
Submissions from 2004

The adequacy of the minimum data set assessment of pain in cognitively impaired nursing home residents., J. Cohen-Mansfield

Community-based cancer screening programs in older populations: making progress but can we do better?, B. Curbow, J. Bowie, M. A. Garza, K. McDonnell, and L. B. Scott

The Narcotrafficker in Representation and Practice: A Cultural Persona from the U.S.-Mexican Border, Mark Edberg

Does pre-pregnancy maternal obesity influence length of gestation and birth weight (BW)?: A multivariate analysis, A. A. E. El-Mohandes, H. Aly, T. A. Hammad, M. Mohamed, and N. Janosy

Smoking during pregnancy, the tip of an iceberg: Associated behavioral risks and reproductive morbidities, A. A. E. El-Mohandes, S. M. Blake, M. Kiely, N. El-Khorazaty, and K. Murray

Factors associated with intimate partner violence during pregnancy in minority populations, A. A. E. El-Mohandes, N. El-Khorazaty, K. Murray, P. Sharps, and M. Kiely

Improved utilization and outcomes in forty neonatal care units in upper Egypt between 1999-2002, A. A. E. El-Mohandes, R. Gipson, N. Matta, E. Mansour, and L. Mohsen

The Physician Assistant and community-oriented primary care., J. Gofin and J.F. Cawley

Spatial accessibility of primary care in the U.S.: A review., M.F. Guagliardo

Do pediatric hospitalizations have a unique geography?, M.F. Guagliardo, K.A. Jablonski, J.G. Joseph, and D.C. Goodman

Physician accessibility: An urban case study of pediatric providers., M.F. Guagliardo, C.R. Ronzio, I. Cheung, E. Chacko, and J.G. Joseph

Dietary intake in the Diabetes Prevention Program cohort: baseline and 1-year post-randomization, E. J. Mayer-Davis, K. C. Sparks, K. Hirst, T. Costacou, and J. C. Lovejoy

Comparison of FIMR Programs With Other Perinatal Systems Initiatives, Karen A. McDonnell, Donna M. Strobino, Katherine M. Baldwin, Holly Grason, and Dawn P. Misra

Comparison of FIMR Programs With Other Perinatal Systems Initiatives. [References], Karen A. McDonnell, Donna M. Strobino, Katherine M. Baldwin, Holly Grason, and Dawn P. Misra

Geographic retrofitting: A method of community definition in community-oriented primary care practices, F. Mullan, R. L. Phillips, and E. L. Kinman

Cost of care analysis in neonatal centers in Egypt, K. Nada, R. Gipson, A. A. E. El-Mohandes, N. Matta, and E. Mansour

A multi-center study of cumulative psychosocial risks in low-income African American women: Implications for intervention, S. Subramanian, J. Joseph, A. El-Mohandes, A. Johnson, and N. El-Khorazaty

Does gender affect neonatal hyperbilirubinemia in low birth weight infants?, J. A. Tioseco, H. Aly, J. Essers, J. Milner, and K. Patel

Submissions from 2003

The cost of diabetes in Latin America and the Caribbean, A. Barcelo, C. Aedo, S. Rajpathak, and S. Robles

Condom availability programs in Massachusetts high schools: Relationships with condom use and sexual behavior, S. M. Blake, R. Ledsky, C. Goodenow, R. Sawyer, and D. Lohrmann

A formative evaluation in maternal and child health practice: the Partners for Life Nutrition Education Program for pregnant women, N. R. Boyd and R. A. Windsor

A model for understanding sexual health among Asian American/Pacific islander men who have sex with men (MSM) in the United States, C. L. Chng, F. Y. Wong, R. J. Park, M. C. Edberg, and D. S. Lai

Comparing receipt of preventive care among patients based on insurance status and/or usual source of care, J. DeVoe, G.E. Fryer, R.L. Phillips, and L.A. Green

Effects of withdrawal from metformin on the development of diabetes in the diabetes prevention program, Diabetes Prevention Program Research Group.

The ecology of medical care for children in the United States, S.M. Dovey, M. Weitzman, G.E. Fryer, L.A. Green, and B.P. Yawn

Elimination of health disparities in racial/ethnic minority communities: developing data indicators to assess the progress of community-based efforts, M. C. Edberg, F. Y. Wong, V. Woo, and T. Doong

The effect of a parenting education program on the use of preventive pediatric health care services among low-income, minority mothers: A randomized, controlled study, A. A. E. El-Mohandes, K. S. Katz, M. N. El-Khorazaty, D. McNeely-Johns, and P. W. Sharps

Breastfeeding practices in a cohort of inner-city women: the role of contraindications, L. England, R. Brenner, B. Bhaskar, B. Simons-Morton, and A. Das

International medical graduates and the primary care workforce for rural underserved areas, K.S. Fink, R.L. Phillips, G.E. Fryer, and N. Koehn

Variation in the ecology of medical care, G.E. Fryer, L.A. Green, S.M. Dovey, B.P. Yawn, and R.L. Phillips

Standardizing contact investigation protocols, L. B. Gerald, F. Bruce, C. M. Brooks, N. Brook, and M. E. Kimerling

School-based health centers - A long road to travel, J. G. Lear

Healthy communities: A natural ally for community-oriented primary care - Response, F. Mullan

Partial pressure of carbon dioxide in extremely low birth weight infants supported by nasal prongs continuous positive airway pressure, A. T. Nguyen, H. Aly, J. Milner, K. M. Patel, and A. El-Mohandes

Exploring residency match violations in family medicine, R.L. Phillips, K.A. Phillips, F.M. Chen, and A. Melillo

Targeting the endothelium in cancer - The importance of the interaction of hemostatic mechanisms and the vascular wall for tumor growth and angiogenesis, F. R. Rickles, S. R. Patierno, and P. M. Fernandez

Effect of exercise training on blood pressure in postmenopausal Caucasian and African-American women, H. Santa-Clara, L. Szymanski, and B. Fernhall

The discrepancy between self-reported smoking status and urine cotinine levels among women enrolled in prenatal care at four publicly funded clinical sites., D. Webb, N. Boyd, D. Messina, and R. Windsor

Smoking cessation or reduction in pregnancy treatment methods: A meta-evaluation of the impact of dissemination, R. Windsor

Smoking cessation or reduction in pregnancy treatment methods: a meta-evaluation of the impact of dissemination., R. Windsor

Submissions from 2002

Nonpharmalogical interventions for dementia: Enhacing and maintaining mental health in long-term care residents., C. Camp, J. Cohen-Mansfield, and E. Capezuti

The profession in 2002 and beyond., J.F. Cawley

Development of a framework to encourage addressing advance directives when resources are limited., J. Cohen-Mansfield

Managing agitation in elderly patients with demetia., J. Cohen-Mansfield

Recruitment rates in gerontological research: The situation for drug trials in demntia may be worse than previously reported., J. Cohen-Mansfield

Relatives' assessment of pain in cognitively impaired nursing home residents., J. Cohen-Mansfield

Nursing staff members' perceptions of pain indicators in persons with severe dementia., J. Cohen-Mansfield and M. Creedon

Medical decisions for troubled breathing in nursing home residents., J. Cohen-Mansfield and S. Lipson

Pain in cognitively impaired nursing home residents: How well are physicians diagnosing it?, J. Cohen-Mansfield and S. Lipson

The under-detection of pain of dental etiology in persons with dementia., J. Cohen-Mansfield and S. Lipson

An evaluation of a computer softwareprogram in identifying drug interactions in nursing home residents., J. Cohen-Mansfield, S. Lipson, R.L. Woosley, and J. Farley

Kids in cars: closing gaps in child occupant restraint laws., A.M. Dellinger, P.C. Groff, A.D. Mickalide, and P.A. Nolan

Is there evidence that patients with dementia decline in health after being admitted to long-term care facilities?, A. Desai and J. Cohen-Mansfield

Intimate partner violence and its relationship to condom use among HIV positive and HIV negative women., A.C. Gielen, K.A. McDonnell, and P. O'Campo

Unremarkable' recoveries: normalizing adversity and cancer survival, M. Killoran, M. Schlitz, and N. Leewis

Reduction in the incidence of type 2 diabetes with lifestyle intervention or metformin., W.C. Knowler, E. Barrett-Connor, S.E. Fowler, R.F. Hamman, and J.M. Lachin

Ensuring the safety of school age passengers: booster seats are necessary for optimal protection., A.D. Mickalide, K. DiCapua, and H. Paul

Physician Assistansts in the United States, D.E. Mittman, J.F. Cawley, and W. Fenn

Community-oriented primary care: new relevence in a changing world, F. Mullan and L. Epstein

Surviving physical and sexual abuse: what helps low income women?, P. O'Campo, K.A. McDonnell, A.C. Gielen, and J. Burke

Interaction and intervention modeling: predicting and extrapolating the impact of multiple interventions, R. Reigelman, D. Verme, J. Rochon, and A.E. El-Mohandes

Submissions from 2001

The need for an urban HIV/AIDS policy in the United States, C. Akukwe

Developing theory-based substance abuse prevention programs for young adolescent girls., H.A. Amaro, S.M. Blake, P. Schwartz, and L. Flinchbaugh

Receipt of school health education and school health services among adolescent immigrants in Massachusetts., S. Blake, R. Ledsky, C. Goodenow, and L. O'Donnell

Preventing sexual risk behaviors among gay, lesbian and bisexual adolescents: the benefits of gay-sensitive HIV instruction in schools., S. Blake, R. Ledsky, T. Lehman, C. Goodenow, and R. Sawyer

A review of substance abuse prevention interventions for young adolescent girls., S.M. Blake, H.A. Amaro, P. Schwartz, and L. Flinchbaugh

Receipt of school health education and school health services among adolescent immigrants in Massachusetts, S. M. Blake, R. Ledsky, C. Goodenow, and L. O'Donnell

Recency of immigration, substance use, and sexual behavior among Massachusetts adolescents., S.M. Blake, R. Ledsky, C. Goodenow, and L. O'Donnell

Effects of a parent-child communications intervention on young adolescents' risk for early onset of sexual intercourse, S.M. Blake, L. Simkin, R. Ledsky, C. Perkins, and J.M. Calabrese

Methodological issues for vital rates and population estimates: 1997 OMB standards for data on race and ethnicity, J.S. Durch and J.H. Madans

Providing mental health services to Arab Americans: recommendations and considerations., C.D. Erickson and N.R. al-Timimi

A national survey of parents' knowledge, attitudes and self-reported behaviors concerning sports safety., C.D. Ingersoll, M. Sitler, A.D. Mickalide, and A.R. Taft

Evaluation of school-based HIV prevention education programs in New Jersey, D.K. Lohrmann, S. Blake, T. Collins, R. Windsor, and A.V. Parillo

SAFE KIDS Worldwide launched, A.D. Mickalide

HIV drug resistance: overview of clinical data, V. Miller

The role of alcohol use in intimate partner femicide., P.W. Sharps, J.C. Campbell, D. Campbell, and D. Webster

Health care providers' missed opportunities for preventing femicide., P.W. Sharps, J. Koziol-McLain, J. Campbell, J. McFarlane, and C. Sachs

Local and national uses of a Road to Recovery evaluation., C.H. Sparks, S. Feeney, S. Martin, M. Canos, and Y. Huang

Pediatric residents buckle-up: a child safety seat training program for pediatric residents., J.A.F. Tender, C.H. Taft, C. Frey, A.D. Mickalide, and B.A. Gitterman

Submissions from 2000

Maternal and child health services in the twenty-first century: critical issues, challenges, and opportunities., C Akukwe

Heterogeneity in dementia: challenges and opportunities., J. Cohen-Mansfield

Nonpharmacological management of behavioral problems in persons with dementia: the TREA model., J. Cohen-Mansfield

Theoretical frameworks for behavioral problems in dementia., J. Cohen-Mansfield

The use of patient characteristics to determine non-pharmacologic interventions., J. Cohen-Mansfield

Melatonin for treatment of sundowning in elderly persons with dementia - a preliminary study., J. Cohen-Mansfield, D. Garfinkel, and S. Lipson

Self-identity in older persons suffering from dementia: preliminary results., J. Cohen-Mansfield, H. Golander, and G. Arnheim

Relationship between psychotropic drug dosage, plasma drug concentration, and prolactin levels in nursing home residents., J. Cohen-Mansfield, L. Taylor, R. Woosley, S. Lipson, and P. Werner

The National SAFE KIDS Campaign child safety seat distribution program: a strategy for reaching low-income, underserved and culturally diverse populations., T.H. Cruz and A.D. Mickalide

Group intervention as one facet of a multi-component intervention with high risk mothers and their babies, M. H. Jarrett, L. T. Diamond, and A. El-Mohandes

Is child safety rebellion reaching its tipping point?, A. Mickalide

Consumer activism pays big dividends in USA, A.D. Mickalide

Injury prevention and emergency medical services for children in a managed care environment., J.D. Moody-Williams, J. Athey, B. Barlow, D. Blanton, and H. Garrison

Mental status change in older surgical patients. Cognition, depression, and other comorbidity., P. Stockton, J. Cohen-Mansfield, and N. Billig

Unintentional injury and violence prevention in schools: a cal for action., L.B. Synovitz, A.D. Mickalide, S.D. Bryn, and S.S. Gallagher

Breast self-examination in women in two primary care settings: an evaluation of the impact of insurance status, G. Wei and M.L. Borum

Characterization and effectivenes of family-generated videotape for the management of VDB., P. Werner, J. Cohen-Mansfield, J. Fisher, and G. Segal

Submissions from 1999

HIV/AIDS in African children: a major calamity that deserves urgent global action., C Akukwe

Community participation in international health: practical recommendations for donor and recipient organizations., C. Akukwe

Essential strategies for achieving durable population-based maternal and child health services., C. Akukwe and A.H. Nowell

Policies, Staff Development and Employee Compliance with Universal Precautions in an Urban School District, S. M. Blake, R. W. Windsor, D. Lohrmann, N. Gay, and R. Ledsky