Submissions from 2014
Functional impairment in mild cognitive impairment evidenced using performance-based measurement, Antonio Nicolas Puente, Douglas P. Terry, Carlos C. Faraco, Courtney L. Brown, and L. Stephen Miller
Postnatal growth and neuropsychological performance in preterm-birth preschoolers, Sarah Raz, Julie Bapp Newman, Angela K. Desbastos, Brittany N. Peters, and Daniel G. Batton
Community navigation to reduce institutional recidivism and promote recovery: Initial evaluation of opening doors to recovery in southeast Georgia, Thomas Reed and Beth Broussard
Efficacy, safety, and tolerability of a novel methylphenidate extended-release oral suspension (MEROS) in ADHD, Adelaide S. Robb, Robert L. Findling, Ann C. Childress, Sally A. Berry, Heidi W. Belden, and Sharon B. Wigal
Child and adolescent psychiatrists' attitudes and practices prescribing second generation antipsychotics, Angie Mae Rodday, Susan K. Parsons, Christoph U. Correll, Adelaide S. Robb, Bonnie T. Zima, Tully S. Saunders, and Laurel K. Leslie
Old wine in new bottles: decanting systemic family process research in the era of evidence-based practice., Michael J. Rohrbaugh
Factitious psychogenic nonepileptic paroxysmal episodes, Alissa Romano, Saeed Alqahtani, James Griffith, and Mohamad Z. Koubeissi
Factitious psychogenic nonepileptic paroxysmal episodes, Alissa Romano, Saeed Alqahtani, James L. Griffith, and Mohamad Z. Koubeissi
Psychometric characteristics of the postconcussion symptom inventory in children and adolescents, Maegan D. Sady, Christopher G. Vaughan, and Gerard A. Gioia
Changes in Coping, Pain and Activity following Cognitive-Behavioral Training: A Randomized Clinical Trial for Pediatric Sickle Cell Disease using Smartphones, Jeffrey Schatz, Alyssa Schlenz, Catherine B. McClellan, Eve S. Puffer, Steven Hardy, Matthew Pfeiffer, and Carla W. Roberts
The Role of Silence in Burundian Former Child Soldiers, Suzan J. Song and Joop de Jong
Indero: Intergenerational trauma and resilience between burundian former child soldiers and their children, Suzan Joon Song, Wietse Tol, and Joop de Jong
Evaluating Differential Effects Using Regression Interactions and Regression Mixture Models, M. Lee Van Horn, Thomas Jaki, Katherine Masyn, George W. Howe, Daniel J. Feaster, and et al.
The interplay of stress and attachment in individuals weathering loss of employment, Colleen M. Varga, Christopher D. Nettles, Amy L. Whitesel, George Howe, and Karen L. Weihs
The relation between testing environment and baseline performance in child and adolescent concussion assessment, Christopher G. Vaughan, Elyssa H. Gerst, Maegan D. Sady, Julie B. Newman, and Gerard A. Gioia
Everyday executive function in standard-risk acute lymphoblastic leukemia survivors, Karin S. Walsh, Iris Paltin, Gerard A. Gioia, Peter K. Isquith, Nina S. Kadan-Lottick, Joseph P. Neglia, and Pim Brouwers
Psychiatric functioning and quality of life in young patients with cardiac rhythm devices, Gregory Webster, Kathryn A. Panek, Madelyn Labella, George Alexander Taylor, Kimberlee Gauvreau, Frank Cecchin, Maria Martuscello, Edward P. Walsh, Charles I. Berul, and David R. Demaso
Consensus recommendations on rater training and certification, Mark D. West, David G. Daniel, Mark Opler, Alexandria Wise-Rankovic, and Amir Kalali
Differences in parent and teacher rating of everyday executive function in pediatric brain tumor survivors, G. C. Wochos, C. H. Semerjian, and Karin S. Walsh
Connectome-scale assessments of structural and functional connectivity in MCI, Dajiang Zhu, Kaiming Li, Douglas P. Terry, A. Nicholas Puente, Lihong Wang, Dinggang Shen, L. Stephen Miller, and Tianming Liu
Submissions from 2013
How Iran Won the War on Drugs, Amir A. Afkhami
Medical diplomacy and global mental health: From community and national institutions to regional centers of excellence, Neil Krishan Aggarwal and Brandon A. Kohrt
Interests in high-functioning autism are more intense, interfering, and idiosyncratic than those in neurotypical development, Laura G. Anthony, Lauren Kenworthy, Benjamin E. Yerys, Kathryn F. Jankowski, Joette James, Madeline B. Harms, Alex Martin, and Gregory L. Wallace
Do social attribution skills improve with age in children with high functioning autism spectrum disorders?, Elgiz Bal, Benjamin E. Yerys, Jennifer L. Sokoloff, Mark J. Celano, Lauren Kenworthy, Jay N. Giedd, and Gregory L. Wallace
Neuropsychological correlates of symptom dimensions in inpatients with major depressive disorder, Michael Basso, Dennis Combs, Rod Purdie, Phillip Candilis, and Robert Bornstein
A qualitative analysis of beginning mindfulness experiences for women with post-traumatic stress disorder and a history of intimate partner violence, Diana Bermudez, Michelle T. Benjamin, Sarah E. Porter, Pamela A. Saunders, Neely A. Myers, and Mary Ann Dutton
Research review: Psychosocial adjustment and mental health in former child soldiers - A systematic review of the literature and recommendations for future research, Theresa S. Betancourt, Ivelina Borisova, Timothy P. Williams, Sarah E. Meyers-Ohki, Julia E. Rubin-Smith, Jeannie Annan, and Brandon A. Kohrt
Research review: Psychosocial adjustment and mental health in former child soldiers—A systematic review of the literature and recommendations for future research, Theresa S. Betancourt, Ivelina Borisova, Timothy P. Williams, Sarah E. Meyers-Ohki, Julia E. Rubin-Smith, Jeannie Annan, and Brandon A. Kohrt
Organic and synthetic cannabinoid use in adolescents, Sanaa Bhatty and Wendell Wu
Using genetically informed, randomized prevention trials to test etiological hypotheses about adolescent drug use and psychopathology, Gene H. Brody, Steven R. Beach, Karl G. Hill, George Howe, Guillermo Prado, and Stephanie M. Fullerton
Demographic, socio-environmental, and substance-related predictors of duration of untreated psychosis (DUP)., Beth Broussard, Mary E. Kelley, Claire R. Wan, Sarah L. Cristofaro, Anthony Crisafio, Patrick J. Haggard, Neely A. Myers, Thomas Reed, and Michael T. Compton
Methods for synthesizing findings on moderation effects across multiple randomized trials, C. Brown, Zili Sloboda, Fabrizio Faggiano, Brent Teasdale, Ferdinand Keller, Gregor Burkhart, Federica Vigna-Taglianti, George Howe, Katherine Masyn, Wei Wang, Bengt Muthén, Peggy Stephens, Scott Grey, and Tatiana Perrino
Not just welfare over justice: Ethics in forensic consultation, Philip J. Candilis and Tess M.S. Neal
Substance use and attitudes on professional conduct among medical students: A single-institution study, Daisi Choi, Vera Tolova, Edward Socha, and Charles P. Samenow
An examination of associations between the inability to taste phenylthiocarbamide (PTC) and clinical characteristics and trait markers in first-episode, nonaffective psychotic disorders, Michael T. Compton, Dawn F. Ionescu, Beth Broussard, Sarah L. Cristofaro, Stephanie Johnson, Patrick J. Haggard, Amy A. Potts, Claire Ramsey Wan, and Elaine F. Walker
Measuring trauma and stressful events in childhood and adolescence among patients with first-episode psychosis: Initial factor structure, reliability, and validity of the Trauma Experiences Checklist, Sarah L. Cristofaro, Sean D. Cleary, Claire E. Ramsay, Beth Broussard, Colby Chapman, P. J. Haggard, S. Jananeh, Neely A. Myers, and Michael T. Compton
Factor structure of the eating disorder examination questionnaire (EDE-Q) in male and female college athletes, Alison M. Darcy, Kristina K. Hardy, Ross D. Crosby, James D. Lock, and Rebecka Peebles
The Eating Disorder Examination Questionnaire (EDE-Q) among university men and women at different levels of athleticism, Alison M. Darcy, Kristina K. Hardy, James D. Lock, Katherine Bell Hill, and Rebecka Peebles
Association between cannabis use, psychosis, and schizotypal personality disorder: Findings from the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions, Glen P. Davis, Michael T. Compton, Shuai Wang, Frances R. Levin, and Carlos Blanco
Advances in neuropsychological assessment of sport-related concussion, Ruben J. Echemendia, Grant L. Iverson, Michael McCrea, Stephen N. Macciocchi, Gerard A. Gioia, Margot Putukian, and Paul Comper
Lateral temporal hyper-activation as a novel biomarker of mild cognitive impairment, Carlos C. Faraco, Antonio N. Puente, Courtney Brown, Douglas P. Terry, and L. Stephen Miller
Teaching medical students to recognize demoralization, J. B Frank
Teaching medical students to recognize demoralization, Julia B. Frank
Roy Schafer's contributions to psychological testing: From clinical sensibility to the analytic attitude., Richard C. Fritsch
Summary of evidence-based guideline update: Evaluation and management of concussion in sports: Report of the Guideline Development Subcommittee of the American Academy of Neurology, Christopher C. Giza, Jeffrey S. Kutcher, Stephen Ashwal, Jeffrey Barth, Thomas S.D. Getchius, Gerard A. Gioia, Gary S. Gronseth, Kevin Guskiewicz, Steven Mandel, Geoffrey Manley, Douglas B. McKeag, David J. Thurman, and Ross Zafonte
Mitigating the effect of non-stationarity in spectral analysis-An application to neonate heart rate analysis, Rathinaswamy B. Govindan, An Nguyen Massaro, Nickie Niforatos, and Adre J. Du Plessis
Existential inquiry: Psychotherapy for crises of demoralization, James L. Griffith
Suicide in rural Haiti: Clinical and community perceptions of prevalence, etiology, and prevention, Ashley K. Hagaman, Bradley H. Wagenaar, Kristen E. McLean, Bonnie N. Kaiser, Kate Winskell, and Brandon A. Kohrt
Suicide in rural Haiti: Clinical and community perceptions of prevalence, etiology, and prevention, Ashley K. Hagaman, Bradley H. Wagenaar, Kristen E. McLean, Bonnie N. Kaiser, Kate Winskell, and Brandon A. Kohrt
Working memory training in survivors of pediatric cancer: A randomized pilot study., Kristina K. Hardy, Victoria W. Willard, Taryn M. Allen, and Melanie J. Bonner
A profile of self-care behaviors in emerging adults with type 1 diabetes, Melissa Hendricks, Maureen Monaghan, Sari Soutor, Rusan Chen, and Clarissa S. Holmes
Disentangling the roles of parental monitoring and family conflict in adolescents' management of type 1 diabetes, Marisa E. Hilliard, Clarissa S. Holmes, Rusan Chen, Kathryn Maher, Elizabeth Robinson, and Randi Streisand
The delivery of mental health care: Where are we and where are we going?, J. Michael Houston and D. Richard Martini
A quantitative link between face discrimination deficits and neuronal selectivity for faces in autism, Xiong Jiang, Angela Bollich, Patrick Cox, Eric Hyder, Joette James, Saqib Ali Gowani, Nouchine Hadjikhani, Volker Blanz, Dara S. Manoach, Jason J.S. Barton, William D. Gaillard, and Maximilian Reisenhuber
Strategies for assessing mental health in Haiti: LocaL instrument development and transcultural translation, Bonnie N. Kaiser, Brandon A. Kohrt, Hunter M. Keys, Nayla M. Khoury, and Aimée Rika T. Brewster
Subscale structure for the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS): A proposed solution focused on clinical validity, Mary E. Kelley, Leonard White, Michael T. Compton, and Philip D. Harvey
The high prevalence of obstructive sleep apnea among patients with bipolar disorders, Tammas Kelly, Lanny Douglas, Lawrence Denmark, Ginger Brasuell, and Daniel Z. Lieberman
The high prevalence of obstructive sleep apnea among patients with bipolar disorders., Tammas F. Kelly, Lanny Douglas, Lawrence Denmark, Ginger Brasuell, and Daniel Z. Lieberman
Medical privacy after death: Implications of new modifications to the health insurance portability and accountability act privacy rule, Charles G. Kels and Lori H. Kels
The problem with parsimony (and the prioritization of prudence), Charles G. Kels and Lori H. Kels
Letters to the editor., Lori H. Kels and Charles G. Kels
Helping Children Exposed to War and Violence: Perspectives from an International Work Group on Interventions for Youth and Families, Hilit Kletter, Rebecca A. Rialon, Nathaniel Laor, Daniel Brom, Ruth Pat-Horenczyk, Mohammed Shaheen, Daniel Hamiel, Claude Chemtob, Carl F. Weems, Carl Feinstein, Alicia Lieberman, Daryn Reicherter, Suzan Song, and Victor G. Carrion
Social ecology interventions for post-traumatic stress disorder: What can we learn from child soldiers?, Brandon Kohrt
Risks and benefits of estrogen therapy for a male-to-female transsexual with a prothrombin gene mutation, Elizabeth Laidlaw and Michael S. Irwig
GAP-REACH: A checklist to assess comprehensive reporting of race, ethnicity, and culture in psychiatric publications, Roberto Lewis-Fernandez; Greer A, Raggio; Magdaliz Gorritz; Naihua Duan; Sue Marcus; Frederick M. Jacobsen; and +16 additional authors
Conflict and mental health: A cross-sectional epidemiological study in Nepal, Nagendra P. Luitel, Mark J.D. Jordans, Ram P. Sapkota, Wietse A. Tol, Brandon A. Kohrt, Suraj B. Thapa, Ivan H. Komproe, and Bhogendra Sharma
Conflict and mental health: A cross-sectional epidemiological study in Nepal, Nagendra P. Luitel, Mark J.D. Jordans, Ram P. Sapkota, Wietse A. Tol, Brandon A. Kohrt, Suraj B. Thapa, Ivan H. Komproe, and Bhogendra Sharma
Stress, seizures, and hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis targets for the treatment of epilepsy, Jamie Maguire and Jay A. Salpekar
A pilot trial of a stress management intervention for primary caregivers of children newly diagnosed with cancer: Preliminary evidence that perceived social support moderates the psychosocial benefit of intervention, Anna L. Marsland, Kristin A. Long, Chelsea Howe, Amanda L. Thompson, Jean Tersak, and Linda J. Ewing
Psychological differences between smokers who spontaneously quit during pregnancy and those who do not: A review of observational studies and directions for future research, Suena H. Massey and Michael T. Compton
Regional variations in age at diagnosis and overall survival among patients with chronic myeloid leukemia from low and middle income countries, Adam M. Mendizabal, Pat Garcia-Gonzalez, and Paul H. Levine
Early adolescent predictors of health in emerging adulthood: A comment on Helgeson et al., Maureen Monaghan
Transition readiness in adolescents and emerging adults with diabetes: the role of patient-provider communication, Maureen Monaghan, Marisa E. Hilliard, Rachel Sweenie, and Kristin Riekert
Impact of peer support on PTSD, Hope, and functional impairment: A mixed-methods study of child soldiers in Nepal, Christopher A. Morley and Brandon A. Kohrt
A review of pharmacological treatments for hypersexual disorder, Hamid Naficy, Charles P. Samenow, and Timothy W. Fong
Assessment of processing speed in children with mild TBI: A "first look" at the validity of pediatric ImPACT, Julie B. Newman, Jennifer H. Reesman, Christopher G. Vaughan, and Gerard A. Gioia
Second messenger/signal transduction pathways in major mood disorders: Moving from membrane to mechanism of action, part II: bipolar disorder, Mark Niciu, Dawn F. Ionescu, Daniel C. Matthews, Erica M. Richards, and Carlos A. Zarate
Prevalence of depression and associated risk factors among persons with type-2 diabetes mellitus without a prior psychiatric history: A cross-sectional study in clinical settings in urban Nepal, Kiran Niraula, Brandon A. Kohrt, Meerjady S. Flora, Narbada Thapa, Shirin J. Mumu, Rahul Pathak, Babill Stray-Pedersen, Pukar Ghimire, Bhawana Regmi, Elizabeth K. MacFarlane, and Roshni Shrestha
Children's Oncology Group's 2013 blueprint for research: Behavior, Robert B. Noll, Sunita K. Patel, Leanne Embry, Kristina K. Hardy, Wendy Pelletier, Robert D. Annett, Andrea Patenaude, E. Anne Lown, Stephen A. Sands, and Lamia P. Barakat
Alexithymia and emotional intelligence in patients with panic disorder, generalized anxiety disorder and major depressive disorder, Elif Onur, T. Alkin, Michael J. Sheridan, and Thomas N. Wise
Advancing science through collaborative data sharing and synthesis, Tatiana Perrino, George Howe, Anne Sperling, William Beardslee, Irwin Sandler, David Shern, Hilda Patin, Sheila Kaupert, Nicole Cano, Gracelyn Cruden, Frank Bandiera, and C. Hendricks Brown
Achieving consensus for clinical trials: The REiNS International Collaboration, Scott R. Plotkin, Jaishri O. Blakeley, Eva Dombi, Michael J. Fisher, C. Oliver Hanemann, Karin S. Walsh, Pamela L. Wolters, and Brigitte C. Widemann
Neglected treatment research in bipolar disorder: A congressional mandate would help, Robert M. Post
More stressors prior to and during the course of bipolar illness in patients from the United States compared with the Netherlands and Germany, Robert M. Post, Lori L. Altshuler, Gabriele S. Leverich, Willem A. Nolen, Ralph W. Kupka, Heinz Grunze, Mark A. Frye, Trisha Suppes, Susan L. McElroy, Paul E. Keck Jr., and Mike Rowe
Increased parental history of bipolar disorder in the United States: Association with early age of onset, Robert M. Post, Gabriele S. Leverich, Ralph W. Kupka, Paul E. Keck Jr., Susan L. McElroy, Lori L. Altshuler, Mark A. Frye, D. A. Luckenbaugh, M. Rowe, H. Grunze, T. Suppes, and W. A. Nolen
Sociodemographic effects on biological, disease care, and diabetes knowledge factors in youth with type 1 diabetes, Priscilla W. Powell, Rusan Chen, Anil Kumar, Randi Streisand, and Clarissa S. Holmes
The pediatric surgeon-patient relationship, Sandra Rackley and J. Michael Bostwick
Baseline benefits., Nan B. Ratner, William D. Gaillard, Madison M. Berl, and Amy Strekas
Intellectual and academic outcome following two chemotherapy regimens and radiotherapy for average-risk medulloblastoma: COG A9961., M. Douglas Ris, Karin S. Walsh, Dana Wallace, F. Daniel Armstrong, Emi Holmes, Amar Gajjar, Tianni Zhou, and Roger J. Packer
Past imperfect, future tense: Psychotherapy and child psychiatry, Rachel Z. Ritvo and Judith A. Cohen
A fresh look at psychodynamic approaches to psychopathology in children and adolescents, Rachel Z. Ritvo and Schuyler W. Henderson
Preface, Rachel Z. Ritvo and Schuyler W. Henderson
Preface ( Editorial ), Rachel Z. Ritvo and Schuyler W. Henderson
Challenges in the transition of care for adolescents with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, Adelaide Robb and Robert L. Findling
The aging physician: When practice doesn't make perfect, Anne Sagalyn
When cultures collide: What we know about the impact of physician culture on clinical decision making, Anne Sagalyn
Psychiatric symptoms in children prior to epilepsy surgery differ according to suspected seizure focus, Jay A. Salpekar, Madison M. Berl, Kathryn Havens, Sandra Cushner-Weinstein, Joan A. Conry, Phillip L. Pearl, Amanda L. Yaun, and William D. Gaillard
An Enemy of the People..., Charles P. Samenow
A Word on this Special Edition..., Charles P. Samenow
SASH Policy Statement (Revised): The Future of Problematic Sexual Behaviors/Sexual Addiction, Charles P. Samenow