
Submissions from 2012


Multi-person sex among a sample of adolescent female urban health clinic patients, Emily F. Rothman, Michele R. Decker, Elizabeth Miller, Elizabeth Reed, Anita Raj, and Jay G. Silverman


A quality improvement framework for equity in cardiovascular care: Results of a national collaborative, Bruce Siegel, Vickie Sears, Jennifer K. Bretsch, Marcia Wilson, Karen C. Jones, Holly Mead, Romana Hasnain-Wynia, Rochelle K. Ayala, Rohit Bhalla, Christopher M. Cornue, Christina Marie Emrich, Paru Patel, Jean R. Setzer, Jennifer Suitonu, Eric J. Velazquez, Kim Allan Eagle, and Michael D. Winniford

Motivating Emergency Preparedness Behaviors: The Differential Effects of Guilt Appeals and Actually Anticipating Guilty Feelings, MM Turner and JC Underhill


Motivating emergency preparedness behaviors: The differential effects of guilt appeals andactually anticipating guiltyfeelings, Monique M. Turner and Jill C. Underhill


Risk perceptions, nutrition, and physical activity among South Asian women in the US: Does history of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) matter?, Amita Vyas, Nitasha Chaudhary, Kalpana Ramiah, and Grace Kathryn Douglass


Public health interventions: Reaching Latino adolescents via short message service and social media, Amita N. Vyas, Megan Landry, Marisa Schnider, Angela M. Rojas, and Susan F. Wood

Public health interventions: reaching Latino adolescents via short message service and social media., AN Vyas, M Landry, M Schnider, AM Rojas, and SF Wood


A process evaluation of the Friendships and Dating Program for Adults with Developmental Disabilities: measuring the fidelity of program delivery, Karen M. Ward, Richard Windsor, and Julie P. Atkinson

A process evaluation of the Friendships and Dating Program for adults with developmental disabilities: Measuring the fidelity of program delivery, KM Ward, R Windsor, and JP Atkinson

Submissions from 2011

A Content Analysis of iPhone Apps for Smoking Cessation, L. C. Abroms, N. Padmanabhan, L. Thaweethai, and Phillips

iPhone apps for smoking cessation: a content analysis., LC Abroms, N Padmanabhan, L Thaweethai, and T Phillips

Getting personal: Progress and pitfalls in HIV prevention among latinas, H Amaro, A Raj, E Reed, and M Ulibarri

Strengthening children's oral health: views from the field., D Behrens and JG Lear

Effects of an alcohol intervention on drinking among female college students with and without a recent history of sexual violence, E Brahms, M Ahl, E Reed, and H Amaro


NPs and PAs must be immunization advocates, James F. Cawley

Can NPs and PAs rescue primary care?., JF Cawley

Does continuing education make competent clinicians?., JF Cawley

NP, PA, physician: who does what better?., JF Cawley

Specialty practice and the U.S. healthcare workforce., JF Cawley

Ups and downs for NPs and PAs Down Under., JF Cawley

Assessing the value of dual physician assistant/public health degrees., JF Cawley, TS Ritsema, D Brown, C Wight, and G Landel

Motivational interviewing versus prescriptive advice for smokers who are not ready to quit, MF Davis, D Shapiro, R Windsor, P Whalen, and R Rhode

Using a qualitative approach to develop an evaluation data set for community-based health promotion programs addressing racial and ethnic health disparities., MC Edberg, K Corey, and M Cohen

A trajectory model for understanding and assessing health disparities in immigrant/refugee communities., M Edberg, S Cleary, and A Vyas

Police-related experiences and HIV risk among female sex workers in Andhra Pradesh, India, JT Erausquin, E Reed, and KM Blankenship

Social cognitive mediators of parent-child sexual communication, WD Evans, JL Blitstein, and KC Davis

Outcomes of the 5-4-3-2-1 Go! Childhood obesity community trial., WD Evans, KK Christoffel, J Necheles, AB Becker, and J Snider

Evaluation of sexual communication message strategies., WD Evans, KC Davis, C Umanzor, K Patel, and M Khan

Brand equity and willingness to pay for condoms in Zimbabwe., WD Evans, N Taruberekera, K Longfield, and J Snider

History of sex trafficking, recent experiences of violence, and HIV vulnerability among female sex workers in coastal Andhra Pradesh, India, J Gupta, E Reed, T Kershaw, and KM Blankenship

Text4Baby: Using Text Messaging to Improve Maternal and Newborn Health, ET Jordan, EM Ray, P Johnson, and WD Evans

Astoria revisited: New hope in the struggle to link community- and school-based care?, JG Lear

Using the internet to understand smokers'treatment preferences: Informing strategies to increase demand, Westmaas Lee, L Abroms, J Bontemps-Jones, JE Bauer, and J Bade

Applied social and behavioral science to address complex health problems, WC Livingood, JP Allegrante, CO Airhihenbuwa, NM Clark, and RC Windsor

Women's perceptions of their community's social norms towards assisting women who have experienced intimate partner violence., KA McDonnell, JG Burke, AC Gielen, P O'Campo, and M Weidl

Effects of media campaign messages targeting parents on adolescent sexual beliefs: A randomized controlled trial with a national sample, L Palen, OS Ashley, JC Gard, ML Kan, and KC Davis

The role of housing in determining HIV risk among female sex workers in Andhra Pradesh, India: considering women's life contexts., E Reed, J Gupta, M Biradavolu, V Devireddy, and KM Blankenship

Male perpetration of teen dating violence: associations with neighborhood violence involvement, gender attitudes, and perceived peer and neighborhood norms., E Reed, JG Silverman, A Raj, MR Decker, and E Miller

Relationships Between Self-Reported Smoking, Household Environmental Tobacco Smoke Exposure and Depressive Symptoms in a Pregnant Minority Population, S Tan, L Courtney, A El-Mohandes, M Gantz, and S Blake

Management of von Hippel-Lindau disease-associated CNS lesions, JJ Wind and RR Lonser

Effectiveness of Smoking Cessation and Reduction in Pregnancy Treatment (SCRIPT) methods in Medicaid-supported prenatal care: Trial III, R. Windsor and M. Hardin

Submissions from 2010

Brief screening and intervention for alcohol and drug use in a college student health clinic: Feasibility, implementation, and outcomes, H. Amaro, E. Reed, E. Rowe, J. Picci, and P. Mantella

Development of a didanosine genotypic resistance interpretation system based on large derivation and validation datasets, L. Assoumou, A. Cozzi-Lepri, F. Brun-Vezinet, V. Degruttola, and D. R. Kuritzkes

Men's multiple sexual partnerships in 15 sub-Saharan African countries: Sociodemographic patterns and implications, JB Bingenheimer

Factors associated with awareness and utilisation of a community mobilisation intervention for female sex workers in Andhra Pradesh, India, KM Blankenship, R Burroway, and E Reed

Big Pharma, Big Medicine: An Ethical Dilemma, J. F. Cawley

PAs & NPs: now not so similar, J. F. Cawley

Do NPs & PAs really spend more time with patients?, JF Cawley

Healthcare reform is good for NPs, PAs and patients., JF Cawley

The case for tenure in physician assistant education, JF Cawley

Physician assistant role flexibility and career mobility., JF Cawley and RS Hooker

Community based organizations addressing South Asian American health, N Chaudhary, A Vyas, and EB Parrish

Impact of a parent-child sexual communication campaign: Results from a controlled efficacy trial of parents, KC Davis, JL Blitstein, WD Evans, and K Kamyab

Developing and evaluating comprehensive HIV infection control strategies: Issues and challenges, V Degruttola, DM Smith, SJ Little, and V Miller

Barriers to adolescents' participation in HIV biomedical prevention research, RJ Diclemente, MS Ruiz, and JM Sales

SAFER Latinos: a community partnership to address contributing factors for Latino youth violence., M Edberg, SD Cleary, E Andrade, R Leiva, and M Bazurto

The SAFER latinos project: Addressing a community ecology underlying Latino Youth violence, M Edberg, SD Cleary, E Collins, J Klevens, and R Leiva

A Trajectory Model for Understanding and Assessing Health Disparities in Immigrant/Refugee Communities, M Edberg, S Cleary, and A Vyas

An Intervention to Reduce Environmental Tobacco Smoke Exposure Improves Pregnancy Outcomes, A. A. El-Mohandes, S. M. Blake, M. G. Gantz, and M. El-Khorazaty

Social marketing as a childhood obesity prevention strategy, W. D. Evans, K. K. Chiristoffel, J. W. Necheles, and A. B. Becker

Poverty, food insecurity, and obesity: a conceptual framework to guide research and practice, L. Finney-Rutten, A.L. Yaroch, U. Colón-Ramos, K. Reed, and W. Johnson-Askew

Comparative forefoot trabecular bone architecture in extant hominids RID B-5431-2011, NL Griffin, K D'Aout, TM Ryan, BG Richmond, and RA Ketcham

The Fort McMurray Demonstration Project in Social Marketing: Self reported safety related health behaviours following a combined community and workplace intervention, T. L. Guidotti, L. Abroms, L. Ford, and G. Jhangri

Career flexibility of physician assistants and the potential for more primary care, RS Hooker, JF Cawley, and W Leinweber

Introduction: Paving the way for biomedical HIV prevention interventions in youth, BG Kapogiannis, E Handelsman, MS Ruiz, and S Lee

The assessment of user engagement with eHealth content: The eHealth Engagement Scale, RC Lefebvre, Y Tada, SW Hilfiker, and C Baur

Parental feeding styles and adolescents? healthy eating habits: Structure and correlates of a Costa Rican questionnaire, R. Monge-Rojas, V. Smith-Castro, U. Colón-Ramos, C. Garita-Arce, and M. Sánchez-López

Profiling abusive men based on women's self-reports: Findings from a sample of urban low-income minority women, S Panchanadeswaran, L Ting, JG Burke, P O'Campo, and KA McDonnell

Feasibility of a tobacco cessation intervention for pregnant Alaska Native women, C. A. Patten, R. A. Windsor, C. C. Renner, C. Enoch, and A. Hochreiter

Connecting for health literacy: health information partners, K. L. Pomerantz, A. A. Muhammad, S. Downey, and T. Kind

The context of economic insecurity and its relation to violence and risk factors for HIV among female sex workers in Andhra Pradesh, India, E Reed, J Gupta, M Biradavolu, V Devireddy, and KM Blankenship

Losing the "gender" in gender-based violence: The missteps of research on dating and intimate partner violence, E Reed, A Raj, E Miller, and JG Silverman

Submissions from 2009

A process evaluation of e-mail counseling for smoking cessation in college students: Feasibility, acceptability and cost., L. C. Abroms, J. Gill, R. Windsor, and B. Simons-Morton

Obama's wired campaign: lessons for public health communication, L. C. Abroms and R. C. Lefebvre

Environmental Tobacco Smake Avoidance Among Pregnant African-American Nonsmokers, S. M. Blake, K. D. Murray, M. N. El-Khorazaty, M. G. Gantz, and M. Kiely

Defining appropriate stages of change for intimate partner violence survivors, J. G. Burke, P. Mahoney, A. Gielen, K. A. McDonnell, and P. O'Campo

Physician Assistants are an Asset to Health Workforce Policy Reform, J. F. Cawley

If They Fund it, Will We Come? Preparing for Increased PA Program Funding, J. F. Cawley and D. P. Asprey

Prediction of birth weight by cotinine levels during pregnancy in a population of black smokers, A.A.E. El-Mohandes, M.G. Gantz, S.M. Blake, and M.N. El-Khorazaty

Efficacy of abstinence promotion media messages: findings from an online randomized trial, W. D. Evans, K. C. Davis, O. S. Ashley, J. Blitstein, and H. Koo

Efficacy of Abstinence Promotion Media Messages: Findings from an Online Randomized Trial, W. D. Evans, K. C. Davis, Ashley Silber, J. Blitstein, and H. Koo

Efficacy methods to evaluate health communication and marketing campaigns, W. D. Evans, J. Uhrig, K. Davis, and L. McCormack

Workweek Restrictions and Speciality-Trained Physician Assistants: Potential Opportunities, P. E. Jones and J. F. Cawley

Work Week Restrictions and Specialty-Trained Physician Assistants: Potential Opportunities, P. E. Jones and J. F. Cawley

Go Beyond the Classroom to Help Immigrant and Refugee Students Succeed, E. G. Kugler and O. Acosta Price

Integrating cell phones and mobile technologies into public health practice: a social marketing perspective, C. Lefebvre

The Forum for Collaborative HIV Research: A model for an integrated and inclusive approach to clinical research and drug development, V. Miller

Evaluation of the immediate impact of the Washington, D.C., smoke-free indoor air policy on bar employee environmental tobacco smoke exposure, J. Pearson, R. Windsor, A. El-Mohandes, and D. C. Perry

Public Response to Risk: HIV and H1N1, M. S. Ruiz

Organizational Infrastructure of American Physician Assistant Education Programs, K. Wright, J. F. Cawley, R. S. Hooker, and M. Ahuja

Submissions from 2008

The effectiveness of mass communication to change public behavior, L. C. Abroms and E. W. Maibach

Getting young adults to quit smoking: a formative evaluation of the X-Pack Program, L. C. Abroms, R. Windsor, and B. Simons-Morton

Using AOTA's critically appraised topic (cat) and critically appraised paper (cap) series to link evidence to practice., M. Arbesman, J. Scheer, and D. Lieberman

Opt-out testing for human immunodeficiency virus in the United States - Progress and challenges, J. G. Bartlett, B. M. Branson, K. Fenton, B. C. Hauschild, and V. Miller

Doctoral Degrees for Physician Assistants, J. F. Cawley

Physician Assistants and Title VII Support, J. F. Cawley

Research needs and challenges in the development of HIV diagnostic and treatment monitoring tests for use in resource-limited settings, B. Cheng, A. Landay, and V. Miller


Development of UNICEF Latin America/Caribbean (LAC) Well-Being Indicators, Mark Edberg

An intervention to improve postpartum outcomes in African-American mothers: a randomized controlled trial, A. A. El-Mohandes, M. Kiely, J. G. Joseph, S. Subramanian, and A. A. Johnson

Training and application of community-oriented primary care (COPC) through family medicine in Catalonia, Spain, J. Gofin and G. Foz