Submissions from 2019
Caveat Medicus: Clinician experiences in publishing reports of serious oncology-associated adverse drug reactions., Charles L Bennett, Benjamin Schooley, Matthew A Taylor, Bartlett J Witherspoon, Ashley Godwin, Jayanth Vemula, Henry C Ausdenmoore, Oliver Sartor, Y Tony Yang, James O Armitage, William J Hrushesky, John Restaino, Henrik S Thomsen, Paul R Yarnold, Terence Young, Kevin B Knopf, and Brian Chen
Federal judge blocks President Trump from restricting visas for immigrants without health insurance, Maxine Bernstein
Capsule Commentary on Gordon et al., The Impact of Medicaid Expansion on Continuous Enrollment: a Two-State Analysis., Erin Brantley
Policies Affecting Medicaid Beneficiaries' Smoking Cessation Behaviors., Erin J Brantley, Jessica Greene, Brian K Bruen, Erika P Steinmetz, and Leighton C Ku
The Effects of Community Health Center Care on Medical Expenditures for Children and Adults: Propensity Score Analyses, Brian K. Bruen and Leighton Ku
Assessment of a Simulated Case-Based Measurement of Physician Diagnostic Performance., Souvik Chatterjee, Sanjay Desai, Reza Manesh, Junfeng Sun, Shantanu Nundy, and Scott M Wright
Regulatory and Clinical Experiences with Biosimilar Filgrastim in the U.S., the European Union, Japan, and Canada., Brian Chen, Sumimasa Nagai, James O Armitage, Bartlett Witherspoon, Chadi Nabhan, Ashley C Godwin, Y Tony Yang, Anuhya Kommalapati, Sri Harsha Tella, Carlo DeAngelis, Dennis W Raisch, Oliver Sartor, William J Hrushesky, Paul S Ray, Paul R Yarnold, Bryan L Love, LeAnn B Norris, Kevin Knopf, Laura Bobolts, Joshua Riente, Stefano Luminari, Robert C Kane, Shamia Hoque, and Charles L Bennett
Changes and Variation in Medicare Graduate Medical Education Payments., Candice Chen, YoonKyung Chung, Stephen Petterson, and Andrew Bazemore
Do All Hospital Systems Have Market Power? Association Between Hospital System Types and Cardiac Surgery Prices., Sung W Choi and Avi Dor
Do All Hospital Systems Have Market Power? Association Between Hospital System Types and Cardiac Surgery Prices., Sung W. Choi and Avi Dor
The Impact of Title VII Dental Workforce Programs on Dentists' Practice Location: A Difference-in-Differences Analysis., Chiu-Fang Chou, Jennifer S Holtzman, Shane Rogers, and Candice Chen
Public Health WINS Is a Call to Arms as Well as a Roadmap for All Who Care About a Thriving, Healthy Nation., Karen B DeSalvo and Jeffrey Levi
Developing a Financing System to Support Public Health Infrastructure., Karen DeSalvo, Anand Parekh, G William Hoagland, Abby Dilley, Sherry Kaiman, Mason Hines, and Jeff Levi
Editorial: Global Education of Health Management., Connie J Evashwick and William Edson Aaronson
A scoping review of studies evaluating the education of health professional students about public health., C Evashwick, D Tao, M Perkiö, M Grivna, and R Harrison
A Brief History of the Prevention and Public Health Fund: Implications for Public Health Advocates., Michael R Fraser
The Impact of Maryland's Global Budget Payment Reform on Emergency Department Admission Rates in a Single Health System., Jessica E Galarraga, William J Frohna, and Jesse M Pines
Edith Irby: A Hidden Figure in the History of Medical Education., Vanessa Northington Gamble
Choosing Between Medical Management and Liver Transplant in Urea Cycle Disorders - A Conceptual Framework for Parental Treatment Decision-Making in Rare Disease., Maya T. Gerstein, Anne R. Markus, Kan Z. Gianattasio, Cynthia Le Mons, Janice Bartos, David M. Stevens, and Nicholas Ah Mew
Financial costs associated with monopolies on biologic medicines in Australia., Deborah Gleeson, Belinda Townsend, Ruth Lopert, Joel Lexchin, and Hazel Moir
Enhancing Staffing In Rural Community Health Centers Can Help Improve Behavioral Health Care., Xinxin Han and Leighton Ku
The Role of the National Health Service Corps Clinicians in Enhancing Staffing and Patient Care Capacity in Community Health Centers., Xinxin Han, Patricia Pittman, Clese Erikson, Fitzhugh Mullan, and Leighton Ku
Implementing health technology assessment in Ghana to support universal health coverage: building relationships that focus on people, policy, and process., Samantha Hollingworth, Martha Gyansa-Lutterodt, Lydia Dsane-Selby, Justice Nonvignon, Ruth Lopert, Mohamed Gad, Francis Ruiz, Sean Tunis, and Kalipso Chalkidou
Trends and Predictors of Retweets in Free Open Access Medical Education (#FOAMed) on Twitter (2013-2017)., Nima Jalali, Caitlin Carter, Sukayna Alfaraj, Ali Moghtaderi, and Jesse M Pines
Obesity as a Disease: The Obesity Society 2018 Position Statement., Ania M Jastreboff, Catherine M Kotz, Scott Kahan, Aaron S Kelly, and Steven B Heymsfield
Expanding Women's Health Practitioners and Researchers' Understanding of Transgender/Nonbinary Health Issues., Shanna K. Kattari, Danielle R. Brittain, Anne Rossier Markus, and Kelly C. Hall
Local Decision Making for Implementing Social Distancing in Response to Outbreaks., Rebecca Katz, Andrea Vaught, and Samuel J Simmens
Trends in High- and Low-Value Cardiovascular Diagnostic Testing in Fee-for-Service Medicare, 2000-2016., Vinay Kini, Timea Viragh, David Magid, Frederick A Masoudi, Ali Moghtaderi, and Bernard Black
New Evidence Demonstrates That The Public Charge Rule Will Harm Immigrant Families and Others, Leighton Ku
Medicaid Work Requirements in Nine States Could Cause 600,000 to 800,000 Adults to Lose Medicaid Coverage, Leighton Ku and Erin Brantley
New Hampshire's Medicaid Work Requirements Could Cause More Than 15,000 to Lose Coverage, Leighton Ku and Erin Brantley
The Effects of SNAP Work Requirements in Reducing Participation and Benefits From 2013 to 2017., Leighton Ku, Erin Brantley, and Drishti Pillai
Performance on Electronic Clinical Quality Measures in the Comprehensive Primary Care Initiative., Christiane T LaBonte, Perry Payne, William Rollow, Mark W Smith, Abdul Nissar, Patrice Holtz, and Laura L Sessums
The Mid-Atlantic Center for AIDS Research Consortium Scholars Program: A Multi-Institutional Approach to Mentoring the Next Generation of Underrepresented Scientists., Rupali J Limaye, Manya Magnus, David Metzger, Michael B Blank, Wendy Davis, David D Celentano, and Mid-Atlantic Center for AIDS Research Consortium
Predicting the Impact of Transforming the Medicaid Program on Health Centers' Revenues and Capacity to Serve Medically Underserved Communities., Anne Rossier Markus, Kan Gianattasio, Eric Qian Luo, and Julia Strasser
Trends in Medicare Payment Rates for Noninvasive Cardiac Tests and Association With Testing Location., Frederick A Masoudi, Timea Viragh, David J Magid, Ali Moghtaderi, Samantha Schilsky, William M Sage, Glenn Goodrich, Katherine M Newton, David H Smith, and Bernard Black
Associations between hematology/oncology fellows' training and mentorship experiences and hematology-only career plans., Leah E. Masselink, Clese E. Erikson, Nathan T. Connell, Laura M. De Castro, Georgette A. Dent, Ariela L. Marshall, Rakhi P. Naik, Marquita Nelson, Casey L. O'Connell, Anita Rajasekhar, Deva Sharma, Melody Smith, and Alfred Ian Lee
"Make the Call, Don't Miss a Beat" Campaign: Effect on Emergency Medical Services Use in Women with Heart Attack Signs., Melissa L. McCarthy, Suzanne Haynes, Ximin Li, N Clay Mann, Craig D Newgard, Jannet F. Lewis, Alan E Simon, Susan F. Wood, and Scott L Zeger
Healthy People: The Role of Law and Policy in the Nation's Public Health Agenda., Angela K McGowan, K T Kramer, and Joel B Teitelbaum
Importance of Participant-Centricity and Trust for a Sustainable Medical Information Commons., Amy L McGuire, Mary A Majumder, Angela G Villanueva, Jessica Bardill, Juli M Bollinger, Eric Boerwinkle, Tania Bubela, Patricia A Deverka, Barbara J Evans, Nanibaa' A Garrison, David Glazer, Melissa M Goldstein, Henry T Greely, Scott D Kahn, Bartha M Knoppers, Barbara A Koenig, J Mark Lambright, John E Mattison, Christopher O'Donnell, Arti K Rai, Laura L Rodriguez, Tania Simoncelli, Sharon F Terry, Adrian M Thorogood, Michael S Watson, John T Wilbanks, and Robert Cook-Deegan
Importance of Participant-Centricity and Trust for a Sustainable Medical Information Commons., Amy L. McGuire, Mary A. Majumder, Angela G. Villanueva, Jessica Bardill, Juli M. Bollinger, Eric Boerwinkle, Tania Bubela, Patricia A. Deverka, Barbara J. Evans, Nanibaa' A. Garrison, David Glazer, Melissa M. Goldstein, Henry T. Greely, Scott D. Kahn, Bartha M. Knoppers, Barbara A. Koenig, J Mark Lambright, John E. Mattison, Christopher O'Donnell, Arti K. Rai, Laura L. Rodriguez, Tania Simoncelli, Sharon F. Terry, Adrian M. Thorogood, Michael S. Watson, John T. Wilbanks, and Robert Cook-Deegan
Randomized controlled trial to improve primary care follow-up among emergency department patients., Rory J. Merritt, Paige Kulie, Andrew W. Long, Tina Choudhri, and Melissa L. McCarthy
The Civil Rights Doctor, Revisited., Fitzhugh Mullan
Supporting Physical-Behavioral Health Integration Using Medicaid Managed Care Organizations., Ashley Palmer and Anne Rossier Markus
Does expanded state scope of practice for nurse practitioners and physician assistants increase primary care utilization in community health centers?, Jeongyoung Park, Xinxin Han, and Patricia Pittman
Activating Nursing to Address Unmet Needs in the 21st Century, Patricia Pittman
Rising to the Challenge: Re-Embracing the Wald Model of Nursing., Patricia Pittman
Rising to the Challenge: Re-Embracing the Wald Model of Nursing., Patricia Pittman
The Growth and Performance of Nursing Programs by Ownership Status, Patricia Pittman, Emily Bass, Xinxin Han, and Ellen Kurtzman
Capsule Commentary on Kaplan et al., How Have 30-Day Readmission Penalties Affected Racial Disparities in Readmissions?: An Analysis from 2007-2014 in Five US States, Marsha Regenstein
Capsule Commentary on Kaplan et al., How Have 30-Day Readmission Penalties Affected Racial Disparities in Readmissions?: An Analysis from 2007-2014 in Five US States., Marsha Regenstein
Community Health Centers: a Key Partner to Achieve Medicaid Expansion., Richard Rieselbach, Ted Epperly, Eleanor McConnell, Jay Noren, Greg Nycz, and Peter Shin
The courts as political players., Sara Rosenbaum
Closing the Gap - Making Medical School Admissions More Equitable., Efrain Talamantes, Mark C Henderson, Tonya L Fancher, and Fitzhugh Mullan
Postgraduate Medical Education in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Scoping Review Spanning 26 Years and Lessons Learned., Zohray Talib, Lalit Narayan, and Thomas Harrod
Striving for Health Equity through Medical, Public Health, and Legal Collaboration., Joel B Teitelbaum, Joanna Theiss, and Colleen Healy Boufides
Striving for Health Equity through Medical, Public Health, and Legal Collaboration., Joel B Teitelbaum, Joanna Theiss, and Colleen Healy Boufides
Medical-Legal Partnership: A Powerful Tool for Public Health and Health Justice., Elizabeth Tobin-Tyler and Joel B Teitelbaum
Medical-Legal Partnership: A Powerful Tool for Public Health and Health Justice., Elizabeth Tobin-Tyler and Joel B Teitelbaum
Effect of screening mammography on breast cancer mortality: Quasi-experimental evidence from rollout of the Dutch population-based program with 17-year follow-up of a cohort., Tom Van Ourti, Owen O'Donnell, Hale Koç, Jacques Fracheboud, and Harry J de Koning
Emergency department provider and facility variation in opioid prescriptions for discharged patients., Michael J. Ward, Diwas Kc, Cathy A. Jenkins, Dandan Liu, Amit Padaki, and Jesse M. Pines
The one health-care word I wish Democrats would say during debates, Leana S. Wen
Adolescent Consent to Vaccination in the Age of Vaccine-Hesitant Parents., Y Tony Yang, Robert S. Olick, and Jana Shaw
The US Food and Drug Administration's Authorization of the First Cannabis-Derived Pharmaceutical: Are We Out of the Haze?, Y Tony Yang and Jerzy P. Szaflarski
Impact of ACA Medicaid Expansion on Hospitals' Financial Status., Gary J Young, Stephen Flaherty, E David Zepeda, Simone Singh, and Sara Rosenbaum
Submissions from 2018
The Role of Social Context in Racial Disparities in Self-Rated Health., Caryn N Bell, Roland J Thorpe, and Thomas A LaVeist
Standardizing Return of Participant Results., Jeffrey R Botkin, Paul S Appelbaum, Suzanne Bakken, Chester Brown, Wylie Burke, Richard Fabsitz, Vanessa Northington Gamble, Gregg Gonsalves, Rhonda Kost, Debra G B Leonard, Amy McGuire, James H Nichols, Bray Patrick-Lake, Consuelo H Wilkins, and Brian J Zikmund-Fisher
A First Glance At Medicaid Work Requirements In Arkansas: More Than One-Quarter Did Not Meet Requirement, Erin Brantley and Leighton Ku
Arkansas's Early Experience with Work Requirements Signals Larger Losses to Come, Erin Brantley and Leighton Ku
Promoting Clinical Breast Evaluations in a Lower Middle-Income Country Setting: An Approach Toward Achieving a Sustainable Breast Health Program., Roziya Buribekova, Irina Shukurbekova, Surayo Ilnazarova, Nekruz Jamshevov, Guldarbogh Sadonshoeva, Saleem Sayani, Aliya Aminmuhammad, Farin Amersi, Sheemain Asaria, Mansoor Saleh, and Zohray Talib
Why Biologics and Biosimilars Remain So Expensive: Despite Two Wins for Biosimilars, the Supreme Court's Recent Rulings do not Solve Fundamental Barriers to Competition., Brian K Chen, Y Tony Yang, and Charles L Bennett
Early Evidence from South Carolina's Medicare-Medicaid dual-eligible Financial Alignment Initiative: an Observational Study to Understand who Enrolled, and Whether the Program Improved Health?, Brian K Chen, Y Tony Yang, and Rachelle Gajadhar
Cost-effectiveness of an Evidence-Based Childhood Asthma Intervention in Real-World Primary Care Settings, Avi Dor, Q Luo, M Gerstein, F Malveaux, H Mitchell, and Anne R. Markus
Association of Medical Liability Reform With Clinician Approach to Coronary Artery Disease Management., Steven A Farmer, Ali Moghtaderi, Samantha Schilsky, David Magid, William Sage, Nori Allen, Frederick A Masoudi, Avi Dor, and Bernard Black
Uses and Limitations of Claims-based Performance Feedback Reports: Lessons From the Comprehensive Primary Care Initiative., Margaret Gerteis, Deborah Peikes, Arkadipta Ghosh, Lori Timmins, Ann S OʼMalley, Michael Barna, Erin F Taylor, Timothy J Day, Kaylyn Swankoski, Perry W. Payne, and Randall Brown
Perceptions of Alternative Tobacco Products, Anti-tobacco Media, and Tobacco Regulation among Young Adults: A Qualitative Study., Betelihem Getachew, Jackelyn B Payne, Milkie Vu, Drishti Pillai, Jill Shah, Hagai Levine, and Carla J Berg
The Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement, intellectual property and medicines: Differential outcomes for developed and developing countries, Deborah Gleeson, Joel Lexchin, Ruth Lopert, and Burcu Kilic
Presenting Cost and Efficiency Measures That Support Consumers to Make High-Value Health Care Choices., Jessica Greene and Rebecca M Sacks
Maintenance of Lost Weight and Long-Term Management of Obesity., Kevin D Hall and Scott Kahan
Are testers also admitters? Comparing emergency physician resource utilization and admitting practices., Nicole R. Hodgson, Souroush Saghafian, Lanyu Mi, Matthew R. Buras, Eric D. Katz, Jesse M. Pines, Leon Sanchez, Scott Silvers, Steven A. Maher, and Stephen J. Traub
Physicians' Recommendations to Medicaid Patients About Tobacco Cessation., Nikhil Holla, Erin Brantley, and Leighton Ku
Prevalence of Viral Hepatitis in Foreign-Born Populations in the Baltimore-Washington Metropolitan Area, 2009-2015., Hee-Soon Juon, Emmeline Ha, Frederic Kim, Amy Trang, Jane Pan, and Janice Blanchard
Obesity Medicine: A Core Competency for Primary Care Providers., Scott Kahan and Robert F Kushner
The Role of Behavioral Medicine in the Treatment of Obesity in Primary Care., Scott Kahan, Dawn K Wilson, and Allison M Sweeney
Malpractice Environment vs Direct Litigation: What Drives Nursing Home Exit?, R Tamara Konetzka, Hari Sharma, and Jeongyoung Park
The District of Columbia Is Trying To Preserve Health Insurance Coverage; Congress Is Trying To Interfere, Leighton Ku
Medicaid Work Requirements: Will They Help the Unemployed Gain Jobs or Improve Health?, Leighton Ku, Erin Brantley, Erika Steinmetz, Brian K Bruen, and Pillai Drishti
Medicaid Work Requirements: Will They Help the Unemployed Gain Jobs or Improve Health?, Leighton Ku, Erin Brantley, Erika Steinmetz, Brian Bruen, and Drishti Pillai
The Economic Mobility of Immigrants: Public Charge Rules Could Foreclose Future Opportunities, Leighton Ku and Drishti Pillai
"Pay for Success" Financing and Home-Based Multicomponent Childhood Asthma Interventions: Modeling Results From the Detroit Medicaid Population., Paula M Lantz, George Miller, Corwin N Rhyan, Sara Rosenbaum, Leighton Ku, and Samantha Iovan
Place matters to birth outcomes: A life-course perspective., Michael C. Lu
Title X–Funded Health Center Staff Members' Perspectives on Barriers to Insurance Use For Confidential Family Planning Services, Leah E. Masselink, Julie Lewis, Clare Coleman, and Susan F. Wood
Examining EMTALA in the Era of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act., Ryan M McKenna, Jonathan Purtle, Katherine L Nelson, Dylan H Roby, Marsha Regenstein, and Alexander N Ortega
Positioning the Health Services Research Workforce for Continued Success: Recommendations from AcademyHealth Stakeholders., Nir Menachemi, Lisa A Simpson, and Meghan J Wolfe
The Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement and access to HIV treatment in Vietnam., Hazel Moir, Brigitte Tenni, Deborah H. Gleeson, and Ruth Lopert
Racial and regional disparity in liver transplant allocation, D. Monlezun, Michael Darden, P. Friedlander, L. Balart, G. Parker, and J. Buell
A series of unfortunate events: implications of Republican efforts to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act For older adults., Pamela Nadash, Edward Alan Miller, David K Jones, Michael K Gusmano, and Sara Rosenbaum
Relative Roles of Race Versus Socioeconomic Position in Studies of Health Inequalities: A Matter of Interpretation, Amani Nuru-Jeter, Elizabeth Michaels, Marilyn D. Thomas, Alexis Reeves, Roland Thorpe, and Thomas A. LaVeist
Intra-Ethnic Racial Differences in Waterpipe Tobacco Smoking among Latinos?, Kasim Ortiz, Adolfo G Cuevas, Ramzi Salloum, Nancy Lopez, and Thomas LaVeist-Ramos
Are State Telehealth Policies Associated With The Use Of Telehealth Services Among Underserved Populations?, Jeongyoung Park, Clese Erikson, Xinxin Han, and Preeti Iyer