
Submissions from 1998

Imaging of the umbilicus and periumbilical region, N. J. Khati, E. G. Enquist, and M. C. Javitt

MR imaging diagnosis of a urethral diverticulum, N. J. Khati, M. C. Javitt, A. M. Schwartz, and B. M. Berger

Residents' teaching files. Prenatal diagnosis of placenta accreta with pathologic correlation, H. Kim, M. C. Hill, A. B. Winick, and T. Shen

Bladder distention and pyelectasis in the male fetus: causes, comparisons, and contrasts, H. Montemarano, D. I. Bulas, H. G. Rushton, and D. Selby

Extradural origin of the posteroinferior cerebellar artery: an anatomic study with histological and radiographic correlation, E. Salas, I. M. Ziyal, W. O. Bank, M. R. Santi, and L. N. Sekhar

Hemangioma of the small intestine manifesting as gastrointestinal bleeding, J. D. Varma, M. C. Hill, and L. A. Harvey

Increased binding to sigma sites of N-[1'(2-piperidinyl)ethyl)-4-[I-125]-iodobenzamide (I-125-PAB) with onset of tumor cell proliferation, P. O. Zamora, T. W. Moody, and C. S. John

Combined supra/infratentorial-transsinus approach to large pineal region tumors, I. M. Ziyal, L. N. Sekhar, E. Salas, and W. J. Olan

Submissions from 1997

Diffusion imaging of human breast, Sarah A. Englander, Aziz M. Uluǧ, Rachel Brem, Jerry D. Glickson, and Peter C.M. Van Zijl


Discontinuation of long-term transfusion therapy in patients with sickle cell disease and stroke., Sohail Rana, MD; Patricia E. Houston; Narita Surana; Eglal I. Shalaby-Rana; and Oswaldo L. Castro

Submissions from 1996

Lessons from Mammographic-Histopathologic Correlation of Large-Core Needle Breast Biopsy, Wendie A. Berg, Ralph H. Hruban, Dhruv Kumar, H. Rosy Singh, Rachel F. Brem, and Olga M.B. Gatewood

National Breast Databank., R. Brem

Submissions from 1992

Template-guided breast US, Rachel F. Brem and Olga M.B. Gatewood

MR detection of breast implant rupture, R. F. Brem, C. M.C. Tempany, and E. A. Zerhouni

Submissions from 1991

Nonpalpable prostate cancer: Detection with MR imaging, H. Ballentine Carter, Rachel F. Brem, Clare M. Tempany, Andrew Yang, Jonathon I. Epstein, Patrick C. Walsh, and Elias A. Zerhouni

Submissions from 1988

Internal mammary lymphadenopathy in breast carcinoma: CT appraisal of anatomic distribution, J. C. Scatarige, E. K. Fishman, E. S. Zinreich, R. F. Brem, and R. Almaraz

Submissions from 1985

Effect of imipramine and nortriptyline on left ventricular function and blood pressure in patients treated for arrhythmias, Elsa Grace V. Giardina, Lynne L. Johnson, Joseph Vita, J. Thomas Bigger, and Rachel F. Brem

Time course of alpha-1-acid glycoprotein and its relation to myocardial enzymes after acute myocardial infarction, Elsa Grace V. Giardina, Khether Raby, David Freilich, Joseph Vita, Rachel Brem, and May Louie

Submissions from 1982

Time course of α1-acid glycoprotein and its relationship to imipramine plasma protein binding, R. F. Brem, E. G.V. Giardina, and J. T. Bigger

Submissions from 214


Prostate imaging: Evaluation of a reusable two-channel endorectal receiver coil for MR imaging at 1.5 T, Masoom A. Haider, Axel Krieger, Christine Elliott, Michael R. DaRosa, and Laurent Milot