment of mental health problems in primary care: a qualitative study in Nepal., P Pokhrel, R Karmacharya, T Taylor Salisbury, K Carswell, Brandon A. Kohrt, M J D Jordans, H Lempp, G Thornicroft, and N P Luitel
Catatonia as a Presenting Symptom of Isolated Neurosarcoidosis in a Woman With Schizophrenia., Jacqueline Posada, Nicholas Mahan, and Ahmed Sherif Abdel Meguid
What Does Social Support Sound Like? Challenges and Opportunities for Using Passive Episodic Audio Collection to Assess the Social Environment, Anubhuti Poudyal, Alastair van Heerden, Ashley Hagaman, Celia Islam, Ada Thapa, Sujen Man Maharjan, Prabin Byanjankar, and Brandon A. Kohrt
The Food Allergy Parent Mentoring Program: A Pilot Intervention., Ashley Ramos, Frances Cooke, Emily Miller, and Linda Herbert
Birth Seasonality of Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder? A Review of Inpatient Records., Ayman Saleh, Matthew King, Jane Hamilton, Teresa Pigott, Rania Elkhatib, Asim Shah, and Salih Selek
Self-Determination in Autistic Transition-Aged Youth without Intellectual Disability., Brianne Tomaszewski, Laura G Klinger, and Cara E. Pugliese
Proactive detection of people in need of mental healthcare: accuracy of the community case detection tool among children, adolescents and families in Sri Lanka., Myrthe van den Broek, Puvaneswary Ponniah, P Judy Ramesh Jeyakumar, Gabriela V Koppenol-Gonzalez, John Vijay Sagar Kommu, Brandon A. Kohrt, and Mark J D Jordans
Submissions from 2020
Developing a Theory of Change model of service user and caregiver involvement in mental health system strengthening in primary health care in rural Ethiopia., Sisay Abayneh, Heidi Lempp, Atalay Alem, Brandon A. Kohrt, Abebaw Fekadu, and Charlotte Hanlon
Assessing patterns of variation in BV/TV in the calcaneus and C2 vertebra of Gorilla gorilla, Pan troglodytes, and populations of Homo sapiens from the Pleistocene and Holocene that differ in physical activity levels, Brian J. Addison and Daniel E. Lieberman
Mortality Matters: Sources on Population Health and Mortality during the First World War in Iran, Amir A. Afkhami
Psychological functioning and psychosocial issues in pediatric kidney transplant recipients., Kaushalendra Amatya, Kara Monnin, and Elizabeth Steinberg Christofferson
Assessing breast cancer survivors’ perceptions of using voice-activated technology to address Insomnia: Feasibility study featuring focus groups and in-depth interviews, Hannah Arem and Remle Scott
Post-traumatic stress disorder, psychiatric comorbidities and associated factors among refugees in Nakivale camp in southwestern Uganda., Achille Mwira Bapolisi, Suzan J. Song, Claire Kesande, Godfrey Zari Rukundo, and Scholastic Ashaba
Syndemics of HIV with mental illness and other noncommunicable diseases: a research agenda to address the gap between syndemic theory and current research practice., Anvita Bhardwaj and Brandon A. Kohrt
Lessons learned through piloting a community-based SMS referral system for common mental health disorders used by female community health volunteers in rural Nepal., Anvita Bhardwaj, Prasansa Subba, Sauharda Rai, Chaya Bhat, Renasha Ghimire, Mark J D Jordans, Eric Green, Lavanya Vasudevan, and Brandon A. Kohrt
Law enforcement and mental health clinician partnerships in global mental health: outcomes for the Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) model adaptation in Liberia, West Africa., Mina Boazak, Sarah Yoss, Brandon A. Kohrt, Wilfred Gwaikolo, Pat Strode, Michael T. Compton, and Janice Cooper
Predicting the risk of future depression among school-attending adolescents in Nigeria using a model developed in Brazil., Rachel Brathwaite and Thiago Botter Maio Rocha
Predicting the risk of depression among adolescents in Nepal using a model developed in Brazil: the IDEA Project., Rachel Brathwaite, Thiago Botter-Maio Rocha, Christian Kieling, Kamal Gautam, Suraj Koirala, Valeria Mondelli, Brandon Kohrt, and Helen L. Fisher
Psychopathology and Adolescent Bariatric Surgery: A Topical Review to Support Psychologists in Assessment and Treatment Considerations., E Thomaseo Burton, Eleanor R. Mackey, Kimberly Reynolds, Adelle Cadieux, Bethany J. Gaffka, and Laura A. Shaffer
Consensus Parameter: Research Methodologies to Evaluate Neurodevelopmental Effects of Pubertal Suppression in Transgender Youth., Diane Chen, John F. Strang, Victoria D Kolbuck, Stephen M Rosenthal, Kim Wallen, Deborah P Waber, Laurence Steinberg, Cheryl L Sisk, Judith Ross, Tomas Paus, Sven C Mueller, Margaret M McCarthy, Paul E Micevych, Carol L Martin, Baudewijntje P C Kreukels, Lauren Kenworthy, Megan M Herting, Agneta Herlitz, Ira R J Hebold Haraldsen, Ronald Dahl, Eveline A Crone, Gordon J Chelune, Sarah M Burke, Sheri A Berenbaum, Adriene M Beltz, Julie Bakker, Lise Eliot, Eric Vilain, Gregory L Wallace, Eric E Nelson, and Robert Garofalo
Turning Points in Adolescent Analysis: An Introduction to the Section, Judith F. Chused
COVID-19 Pandemic-Related Practices and Policies Affecting the Continuity of Behavioral Health Care Among Children With Diabetes., Lauren Clary, Christine Wang, Meghan E Byrne, and Maureen Monaghan
Prevalence and correlates of concussion in children: Data from the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development study, Steven C. Dufour, Rachel Sayko Adams, David L. Brody, Antonio N. Puente, and Joshua C. Gray
Does it matter that Freud thought Shakespeare was the Earl of Oxford?, Allen R. Dyer
Higher prevalence of mood disorders in admitted patients with autism, S. Etyemez, Ayman Saleh, J. E. Hamilton, A. J. Koshy, J. E. Abraham, and S Selek
Challenges and Opportunities for the Prevention and Treatment of Cardiovascular Disease Among Young Adults: Report From a National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Working Group., Holly C Gooding, Samuel S Gidding, Andrew E Moran, Nicole Redmond, Norrina B Allen, Fida Bacha, Trudy L Burns, Janet M Catov, Michael A Grandner, Kathleen Mullan Harris, Heather M Johnson, Michaela Kiernan, Tené T Lewis, Karen A Matthews, Maureen Monaghan, Jennifer G Robinson, Deborah Tate, Kirsten Bibbins-Domingo, and Bonnie Spring
Engaging Remote and Underserved Populations, James L. Griffith
WEIRD bodies: mismatch, medicine and missing diversity, Michael D. Gurven and Daniel E. Lieberman
An expanded repertoire of intensity-dependent exercise-responsive plasma proteins tied to loci of human disease risk, J. Sawalla Guseh and Timothy W. Churchill
Stigma reduction interventions for children and adolescents in low- and middle-income countries: Systematic review of intervention strategies, K Hartog, C D. Hubbard, A F. Krouwer, G Thornicroft, B A. Kohrt, and M J D Jordans
Using passive sensing data and mobile health to improve psychological treatment for depressed adolescent mothers in rural nepal, Celia Islam, Anubhuti Poudyal, A Hagaman, Sujen Man Maharjan, Prabin Byanjankar, Ada Thapa, Alastair C. van Heerden, and Brandon A. Kohrt
Scaling up mental health care and psychosocial support in low-resource settings: A roadmap to impact, Mark J.D. Jordans and Brandon A. Kohrt
Evaluation of proactive community case detection to increase help seeking for mental health care: A pragmatic randomized controlled trial, Mark J.D. Jordans, Nagendra P. Luitel, Crick Lund, and Brandon A. Kohrt
Impact of integrated district level mental health care on clinical and functioning outcomes of people with depression and alcohol use disorder in Nepal: A non-randomised controlled study, M. J.D. Jordans, E. C. Garman, N. P. Luitel, B. A. Kohrt, C. Lund, V. Patel, and M. Tomlinson
Mental health and psychosocial support needs among people displaced by Boko Haram in Nigeria, Bonnie N. Kaiser, Cynthia Ticao, Jeremy Boglosa, John Minto, Charles Chikwiramadara, Melissa Tucker, and Brandon A. Kohrt
Eliciting recovery narratives in global mental health: Benefits and potential harms in service user participation, Bonnie N. Kaiser, Saiba Varma, Elizabeth Carpenter-Song, Rebecca Sareff, Sauharda Rai, and Brandon A. Kohrt
Syndemic effects in complex humanitarian emergencies: A framework for understanding political violence and improving multi-morbidity health outcomes., Brandon A. Kohrt and Lauren Carruth
Policy Makers' Tough Choices for Psychological Interventions in Global Mental Health: Learning From Multisite Studies., Brandon A. Kohrt, Rabih El Chammay, and S Benedict Dossen
Why we heal: The evolution of psychological healing and implications for global mental health, Brandon A. Kohrt and Katherine Ottman
Ensuring Quality in Psychological Support (WHO EQUIP): developing a competent global workforce., Brandon A. Kohrt, Alison Schafer, Ann Willhoite, Edith Van't Hof, Gloria A. Pedersen, Sarah Watts, Katherine Ottman, Kenneth Carswell, and Mark van Ommeren
Ensuring Quality in Psychological Support (WHO EQUIP): developing a competent global workforce., Brandon A. Kohrt, Alison Schafer, Ann Willhoite, Edith Van't Hof, Gloria A. Pedersen, Sarah Watts, Katherine Ottman, Kenneth Carswell, and Mark van Ommeren
Reducing mental illness stigma in healthcare settings: Proof of concept for a social contact intervention to address what matters most for primary care providers, Brandon A. Kohrt, Elizabeth L. Turner, Sauharda Rai, Anvita Bhardwaj, Kathleen J. Sikkema, Adesewa Adelekun, Manoj Dhakal, Nagendra P. Luitel, Crick Lund, Vikram Patel, and Mark J.D. Jordans
Running in tarahumara (Rarámuri) culture: Persistence hunting, footracing, dancing, work, and the fallacy of the athletic savage, Daniel E. Lieberman and Mickey Mahaffey
The effects of lutein and zeaxanthin on resting state functional connectivity in older Caucasian adults: a randomized controlled trial, Cutter A. Lindbergh, Jinglei Lv, Yu Zhao, Catherine M. Mewborn, Antonio N. Puente, Douglas P. Terry, Lisa M. Renzi-Hammond, Billy R. Hammond, Tianming Liu, and L. Stephen Miller
Process evaluation of a district mental healthcare plan in Nepal: a mixed-methods case study., Nagendra P Luitel, Erica Breuer, Anup Adhikari, Brandon A. Kohrt, Crick Lund, Ivan H Komproe, and Mark J D Jordans
Dose-Response Effects of Exercise on Glucose-Lowering Medications for Type 2 Diabetes: A Secondary Analysis of a Randomized Clinical Trial, Christopher S. MacDonald and Mette Y. Johansen
The origins and development of the cardiac neurodevelopment outcome collaborative: creating innovative clinical, quality improvement, and research opportunities., Bradley S Marino, Erica Sood, Adam R Cassidy, Thomas A Miller, Jacqueline H. Sanz, David Bellinger, Jane Newburger, and Caren S Goldberg
Ethics in the time of injustice, Richard Martinez and Philip Candilis
Assessment of provider perspectives on otoprotection research for children and adolescents: A Children's Oncology Group Cancer Control and Supportive Care Committee survey., Etan Orgel, David R Freyer, Nicole J Ullrich, Kristina K. Hardy, Stefanie M Thomas, Christopher C Dvorak, and Adam J Esbenshade
Use of role plays to assess therapist competency and its association with client outcomes in psychological interventions: A scoping review and competency research agenda, Katherine E. Ottman, Brandon A. Kohrt, Gloria A. Pedersen, and Alison Schafer
Common factors in psychological treatments delivered by non-specialists in low- and middle-income countries: Manual review of competencies, Gloria A. Pedersen and Pooja Lakshmin
Traditional Healers and Mental Health in Nepal: A Scoping Review, Tony V. Pham, Bonnie N. Kaiser, Rishav Koirala, Sujen Man Maharjan, Nawaraj Upadhaya, Lauren Franz, and Brandon A. Kohrt
Satisfaction in the Soul: Common Factors Theory Applied to Traditional Healers in Rural Nepal, Tony V. Pham, Rishav Koirala, and Brandon A. Kohrt
Reassessing the Mental Health Treatment Gap: What Happens if We Include the Impact of Traditional Healing on Mental Illness?, Tony V. Pham, Rishav Koirala, Milton L. Wainberg, and Brandon A. Kohrt
Pseudodementia Is Not Always Pseudo: Differentiating Pseudodementia From Korsakoff's Dementia in a Case of Severe Depression, Jacqueline G. Posada and Evan B. Hughes
How to prevent the malignant progression of bipolar disorder., Robert M. Post
Double jeopardy in the United States: Early onset bipolar disorder and treatment delay., Robert M. Post, Lori L Altshuler, Ralph Kupka, Susan L McElroy, Mark A Frye, Michael Rowe, Heinz Grunze, Trisha Suppes, Paul E Keck, and Willem A Nolen
Little Agreement on Treating Residual Bipolar Disorder Symptoms in a Child., Robert M Post, Michael Rowe, and Robert Findling
Preliminary evaluation of the utility of parental ratings in a Child Network., Robert M. Post, Michael Rowe, Dana B Kaplin, and Robert Findling
Burnout and associated factors among Greek substance use disorder treatment providers during economic crisis., George Rachiotis, Cristina Syrgani, Emmanouil K Symvoulakis, Katerina Dadouli, Dimitrios Papagiannis, Konstantinos I Gourgoulianis, and Philip J. Candilis
Infographic: Mental health in elite athletes. An IOC consensus statement., Claudia L. Reardon, Brian Hainline, Cindy Miller Aron, David Baron, Antonia L. Baum, Abhinav Bindra, Richard Budgett, Niccolo Campriani, João Mauricio Castaldelli-Maia, Alan Currie, Jeffrey Lee Derevensky, Ira D. Glick, Paul Gorczynski, Vincent Gouttebarge, Michael A. Grandner, Doug Hyun Han, David McDuff, Margo Mountjoy, Aslihan Polat, Rosemary Purcell, Margot Putukian, Simon M. Rice, Allen Sills, Todd Stull, Leslie Swartz, Li Jing Zhu, and Lars Engebretsen