
Submissions from 2010

A biopsychosocial model of hypersexual disorder/sexual addiction, CP Samenow

Classifying problematic sexual behaviors - It's all in the name, CP Samenow

Editor's welcome, CP Samenow

A psychiatrist's approach to a case of problematic sexual behavior, CP Samenow and AJR Finlayson

Psychosocial Aspects of Women's Lives: Work and Family/Personal Life and Life Cycle Issues, D. K. Shrier and L. A. Shrier

Prospective study of new-onset seizures presenting as status epilepticus in childhood, RK Singh, S Stephens, MM Berl, T Chang, and K Brown

Neural response to working memory load varies by dopamine transporter genotype in children, M Stollstorff, J Foss-Feig, EH Cook, MA Stein, and WD Gaillard

Associations of parent coping, stress, and well-being in mothers of children with diabetes: Examination of data from a national sample, R. Streisand, E.R. MacKey, and W. Herge

Political violence and mental health: A multi-disciplinary review of the literature on Nepal, Wietse A. Tol, Brandon A. Kohrt, Mark J.D. Jordans, Suraj B. Thapa, Judith Pettigrew, Nawaraj Upadhaya, and Joop T.V.M. de Jong

Use of complementary and alternative medicine in children with asthma, Vanessa Torres-Llenza, Sanjit Bhogal, Michael Davis, and Francine M. Ducharme

Pharmacotherapy of major depressive disorder: Focus on desvenlafaxine succinate, AC Trinidad and B Bregman

Neurocognitive profile in a case of maple syrup urine disease, KS Walsh and MN Scott

Upregulation of renal sodium transporters in D5 dopamine receptor-deficient mice, X Wang, Y Luo, CS Escano, Z Yang, and L Asico

Sleep problems in the child with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder: Defining aetiology and appropriate treatments, MD Weiss and J Salpekar

Smart phones, social networking, sexting and problematic sexual behaviors-a call for research, Robert Weiss and Charles P. Samenow

Smart phones, social networking, sexting and problematic sexual behaviors-a call for research, R Weiss and CP Samenow

Response, EM Wells, KS Walsh, RF Keating, and RJ Packer

Matched Gene Selection and Committee Classifier for Molecular Classification of Heterogeneous Diseases RID A-6485-2008, G Yu, Y Feng, DJ Miller, J Xuan, and EP Hoffman

Submissions from 2009

Excitement: A crucial and marker for group psychotherapy, S. L. Aledort

Impact of Antidepressant Continuation After Acute Positive or Partial Treatment Response for Bipolar Depression: A Blinded, Randomized Study, L. L. Altshuler, R. M. Post, G. Hellemann, G. S. Leverich, and W. A. Nolen

A practitioner's complaint and proposed direction: Munchausen syndrome by proxy, factitious disorder by proxy, and fabricated and/or induced illness in children, M. R. Butz, F. B. Evans, and R. L. Webber-Dereszynski

The Revolution in Forensic Ethics: Narrative, Compassion, and a Robust Professionalism, Philip J. Candilis

AACAP 2006 research forum - Advancing research in early-onset bipolar disorder: Barriers and suggestions, G. A. Carlson, R. L. Findling, R. M. Post, B. Birmaher, and H. P. Blumberg

Divalproex ER Combined with Olanzapine or Risperidone for Treatment of Acute Exacerbations of Schizophrenia, D. E. Casey, D. G. Daniel, C. Tamminga, J. M. Kane, and T. Tran-Johnson

The Complex Nature of Exposure To Early Childhood Trauma in the Psychoanalysis of a Child, J. M. Chertoff

Neuromodulation Technologies: Whom Do We Serve?, Allen R. Dyer and Mary Pat Aardrup

August Strindberg and Donald Burnham, K. R. Gaarder

Professional ethics and national security: Some current issues, M. A. Gravitz

Posttraumatic stress disorder in headache patients: Implications for treatment, James L. Griffith

Posttraumatic stress disorder in headache patients: Implications for treatment, J. L. Griffith

Predictors of diabetes-related quality of life after transitioning to the insulin pump, M. E. Hilliard, M. Goeke-Morey, F. R. Cogen, C. Henderson, and R. Streisand

Long term augmentation with T3 in refractory major depression, Tammas F. Kelly and Daniel Z. Lieberman

The use of triiodothyronine as an augmentation agent in treatment-resistant bipolar II and bipolar disorder NOS, Tammas Kelly and Daniel Z. Lieberman

Long term augmentation with T-3 in refractory major depression, T. F. Kelly and D. Z. Lieberman

The use of triiodothyronine as an augmentation agent in treatment-resistant bipolar II and bipolar disorder NOS, T. Kelly and D. Z. Lieberman

Culture in psychiatric epidemiology: Using ethnography and multiple mediator models to assess the relationship of caste with depression and anxiety in Nepal, Brandon A. Kohrt, Rebecca A. Speckman, Richard D. Kunz, Jennifer L. Baldwin, Nawaraj Upadhaya, Nanda Raj Acharya, Vidya Dev Sharma, Mahendra K. Nepal, and Carol M. Worthman

Gender and anxiety in Nepal: The role of social support, stressful life events, and structural violence, Brandon A. Kohrt and Carol M. Worthman

Culture and epidemiology special issue: Towards an integrated study of culture and population health, Brandon Kohrt, Craig Hadley, and Daniel Hruschka

Intellectual, adaptive, and behavioral functioning in children with urea cycle disorders, L. Krivitzky, T. Babikian, H.S. Lee, N.H. Thomas, and K.L. Burk-Paull

An interprofessional course in bioethics: Training for real-world dilemmas, Robin Lennon-Dearing, Lois W. Lowry, Calvin W. Ross, and Allen R. Dyer


Antidepressant-induced mania with concomitant mood stabilizer in patients with comorbid substance abuse and bipolar disorder., Daniel Z Lieberman, George Kolodner, Suena H Massey, and Kenneth P Williams

Antidepressant-induced mania with concomitant mood stabilizer in patients with comorbid substance abuse and bipolar disorder, Daniel Z. Lieberman, George Kolodner, Suena H. Massey, and Kenneth P. Williams

Desvenlafaxine in major depressive disorder: An evidence-based review of its place in therapy, Daniel Z. Lieberman and Suena H. Massey

Earliest symptoms discriminating juvenile-onset bipolar illness from ADHD, D. A. Luckenbaugh, R. L. Findling, G. S. Leverich, S. M. Pizzarello, and R. M. Post

Limitation to plasticity of language network reorganization in localization related epilepsy, J. Mbwana, M. M. Berl, E. K. Ritzl, L. Rosenberger, and J. Mayo

A double-blind randomized controlled trial of olanzapine plus sertraline vs olanzapine plus placebo for psychotic depression: The study of pharmacotherapy of psychotic depression (STOP-PD), Barnett S. Meyers, Alastair J. Flint, Anthony J. Rothschild, Benoit H. Mulsant, Ellen M. Whyte, Catherine Peasley-Miklus, Eros Papademetriou, Andrew C. Leon, Moonseong Heo, G. S. Alexopoulos, M. L. Bruce, S. Klimstra, J. English, M. Gabriele, F. Santana, G. Addonizio, J. De Asis, X. Y. Baran, B. Kalyam, D. J. Kupfer, M. E. Thase, D. J. Cohen, and J. E. Emanuel

Commentary: The trauma of insidious racism, G. H. Miller

Violence exposure and the association between young African American mothers' discipline and child problem behavior, S. J. Mitchell, A. Lewin, I. B. Horn, A. Rasmussen, and K. Sanders-Phillips

Nighttime caregiving behaviors among parents of young children with Type 1 diabetes: associations with illness characteristics and parent functioning, M. C. Monaghan, M. E. Hilliard, F. R. Cogen, and R. Streisand

Case study: Transitioning from insulin to glyburide in permanent neonatal diabetes: Medical and psychosocial challenges in an 18-year-old male, M. C. Monaghan, J. Stoy, R. Streisand, L. Philipson, and F. R. Cogen

Review of Working with families of the poor, 2nd ed, R. Peele and S. Cartwright

Insomnias of Childhood and Adolescence, G. J. Reid, E. D. Huntley, and D. S. Lewin

Psychosocial Aspects of Women's Lives: Work and Family/Personal Life and Life Cycle Issues, D. K. Shrier and L. A. Shrier

Helping Patients Who Drink Too Much: An Evidence-Based Guide for Primary Care Physicians, M. L. Willenbring, S. H. Massey, and M. B. Gardener

Core competencies for fellowship training in psychosomatic medicine: A collaborative effort by the APA Council on Psychosomatic Medicine, the ABPN Psychosomatic Committee, and The Academy of Psychosomatic Medicine, Linda L.M. Worley, James L. Levenson, Theodore A. Stern, Steven A. Epstein, James R. Rundell, Catherine C. Crone, Thomas N. Wise, Teresa A. Rummans, Philip R. Muskin, James A. Bourgeois, Stephen M. Saravay, Maryland Pao, Carol Alter, Maurice Steinberg, Lawson Wulsin, William Breitbart, Gregory L. Fricchione, Robert Boland, Lucy A. Epstein, Daniel Winstead, and David F. Gitlin

Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Symptoms Moderate Cognition and Behavior in Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders, B. E. Yerys, G. L. Wallace, J. L. Sokoloff, D. A. Shook, and J. D. James

Temperament and character associated with depressive symptoms in women: Analysis of two genetically informative samples, J. Yuh, J.M. Neiderhiser, P. Lichtenstein, K. Hansson, and M. Cederblad

Submissions from 2008

beta1- and beta2-adrenoceptor induced synaptic facilitation in rat basolateral amygdala, P. A. Abraham, G. Xing, L. Zhang, E. Z. Yu, and R. Post


Antidepressant Medications, Amir A. Afkhami

Consensus statement: the evaluation and treatment of people with epilepsy and effective disorders., J. J. Barry, A. B. Ettinger, P. Friel, F. G. Gilliam, and C. L. Harden

Interregional cerebral metabolic associativity during a continuous performance task (Part II): Differential alterations in bipolar and unipolar disorders, B. E. Benson, M. W. Willis, T. A. Ketter, A. Speer, and T. A. Kimbrell

A direct comparison of research decision-making capacity: Schizophrenia/schizoaffective, medically ill, and non-ill subjects, Philip J. Candilis, Kenneth E. Fletcher, Cynthia M.A. Geppert, Charles W. Lidz, and Paul S. Appelbaum

Neuroanatomical tracing of neuronal projections with fluoro-gold, Lisa A. Catapano, Sanjay S. Magavi, and Jeffrey D. MacKlis

Kinases as drug targets in the treatment of bipolar disorder, Lisa A. Catapano and Husseini K. Manji

Randomized trial of a case management program for assult-injured youth - impact on service utilization and risk for reinjury., T. L. Cheng, J. L. Wright, D. Markakis, N. Copeland-Linder, and E. Menvielle

Our inner Black Madonna: Reclaiming sexuality, embodying sacredness, L Comas-Diaz

2007 Carolyn Serif award address: spirita: reclaiming womanist sacredness into feminism, L. Comas-Diaz

Parenting stress and childhood epilepsy: The impact of depression, learning, and seizure-related factors, S. Cushner-Weinstein, K. Dassoulas, J. A. Salpekar, S. E. Henderson, and P. L. Pearl

Psychiatric Aspects of Organ Transplantation in Critical Care, Andrea DiMartini, Catherine Crone, Marian Fireman, and Mary Amanda Dew

Summaries of the Sixth Annual Poster Session of the American Psychoanalytic Association: part I. Triangular relationships in adolescence predict adult psychopathology: an empirical validation of the Oedipus complex?, C. Dimas, D. Reiss, and J. Neiderhiser

Review of Biological bases of clinical anxiety, J. B. Frank

The effects of risperidone, titration on pica in an adolescent with autism., A. W. Gardner, R. Ernst, J. T. O'Connor, P. T. Daniolos, and V. Morar

The history and current state of antidepressant clinical trial design: A call to action for proof-of-concept studies, A. J. Gelenberg, M. E. Thase, R. E. Meyer, F. K. Goodwin, and M. M. Katz

Improving identification and diagnosis of mild traumatic brain injury with evidence: Psychometric support for the Acute Concussion Evaluation, G. A. Gioia, M. Collins, and P. K. Isquith

The Interdisciplinary Council on Developmental and Learning Disorders Diagnostic Manual for Infants and Young Children--An overview, S. I. Greenspan and S. Wieder

Family Therapy, James L. Griffith, Lois Slovik, William H. Sledge, and Bruce J. Rounsaville

Individual resiliency factors from a genetic perspective: Results from a twin study, K. Hansson, M. Cederblad, P. Licdhtenstein, D. Reiss, and N. Pedersen

Ethical issues in local, national, and international disaster psychiatry, P. T. Joshi, M. E. Dalton, and D. A. O'Donnell

TV coverage of tragedies: what is the impact on children?, P. T. Joshi, A. F. Parr, and L. A. Efron

Understanding executive control in autism spectrum disorders in the lab and in the real world, L. Kenworthy, B. E. Yerys, L. G. Anthony, and G. L. Wallace

Navigating diagnoses: Understanding mind-body relations, mental health, and stigma in Nepal, Brandon A. Kohrt and Ian Harper

Comparison of mental health between former child soldiers and children never conscripted by armed groups in Nepal, Brandon A. Kohrt, Mark J.D. Jordans, Wietse A. Tol, Rebecca A. Speckman, Sujen M. Maharjan, Carol M. Worthman, and Ivan H. Komproe

Measuring mental health in child soldiers - Reply, Brandon A. Kohrt, Mark J.D. Jordans, and Carol M. Worthman

Reliability and Validity of the Childhood Cancer Survivor Study Neurocognitive Questionnaire, K. R. Krull, G. Gioia, K. K. Ness, L. Ellenberg, and C. Recklitis


Evaluation of the stability and validity of participant samples recruited over the Internet., Daniel Z Lieberman

Evaluation of the stability and validity of participant samples recruited over the internet, Daniel Z. Lieberman


A technological approach to reaching a hidden population of problem drinkers., Daniel Z Lieberman and Suena W Huang

A technological approach to reaching a hidden population of problem drinkers, Daniel Z. Lieberman and Suena W. Huang


Pathways to change: the effect of a Web application on treatment interest., Daniel Z Lieberman and Suena H Massey

Pathways to change: The effect of a web application on treatment interest, Daniel Z. Lieberman and Suena H. Massey


Predicting Content Preference: Applying Lessons Learned from the Commercial Web to Therapeutic Software, Daniel Z. Lieberman MD, Suena H. Massey MD, Vilmaris Quiñones Cardona, and Kenneth P. Williams MD


A pooled analysis of two placebo-controlled trials of desvenlafaxine in major depressive disorder., Daniel Z Lieberman, Stuart A Montgomery, Karen A Tourian, Claudine Brisard, Gregory Rosas, Krishna Padmanabhan, Jean-Michel Germain, and Bruno Pitrosky

A pooled analysis of two placebo-controlled trials of desvenlafaxine in major depressive disorder, Daniel Z. Lieberman, Stuart A. Montgomery, Karen A. Tourian, Claudine Brisard, Gregory Rosas, Krishna Padmanabhan, Jean Michel Germain, and Bruno Pitrosky


Combinations of DSM-IV-TR criteria sets for bipolar disorders., Daniel Z Lieberman, Roger Peele, and Maryam Razavi

Evaluation of the stability and validity of participant samples recruited over the Internet, D. Z. Lieberman

A technological approach to reaching a hidden population of problem drinkers, D. Z. Lieberman and S. W. Huang

Pathways to change: The effect of a Web application on treatment interest, D. Z. Lieberman and S. H. Massey

Predicting Content Preference: Applying Lessons Learned from the Commercial Web to Therapeutic Software, D. Z. Lieberman, S. H. Massey, V. C. Cardona, and K. P. Williams

A pooled analysis of two placebo-controlled trials of desvenla faxine, in major depressive disorder, D. Z. Lieberman, S. A. Montgomery, K. A. Tourian, C. Brisard, and G. Rosas

Combinations of DSM-IV-TR criteria sets for bipolar disorders, D. Z. Lieberman, R. Peele, and M. Razavi