Submissions from 2012
Authors' reply, S Baird, R Garfein, C McIntosh, and B Özler
Effect of a cash transfer programme for schooling on prevalence of HIV and herpes simplex type 2 in Malawi: A cluster randomised trial, SJ Baird, RS Garfein, CT McIntosh, and B Özler
Examining the reliability of self-reported data on school participation, S Baird and B Özler
Evidence-Based Road Safety Practice in India: Assessment of the Adequacy of Publicly Available Data in Meeting Requirements for Comprehensive Road Safety Data Systems, Maxwell Barffour, Shivam Gupta, Gopalkrishna Gururaj, and Adnan A. Hyder
Reply to mamelund., Kimberly Bloom-Feshbach, Lone Simonsen, Cecile G. Viboud, Mølbak, Mark A. Miller, Magnús Gottfred́sson, and Viggo Andreasen
Reply to mamelund, K Bloom-Feshbach, L Simonsen, C Viboud, K Mølbak, and MA Miller
Molecular surveillance for drug-resistant Plasmodium falciparum in clinical and subclinical populations from three border regions of Burma/Myanmar: Cross-sectional data and a systematic review of resistance studies, Tyler Brown, Linda S. Smith, Eh Kalu Shwe Oo, Kum Shawng, Thomas J. Lee, David Sullivan, Chris Beyrer, and Adam K. Richards
Blindness and visual impairment in an urban west african population: The tema eye survey, Donald L. Budenz, Jagadeesh R. Bandi, Keith Barton, Winifred Nolan, Leon Herndon, Julia Whiteside-De Vos, Graham Hay-Smith, Hanna Kim, and James Tielsch
Social, psychological, and environmental-structural factors associated with tobacco experimentation among adolescents in Shanghai, China, Yong Cai, Lin Lu, Na Li, Jingfen Zhu, Yaping He, Pamela Redmon, Abhinav Goyal, Cheng Huang, Yun Qiao, and Jin Ma
Health workers' and managers' perceptions of the integrated community case management program for childhood illness in Malawi: The importance of expanding access to child health services, Jennifer A. Callaghan-Koru, Adnan A. Hyder, Asha George, Kate E. Gilroy, Humphreys Nsona, Angella Mtimuni, and Jennifer Bryce
A survey of Sub-Saharan African medical schools, Candice Chen, Eric Buch, Travis Wassermann, Seble Frehywot, Fitzhugh Mullan, Francis Omaswa, S. R. Greysen, Joseph C. Kolars, Delanyo Dovlo, Diaa E. El Gali Abu Bakr, Abraham Haileamlak, Abdel K. Koumare, and Emiola O. Olapade-Olaopa
Cost effectiveness of strategies to combat road traffic injuries in sub-Saharan Africa and South East Asia: mathematical modelling study., Dan Chisholm, Huseyin Naci, Adnan Ali Hyder, Nhan T. Tran, and Margie Peden
Epidemiological characteristics and underlying risk factors for mortality during the Autumn 2009 pandemic wave in Mexico, G Chowell, S Echevarría-Zuno, C Viboud, L Simonsen, and MA Miller
Recrudescent wave of pandemic A/H1N1 influenza in Mexico, winter 2011-2012: Age shift and severity, Gerardo Chowell, Santiago Echevarria-Zuno, Cecile Viboud, Lone Simonsen, Concepcion Grajales Muniz, Ramon Alberto Rascon Pacheco, Margot Gonzalez Leon, and Victor Hugo Borja Aburto
Epidemiological characteristics and underlying risk factors for mortality during the autumn 2009 pandemic wave in Mexico, Gerardo Chowell, Santiago Echevarria-Zuno, Cecile Viboud, Lone Simonsen, Mark A. Miller, Irma Fernandez-Garate, Cesar Gonzalez-Bonilla, and Víctor H. Borja Aburto
The influence of climatic conditions on the transmission dynamics of the 2009 A/H1N1 influenza pandemic in Chile, Gerardo Chowell, Sherry Towers, Cecile Viboud, Rodrigo Fuentes, Viviana Sotomayor, Lone Simonsen, Mark A. Miller, Mauricio Lima, Claudia Villarroel, Monica Chiu, Jose E. Villarroel, and Andrea Olea
The 1918–19 Influenza Pandemic in Boyacá, Colombia, Gerardo Chowell, Cecile Viboud, Lone Simonsen, Mark Miller, Rodolfo Acuna-Soto, Juan M. Ospina Diaz, and Abel Fernando Martinez-Martin
Impact of antiviral treatment and hospital admission delay on risk of death associated with 2009 A/H1N1 pandemic influenza in Mexico, Gerardo Chowell, Cecile Viboud, Lone Simonsen, Mark A. Miller, Santiago Echevarría-Zuno, Margotx González-León, and Víctor H. Borja Aburto
Impact of antiviral treatment and hospital admission delay on risk of death associated with 2009 A/H1N1 pandemic influenza in Mexico, G Chowell, C Viboud, L Simonsen, MA Miller, and S Echevarría-Zuno
Evidence for multiple micronutrient effects based on randomized controlled trials and meta-analyses in developing countries, Parul Christian and James M. Tielsch
Influenza-related mortality among adults aged 25-54 years with AIDS in South Africa and the United States of America, Cheryl Cohen, Lone Simonsen, Jeannette Sample, Jong-Won Kang, Mark Miller, Shabir A. Madhi, Michael Campsmith, and Cecile Viboud
Influenza-related mortality among adults aged 25-54 years with AIDS in South Africa and the United States of America, C Cohen, L Simonsen, J Sample, J. Kang, and SA Madhi
Pneumococcal carriage at age 2 months is associated with growth deficits at age 6 months among infants in South India, Christian L. Coles, Lakshmi Rahmathullah, Reba Kanungo, Joanne Katz, Debora Sandiford, Sheela Devi, R. D. Thulasiraj, and James M. Tielsch
A study of initial therapy for glaucoma in Southern India: India glaucoma uutcomes and treatment (INGOT) study, Nathan G. Congdon, R. Krishnadas, David S. Friedman, William Goggins, R. Ramakrishnan, M. A. Kader, Donna Gilbert, James Tielsch, and Harry A. Quigley
Unintentional injuries: Magnitude, prevention, and control, Sarah Stewart De Ramirez, Adnan A. Hyder, Hadley K. Herbert, and Kent Stevens
Computerised lung sound analysis to improve the specificity of paediatric pneumonia diagnosis in resource-poor settings: Protocol and methods for an observational study, Laura E. Ellington, Robert H. Gilman, James M. Tielsch, Mark Steinhoff, Dante Figueroa, Shalim Rodriguez, Brian Caffo, Brian Tracey, Mounya Elhilali, James West, and William Checkley
Washington State exhibits wide regional variation in proportion of Medicaid-eligible children who get needed mental health care, Wendy R. Ellis, Colleen Huebner, Ann Vander Stoep, and Michelle A. Williams
Projecting the Health and Economic Impact of Road Safety Initiatives: A Case Study of a Multi-country Project, Alexo Esperato, David Bishai, and Adnan A. Hyder
Author reply, Emily W. Gower, Lisa Keay, Sandra D. Cassard, James M. Tielsch, and Oliver D. Schein
Effectiveness of mHealth behavior change communication interventions in developing countries: a systematic review of the literature (Special Issue: Measurement and evaluation outcomes for mHealth communication), T. A. Gurman, S. E. Rubin, and A. A. Roess
Effectiveness of mHealth behavior change communication interventions in developing countries: A systematic review of the literature, TA Gurman, SE Rubin, and AA Roess
Effectiveness of mHealth behavior change communication interventions in developing countries: A systematic review of the literature, Tilly A. Gurman, Sara E. Rubin, and Amira A. Roess
Patterns of pediatric injury in South Africa: An analysis of hospital data between 1997 and 2006, Hadley K. Herbert, Arjan Bastiaan Van As, Abdulgafoor M. Bachani, Patricia Mtambeka, Kent A. Stevens, Alastair John Ward Millar, and Adnan A. Hyder
Impact of the 2009/2010 influenza A (H1N1) pandemic on trends in influenza hospitalization, diagnostic testing, and treatment., Jaime E. Hernandez, Joanne Grainger, Lone Simonsen, Phil Collis, William P. Sheridan, and Laurel Edelman
Impact of the 2009/2010 influenza A (H1N1) pandemic on trends in influenza hospitalization, diagnostic testing, and treatment, JE Hernandez, J Grainger, L Simonsen, P Collis, and L Edelman
Quantifying the Underestimated Burden of Road Traffic Mortality in Mexico: A Comparison of Three Approaches, Martha Híjar, Aruna Chandran, Ricardo Pérez-Núñez, Jeffrey C. Lunnen, Jorge Martín Rodríguez-Hernández, and Adnan A. Hyder
Relationship between retinopathy severity, visual impairment and depression in persons with long-term type 1 diabetes, Flavio E. Hirai, James M. Tielsch, Barbara E.K. Klein, and Ronald Klein
Smoking susceptibility and its predictors among adolescents in China: Evidence from Ningbo City, Cheng Huang, Jeffrey Koplan, Jing Liu, Changwei Li, Jessica Silvaggio, Amanda K. MacGurn, Tao Zhang, Michael P. Erikson, and Pam Redmon
Addressing the implementation gap in global road safety: Exploring features of an effective response and introducing a 10-country program, Adnan A. Hyder, Katharine A. Allen, Gayle Di Pietro, Claudia A. Adriazola, Rochelle Sobel, Kelly Larson, and Margie Peden
Road Safety in 10 Countries: A Global Opportunity, Adnan A. Hyder and David Bishai
Exploring the ethics of long-term research engagement with communities in low- and middle-income countries, Adnan A. Hyder, Carleigh B. Krubiner, Gerald Bloom, and Abbas Bhuiya
Home care practices for newborns in rural Southern Nepal during the first 2 weeks of life, Dominique J. Karas, Luke C. Mullany, Joanne Katz, Subarna K. Khatry, Steven C. LeClerq, Gary L. Darmstadt, and James M. Tielsch
Urban governance of disease, Rebecca Katz, Sangeeta Mookherji, Morgan Kaminski, Vibhuti Haté, and Julie E. Fischer
Author reply, Lisa Keay, Emily W. Gower, Sandra D. Cassard, James M. Tielsch, and Oliver D. Schein
Postcataract surgery endophthalmitis in the United States: Analysis of the complete 2003 to 2004 medicare database of cataract surgeries, Lisa Keay, Emily W. Gower, Sandra D. Cassard, James M. Tielsch, and Oliver D. Schein
Mortality Burden of the 2009 A/H1N1 Influenza Pandemic in France: Comparison to Seasonal Influenza and the A/H3N2 Pandemic, M Lemaitre, F Carrat, G Rey, M Miller, and L Simonsen
Mortality burden of the 2009 A/H1N1 influenza pandemic in France: Comparison to seasonal influenza and the A/H3N2 pandemic, Magali Lematire, Fabrice Carrat, Gregoire Rey, Mark A. Miller, Lone Simonsen, and Cecile Viboud
Evolution, safety, and highly pathogenic influenza viruses., Marc Lipsitch, Joshua B. Plotkin, Lone Simonsen, and Barry Bloom
Evolution, safety, and highly pathogenic influenza viruses, M Lipsitch, JB Plotkin, L Simonsen, and B Bloom
Seat Belt and Child Seat Use in Lipetskaya Oblast, Russia: Frequencies, Attitudes, and Perceptions, Sai Ma, Nhan Tran, Vladimir E. Klyavin, Francesco Zambon, Kristin W. Hatcher, and Adnan A. Hyder
Alkhurma viral hemorrhagic fever virus: Proposed guidelines for detection, prevention, and control in saudi arabia, Ziad A. Memish, Shamsudeen F. Fagbo, Abdullah M. Assiri, Pierre Rollin, Ali M. Zaki, Remi Charrel, Chris Mores, and Adam MacNeil
Aberrant Sporogonic Development of Dmc1 (a Meiotic Recombinase) Deficient Plasmodium berghei Parasites, Godfree Mlambo, Isabelle Coppens, and Nirbhay Kumar
The Medical Education Partnership Initiative: PEPFAR'S effort to boost health worker education to strengthen health systems, Fitzhugh Mullan, Seble Frehywot, Francis Omaswa, Nelson Sewankambo, Zohray Talib, Candice Chen, James Kiarie, and Elsie Kiguli-Malwadde
Preschool micronutrient supplementation effects on intellectual and motor function in school-aged nepalese children, Laura E. Murray-Kolb, Subarna K. Khatry, Joanne Katz, Barbara A. Schaefer, Pamela M. Cole, Steven C. Le Clerq, Mary E. Morgan, James M. Tielsch, and Parul Christian
The validity of self-reported seatbelt use in a country where levels of use are low, Türker Özkan, Prasanthi Puvanachandra, Timo Lajunen, Connie Hoe, and Adnan Hyder
Two years into the road safety in 10 countries project: How are countries doing?, Margie M. Peden, Gayle Dipietro, and Adnan A. Hyder
Modelling seasonal variations in the age and incidence of Kawasaki disease to explore possible infectious aetiologies, VE Pitzer, D Burgner, C Viboud, L Simonsen, and V Andreasen
Modelling seasonal variations in the age and incidence of Kawasaki disease to explore possible infectious aetiologies., Virginia E. Pitzer, David Burgner, Cecile Viboud, Lone Simonsen, Viggo Andreasen, Claudia A. Steiner, and Marc Lipsitch
Road Traffic Injuries and Data Systems in Egypt: Addressing the Challenges, P. Puvanachandra, C. Hoe, H. F. El-Sayed, R. Saad, N. Al-Gasseer, M. Bakr, and A. A. Hyder
A game of Chinese whispers in Malaysia: Contextual analysis of child road safety education, Prasanthi Puvanachandra, Subramaniam Kulanthayan, and Adnan A. Hyder
The prevalence of ocular structural disorders and nystagmus among preschool-aged children, Michael X. Repka, David S. Friedman, Joanne Katz, Josephine Ibironke, Lydia Giordano, and James M. Tielsch
The response of academic medical centers to the 2010 Haiti earthquake: The Mount Sinai School of Medicine experience, Jonathan A. Ripp, Jacqueline Bork, Holly Koncicki, and Ramin Asgary
National surveillance for human and pet contact with oral rabies vaccine baits, 2001-2009, AA Roess, N Rea, E Lederman, V Dato, and R Chipman
The use of mobile communication technologies to improve the health of individuals and populations has great potential. Introduction., AA Roess and NK Sikka
National surveillance for human and pet contact with oral rabies vaccine baits, 2001-2009, Amira A. Roess, Nancy Rea, Edith Lederman, Virginia Dato, Richard Chipman, Dennis Slate, Mary G. Reynolds, Inger K. Damon, and Charles E. Rupprecht
The use of mobile communication technologies to improve the health of individuals and populations has great potential., Amira A. Roess and Neal K. Sikka
Disconnect between discourse and behavior regarding concurrent sexual partnerships and condom use: findings from a qualitative study among youth in Malawi, Stacy L. Romero, Amy A. Ellis, and Tilly A. Gurman
Cataract surgery among medicare beneficiaries, Oliver D. Schein, Sandra D. Cassard, James M. Tielsch, and Emily W. Gower
Were equatorial regions less affected by the 2009 influenza pandemic? The Brazilian experience, C Schuck-Paim, C Viboud, L Simonsen, MA Miller, and FEA Moura
Were equatorial regions less affected by the 2009 influenza pandemic? The Brazilian experience, Cynthia Schuck-Paim, Cecile Viboud, Lone Simonsen, Mark A. Miller, Fernanda E.A. Moura, Roberto M. Fernandes, Marcia L. Carvalho, and Wladimir J. Alonso
Measurement and evaluation outcomes for mhealth communication: Don't we have an app for that?, James M. Sherry and Scott C. Ratzan
The art of modeling the mortality impact of winter-seasonal pathogens., Lone Simonsen and Cecile G. Viboud
The art of modeling the mortality impact of winter-seasonal pathogens, L Simonsen and C Viboud
Global Health 101, 2nd ed., Richard Skolnik
Beneficial effects of zinc supplementation on head circumference of Nepalese infants and toddlers: A randomized controlled trial, P. J. Surkan, M. Shankar, J. Katz, E. H. Siegel, S. C. Leclerq, S. K. Khatry, R. J. Stoltzfus, and J. M. Tielsch
Drinking and Driving in Vietnam: Public Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices, Nhan T. Tran, Abdulgafoor M. Bachani, V. Cuong Pham, Jeffrey C. Lunnen, Youngji Jo, Jonathon Passmore, Phuong N. Nguyen, and Adnan A. Hyder
Global mortality of 2009 pandemic influenza A H1N1, C Viboud and L Simonsen
Pregnancy-related mortality in southern Nepal between 2001 and 2006: Independent estimates from a prospective, population-based cohort and a direct sisterhood survey (American Journal of Epidemiology (2010) 172:7 (855-860)), David W. Wee, Luke C. Mullany, Joanne Katz, Subarna K. Khatry, Steven C. LeClerq, and James M. Tielsch
Impact of the 2009 influenza pandemic on pneumococcal pneumonia hospitalizations in the United States, Daniel M. Weinberger, Lone Simonsen, Richard Jordan, Claudia Steiner, Mark Miller, and Cecile Viboud
Impact of the 2009 influenza pandemic on pneumococcal pneumonia hospitalizations in the United States, DM Weinberger, L Simonsen, R Jordan, C Steiner, and M Miller
Environmental drivers of Ross River virus in south-east Tasmania, Australia: Towards strengthening public health interventions, Angela Werner, Sarah Goater, Scott Carver, Greg Robertson, and Philip Weinstein
The association of preterm birth and small birthweight for gestational age on childhood disability screening using the Ten Questions Plus tool in rural Sarlahi district, southern Nepal, L. A. Wu, J. Katz, L. C. Mullany, S. K. Khatry, G. L. Darmstadt, S. C. Leclerq, and J. M. Tielsch
Evaluation of three short dietary instruments to assess fruit and vegetable intake: the National Cancer Institute's food attitudes and behaviors survey, Amy L. Yaroch, Janet Tooze, Frances Thompson, Heidi M. Blanck, Olivia M. Thompson, Uriyoan Colón-Ramos, Abdul R. Shaikh, Susanne McNutt, and Linda C. Nebeling
Global prevalence and major risk factors of diabetic retinopathy, Joanne W.Y. Yau, Sophie L. Rogers, Rho Kawasaki, Ecosse L. Lamoureux, Jonathan W. Kowalski, Toke Bek, Shih Jen Chen, Jacqueline M. Dekker, Astrid Fletcher, Jakob Grauslund, Steven Haffner, Richard F. Hamman, M. Kamran Ikram, Takamasa Kayama, Barbara E.K. Klein, Ronald Klein, Sannapaneni Krishnaiah, and Korapat Mayurasakorn
Understanding unintentional childhood home injuries: Pilot surveillance data from Karachi, Pakistan, Nukhba Zia, Uzma R. Khan, Junaid A. Razzak, Prasanthi Puvanachandra, and Adnan A. Hyder
Submissions from 2011
What factors are associated with recent intimate partner violence? findings from the WHO Multi-country Study on women's Health and Domestic Violence, Tanya Abramsky, Charlotte H. Watts, Claudia Garcia-Moreno, Karen Devries, Ligia Kiss, Mary Ellsberg, Henrica A.F.M. Jansen, and Lori Heise
The perils of using annual all-cause mortality data to estimate pandemic influenza burden, V Andreasen and L Simonsen
Communicable and non-communicable diseases among recent immigrants with implications for primary care; A comprehensive immigrant health approach, Ramin Asgary, Ramesh Naderi, Kristin A. Swedish, Clyde L. Smith, Blanca Sckell, and Sara Doorley
Barriers to health care access among refugee asylum seekers, Ramin Asgary and Nora Segar
Burden of fall injuries in Pakistan - analysis of the national injury survey of Pakistan, A. M. Bachani, A. Ghaffar, and A. A. Hyder
Aggregate income shocks and infant mortality in the developing world, Sarah Baird, Jed Friedman, and Norbert Schady
Cash or condition? Evidence from a cash transfer experiment, Sarah Baird, Craig McIntosh, and Berk Özler
Natality decline and miscarriages associated with the 1918 influenza pandemic: The scandinavian and United States experiences, K Bloom-Feshbach, L Simonsen, C Viboud, K Mølbak, and MA Miller
Risk factors for hyperopia and myopia in preschool children: The multi-ethnic pediatric eye disease and baltimore pediatric eye disease studies, Mark S. Borchert, Rohit Varma, Susan A. Cotter, Kristina Tarczy-Hornoch, Roberta McKean-Cowdin, Jesse H. Lin, Ge Wen, Stanley P. Azen, Mina Torres, James M. Tielsch, David S. Friedman, Michael X. Repka, Joanne Katz, Josephine Ibironke, and Lydia Giordano
Childhood drowning and traditional rescue measures: Case study from Matlab, Bangladesh, Nagesh N. Borse, A. A. Hyder, P. K. Streatfield, S. E. Arifeen, and D. Bishai
Potential Risk Estimation Drowning Index for Children (PREDIC): A pilot study from Matlab, Bangladesh, N. N. Borse, A. A. Hyder, D. Bishai, T. Baker, and S. E. Arifeen
Best practice guidelines on surgical response in disasters and humanitarian emergencies: Report of the 2011 humanitarian action summit working group on surgical issues within the humanitarian space, Smita Chackungal, Jason W. Nickerson, Lisa M. Knowlton, Lynn Black, Frederick M. Burkle, Kathleen Casey, David Crandell, Didier Demey, Lillian Di Giacomo, Lena Dohlman, Joshua Goldstein, James E. Gosney, Keita Ikeda, Allison Linden, Catherine M. Mullaly, Colleen O'Connell, Anthony D. Redmond, and Adam Richards
A proteogenomic analysis of Anopheles gambiae using high-resolution Fourier transform mass spectrometry, Raghothama Chaerkady, Dhanashree S. Kelkar, Babylakshmi Muthusamy, Kumaran Kandasamy, Sutopa B. Dwivedi, Nandini A. Sahasrabuddhe, Min Sik Kim, Santosh Renuse, Sneha M. Pinto, Rakesh Sharma, Harsh Pawar, Nirujogi Raja Sekhar, Ajeet Kumar Mohanty, Derese Getnet, Yi Yang, Jun Zhong, Aditya P. Dash, and Robert M. MacCallum
Commentary: Prevention of violence against children: A framework for progress in low- and middle-income countries, Aruna Chandran, Prasanthi Puvanachandra, and Adnan A. Hyder