Epidemiology Faculty Publications | Epidemiology | Himmelfarb Health Sciences Library, The George Washington University


Submissions from 2020


Models to Assess the Association of a Semiquantitative Exposure with Outcomes, John M. Lachin, Ionut Bebu, and Barbara Braffett


Maternal tobacco use: A third-trimester risk factor for small-for-gestational-age pregnancy outcome., Steven H. Lamm, Hamid Ferdosi, Isabella J. Boroje, Nana Ama Afari-Dwamena, Lu Qian, Elisabeth Dissen Dash, Ji Li, Rusan Chen, and Manning Feinleib


Tail-phase safety, tolerability, and pharmacokinetics of long-acting injectable cabotegravir in HIV-uninfected adults: a secondary analysis of the HPTN 077 trial., Raphael J Landovitz, Sue Li, Joseph J Eron, Beatriz Grinsztejn, Halima Dawood, Albert Y Liu, Manya Magnus, Mina C Hosseinipour, Ravindre Panchia, Leslie Cottle, Gordon Chau, Paul Richardson, Mark A Marzinke, Susan H Eshleman, Ryan Kofron, Adeola Adeyeye, David Burns, Alex R Rinehart, David Margolis, Myron S Cohen, Marybeth McCauley, and Craig W Hendrix


Tail-phase safety, tolerability, and pharmacokinetics of long-acting injectable cabotegravir in HIV-uninfected adults: a secondary analysis of the HPTN 077 trial., Raphael J Landovitz, Sue Li, Joseph J Eron, Beatriz Grinsztejn, Halima Dawood, Albert Y Liu, Manya Magnus, Mina C Hosseinipour, Ravindre Panchia, Leslie Cottle, Gordon Chau, Paul Richardson, Mark A Marzinke, Susan H Eshleman, Ryan Kofron, Adeola Adeyeye, David Burns, Alex R Rinehart, David Margolis, Myron S Cohen, Marybeth McCauley, and Craig W Hendrix


Cabotegravir Is Not Associated With Weight Gain in Human Immunodeficiency Virus-uninfected Individuals in HPTN 077., Raphael J. Landovitz, Sahar Z. Zangeneh, Gordon Chau, Beatriz Grinsztejn, Joseph J. Eron, Halima Dawood, Manya Magnus, Albert Y. Liu, Ravindre Panchia, Mina C. Hosseinipour, Ryan Kofron, David A. Margolis, Alex Rinehart, Adeola Adeyeye, David Burns, Marybeth McCauley, Myron S. Cohen, and Judith S. Currier


Depression and Psychosocial Stress Are Associated With Subclinical Carotid Atherosclerosis Among Women Living With HIV., Matthew E. Levy, Kathryn Anastos, Steven R Levine, Michael Plankey, Amanda D. Castel, Sherry Molock, Sabyasachi Sen, Federico M Asch, Joel Milam, Bradley Aouizerat, Kathleen M Weber, Elizabeth T Golub, Robert C Kaplan, and Seble Kassaye


Outcomes of integrase inhibitor-based antiretroviral therapy in a clinical cohort of treatment-experienced children, adolescents and young adults with HIV infection, Matthew E. Levy, Caleb Griffith, Nicole Ellenberger, Anne K. Monroe, Amanda D. Castel, and Natella Rakhmanina


Cholesterol-lowering effect of statin therapy in a clinical HIV cohort: an application of double propensity score adjustment., Matthew E. Levy, Yan Ma, Manya Magnus, Naji Younes, Amanda D. Castel, and DC Cohort Executive Committee


Is low-level viraemia associated with serum lipid profiles among HIV controllers?, M. E. Levy, A. K. Monroe, M. A. Horberg, D. A. Benator, A. D. Castel, Lawrence D'Angelo, Natella Rakhmanina, Michael Kharfen, Michael Serlin, Princy Kumar, Aria Bamdad, Tsedenia Bezabeh, Pamela Katzen Burrows, Alla Sapozhnikova, Marinella Temprosa, Susan Reamer, Naji Younes, Morgan Byrne, Alan Greenberg, Maria Jaurretche, James Peterson, Lindsey Powers Happ, Brittany Wilbourn, Yan Ma, Hana Akselrod, Ronald Wilcox, Sohail Rana, Ricardo Fernandez, Annick Hebou, Carl Dieffenbach, Henry Masur, and Jose Bordon


Development of a telehealth intervention to promote care-seeking among transgender women of color in Washington, DC., Manya Magnus, Elizabeth Edwards, Aurnell Dright, Leandrea Gilliam, Angela Brown, Matthew Levy, Neal Sikka, Marc Siegel, Vittoria Criss, Christopher Chauncey Watson, Edwards Machtinger, and Irene Kuo


Development of a telehealth intervention to promote care‐seeking among transgender women of color in Washington, DC, Manya Magnus, Elizabeth Edwards, Aurnell Dright, Leandrea Gilliam, Angela Brown, Matthew Levy, Neal Sikka, Marc Siegel, Vittoria Criss, Christopher Chauncey Watson, Edwards Machtinger, and Irene Kuo


Exploring Associations between Susceptibility to the Use of Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems and E-Cigarette Use among School-Going Adolescents in Rural Appalachia., Hadii M Mamudu, Christen Nwabueze, Florence M Weierbach, Joshua Yang, Antwan Jones, Michelle McNabb, Esther Adeniran, Ying Liu, Liang Wang, Cynthia J Blair, Adeola Awujoola, and David L Wood


Identifying patients’ priorities for quality survivorship: conceptualizing a patient-centered approach to survivorship care, K. Holly Mead, Sarah Raskin, Anne Willis, Hannah Arem, Sarah Murtaza, Laura Charney, and Mandi Pratt-Chapman


Association of mid-life serum lipid levels with late-life brain volumes: The atherosclerosis risk in communities neurocognitive study (ARICNCS)., Kasra Moazzami, Melinda C. Power, Rebecca Gottesman, Thomas Mosley, Pamela L Lutsey, Clifford R Jack, Ron C Hoogeveen, Nancy West, David S Knopman, and Alvaro Alonso


Clinic-Level Factors Associated With Time to Antiretroviral Initiation and Viral Suppression in a Large, Urban Cohort., Anne K. Monroe, Lindsey P. Happ, Nabil Rayeed, Yan Ma, Maria J. Jaurretche, Arpi S. Terzian, Kevin Trac, Michael A Horberg, Alan E. Greenberg, and Amanda D. Castel


Small-area spatial-temporal changes in pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) use in the general population and among men who have sex with men in the United States between 2012 and 2018, Farah Mouhanna, Amanda Castel, P S. Sullivan, Irene Kuo, Heather J. Hoffman, A J. Siegler, J S. Jones, R Mera Giler, P McGuinness, and M R. Kramer


Impact of Abstinence and of Reducing Illicit Drug Use Without Abstinence on Human Immunodeficiency Virus Viral Load., Robin M. Nance, Maria Esther Perez Trejo, Bridget M. Whitney, Joseph A C Delaney, Fredrick L. Altice, Curt G. Beckwith, Geetanjali Chander, Redonna Chandler, Katerina Christopoulous, Chinazo Cunningham, William E. Cunningham, Carlos Del Rio, Dennis Donovan, Joseph J. Eron, Rob J. Fredericksen, Shoshana Kahana, Mari M. Kitahata, Richard Kronmal, Irene Kuo, Ann Kurth, W Chris Mathews, Kenneth H. Mayer, Richard D. Moore, Michael J. Mugavero, Lawrence J. Ouellet, Vu M. Quan, Michael S. Saag, Jane M. Simoni, Sandra Springer, Lauren Strand, Faye Taxman, Jeremy D. Young, and Heidi M. Crane


Brief Report: Associations Between Self-Reported Substance Use Behaviors and PrEP Acceptance and Adherence Among Black MSM in the HPTN 073 Study., Chukwuemeka N Okafor, Christopher Hucks-Ortiz, Lisa B Hightow-Weidman, Manya Magnus, Lynda Emel, Geetha Beauchamp, Irene Kuo, Craig Hendrix, Kenneth H Mayer, and Steven J Shoptaw


Comparison of Clinical Outcomes of Persons Living With HIV by Enrollment Status in Washington, DC: Evaluation of a Large Longitudinal HIV Cohort Study., Jenevieve Opoku, Rupali K. Doshi, Amanda D. Castel, Ian Sorensen, Michael Horberg, Adam Allston, Michael Kharfen, and Alan E. Greenberg


One-year postpartum anthropometric outcomes in mothers and children in the LIFE-Moms lifestyle intervention clinical trials, Suzanne Phelan, Rebecca G. Clifton, Debra Haire-Joshu, Leanne M. Redman, Linda Van Horn, Mary Evans, Kaumudi Joshipura, Kimberly A. Couch, S. Sonia Arteaga, Alison G. Cahill, Kimberly L. Drews, Paul W. Franks, Dympna Gallagher, Jami L. Josefson, Samuel Klein, William C. Knowler, Corby K. Martin, Alan M. Peaceman, Elizabeth A. Thom, Rena R. Wing, Susan Z. Yanovski, and Xavier Pi-Sunyer


Changes in Sexual and Gender Identity and Their Associations with Internalized Homophobia Among Black Men Who Have Sex with Men in the HPTN 061 BROTHERS Cohort., Gregory Phillips, Brian A. Feinstein, Matthew Levy, Irene Kuo, Sara N. Glick, Sheldon D. Fields, Typhanye V. Dyer, Dylan Felt, and Manya Magnus


Growing evidence links air pollution exposure to risk of Alzheimer's disease and related dementia., Melinda C. Power


Trends in Relative Incidence and Prevalence of Dementia Across Non-Hispanic Black and White Individuals in the United States, 2000-2016., Melinda C. Power, Erin E. Bennett, Robert W. Turner, N Maritza Dowling, Adam Ciarleglio, M Maria Glymour, and Kan Z. Gianattasio


Implications of the Use of Algorithmic Diagnoses or Medicare Claims to Ascertain Dementia., Melinda C. Power, Kan Z. Gianattasio, and Adam Ciarleglio


DNA methylation age calculators reveal association with diabetic neuropathy in type 1 diabetes, Delnaz Roshandel, Zhuo Chen, Angelo J. Canty, Shelley B. Bull, Rama Natarajan, Andrew D. Paterson, S. Scherer, F. Miao, L. Zhang, J. Brown-Friday, J. Crandall, H. Engel, S. Engel, H. Martinez, M. Phillips, M. Reid, H. Shamoon, J. Sheindlin, R. Gubitosi-Klug, J. Wood, L. Mayer, D. Miller, A. Nayate, M. Novak, S. Pendegast, L. Singerman, D. Weiss, H. Zegarra, E. Brown, P. Crawford, S. Genuth, and M. Palmert


Sexually transmitted infections in persons living with HIV infection and estimated HIV transmission risk: Trends over time from the DC Cohort, Alessandra Anna Secco, Hana Akselrod, Jonathan Czeresnia, Matthew Levy, Morgan Byrne, Anne Monroe, Jose Lucar, Michael Horberg, Amanda Derryck Castel, Rupali Doshi, Heather Rivasplata, Leah Squires, David Parenti, and Debra Benator


Sexually transmitted infections in persons living with HIV infection and estimated HIV transmission risk: Trends over time from the DC Cohort, Alessandra Anna Secco, Hana Akselrod, Jonathan Czeresnia, Matthew Levy, Morgan Byrne, Anne Monroe, Jose Lucar, Michael Horberg, Amanda Derryck Castel, Rupali Doshi, Heather Rivasplata, Leah Squires, David Parenti, and Debra Benator


A summary of the fifth annual Virology Education HIV Microbiome workshop., Scott Sherrill-Mix, Kaleigh Connors, Grace M Aldrovandi, Jason Brenchley, Charles Boucher, Frederic Bushman, Ronald Collman, Satya Dandekar, Nichole R Klatt, Laurel A Lagenaur, Roger Paredes, Gilda Tachedjian, Jim A Turpin, Alan Landay, and Mimi Ghosh


Policy- and county-level associations with HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis use, the United States, 2018., Aaron J. Siegler, C Christina Mehta, Farah Mouhanna, Robertino Mera Giler, Amanda Castel, Elizabeth Pembleton, Chandni Jaggi, Jeb Jones, Michael R. Kramer, Pema McGuinness, Scott McCallister, and Patrick S. Sullivan


The Role of Stress and Genital Immunity in Sexual Trauma and HIV Susceptibility Among Adolescent Girls and Adult Women (The THRIVE Study): Protocol for a Longitudinal Case-Control Study., Jamila K Stockman, Katherine M Anderson, Maile Y Karris, Constance A Benson, Kiyomi Tsuyuki, Douglas A Granger, Akilah Weber, and Mimi Ghosh


Preventing HIV outbreaks among people who inject drugs in the United States: plus ça change, plus ça même chose., Steffanie A Strathdee, Irene Kuo, Nabila El-Bassel, Sally Hodder, Laramie R Smith, and Sandra A Springer


Incident prolonged QT interval in midlife and late-life cognitive performance., Claudia K. Suemoto, Laura E. Gibbons, Evan L. Thacker, Jonathan D. Jackson, Claudia L. Satizabal, Brianne M. Bettcher, Lenore Launer, Caroline Phillips, Lon R. White, and Melinda C. Power


A Data Visualization and Dissemination Resource to Support HIV Prevention and Care at the Local Level: Analysis and Uses of the AIDSVu Public Data Resource., Patrick Sean Sullivan, Cory Woodyatt, Chelsea Koski, Elizabeth Pembleton, Pema McGuinness, Jennifer Taussig, Alexandra Ricca, Nicole Luisi, Eve Mokotoff, Nanette Benbow, Amanda D. Castel, Ann N Do, Ronald O Valdiserri, Heather Bradley, Chandni Jaggi, Daniel O'Farrell, Rebecca Filipowicz, Aaron J Siegler, James Curran, and Travis H Sanchez


Methods for county-level estimation of pre-exposure prophylaxis coverage and application to the U.S. Ending the HIV Epidemic jurisdictions., Patrick S. Sullivan, Farah Mouhanna, Robertino Mera, Elizabeth Pembleton, Amanda D. Castel, Chandni Jaggi, Jeb Jones, Michael R. Kramer, Pema McGuinness, Scott McCallister, and Aaron J. Siegler


18-24-month HIV-free survival as measurement of the effectiveness of prevention of mother-to-child transmission in the context of lifelong antiretroviral therapy: Results of a community-based survey., Appolinaire Tiam, Michelle M Gill, Rhoderick Machekano, Vincent Tukei, Majoalane Mokone, Shannon Viana, Mosilinyane Letsie, Mots'oane Tsietso, Irene Seipati, Cecilia Khachane, Marethabile Nei, Florence Mohai, Thorkild Tylleskär, and Laura Guay


Circulating adhesion molecules and associations with HbA1c, hypertension, nephropathy, and retinopathy in the Treatment Options for type 2 Diabetes in Adolescent and Youth study., Jeanie B Tryggestad, Rachana D Shah, Barbara H. Braffett, Fida Bacha, Samuel S Gidding, Rose A Gubitosi-Klug, Amy S Shah, Elaine M Urbina, and Lorraine E Levitt Katz


Circulating Adhesion Molecules and Associations with HbA1c, Hypertension, Nephropathy, and Retinopathy in the Treatment Options for type 2 Diabetes in Adolescent and Youth (TODAY) Study., Jeanie B Tryggestad, Rachana D Shah, Barbara H. Braffett, Fida Bacha, Samuel S Gidding, Rose A Gubitosi-Klug, Amy S Shah, Elaine M Urbina, and Lorraine E Levitt Katz


24-Month HIV-free survival among HIV-exposed Infants in Lesotho: the PEAWIL cohort study., Vincent J Tukei, Rhoderick Machekano, Michelle M Gill, Appolinaire Tiam, Majoalane Mokone, Anthony Isavwa, Malijane Nyabela, Tsietso Mots'oane, Seipati Nchephe, Mosilinyane Letsie, Seble G Kassaye, and Laura Guay


The Implementation of a Text Messaging Intervention to Improve HIV Continuum of Care Outcomes Among Persons Recently Released From Correctional Facilities: Randomized Controlled Trial., Breana J. Uhrig Castonguay, Andrew E. Cressman, Irene Kuo, Rudy Patrick, Claudia Trezza, Alice Cates, Halli Olsen, James Peterson, Ann Kurth, Lauri B. Bazerman, and Curt G. Beckwith


Toward understanding youth athletes’ fun priorities: An investigation of sex, age, and levels of play, Amanda J. Visek, Heather Mannix, Avinash Chandran, Sean D. Cleary, Karen A. McDonnell, and Loretta Dipietro


Diabetes mellitus control in a large cohort of people with HIV in care-Washington, D.C., David E. Wallace, Michael A. Horberg, Debra A. Benator, Alan E. Greenberg, Amanda D. Castel, Anne K. Monroe, and Lindsey Powers Happ


Aortic Stiffness and White Matter Microstructural Integrity Assessed by Diffusion Tensor Imaging: The ARIC-NCS., Jingkai Wei, Priya Palta, Michelle L. Meyer, Anna Kucharska-Newton, Brian W. Pence, Allison E. Aiello, Melinda C. Power, Keenan A. Walker, A Richey Sharrett, Hirofumi Tanaka, Clifford R. Jack, Thomas H. Mosley, Robert I. Reid, Denise A. Reyes, and Gerardo Heiss


Hospital Inpatient Stays Related to Opioid Use Disorder and Endocarditis, 2016: Statistical Brief #256, Audrey J. Weiss, Kevin C. Heslin, Carol Stocks, and Pamela L. Owens


Risk compensation in HIV PrEP adherence among Black men who have sex with men in HPTN 073 study., Darren L Whitfield, Geetha Beauchamp, Sheldon Fields, LaRon Nelson, Manya Magnus, Jagadīśa-Devaśrī Dācus, Jonathan Paul, Peter Anderson, and Darrell Wheeler


Development, Refinement, and Acceptability of Digital Gaming to Improve HIV Testing Among Adolescents and Young Adults at Risk for HIV., Brittany Wilbourn, Tyriesa Howard Howell, Amanda D. Castel, Lawrence D'Angelo, Connie Trexler, Rashida Carr, and Daniel Greenberg


A summary of the fourth annual Virology Education HIV Microbiome workshop., Brett Williams, Mimi Ghosh, Charles A B Boucher, Frederic Bushman, Stacy Carrington-Lawrence, Ronald Collman, Satya Dandekar, Que Dang, Angela Malaspina, Roger Paredes, Cara Wilson, Sandra Pinto-Cardoso, Laurel Lagenaur, Jessica Santos, Christopher Joy, and Alan Landay


Patterns of sexual health in patients with breast cancer in China: a latent class analysis., Xiaoling Yuan, Jichuan Wang, Catherine M. Bender, Nan Zhang, and Changrong Yuan


Cholinergic stimulation improves electrophysiological rate adaptation during pressure overload-induced heart failure in rats., Frederick M. Zasadny, Jhansi Dyavanapalli, N Maritza Dowling, David Mendelowitz, and Matthew W. Kay

Submissions from 2019


Microbiome dynamics during cast ageing in the earthworm Aporrectodea caliginosa, Manuel Aira, Marcos Pérez-Losada, and Jorge Domínguez


White matter hyperintensities in vascular contributions to cognitive impairment and dementia (VCID): Knowledge gaps and opportunities., Jessica Alber, Suvarna Alladi, Hee-Joon Bae, David A Barton, Laurel A Beckett, Joanne M Bell, Sara E Berman, Geert Jan Biessels, Sandra E Black, Isabelle Bos, Gene L Bowman, Emanuele Brai, Adam M Brickman, Brandy L Callahan, Roderick A Corriveau, Silvia Fossati, Rebecca F Gottesman, Deborah R Gustafson, Vladimir Hachinski, Kathleen M Hayden, Alex M Helman, Timothy M Hughes, Jeremy D Isaacs, Angela L Jefferson, Sterling C Johnson, Alifiya Kapasi, Silke Kern, Jay C Kwon, Juraj Kukolja, Athene Lee, Samuel N Lockhart, Anne Murray, Katie E Osborn, Melinda C Power, Brittani R Price, Hanneke F M Rhodius-Meester, Jacqueline A Rondeau, Allyson C Rosen, Douglas L Rosene, Julie A Schneider, Henrieta Scholtzova, C Elizabeth Shaaban, Narlon C B S Silva, Heather M Snyder, Walter Swardfager, Aron M Troen, Susanne J van Veluw, Prashanthi Vemuri, Anders Wallin, Cheryl Wellington, Donna M Wilcock, Sharon Xiangwen Xie, and Atticus H Hainsworth


White matter hyperintensities in vascular contributions to cognitive impairment and dementia (VCID): Knowledge gaps and opportunities., Jessica Alber, Suvarna Alladi, Hee-Joon Bae, David A Barton, Laurel A Beckett, Joanne M Bell, Sara E Berman, Geert Jan Biessels, Sandra E Black, Isabelle Bos, Gene L Bowman, Emanuele Brai, Adam M Brickman, Brandy L Callahan, Roderick A Corriveau, Silvia Fossati, Rebecca F Gottesman, Deborah R Gustafson, Vladimir Hachinski, Kathleen M Hayden, Alex M Helman, Timothy M Hughes, Jeremy D Isaacs, Angela L Jefferson, Sterling C Johnson, Alifiya Kapasi, Silke Kern, Jay C Kwon, Juraj Kukolja, Athene Lee, Samuel N Lockhart, Anne Murray, Katie E Osborn, Melinda C Power, Brittani R Price, Hanneke F M Rhodius-Meester, Jacqueline A Rondeau, Allyson C Rosen, Douglas L Rosene, Julie A Schneider, Henrieta Scholtzova, C Elizabeth Shaaban, Narlon C B S Silva, Heather M Snyder, Walter Swardfager, Aron M Troen, Susanne J van Veluw, Prashanthi Vemuri, Anders Wallin, Cheryl Wellington, Donna M Wilcock, Sharon Xiangwen Xie, and Atticus H Hainsworth


Risk of Ischemic Placental Disease in Relation to Family History of Preeclampsia., Cande V Ananth, Kathleen Jablonski, Leslie Myatt, James M Roberts, Alan T N Tita, Kenneth J Leveno, Uma M Reddy, Michael W Varner, John M Thorp, Brian M Mercer, Alan M Peaceman, Susan M Ramin, Marshall W Carpenter, Philip Samuels, Anthony Sciscione, Jorge E Tolosa, George Saade, and Yoram Sorokin


A Feasibility Study of Group-Delivered Behavioral Interventions for Insomnia Among Breast Cancer Survivors: Comparing Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia and a Mind-Body Intervention., Hannah Arem, Daniel Lewin, Gabriella Cifu, Jennifer Bires, Elizabeth Goldberg, Rebecca Kaltman, Melinda C Power, Lauren A Mauro, and Mikhail Kogan


Importance of both increasing physical activity and reducing sitting time., Hannah Arem and Charles E. Matthews


Prevalence and characteristics of secondhand smoke and secondhand vapour exposure among youth, Jennifer Ellen Bayly, Debra Bernat, Lauren Porter, Kellie O'dare, and Kelvin Choi


Mediation of the Effect of Glycemia on the Risk of CVD Outcomes in Type 1 Diabetes: The DCCT/EDIC Study., Ionut Bebu, Barbara H Braffett, Trevor J Orchard, Gayle M Lorenzi, and John M Lachin


A distance-type measure approach to the analysis of copy number variation in DNA sequencing data., Bipasa Biswas and Yinglei Lai


Evaluation of a benzalkonium chloride hand sanitizer in reducing transient Staphylococcus aureus bacterial skin contamination in health care workers., Sidney Bondurant, Tanya McKinney, Liza Bondurant, and Lisa Fitzpatrick


Reply to Humphrey and Spafford., Robert A Bonomo and Scott R Evans


Association of Insulin Dose, Cardiometabolic Risk Factors, and Cardiovascular Disease in Type 1 Diabetes During 30 Years of Follow-up in the DCCT/EDIC Study., Barbara H Braffett, Samuel Dagogo-Jack, Ionut Bebu, William I Sivitz, Mary Larkin, Orville Kolterman, and John M Lachin


Response to Comment on Braffett et al. Association of Insulin Dose, Cardiometabolic Risk Factors, and Cardiovascular Disease in Type 1 Diabetes During 30 Years of Follow-up in the DCCT/EDIC Study. Diabetes Care 2019;42:657-664., Barbara H. Braffett, Samuel Dagogo-Jack, Ionut Bebu, William I. Sivitz, Mary Larkin, Orville Kolterman, John M. Lachin, and DCCT/EDIC Research Group


RISK FACTORS FOR HEARING IMPAIRMENT IN TYPE 1 DIABETES, Barbara H. Braffett, Gayle M. Lorenzi, Catherine C. Cowie, Xiaoyu Gao, Kathleen E. Bainbridge, Karen J. Cruickshanks, John R. Kramer, Rose A. Gubitosi-Klug, Mary E. Larkin, Annette Barnie, John M. Lachin, and David S. Schade


Mediation of the Association of Smoking and Microvascular Complications by Glycemic Control in Type 1 Diabetes., Barbara H Braffett, Madeline Murguia Rice, Heather A Young, and John M Lachin


Effect of Prenatal Repair of Myelomeningocele on Urological Outcomes at School Age., J W Brock, J C Thomas, L S Baskin, S A Zderic, Elizabeth A. Thom, P K Burrows, H Lee, A J Houtrow, Cora Macpherson, and N S Adzick


Declining Skeletal Muscle Mitochondrial Function Associated With Increased Risk of Depression in Later Life., Patrick J Brown, Nicholas Brennan, Adam Ciarleglio, Chen Chen, Carolina Montes Garcia, Stephanie Gomez, Steven P Roose, Bret R Rutherford, Eleanor M Simonsick, Richard G Spencer, and Luigi Ferrucci


Cord Blood Haptoglobin, Cerebral Palsy and Death in Infants of Women at Risk for Preterm Birth: A Secondary Analysis of a Randomised Controlled Trial., Catalin S Buhimschi, Kathleen A Jablonski, Dwight J Rouse, Michael W Varner, Uma M Reddy, Brian M Mercer, Kenneth J Leveno, Ronald J Wapner, Yoram Sorokin, John M Thorp, Susan M Ramin, Fergal D Malone, Marshall W Carpenter, Mary J O'Sullivan, Alan M Peaceman, George R Saade, Donald Dudley, Steve N Caritis, and Irina A Buhimschi


Considering Stigma in the Provision of HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis: Reflections from Current Prescribers., Sarah K Calabrese, Mehrit Tekeste, Kenneth H Mayer, Manya Magnus, Douglas S Krakower, Trace S Kershaw, Adam I Eldahan, Lauren A Gaston Hawkins, Kristen Underhill, Nathan B Hansen, Joseph R Betancourt, and John F Dovidio


Effect of Treatment of Mild Gestational Diabetes on Long-Term Maternal Outcomes., Brian M Casey, Madeline Murguia Rice, Mark B Landon, Michael W Varner, Uma M Reddy, Ronald J Wapner, Dwight J Rouse, Joseph R Biggio, John M Thorp, Edward K Chien, George R Saade, Alan M Peaceman, Sean C Blackwell, and J Peter Van Dorsten


Washington, DC Shares Hopeful Message About Effective HIV Treatment And Prevention, Athena Chan


Determinants of concussion diagnosis, symptomology, and resolution time in U.S. high school soccer players., Avinash Chandran, Angelo Elmi, Heather Young, and Loretta DiPietro


Determinants of concussion diagnosis, symptomology, and resolution time in U.S. high school soccer players., Avinash Chandran, Angelo Elmi, Heather Young, and Loretta DiPietro


Prioritized concordance index for hierarchical survival outcomes, Li C. Cheung, Pan Qing, Noorie Hyun, and Hormuzd A. Katki


E-cigarettes and smoking cessation: a prospective study of a national sample of pregnant smokers., Shawn C. Chiang, Lorien C. Abroms, Sean D. Cleary, Ichhya Pant, Lindsay Doherty, and Nandita Krishnan


Association of Antiretroviral Drug Regimen With Viral Suppression in HIV-positive Children on Antiretroviral Therapy in Eswatini., Caspian Chouraya, Kim Ashburn, Philisiwe Khumalo, Lydia Mpango, Nobuhle Mthethwa, Rhoderick Machekano, Laura Guay, and Lynne M Mofenson


Effects of repeat prenatal corticosteroids given to women at risk of preterm birth: An individual participant data meta-analysis., Caroline A Crowther, Philippa F Middleton, Merryn Voysey, Lisa Askie, Sasha Zhang, Tanya K Martlow, Fariba Aghajafari, Elizabeth V Asztalos, Peter Brocklehurst, Sourabh Dutta, Thomas J Garite, Debra A Guinn, Mikko Hallman, Pollyanna Hardy, Men-Jean Lee, Kimberley Maurel, Premasish Mazumder, Cindy McEvoy, Kellie E Murphy, Outi M Peltoniemi, Elizabeth A Thom, Ronald J Wapner, and Lex W Doyle


Self-reported antiretroviral therapy adherence and viral load in criminal justice-involved populations., William E Cunningham, Robin M Nance, Carol E Golin, Patrick Flynn, Kevin Knight, Curt G Beckwith, Irene Kuo, Anne Spaulding, Faye S Taxman, Fredrick Altice, Joseph A Delaney, Heidi M Crane, and Sandra A Springer


Planning area-specific prevention and intervention programs for HIV using spatial regression analysis., S Das, J J Liu, A Allston, and M Kharfen


Relationship of Cigarette Smoking and Time of Quitting with Incident Dementia and Cognitive Decline., Jennifer A. Deal, Melinda C. Power, Priya Palta, Alvaro Alonso, Andrea L C Schneider, Kelly Perryman, Karen Bandeen-Roche, and A Richey Sharrett


A Randomized Controlled Pilot Study of a Culturally-Tailored Counseling Intervention to Increase Uptake of HIV Pre-exposure Prophylaxis Among Young Black Men Who Have Sex with Men in Washington, DC., Aimee Desrosiers, Matthew Levy, Aurnell Dright, Maria Zumer, Nikardi Jallah, Irene Kuo, Manya Magnus, and Marc Siegel


Changes in the composition and function of bacterial communities during vermicomposting may explain beneficial properties of vermicompost., Jorge Domínguez, Manuel Aira, Allison R Kolbe, María Gómez-Brandón, and Marcos Pérez-Losada


Earlier diagnoses and faster treatment of HIV in the District of Columbia: HIV surveillance analysis, 2006-2016., Rupali K Doshi, J Li, Kerri Dorsey, A Allston, and M Kharfen


Bending the Curve on HIV Transmission., Rupali Kotwal Doshi


Incidence and Risk Factors for Renal Disease in an Outpatient Cohort of HIV-Infected Patients on Antiretroviral Therapy, Saumil Doshi, Martin Ucanda, Rachel Hart, Qingjiang Hou, Arpi S. Terzian, Thilakavathy Subramanian, Jeffery Binkley, Rob Taylor, N. Rayeed, Cheryl Akridge, Stacey Purinton, Jeff Naughton, Lawrence D'Angelo, Michael Kharfen, Angela Wood, Michael Serlin, Princy Kumar, D. Parenti, Amanda Castel, Alan Greenberg, Anne Monroe, Lindsey Powers Happ, M. Jaurretche, Brittany Lewis, J. Peterson, Naji Younes, Ronald Wilcox, Sohail Rana, Michael Horberg, Ricardo Fernandez, Annick Hebou, and Carl Dieffenbach


Estimated treatment effect of ticagrelor versus aspirin by investigator-assessed events compared with judgement by an independent event adjudication committee in the SOCRATES trial., J Donald Easton, Hans Denison, Scott R Evans, Mikael Knutsson, Pierre Amarenco, Gregory W Albers, Per Ladenvall, Kazuo Minematsu, Carlos A Molina, Yongjun Wang, Ks Lawrence Wong, and S Claiborne Johnston


Rapid Molecular Diagnostics to Inform Empiric Use of Ceftazidime/Avibactam and Ceftolozane/Tazobactam Against Pseudomonas aeruginosa: PRIMERS IV., Scott R Evans, Thuy Tien T Tran, Andrea M Hujer, Carol B Hill, Kristine M Hujer, Jose R Mediavilla, Claudia Manca, T Nicholas Domitrovic, Federico Perez, Michael Farmer, Kelsey M Pitzer, Brigid M Wilson, Barry N Kreiswirth, Robin Patel, Michael R Jacobs, Liang Chen, Vance G Fowler, Henry F Chambers, and Robert A Bonomo


Outcomes of the Adelante community social marketing campaign for Latino youth, W. Douglas Evans, Elizabeth L. Andrade, Nicole Barrett, Jeremy Snider, Sean Cleary, and Mark Edberg


Trajectory of Postconcussive Symptoms 12 Months After Deployment in Soldiers With and Without Mild Traumatic Brain Injury: Warrior Strong Study., Hamid Ferdosi, Karen A Schwab, Andrea Metti, Lisa A Brenner, Heidi Terrio, Renee M Pazdan, Wesley R Cole, and Ann I Scher


Exome sequencing of 20,791 cases of type 2 diabetes and 24,440 controls., Jason Flannick, Josep M Mercader, Christian Fuchsberger, Miriam S Udler, Anubha Mahajan, Jennifer Wessel, Tanya M Teslovich, Lizz Caulkins, Ryan Koesterer, Francisco Barajas-Olmos, Thomas W Blackwell, Eric Boerwinkle, Jennifer A Brody, Federico Centeno-Cruz, Ling Chen, Siying Chen, Cecilia Contreras-Cubas, Emilio Córdova, Adolfo Correa, Maria Cortes, Ralph A DeFronzo, Lawrence Dolan, Kimberly L Drews, Amanda Elliott, James S Floyd, Stacey Gabriel, Maria Eugenia Garay-Sevilla, Humberto García-Ortiz, Myron Gross, Sohee Han, Nancy L Heard-Costa, Anne U Jackson, Marit E Jørgensen, Hyun Min Kang, Megan Kelsey, Bong-Jo Kim, Heikki A Koistinen, Johanna Kuusisto, Joseph B Leader, Allan Linneberg, Ching-Ti Liu, Jianjun Liu, Valeriya Lyssenko, Alisa K Manning, Anthony Marcketta, Juan Manuel Malacara-Hernandez, Angélica Martínez-Hernández, Karen Matsuo, Elizabeth Mayer-Davis, Elvia Mendoza-Caamal, Karen L Mohlke, Alanna C Morrison, Anne Ndungu, Maggie C Y Ng, Colm O'Dushlaine, Anthony J Payne, Catherine Pihoker, Wendy S Post, Michael Preuss, Bruce M Psaty, Ramachandran S Vasan, N William Rayner, Alexander P Reiner, Cristina Revilla-Monsalve, Neil R Robertson, Nicola Santoro, Claudia Schurmann, Wing Yee So, Xavier Soberón, Heather M Stringham, Tim M Strom, Claudia H T Tam, Farook Thameem, Brian Tomlinson, Jason M Torres, Russell P Tracy, Rob M van Dam, Marijana Vujkovic, Shuai Wang, Ryan P Welch, Daniel R Witte, Tien-Yin Wong, Gil Atzmon, Nir Barzilai, John Blangero, Lori L Bonnycastle, Donald W Bowden, John C Chambers, Edmund Chan, Ching-Yu Cheng, Yoon Shin Cho, Francis S Collins, Paul S de Vries, Ravindranath Duggirala, Benjamin Glaser, Clicerio Gonzalez, Ma Elena Gonzalez, Leif Groop, Jaspal Singh Kooner, Soo Heon Kwak, Markku Laakso, Donna M Lehman, Peter Nilsson, Timothy D Spector, E Shyong Tai, Tiinamaija Tuomi, Jaakko Tuomilehto, James G Wilson, Carlos A Aguilar-Salinas, Erwin Bottinger, Brian Burke, David J Carey, Juliana C N Chan, Josée Dupuis, Philippe Frossard, Susan R Heckbert, Mi Yeong Hwang, Young Jin Kim, H Lester Kirchner, Jong-Young Lee, Juyoung Lee, Ruth J F Loos, Ronald C W Ma, Andrew D Morris, Christopher J O'Donnell, Colin N A Palmer, James Pankow, Kyong Soo Park, Asif Rasheed, Danish Saleheen, Xueling Sim, Kerrin S Small, Yik Ying Teo, Christopher Haiman, Craig L Hanis, Brian E Henderson, Lorena Orozco, Teresa Tusié-Luna, Frederick E Dewey, Aris Baras, Christian Gieger, Thomas Meitinger, Konstantin Strauch, Leslie Lange, Niels Grarup, Torben Hansen, Oluf Pedersen, Philip Zeitler, Dana Dabelea, Goncalo Abecasis, Graeme I Bell, Nancy J Cox, Mark Seielstad, Rob Sladek, James B Meigs, Steve S Rich, Jerome I Rotter, David Altshuler, Noël P Burtt, Laura J Scott, Andrew P Morris, Jose C Florez, Mark I McCarthy, and Michael Boehnke


A single intravesical instillation of Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG is safe in children and adults with neuropathic bladder: A phase Ia clinical trial., Catherine S Forster, Michael H Hsieh, Marcos Pérez-Losada, Ljubica Caldovic, Hans Pohl, Inger Ljungberg, Bruce Sprague, Crystal Stroud, and Suzanne Groah


Perceived social support and the risk of cardiovascular disease and all-cause mortality in the Women's Health Initiative Observational Study., Nancy Freeborne, Samuel J Simmens, JoAnn E Manson, Barbara V Howard, Crystal W Cené, Matthew A Allison, Giselle Corbie-Smith, Christina L Bell, Natalie L Denburg, and Lisa Warsinger Martin


Dysregulation in Genital Tract Soluble Immune Mediators in Postmenopausal Women is Distinct by HIV Status., Mimi Ghosh, Mariel Jais, Josie Delisle, Naji Younes, Ifeyinwa Benyeogor, Roshni Biswas, Hani Mohamed, Jason Daniels, Cuiwei Wang, Mary Young, and Seble Kassaye


Racial disparities and temporal trends in dementia misdiagnosis risk in the United States., Kan Z. Gianattasio, Christina Prather, M Maria Glymour, Adam Ciarleglio, and Melinda C. Power


Racial disparities and temporal trends in dementia misdiagnosis risk in the United States., Kan Z. Gianattasio, Christina Prather, M Maria Glymour, Adam Ciarleglio, and Melinda C. Power


Gut microbiome differences between wild and captive black rhinoceros - implications for rhino health., Keylie M Gibson, Bryan N Nguyen, Laura M Neumann, Michele Miller, Peter Buss, Savel Daniels, Michelle J Ahn, Keith A Crandall, and Budhan Pukazhenthi


A 28-Year History of HIV-1 Drug Resistance and Transmission in Washington, DC., Keylie M Gibson, Margaret C Steiner, Seble Kassaye, Frank Maldarelli, Zehava Grossman, Marcos Pérez-Losada, and Keith A Crandall


Non-traditional biomarkers and incident diabetes in the Diabetes Prevention Program: comparative effects of lifestyle and metformin interventions., Ronald B Goldberg, George A Bray, Santica M Marcovina, Kieren J Mather, Trevor J Orchard, Leigh Perreault, and Marinella Temprosa


Audiometric Age-Related Hearing Loss and Cognition in the Hispanic Community Health Study., Justin S Golub, Adam M Brickman, Adam J Ciarleglio, Nicole Schupf, and José A Luchsinger


Subsequent Pregnancy Outcomes After Open Maternal-Fetal Surgery for Myelomeningocele., William H Goodnight, Ozan Bahtiyar, Kelly A Bennett, Stephen P Emery, J B Lillegard, Allan Fisher, Ruth Goldstein, Jillian Jatres, Foong-Yen Lim, Laurence McCullough, Ueli Moehrlen, Julie S Moldenhauer, Anita J Moon-Grady, Rodrigo Ruano, Daniel W Skupski, Elizabeth Thom, Marjorie C Treadwell, KuoJen Tsao, Amy J Wagner, Lindsay N Waqar, and Michael Zaretsky


Maternal Serum Lipid Trajectories and Association with Pregnancy Loss and Length of Gestation., Katherine L Grantz, Angelo Elmi, Sarah J Pugh, Janet Catov, Lindsey Sjaarda, and Paul S Albert


Risk Factors for Retinopathy in Type 1 Diabetes: The DCCT/EDIC Study., Dean P Hainsworth, Ionut Bebu, Lloyd P Aiello, William Sivitz, Rose Gubitosi-Klug, John Malone, Neil H White, Ronald Danis, Amisha Wallia, Xiaoyu Gao, Andrew J Barkmeier, Arup Das, Shriji Patel, Thomas W Gardner, and John M Lachin