Submissions from 2013
Transformative learning in a professional development course aimed at addressing disruptive physician behavior: A composite case study, Charles P. Samenow, Linda L.M. Worley, Ron Neufeld, Tobi Fishel, and William H. Swiggart
Children of former child soldiers and never-conscripted civilians: A preliminary intergenerational study in burundi, Suzan J. Song, Joop De Jong, Ruth O'Hara, and Cheryl Koopman
Who cares for former child soldiers? Mental health systems of care in sierra leone, Suzan J. Song, Helene Van Den Brink, and Joop De Jong
Assessing the Impact of Violence and War on Youth in Low- and Middle-Income Countries, Suzan Song and Mohammed Shaheen
21st Century Global Mental Health, Eliot Sorel
News reports of bullying-related fatal and nonfatal injuries in the Americas, Jorge C. Srabstein
Bereaved parents and siblings offer advice to health care providers and researchers, Amii C. Steele, Julia Kaal, Amanda L. Thompson, Maru Barrera, Bruce E. Compas, Betty Davies, Diane L. Fairclough, Terrah L. Foster, Mary Jo Gilmer, Nancy Hogan, Kathryn Vannatta, and Cynthia A. Gerhardt
Fluency patterns in narratives from children with localization related epilepsy, Mara E. Steinberg, Nan B. Ratner, William Gaillard, and Madison Berl
Narrative abilities of children with epilepsy, Amy Strekas, Nan B. Ratner, Madison Berl, and William D. Gaillard
Age association of language task induced deactivation induced in a pediatric population, Binjian Sun, Madison M. Berl, Thomas G. Burns, William D. Gaillard, Laura Hayes, Malek Adjouadi, and Richard A. Jones
Development and Preliminary Evaluation of a Continuing Education Curriculum in Problematic Sexual Behaviors, William H. Swiggart, Marine V. Ghulyan, Charlene M. Dewey, Betsy Williams, and Charles P. Samenow
Obesity and the US military family, Marian Tanofsky-Kraff, Tracy Sbrocco, Kelly R. Theim, Adelyn L. Cohen, Eleanor Race Mackey, Eric Stice, Jennifer L. Henderson, Edny J. Bryant, and Mark B. Stephens
Openness to experience is related to better memory ability in older adults with questionable dementia, Douglas P. Terry, Antonio N. Puente, Courtney L. Brown, Carlos C. Faraco, and L. Stephen Miller
Impact of childhood cancer on emerging adult survivors' romantic relationships: a qualitative account, Amanda L. Thompson, Kristin A. Long, and Anna L. Marsland
Promoting mental health and psychosocial well-being in children affected by political violence: Part I-current evidence for an ecological resilience approach, Weiste A. Tol, Mark J.D. Jordans, Brandon A. Kohrt, Theresa S. Betancourt, and Ivan H. Komproe
Promoting mental health and psychosocial well-being in children affected by political violence: Part II-expanding the evidence base, Weiste A. Tol, Mark J.D. Jordans, Brandon A. Kohrt, Theresa S. Betancourt, and Ivan H. Komproe
Annual research review: Resilience and mental health in children and adolescents living in areas of armed conflict - A systematic review of findings in low- and middle-income countries, Wietse A. Tol, Suzan Song, and Mark J.D. Jordans
Balancing burdens and benefits: Ethical issues of off-label prescription pharmaceutical use, Ford Vox, Alexander M. Capron, Marilyn F. Kraus, G. Caleb Alexander, and Kristi L. Kirschner
Determinants of care seeking for mental health problems in rural haiti: Culture, cost, or competency, Bradley H. Wagenaar, Brandon A. Kohrt, Ashley K. Hagaman, Kristen E. McLean, and Bonnie N. Kaiser
Determinants of care seeking for mental health problems in rural Haiti: Culture, cost, or competency., Bradley H. Wagenaar, Brandon A. Kohrt, Ashley K. Hagaman, Kristen E. McLean, and Bonnie N. Kaiser
Increased gyrification, but comparable surface area in adolescents with autism spectrum disorders, Gregory Wallace, Briana Robustelli, Nathan Dankner, Lauren Kenworthy, Jay N. Giedd, and Alex Martin
Symptomatology of autism spectrum disorder in a population with neurofibromatosis type 1, Karin S. Walsh, Jorge I. Velez, Peter G. Kardel, Daniel M. Imas, Maximilian Muenke, Roger J. Packer, Francisco X. Castellanos, and Maria T. Acosta
Sluggish cognitive tempo in survivors of pediatric brain tumors, Victoria W. Willard, Kristina K. Hardy, Taryn M. Allen, Eugene I. Hwang, Sridharan Gururangan, Sarah A. Hostetter, and Melanie J. Bonner
Executive functions and social skills in survivors of pediatric brain tumor., Kelly R. Wolfe, Karin S. Walsh, Nina C. Reynolds, Francie L. Mitchell, Alyssa T. Reddy, Iris Paltin, and Avi Madan-Swain
Submissions from 2012
The Psychotherapy of Hope: The Legacy of Persuasion and Healing, 3rd ed., Renato D. Alarcon and Julia B. Frank
Big pharma' and psychiatry: 'the devil is in the dyad', S Anand
‘Big Pharma’ and Psychiatry: ‘The devil is in the dyad’., Sumit Anand
Addressing suicidality in primary care settings, J. Michael Bostwick and Sandra Rackley
Recognizing mimics of depression: The '8 Ds'., J. Michael Bostwick and Sandra Rackley
Addressing suicidality in primary care settings, JM Bostwick and S Rackley
Recognizing mimics of depression: The '8 Ds', JM Bostwick and S Rackley
Social distance and stigma toward individuals with schizophrenia: Findings in an urban, African-American community sample, Beth Broussard, Sandra M. Goulding, Colin L. Talley, and Michaelt T. Compton
Social distance and stigma toward individuals with schizophrenia: findings in an urban, African-American community sample., B Broussard, SM Goulding, CL Talley, and MT Compton
Report of the American psychiatric association task force on treatment of gender identity disorder, W Byne, SJ Bradley, E Coleman, AE Eyler, and R Green
Treatment of gender identity disorder, W Byne, SJ Bradley, E Coleman, AE Eyler, and R Green
Report of the American Psychiatric Association task force on treatment of gender identity disorder, William Byne, Susan J. Bradley, Eli Coleman, A. Eyler Evan, Richard Green, Edgardo J. Mervielle, Heino F. L. Meyer-Bahlburg, Richard R. Pleak, and D. Andrew Tompkins
The silent majority: Who speaks at IRB meetings?, Philip J. Candilis, Charles W. Lidz, Paul S. Appelbaum, Robert M. Arnold, William Gardner, Suzanne Myers, Albert J. Grudzinskas, and Lorna J. Simon
Reflections and narratives: New to the journal and to professional ethics, Philip J. Candilis and Richard Martinez
The Analyst's Narcissism, JF Chused
The analyst’s narcissism, Judith F. Chused
Humanism and multiculturalism: An evolutionary alliance, L Comas-Diaz
Psychotherapy as a healing practice, scientific endeavor, and social justice action, L Comas-Diaz
Systemic organizational change for the collaborative care approach to managing depressive disorders, Michael T. Compton
Which came first, delusions or hallucinations? An exploration of clinical differences among patients with first-episode psychosis based on patterns of emergence of positive symptoms., Michael T. Compton, Amy A. Potts, Claire R. Wan, and Dawn F. Ionescu
Systemic organizational change for the collaborative care approach to managing depressive disorders, M. T. Compton
Systemic organizational change for the collaborative care approach to managing depressive disorders, MT Compton
Which came first, delusions or hallucinations? An exploration of clinical differences among patients with first-episode psychosis based on patterns of emergence of positive symptoms, MT. Compton, AA. Potts, CR. Wan, and DF Ionescu
Phonetic measures of reduced tongue movement correlate with negative symptom severity in hospitalized patients with first-episode schizophrenia-spectrum disorders, Michael A. Covington, S. L. Anya Lunden, Sarah L. Cristofaro, Claire Ramsey Wan, C. Thomas Bailey, Beth Broussard, Robert Fogarty, Stephanie Johnson, Shayi Zhang, and Michael T. Compton
Activation of amygdalar metabotropic glutamate receptors modulates anxiety, and risk assessment behaviors in ovariectomized estradiol-treated female rats, María De Jesús-Burgos, Vanessa Torres-Llenza, and Nivia L. Pérez-Acevedo
The Role of complementary and alternative medicine in end-of-life care, J Dorfman, S Denduluri, K Walseman, and B Bregman
Prevention and diagnosis of postpartum psychosis, J Dorfman, R Meisner, and JB Frank
The role of complementary and alternative medicine in end-of-life care, Julia Dorfman, Sandeep Denduluri, Kathryn Walseman, and Benjamin Bregman
Prevention and diagnosis of postpartum psychosis, Julia Dorfman, Robert Meisner, and Julia B. Frank
The effect of seizure focus on regional language processing areas, Elizabeth S. Duke, Mekdem Tesfaye, Madison Berl, Jennifer E. Walker, Eva K. Ritzl, Rebecca E. Fasano, Joan A. Conry, Phillip L. Pearl, Susumu Sato, William H. Theodore, and William D. Gaillard
The effect of seizure focus on regional language processing areas, ES Duke, M Tesfaye, MM Berl, JE Walker, and EK Ritzl
Role of neuropsychologists in the evaluation and management of sport-related concussion: An inter-organization position statement, RJ Echemendia, GL Iverson, M McCrea, DK Broshek, and GA Gioia
Role of neuropsychologists in the evaluation and management of sport-related concussion: An inter-organization position statement, Ruben J. Echemendia, Grant L. Iverson, Michael McCrea, Donna K. Broshek, Gerard A. Gioia, Scott W. Sautter, Stephen N. Macciocchi, and William B. Barr
Family history of psychosis negatively impacts age at onset, negative symptoms, and duration of untreated illness and psychosis in first-episode psychosis patients, M Esterberg and M Compton
Family history of psychosis negatively impacts age at onset, negative symptoms, and duration of untreated illness and psychosis in first-episode psychosis patients, Michelle Esterberg and Michael T. Compton
Assessment in psychological trauma: Methods and intervention, F. Barton Evans
Therapeutic assessment alternative to custody evaluation: An adolescent whose parents could not stop fighting, F. Barton Evans
The biopsychosocial factor, Giovanni A. Fava, Chiara Ruini, Elena Tomba, and Thomas N. Wise
General and specialized medicine and psychiatry, Giovanni A. Fava, Nicoletta Sonino, and Thomas N. Wise
Principles of Psychosomatic Assessment, Giovanni A. Fava, Nicoletta Sonino, and Thomas N. Wise
The Psychosomatic Assessment: Strategies to Improve Clinical Practice, Giovanni A. Fava, N. Sonino, and Thomas N. Wise
A comparison of correlates of suicidal ideation prior to initial hospitalization for first-episode psychosis with prior research on correlates of suicide attempts prior to initial treatment seeking, P Flanagan and M Compton
A comparison of correlates of suicidal ideation prior to initial hospitalization for first-episode psychosis with prior research on correlates of suicide attempts prior to initial treatment seeking, Peggy Flanagan and Michael T. Compton
Cognitive-behavioral therapy for obsessive-compulsive disorder in pregnancy, Dawn L. Flosnik and Eindra Khin Khin
Cognitive-behavioral therapy for obsessive-compulsive disorder in pregnancy, DL Flosnik and EK Khin
Perinatal psychiatric disorders, JB Frank
Depression with melancholic features during pregnancy, JB Frank and EK Khin
Perinatal psychiatric disorders, Julia B. Frank
Depression with melancholic features during pregnancy, Julia B. Frank and Eindra Khin Khin
Brief report: How anxiously withdrawn preadolescents think about friendship, BK Fredstrom, L Rose-Krasnor, K Campbell, KH Rubin, and C Booth-LaForce
Brief report: how anxiously withdrawn preadolescents think about friendship, Bridget K. Fredstrom, Linda Rose-Krasnor, Kelly Campbell, Kenneth H. Rubin, Cathryn Booth-Laforce, and Kim B. Burgess
Pediatric assessment and management of concussions, GA Gioia
Pediatric assessment and management of concussions, Gerard A. Gioia
Treatment of typical amyelic somatic fractures with kyphoplasty and calcium phosphate cement: A critical analysis, Gerard A. Gioia; D, Mandelli; and R. Gogue
Applied Clinical Issues in Pediatric Forensic Neuropsychology, Gerard A. Gioia, Christopher G. Vaughan, and Peter K. Isquith
Independent Neuropsychological Evaluation of Children With Mild Traumatic Brain Injury, Gerard A. Gioia, Christopher G. Vaughan, and Peter K. Isquith
A Compassionate response to a request to die, James L. Griffith, Sahana D'Silva, and David Call
A compassionate response to a request to die, James L. Griffith, Sahana D'Silva, and David Call
Distinguishing spiritual, psychological, and psychiatric issues in palliative care: Their overlap and differences, James L. Griffith and Lorenzo Norris
Distinguishing spiritual, psychological, and psychiatric issues in palliative care: Their overlap and differences, James L. Griffith and Lorenzo Norris
A Compassionate response to a request to die, JL Griffith, S D'Silva, and D Call
Distinguishing spiritual, psychological, and psychiatric issues in palliative care: Their overlap and differences, JL Griffith and L Norris
Family and youth factors associated with health beliefs and health outcomes in youth with type 1 diabetes, Whitney M. Herge, Randi Streisand, Rusan Chen, Clarissa Holmes, Anil Kumar, and Eleanor Race Mackey
Family and youth factors associated with health beliefs and health outcomes in youth with type 1 diabetes, WM Herge, R Streisand, R Chen, C Holmes, and A Kumar
Variations in the Relationship Between Maternal Depression, Maternal Sensitivity, and Child Attachment by Race/Ethnicity and Nativity: Findings from a Nationally Representative Cohort Study, ZJ Huang, A Lewin, SJ Mitchell, and J Zhang
Reintegration of child soldiers in Burundi: A tracer study, Mark Jd Jordans, Ivan H. Komproe, Wietse A. Tol, Aline Ndayisaba, Theodora Nisabwe, and Brandon A. Kohrt
Reintegration of child soldiers in Burundi: A tracer study, Mark J.D. Jordans, Ivan H. Komproe, Wietse A. Tol, Aline Ndayisaba, Theodora Nisabwe, and Brandon A. Kohrt
Reintegration of child soldiers in Burundi: A tracer study, Mark J.D. Jordans, Ivan H. Komproe, Wietse A. Tol, Aline Ndayisaba, Theodora Nisabwe, and Brandon A. Kohrt
Caveat promisor: The potential pitfalls of clinical guarantees, CG Kels and LH Kels
Idioms of distress, ethnopsychology, and the clinical encounter in Haiti's Central Plateau, HM Keys, BN Kaiser, BA Kohrt, NM Khoury, and ART Brewster
Idioms of distress, ethnopsychology, and the clinical encounter in Haiti's Central Plateau, Hunter M. Keys, Bonnie N. Kaiser, Brandon A. Kohrt, Nayla M. Khoury, and Aimee-Rika T. Brewster
Idioms of distress, ethnopsychology, and the clinical encounter in Haiti's Central Plateau, Hunter M. Keys, Bonnie N. Kaiser, Brandon A. Kohrt, Nayla M. Khoury, and Aimée Rika T. Brewster
Explanatory Models and Mental Health Treatment: Is Vodou an Obstacle to Psychiatric Treatment in Rural Haiti?, Nayla M. Khoury, Bonnie N. Kaiser, Hunter M. Keys, Aimee Rika T. Brewster, and Brandon A. Kohrt
Explanatory models and mental health treatment: Is vodou an obstacle to psychiatric treatment in rural Haiti?, Nayla M. Khoury, Bonnie N. Kaiser, Hunter M. Keys, Aimee-Rika T. Brewster, and Brandon A. Kohrt
Explanatory Models and Mental Health Treatment: Is Vodou an Obstacle to Psychiatric Treatment in Rural Haiti?, NM Khoury, BN Kaiser, HM Keys, A.T. Brewster, and BA Kohrt
Physician workforce projections in an era of health care reform, Darrell G. Kirch, Mackenzie K. Henderson, and Michael J. Dill