Submissions from 2016
The CareFirst Patient-Centered Medical Home Program: Cost and Utilization Effects in Its First Three Years, Alison Cuellar, Lorens A. Helmchen, Gilbert Gimm, Jay Want, Sriteja Burla, Bradley Kells, Iwona Kicinger, and Len M. Nichols
The inequitable distribution of tobacco outlet density: the role of income in two Black Mid-Atlantic geopolitical areas., D. O. Fakunle, A. J. Milam, C. D. Furr-Holden, J. Butler, R. J. Thorpe, and Thomas A. LaVeist
Caution is Needed in Designing Pharmacy Coverage., Steven A Farmer and William B Borden
Caution is Needed in Designing Pharmacy Coverage., Steven A Farmer and William B Borden
Program Design for Healthy Weight in Lesbian and Bisexual Women: A Ten-City Prevention Initiative, Sarah Fogel, Jane McElroy, Samantha Garbers, Cheryl McDonnell, Jacquetta Brooks, Susan F. Wood, and +7 additional authors
"Outstanding Services to Negro Health": Dr. Dorothy Boulding Ferebee, Dr. Virginia M. Alexander, and Black Women Physicians' Public Health Activism., Vanessa Northington Gamble
The role of primary care practices in advancing population health., Debora Goetz Goldberg, Lisa Bo Feng, and Anton Kuzel
The International Health Regulations: The Governing Framework for Global Health Security., Lawrence O. Gostin and Rebecca Katz
Enhancing access to alcohol use disorder pharmacotherapy and treatment in primary care settings: ADaPT-PC., Hildi Hagedorn, Randall Brown, Michael Dawes, Eric Dieperink, Donald Hugh Myrick, Elizabeth Oliva, Todd Wagner, Jennifer P. Wisdom, and Alex Harris
Enhancing access to alcohol use disorder pharmacotherapy and treatment in primary care settings: ADaPT-PC., Hildi J Hagedorn, Randall Brown, Michael Dawes, Eric Dieperink, Donald Hugh Myrick, Elizabeth M Oliva, Todd H Wagner, Jennifer P. Wisdom, and Alex H S Harris
Enhancing access to alcohol use disorder pharmacotherapy and treatment in primary care settings: ADaPT-PC, Hildi J. Hagedorn, Randall Brown, Michael Dawes, Eric Diepernick, Donald Myrick, Elizabeth M. Oliva, Todd H. Wagner, Jennifer P. Wisdom, and Alex Harris
Changes in Physician Practice Patterns after Implementation of a Communication-and-Resolution Program., Lorens A Helmchen, Bruce L Lambert, and Timothy B McDonald
Use of Pooled State Administrative Data for Mental Health Services Research., Kimberly Eaton Hoagwood, Susan Essock, Joseph Morrissey, Anne Libby, Sheila Donahue, Benjamin Druss, Molly Finnerty, Linda Frisman, Meera Narasimhan, Bradley D Stein, Jennifer P. Wisdom, and Judy Zerzan
Laying the Foundation: Factors Associated With Medical Home Recognition Among Health Centers, Emily Jones, Julia Zur, and Jessica Dobbins
Obesity as a Disease: Current Policies and Implications for the Future., Scott Kahan and Tracy Zvenyach
How Medicaid and Other Public Policies Affect Use of Tobacco Cessation Therapy, United States, 2010-2014., Leighton Ku, Erin Brantley, Tyler Bysshe, Erika Steinmetz, and Brian K. Bruen
Medicaid Tobacco Cessation: Big Gaps Remain In Efforts To Get Smokers To Quit., Leighton Ku, Brian K. Bruen, Erika Steinmetz, and Tyler Bysshe
Medicaid tobacco cessation: big gaps remain in efforts to get smokers to quit., Leighton C. Ku, Brian K. Bruen, Erika Steinmetz, and Tyler Bysshe
Health Reform, Medicaid Expansions and Women's Cancer Screening, Leighton C. Ku, Tyler Bysshe, and Brian K. Bruen
The "Seven Pillars" Response to Patient Safety Incidents: Effects on Medical Liability Processes and Outcomes., Bruce L Lambert, Nichola M Centomani, Kelly M Smith, Lorens A Helmchen, Dulal K Bhaumik, Yash J Jalundhwala, and Timothy B McDonald
Knowledge of and Attitudes Toward an Evidence-Based Guidelines For and Against Clinical Preventive Services: Results from a National Survey, Paula M. Lantz, W. Douglas Evans, Holly Mead, Carmen Alvarez, and Lisa Stewart
Pay For Success And Population Health: Early Results From Eleven Projects Reveal Challenges And Promise, Paula M. Lantz, Sara J. Rosenbaum, Leighton C. Ku, and Samantha Iovan
Sexually Transmitted Disease Prevention Policies in the United States: Evidence and Opportunities., Jami S Leichliter, Naomi Seiler, and Dan Wohlfeiler
Sexually Transmitted Disease Prevention Policies in the United States: Evidence and Opportunities., Jami S Leichliter, Naomi Seiler, and Dan Wohlfeiler
An Effective Web Presence for Substance Abuse Treatment Facilities., Thomas W. Link, Jennifer L. Hefner, Eric W. Ford, and Timothy R. Huerta
Status of Underrepresented Minority and Female Faculty at Medical Schools Located within Historically Black Colleges and in Puerto Rico., Emily M Mader, José E RodrÃguez, Kendall M Campbell, Timothy Smilnak, Andrew W Bazemore, Stephen Petterson, and Christopher P Morley
Overcoming Medicaid reimbursement barriers to funding school nursing services for low-income children with asthma, Mary-Beth Malcarney, Katherine Horton, and Naomi Seiler
Healthy Weight in Lesbian and Bisexual Women Aged 40 and Older: An Effective Intervention in 10 Cities Using Tailored Approaches., Jane A McElroy, Suzanne G Haynes, Michele J Eliason, Susan F. Wood, Tess Gilbert, Linda Toms Barker, and Alexandra M Minnis
Collaboration Across the Safety Net in the Era of Health Reform: Opportunities or Obstacles?, Katherine H Mead, Erin Brantley, Julia Zur, and Debora Goetz Goldberg
The Risks to Patient Privacy from Publishing Data from Clinical Anesthesia Studies., Liam O'Neill, Franklin Dexter, and Nan Zhang
Building capacity in implementation science research training at the University of Nairobi., George O Osanjo, Julius O Oyugi, Isaac O Kibwage, Walter O Mwanda, Elizabeth N Ngugi, Fredrick C Otieno, Wycliffe Ndege, Mara Child, Carey Farquhar, Jeremy Penner, Zohray Talib, and James N Kiarie
To What Extent Are State Scope of Practice Laws Related to Nurse Practitioners' Day-to-Day Practice Autonomy?, Jeongyoung Park, Erin Athey, Arlene Pericak, Joyce Pulcini, and Jessica Greene
Current practices of obesity pharmacotherapy, bariatric surgery referral and coding for counselling by healthcare professionals, Christine Petrin, Scott Kahan, Monique Turner, C. Gallagher, and William Dietz
Factors Determining Medical Staff Configurations in Community Health Centers: CEO Perspectives., Patricia Pittman, Leah E. Masselink, Lauren Bade, Bianca K. Frogner, and Leighton C. Ku
Workforce planning and development in times of delivery system transformation, Patricia Pittman and Ellen Scully-Russ
The Cost of Residency Training in Teaching Health Centers., Marsha Regenstein, Kiki Nocella, Mariellen Malloy Jewers, and Fitzhugh Mullan
Using the Courts to Shape Medicaid Policy: Olmstead v. L.C. by Zimring and Its Community Integration Legacy., Sara Rosenbaum
Medicaid and Insuring the Poor -- Where Are We Heading?, Sara J. Rosenbaum
The Affordable Care Act and Civil Rights: The Challenge of Section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act, Sara J. Rosenbaum
The US Supreme Court and the Future of Reproductive Health., Sara J. Rosenbaum
When Must State Public Health Laws Contain Religious Exemptions? Stormans, Inc v Weisman., Sara J. Rosenbaum
Improving Community Health through Hospital Community Benefit Spending: Charting a Path to Reform, Sara J. Rosenbaum, Maureen Byrnes, Sara Rothenberg, and Rachel Gunsalus
What Would Block Grants or Limits on Per Capita Spending Mean for Medicaid?, Sara J. Rosenbaum, Sara Schmucker, Sara Rothenburg, and Rachel Gunsalus
The Affordable Care Act at Six: Reaching for a New Normal, Sara J. Rosenbaum and Jane H. Thorpe
How Will Section 1115 Medicaid Expansion Demonstrations Inform Federal Policy?, Sara Rosenbaum, Sara Schmucker, Sara Rothenberg, and Rachel Gunsalus
How Will Section 1115 Medicaid Expansion Demonstrations Inform Federal Policy?, Sara Rosenbaum, Sara Schmucker, Sara Rothenberg, and Rachel Gunsalus
Alcohol and Pregnancy: CDC's Health Advice and the Legal Rights of Pregnant Women., Naomi K. Seiler
A Clinical Score to Predict Dose Reductions of Antidiabetes Medications with Intentional Weight Loss: A Retrospective Cohort Study., Ghanshyam Palamaner Subash Shantha, Anita Ashok Kumar, Vimal Ravi, Rohit C Khanna, Scott Kahan, and Lawrence J Cheskin
How are Migrant Health Centers and their Patients Faring Under the Affordable Care Act?, Jessica Sharac, Rachel Gunsalus, Chi Tran, Peter Shin, and Sara Rosenbaum
After the Affordable Care Act: Health Reform and the Safety Net, Peter Shin and Marsha Regenstein
Community Health Centers and Medicaid Payment Reform: Emerging Lessons from Medicaid Expansion States, Peter Shin, Jessica Sharac, Zoe Barber, and Sara J. Rosenbaum
State law and standing orders for immunization services, Alexandra M. Stewart, Megan Lindley, and Marisa A. Cox
Show Us the Data: The Critical Role Health Information Plays in Health System Transformation, Jane H. Thorpe, Elizabeth A. Gray, and Lara Cartwright-Smith
Accelerated Health Declines among African Americans in the USA., Roland J Thorpe, Ruth G Fesahazion, Lauren Parker, Tanganiyka Wilder, Ronica N Rooks, Janice V Bowie, Caryn N Bell, Sarah L Szanton, and Thomas A. LaVeist
The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership, Intellectual Property Protection, and Access to Medicines, Belinda Townsend, Deborah Gleeson, and Ruth Lopert
The International Decision Support Initiative Reference Case for Economic Evaluation: An Aid to Thought., Thomas Wilkerson, Mark Sculpher, Karl Claxton, Paul Revill, Andrew Briggs, and Ruth Lopert
For Medication Abortion, Science Should Guide Policy., Susan F. Wood, Liz Borkowski, Julia Strasser, and Amy Allina
Recruitment and Participation of Older Lesbian and Bisexual Women in Intervention Research, Susan F. Wood, Jacquetta Brooks, Michele Eliason, Samantha Garbers, Jane McElroy, Natalie Ingraham, and Suzanne G. Haynes
Advancing Women's Heart Health through Policy and Science: Highlights from the First National Policy and Science Summit on Women's Cardiovascular Health., Susan F. Wood, Jennifer H. Mieres, Susan M. Campbell, Nanette K. Wenger, and Sharonne N. Hayes
Racial disparities in emergency general surgery: Do differences in outcomes persist among universally insured military patients?, Cheryl K Zogg, Wei Jiang, Muhammad Ali Chaudhary, John W Scott, Adil A Shah, Lorens A. Helmchen, and +10 additional authors
Medical Respite and Linkages to Outpatient Health Care Providers among Individuals Experiencing Homelessness., Julia Zur, Sabriya Linton, and Holly Mead
Submissions from 2015
Health care access dimensions and cervical cancer screening in South Africa: analysis of the world health survey., Tomi F. Akinyemiju, Jasmine A. McDonald, and Paula M. Lantz
Food insecurity, food assistance and health status in the U.S. community health center population., Carmen Alvarez, Paula Lantz, Jessica Sharac, and Peter Shin
Evaluating community-based medical education programmes in Africa: A workshop report., Rebecca J Bailey, Rhona K Baingana, Ian D Couper, Christopher B Deery, Debra Nestel, Heather Ross, Atiene Solomon Sagay, and Zohray M Talib
Policy measures and reimbursement for emergency medical imaging in the era of payment reform: proceedings from a panel discussion of the 2015 academic emergency medicine consensus conference., Carl Berdahl, Jeremiah D Schuur, Nancy L Fisher, Helen Burstin, and Jesse M Pines
Variations in county-level costs between traditional medicare and medicare advantage have implications for premium support., Brian Biles, Giselle Casillas, and Stuart Guterman
Comparing Cost-Effectiveness of HIV Testing Strategies: Targeted and Routine Testing in Washington, DC., Amanda D Castel, Sungwoog Choi, Avi Dor, Jennifer Skillicorn, James Peterson, Nestor Rocha, and Michael Kharfen
Measures for Predictors of Innovation Adoption, Ka Chor, Jennifer P. Wisdom, Su-Chin Olin, Kimberly Hoagwood, and Sarah Horwitz
The core competencies for mental, neurological, and substance use disorder care in sub-Saharan Africa, Pamela Y. Collins, Seggane Musisi, Seble Frehywot, and Vikram Patel
Foreign-born Peers and Academic Performance., Dylan Conger
Medicare's Hospital Compare Quality Reports Appear To Have Slowed Price Increases For Two Major Procedures., Avi Dor, William E Encinosa, and Kathleen Carey
Will the Occupational Safety and Health Administration's Proposed Standards for Occupational Exposure to Respirable Crystalline Silica Reduce Workplace Risk?, Susan E. Dudley and Andrew P. Morriss
Perspectives of Treatment Providers and Clients with Serious Mental Illness Regarding Effective Therapeutic Relationships., Alison Easter, Michele Pollock, Leah Gogel Pope, Jennifer P. Wisdom, and Thomas E. Smith
Higher Cost, but Poorer Outcomes: the US Health Disadvantage and Implications for Pediatrics., Gerry Fairbrother, Astrid Guttmann, Jonathan D. Klein, Lisa A. Simpson, Pauline Thomas, and Allison Kempe
Setting the Stage for Evidence-Based Medicine., Steven A. Farmer and William B. Borden
Undergraduate public health education: Is there an ideal curriculum?, Leonard H. Friedman and Joel M. Lee
Implementation of Smoking Cessation Treatment in VHA Substance Use Disorder Residential Treatment Programs., Elizabeth Gifford, Sara Tavakoli, Jennifer Wisdom, and Kim Hamlett-Berry
International "best practices" in health care: The roles of context and innovation, J. Goes, G. T. Savage, and Leonard H. Friedman
The organization and delivery of family planning services in community health centers., Debora Goetz Goldberg, Susan F. Wood, Kay Johnson, Katherine Holly Mead, Tishra Beeson, Julie Lewis, and Sara Rosenbaum
The Patient as Consumer: Empowerment or Commodification? Currents in Contemporary Bioethics, Melissa M. Goldstein and Daniel C. Bowers
Multiple Family Groups for Child Behavior Difficulties Retention Among Child Welfare-Involved Caregivers., Geetha Gopalan, Ashley Fuss, and Jennifer P Wisdom
Moving electronic medical records upstream: incorporating social determinants of health., Laura M Gottlieb, Karen J Tirozzi, Rishi Manchanda, Abby R Burns, and Megan T Sandel
Comparative effectiveness research and big data: balancing potential with legal and ethical considerations., Elizabeth A. Gray and Jane H. Thorpe
Approaches to Mixed Methods Dissemination and Implementation Research: Methods, Strengths, Caveats, and Opportunities., Carla Green, Naihua Dean, Robert Gibbons, Kimberly Hoagwood, Lawrence Palinkas, and Jennifer P. Wisdom
The effect of insurance status on pre- and post-operative bariatric surgery outcomes., Sharon Hayes, Melissa A. Napolitano, Michelle R Lent, G Craig Wood, Glenn S Gerhard, Brian A Irving, George Argyropoulos, Gary D Foster, and Christopher D Still
Taking a Giant Step Toward Women's Heart Health: Finding Policy Solutions to Unanswered Research Questions., Sharonne N. Hayes, Susan F. Wood, Jennifer H. Mieres, Susan M. Campbell, and Nanette K. Wenger
Health Savings Accounts: Growth Concentrated Among High-Income Households And Large Employers., Lorens A. Helmchen, David W. Brown, Ithai Z. Lurie, and Anthony T. Lo Sasso
Sharing a playbook: integrated care in community health centers in the United States., Emily B. Jones and Leighton Ku
Accelerated Adoption of Advanced Health Information Technology in Beacon Community Health Centers., Emily Jones and Michael Wittie
Opting Out of Medicaid Expansion: Impact on Encounters With Behavioral Health Specialty Staff in Community Health Centers, Emily Jones, Julia Zur, Sara J. Rosenbaum, and Leighton C. Ku
Opting Out of Medicaid Expansion: Impact on Encounters With Behavioral Health Specialty Staff in Community Health Centers., Emily Jones, Julia Zur, Sara Rosenbaum, and Leighton Ku
Predicting Factors Associated With Comorbidity Remission Following Bariatric Surgery: Preliminary Progress., Scott Kahan
The quality imperative for palliative care, Arif H. Kamal, Laura C. Hanson, David J. Casarett, Sydney M. Dy, Steven Z. Pantilat, Dale Lupu, and Amy P. Abernethy
Revising the International Health Regulations: call for a 2017 review conference., Rebecca Katz and Scott F. Dowell
Medical education departments: a study of four medical schools in Sub-Saharan Africa, Elsie Kiguli-Malwadde, Zohray Talib, Hannah Wohltjen, Susan C. Connors, Jonathan Gandari, Sekelani S. Benda, Lauren A. Maggio, and Susan C. van Schalkwyk
Community health centers employ diverse staffing patterns, which can provide productivity lessons for medical practices., Leighton Ku, Bianca K. Frogner, Erika Steinmetz, and Patricia Pittman
Teaching Health Centers: A Promising Approach for Building Primary Care Work force for the 21 st Century, Leighton Ku, Fitzhugh Mullan, Christine Cerrano, Zoe Barber, and Peter Shin
Evaluation of Social Media Utilization by Latino Adolescents: Implications for Mobile Health Interventions, Megan Landry, Amita Vyas, Monique Turner, Sara Nelson Glick, and Susan Wood
Hospital leadership perspectives on the contributions of Ronald McDonald Houses. Results from an international survey., Paula M Lantz, Nicole Rubin, and D Richard Mauery
Determining Chronic Disease Prevalence in Local Populations Using Emergency Department Surveillance., David C Lee, Judith A Long, Stephen P Wall, Brendan G Carr, Samantha N. Satchell, R Scott Braithwaite, and Brian Elbel