
Submissions from 2022


Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy: Common Clinical Conundrums, Onyinye Ohamadike, Stephanie L. Lim, Anne Siegel, Gregory Zemtsov, Jeffrey A. Kuller, and Sarah Dotters-Katz


An educational video's impact on the induction of labor experience: a randomized controlled trial, Sara Rahman, Shawn Kripalani, Emma Keegan, Andrew Sparks, Richard Amdur, Gaby Moawad, Sheetal Sheth, and Jordan Klebanoff


Transabdominal lidocaine to induce fetal demise: a cohort study, Matthew F. Reeves, Caroline N. Goldfarb, Stacey Leigh Rubin, Jessica L. Kuperstock, Leah DiBianco, and Andrea Picciotto


Relationships between pelvic nerves and levator ani muscle for posterior sacrocolpopexy: an anatomic study, Grégoire Rocher, Henri Azaïs, Amélia Favier, Catherine Uzan, Mathieu Castela, Gaby Moawad, Vincent Lavoué, Xavier Morandi, Krystel Nyangoh Timoh, and Geoffroy Canlorbe


Relationships between pelvic nerves and levator ani muscle for posterior sacrocolpopexy: an anatomic study, Grégoire Rocher, Henri Azaïs, Amélia Favier, Catherine Uzan, Mathieu Castela, Gaby Moawad, Vincent Lavoué, Xavier Morandi, Krystel Nyangoh Timoh, and Geoffroy Canlorbe


The Disparities in ART (DART) Hypothesis of Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Access and Outcomes of IVF Treatment in the USA, David B. Seifer, Fady I. Sharara, and Tarun Jain


Alternative routes to intravenous tranexamic acid for postpartum hemorrhage: A systematic search and narrative review, Haleema Shakur-Still, Stanislas Grassin-Delyle, Kopalasuntharam Muhunthan, Homa K. Ahmadzia, David Faraoni, Monica Arribas, and Ian Roberts


On no! Where did my "big O" go? Or could severe menopausal symptoms have stolen my orgasm?, James A. Simon


Assessing the Burden of Illness Associated with Acquired Generalized Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder, James A. Simon, Amod Athavale, Rahul Ravindranath, Nandini Hadker, Amama Sadiq, Michelle Lim-Watson, Laura Williams, and Julie Krop


Assessing the Burden of Illness Associated with Acquired Generalized Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder, James A. Simon, Amod Athavale, Rahul Ravindranath, Nandini Hadker, Amama Sadiq, Michelle Lim-Watson, Laura Williams, and Julie Krop


Effects of Flibanserin on Subdomain Scores of the Female Sexual Function Index in Women With Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder, James A. Simon, Anita H. Clayton, Irwin Goldstein, Sheryl A. Kingsberg, Marla Shapiro, Sejal Patel, and Noel N. Kim


Response to Commentary by Spielmans, James A. Simon, Anita H. Clayton, Irwin Goldstein, Sheryl A. Kingsberg, Marla Shapiro, Sejal Patel, and Noel N. Kim


Clinically Meaningful Benefit in Women with Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder Treated with Flibanserin, James A. Simon, Anita H. Clayton, Noel N. Kim, and Sejal Patel


Clinically Meaningful Benefit in Women with Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder Treated with Flibanserin, James A. Simon, Anita H. Clayton, Noel N. Kim, and Sejal Patel


Prespecified and Integrated Subgroup Analyses from the RECONNECT Phase 3 Studies of Bremelanotide, James A. Simon, Sheryl A. Kingsberg, David Portman, Robert Jordan, Johna Lucas, Amama Sadiq, Julie Krop, and Anita H. Clayton


A proposed classification for intrauterine device position:the Tal-Reeves classification, Michael G. Tal, Matthew F. Reeves, Mark J. Hathaway, Juan M. Canela, and Bob Katz


Trends and Perioperative Outcomes across Elective Benign Hysterectomy Procedures from the ACS-NSQIP 2007-2017, Paul Tyan, Nadim Hawa, Erin Carey, Princess Urbina, Frank R. Chen, Andrew Sparks, Richard Amdur, and Gaby Moawad


Diagnostic Utility of Endocervical Curettage During Colposcopy Among Patients of Varying Risk Factors, Stephanie M. Wang, Catherine Hoeppner, Jamil Kazma, Emma Keegan, Logan Werner, and Nicole P. Chappell


Effect of implementation of a colorimetric quantitative blood loss system for postpartum hemorrhage, Maryalice Wolfe, Jamil M. Kazma, Ann B. Burke, and Homa K. Ahmadzia


Clinical and Patient Reported Outcomes of Pre- and Postsurgical Treatment of Symptomatic Uterine Leiomyomas: A 12-Month Follow-up Review of TRUST, a Surgical Randomized Clinical Trial Comparing Laparoscopic Radiofrequency Ablation and Myomectomy, Steve Yu, Bala Bhagavath, S Abbas Shobeiri, David Eisenstein, and Barbara Levy

Submissions from 2021


Robotic Hysterectomy for Benign Indications: What Have We Learned from a Decade?, Marie Carbonnel, Gaby N. Moawad, Mia Maria Tarazi, Aurelie Revaux, Titouan Kennel, Angéline Favre-Inhofer, and Jean Marc Ayoubi


Age and Perioperative Outcomes After Implementation of an Enhanced Recovery After Surgery Pathway in Women Undergoing Major Prolapse Repair Surgery, Charelle M. Carter-Brooks, Anna L. Romanova, Joseph S. DeRenzo, Jonathan P. Shepherd, and Halina M. Zyczynski


Obstetric hemorrhage risk assessment tool predicts composite maternal morbidity., Emer L Colalillo, Andrew D. Sparks, Jaclyn M Phillips, Chinelo L. Onyilofor, and Homa K. Ahmadzia


Use of postpartum contraception during coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19): A retrospective cohort study., Kirsten J H Das, Megan Fuerst, Ciara Brown, and Jennifer Lesko


Extending the window for thrombolysis for treatment of acute ischaemic stroke during pregnancy: a review, E. Dinehart, C. Leon Guerrero, A. Pham, S. Chandra, S. M. Petersen, S. Bathgate, and H. Ahmadzia


Resident and program director confidence in resident preparedness for operative vaginal deliveries in Obstetrics and Gynecology Training Programs in the United States., Georgios Doulaveris, Karen E. George, Gregory M Gressel, and Erika Banks


Well-being in trainee and faculty physicians., Gary N Frishman, Christina A Raker, and David Frankfurter


Risks associated with cesarean delivery during prolonged second stage of labor., Alexis C Gimovsky, Amelie Pham, Homa K. Ahmadzia, Andrew D. Sparks, and Scott M. Petersen


Lymphadenectomy in endometrial cancer - achieving more with less?, Georgios Gitas, Damaris Freytag, Leila Allahqoli, Sascha Baum, Achim Rody, Nicolai Maass, Konstantinos Dinas, Antonio Simone Laganà, Gaby Moawad, Alexandros Sotiriadis, and Ibrahim Alkatout


2008 financial crisis versus 2020 economic fallout: how COVID-19 might influence fertility treatment and live births., Piotr S Gromski, Andrew D A C Smith, Deborah A Lawlor, Fady I. Sharara, and Scott M Nelson


WHO next-generation partograph: revolutionary steps towards individualised labour care., G J Hofmeyr, S Bernitz, M Bonet, M Bucagu, B Dao, S Downe, H Galadanci, Cse Homer, V Hundley, T Lavender, Barbara Levy, D Lissauer, P Lumbiganon, F E McConville, R Pattinson, Z Qureshi, J P Souza, M E Stanton, P Ten Hoope-Bender, V Vannevel, J P Vogel, and O T Oladapo


The road to validating preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidy; are we there yet?, K. C. Humm and D. Frankfurter


Failure of a Meta-analysis: A Commentary on Glen Spielmans's "Re-Analyzing Phase III Bremelanotide Trials for 'Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder in Women'"., Sheryl A Kingsberg, Anita H Clayton, David Portman, Julie Krop, Robert Jordan, Johna Lucas, and James A. Simon


Patterns of voiding following laparoscopic hysterectomy., Jordan S Klebanoff, Whitney A Barnes, Jamil Kazma, Caitlin F Ingraham, Marissa G. Mangini, Moena I. Nishikawa, Naomi M. Goldstein, Paul Tyan, and Gaby N. Moawad


The Masquerading, Masculinizing Tumor: A Case Report and Review of the Literature., Alexis LeVee, Nissi Suppogu, Christine Walsh, Wendy Sacks, James Simon, and Chrisandra Shufelt


Population pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of Tranexamic acid in women undergoing caesarean delivery., Shuhui Li, Homa K. Ahmadzia, Dong Guo, Elyes Dahmane, Adam Miszta, Naomi L.C. Luban, Jeffrey S. Berger, Andra H James, Alisa S Wolberg, John N. van den Anker, and Jogarao V S Gobburu


Segesterone acetate serum levels with a regression model of continuous use of the segesterone acetate/ethinyl estradiol contraceptive vaginal system., James H Liu, Marlena Plagianos, David F Archer, James A. Simon, Andrew M Kaunitz, Shelli Graham, Brian Bernick, and Sebastian Mirkin


Application of a plasmin generation assay to define pharmacodynamic effects of tranexamic acid in women undergoing cesarean delivery, Adam Miszta, Homa K. Ahmadzia, Naomi L.C. Luban, Shuhui Li, Dong Guo, Lori A. Holle, Jeffrey S. Berger, Andra H. James, Jogarao V.S. Gobburu, John van den Anker, Bas de Laat, and Alisa S. Wolberg


Promoting Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the Selection of Obstetrician-Gynecologists., Helen Kang Morgan, Abigail Ford Winkel, Erika Banks, Jessica L Bienstock, John L Dalrymple, David A Forstein, Karen E. George, Nadine T Katz, William McDade, Christle Nwora, and Maya M Hammoud


International Society for the Study of Women's Sexual Health Clinical Practice Guideline for the Use of Systemic Testosterone for Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder in Women., Sharon J Parish, James A. Simon, Susan R Davis, Annamaria Giraldi, Irwin Goldstein, Sue W Goldstein, Noel N Kim, Sheryl A Kingsberg, Abraham Morgentaler, Rossella E Nappi, Kwangsung Park, Cynthia A Stuenkel, Abdulmaged M Traish, and Linda Vignozzi


Standardization of lower extremity quantitative lymphedema measurements and associated patient-reported outcomes in gynecologic cancers, Sandra Russo, Joan L. Walker, Jay W. Carlson, Jeanne Carter, Leigh C. Ward, Allan Covens, Edward J. Tanner, Jane M. Armer, Sheila Ridner, Sandi Hayes, Alphonse G. Taghian, Cheryl Brunelle, Micael Lopez-Acevedo, Brittany A. Davidson, Mark V. Schaverien, Sharad A. Ghamande, Michael Bernas, Andrea L. Cheville, Kathleen J. Yost, Kathryn Schmitz, Barbara Coyle, Jeannette Zucker, Danielle Enserro, Stephanie Pugh, Electra D. Paskett, Leslie Ford, and Worta McCaskill-Stevens


A narrative review of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) in reproductive medicine., Fady I. Sharara, Latashia-Lika Lelea, Sara Rahman, Jordan S Klebanoff, and Gaby N. Moawad


Detection of 69,XXX karyotype in circulating trophoblasts using fluorescence in-situ hybridization after enrichment using novel high-throughput microfluidic platform., J Sonek, R Muller, R Pfau, and Philip Buchanan


Black Women's Psychosocial Experiences with Seeking Surgical Treatment for Uterine Fibroids: Implications for Clinical Practice, Brianna N. VanNoy, Lisa Bowleg, Cherie Marfori, Gaby Moawad, and Ami R. Zota


Feasibility of QSM in the human placenta, Zungho Zun, Kushal Kapse, Jessica Quistorff, Nickie Andescavage, Alexis C. Gimovsky, Homa Ahmadzia, and Catherine Limperopoulos

Submissions from 2020


A national update on rates of postpartum haemorrhage and related interventions., Homa K. Ahmadzia, Chad A Grotegut, and Andra H James


National trends in tranexamic acid use in the peripartum period, 2015–2019, Homa K. Ahmadzia, Elaine B. Hynds, Richard L. Amdur, Alexis C. Gimovsky, Andra H. James, and Naomi L.C. Luban


Optimal use of intravenous tranexamic acid for hemorrhage prevention in pregnant women, Homa K. Ahmadzia, Naomi L.C. Luban, Shuhui Li, Dong Guo, Adam Miszta, Jogarao V.S. Gobburu, Jeffrey S. Berger, Andra H. James, Alisa S. Wolberg, and John van den Anker


Systematic Review of Viscoelastic Testing (TEG/ROTEM) in Obstetrics and Recommendations from the Women's SSC of the ISTH., Ariunzaya Amgalan, Terrence Allen, Maha Othman, and Homa K. Ahmadzia


Exploring in vivo placental microstructure in healthy and growth-restricted pregnancies through diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging, Nickie Andescavage, Wonsang You, Marni Jacobs, Kushal Kapse, Jessica Quistorff, Dorothy Bulas, Homa Ahmadzia, Alexis Gimovsky, Ahmet Baschat, and Catherine Limperopoulos


Blood type association with bleeding outcomes at delivery in a large multi-center study, Najeebah A. Bade, Jamil M. Kazma, Richard L. Amdur, Julia Ellis-Kahana, and Homa K. Ahmadzia


A Novel, Web-Based Quality Improvement Platform to Address ACGME CLER Requirements, Jeffrey S. Berger, Geoffrey Ho, Courtney Paul, Anne Cioletti, and Kathryn Marko


Associations Between Comorbidities and Severe Maternal Morbidity., Clare C Brown, Caroline E Adams, Karen E. George, and Jennifer E Moore


Telehealth in Maternity Care, Haywood L Brown and Nathaniel DeNicola


No increase in incidence or risk of recurrence of breast cancer in ospemifene-treated patients with vulvovaginal atrophy (VVA), B Cai, James Simon, P Villa, N Biglia, N Panay, S Djumaeva, M Particco, H Kanakamedala, and C Altomare


Risk assessment of endometrial cancer and endometrial intraepithelial neoplasia in women with abnormal bleeding and implications for clinical management algorithms, Megan A. Clarke, Beverly J. Long, Mark E. Sherman, Maureen A. Lemens, Karl C. Podratz, Matthew R. Hopkins, Lisa J. Ahlberg, Lois J. Mc Guire, Shannon K. Laughlin-Tommaso, Jamie N. Bakkum-Gamez, and Nicolas Wentzensen


Toward a risk-based approach to evaluate and manage abnormal uterine bleeding., Megan A Clarke, Beverly J. Long, and Nicolas Wentzensen

Provider knowledge, comfort with, and training on genetics screening and diagnostic testing assessing educational needs, Arlin Delgado, Jay Schulkin, S. Raina Kaji, and Charles J. Macri


Integrating Adverse Event Reporting Into a Free-Text Mobile Application Used in Daily Workflow Increases Adverse Event Reporting by Physicians, Joseph Delio, Jillian S. Catalanotti, Kathryn Marko, Courtney Paul, Myles Taffel, Geoffrey Ho, and Jeffrey Berger


Telehealth Interventions to Improve Obstetric and Gynecologic Health Outcomes: A Systematic Review., Nathaniel DeNicola, Daniel Grossman, Kathryn Marko, Sarita Sonalkar, Yvonne S Butler Tobah, Nihar Ganju, Catherine T Witkop, Jillian T Henderson, Jessica L Butler, and Curtis Lowery


Connected Health and Mobile Apps in Obstetrics and Gynecology, Nathaniel DeNicola and Kathryn Marko


Developing a model for predicting venous thromboembolism in obese pregnant women in a national study, Julia Ellis-Kahana, Andrew D. Sparks, Alexis C. Gimovsky, Andra H. James, and Homa K. Ahmadzia


"Systematic review of viscoelastic testing (TEG/ROTEM) in obstetrics and recommendation from the women's SSC of the ISTH": Response to comment from Kitchen et al., Emmanuel J Favaloro, Ariunzaya Amgalan, Terrence Allen, Maha Othman, and Homa K. Ahmadzia


Anatomical and physiological alterations of pregnancy, Jamil M. Kazma, John van den Anker, Karel Allegaert, André Dallmann, and Homa K. Ahmadzia


Invasive vulvar extramammary Paget's disease in the United States., Toni P. Kilts, Beverly Long, Amy E. Glasgow, Jamie N. Bakkum-Gamez, Elizabeth B. Habermann, and William A. Cliby


Female Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder: A Practical Guide to Causes, Clinical Diagnosis, and Treatment., Sheryl A Kingsberg and James A. Simon


Ob/Gyn resident self-perceived preparedness for minimally invasive surgery, Jordan S. Klebanoff, Cherie Q. Marfori, Maria V. Vargas, Richard L. Amdur, Catherine Z. Wu, and Gaby N. Moawad


Vulvar Lichen Sclerosus: Current Perspectives., Jill M. Krapf, Leia Mitchell, Michelle A. Holton, and Andrew T. Goldstein


Ultrasound detection of endometrial cancer in women with postmenopausal bleeding: Systematic review and meta-analysis, Beverly Long, Megan A. Clarke, Arena Del Mar Morillo, Nicolas Wentzensen, and Jamie N. Bakkum-Gamez


In Reply., Vanessa A. Lukas and James A. Simon


Reliability and Validity of 2 Surgical Prioritization Systems for Reinstating Nonemergent Benign Gynecologic Surgery during the COVID-19 Pandemic, Cherie Q. Marfori, Jordan S. Klebanoff, Catherine Z. Wu, Whitney A. Barnes, Charelle M. Carter-Brooks, and Richard L. Amdur


Reliability and Validity of Two Surgical Prioritization Systems for Reinstating Non-Emergent Benign Gynecologic Surgery During the COVID-19 Pandemic., Cherie Q. Marfori, Jordan S. Klebanoff, Catherine Z. Wu, Whitney A. Barnes, Charelle M. Carter-Brooks, and Richard L. Amdur


Addison's disease in pregnancy: Case report, management, and review of the literature., Samantha L Margulies, K Corrigan, Susanne Bathgate, and Charles Macri


The Association Between Race, Obesity, and Sperm Quality Among Men Attending a University Physician Practice in Washington, DC, Nathan L. McCray, Heather A. Young, Michael S. Irwig, David Frankfurter, Arnold M. Schwartz, Jeannine Witmyer, and Marijane Hynes


Augmented Realities, Artificial Intelligence, and Machine Learning: Clinical Implications and How Technology Is Shaping the Future of Medicine., Gaby N. Moawad, Jad Elkhalil, Jordan S Klebanoff, Sara Rahman, Nassir Habib, and Ibrahim Alkatout


Robotic surgery during the COVID pandemic: why now and why for the future., Gaby N. Moawad, Sara Rahman, Martin A Martino, and Jordan S. Klebanoff


Combining DNMT and HDAC6 inhibitors increases anti-tumor immune signaling and decreases tumor burden in ovarian cancer, Sara Moufarrij, Aneil Srivastava, Stephanie Gomez, Melissa Hadley, Erica Palmer, Paul Tran Austin, Sarah Chisholm, Kyle Roche, Angela Yu, Jing Li, Wenge Zhu, Micael Lopez-Acevedo, Alejandro Villagra, and Katherine B. Chiappinelli


Efficacy, Safety, and Tolerability of a Levonorgestrel/Ethinyl Estradiol Transdermal Delivery System: Phase 3 Clinical Trial Results., Anita L Nelson, Andrew M Kaunitz, Robin Kroll, James A. Simon, Alfred N Poindexter, Paula M Castaño, Ronald T Ackerman, Lisa Flood, Joseph A Chiodo, and Elizabeth I O Garner


Intraoperative Tranexamic Acid to Decrease Blood Loss during Myomectomy: A Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial, Jessica Opoku-Anane, Maria V. Vargas, Cherie Q. Marfori, Gaby Moawad, Marloes S. Maasen, and James K. Robinson


Intraoperative tranexamic acid to decrease blood loss during myomectomy: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial., Jessica Opoku-Anane, Maria V. Vargas, Cherie Q. Marfori, Gaby Moawad, Marloes S. Maasen, and James K Robinson


Bioinformatic identification of euploid and aneuploid embryo secretome signatures in IVF culture media based on MALDI-ToF mass spectrometry., Ricardo J Pais, Fady Sharara, Raminta Zmuidinaite, Stephen Butler, Sholeh Keshavarz, and Ray Iles


Current Management of Gynecologic Trauma., Lisbi Rivas, Tammy Ju, Madelyn Hernandez, Andrew Sparks, Kyra Folkert, Vincent Butano, Gaby N. Moawad, Jordan S. Klebanoff, Babak Sarani, and Stephen Gondek


30-Day unanticipated healthcare encounters after prolapse surgery: impact of same day discharge, Anna L. Romanova, Charelle Carter-Brooks, Kristine M. Ruppert, and Halina M. Zyczynski


Fetal acute cerebral vasoreactivity to maternal hyperoxia in low-risk pregnancies: a cross-sectional study, Laura Sanapo, Tareq Al-Shargabi, Homa K. Ahmadzia, David N. Schidlow, Mary T. Donofrio, Laura Hitchings, Alfred Khoury, G. Larry Maxwell, Robin Baker, Dorothy I. Bulas, Luis M. Gomez, and Adre J. du Plessis


The association of maternal hypertensive disorders with neonatal congenital heart disease: analysis of a United States cohort, Laura Sanapo, Mary T. Donofrio, Homa K. Ahmadzia, Alexis C. Gimovsky, and Mohamed A. Mohamed


Multidisciplinary management of the pregnant patient in haemorrhagic shock secondary to an undiagnosed ruptured liver adenoma., Brittany Sanford, Catherine Hoeppner, Tammy Ju, Brian K. Theisen, Anna BuAbbud, and Jordan M. Estroff


Elagolix Treatment for Up to 12 Months in Women With Heavy Menstrual Bleeding and Uterine Leiomyomas., James A. Simon, Ayman Al-Hendy, David F Archer, Kurt T Barnhart, Linda D Bradley, Bruce R Carr, Thomas Dayspring, Eve C Feinberg, Veronica Gillispie, Sandra Hurtado, JinHee Kim, Ran Liu, Charlotte D Owens, Ozgul Muneyyirci-Delale, Alice Wang, Nelson B Watts, and William D Schlaff


Physical characteristics and properties of estradiol softgel vaginal inserts., James A. Simon, James H. Pickar, Annette M. Shadiack, Bharat Warrier, Shelli Graham, Brian Bernick, and Sebastian Mirkin


Trends in guideline-adherent fertility-sparing surgery for early-stage cervical cancer before and after the Affordable Care Act, Tarangi Sutaria, Andrew D. Sparks, Yuan James Rao, Micael Lopez-Acevedo, and Beverly Long


Trends in guideline-adherent fertility-sparing surgery for early-stage cervical cancer before and after the Affordable Care Act, Tarangi Sutaria, Andrew D. Sparks, Yuan James Rao, Micael Lopez-Acevedo, and Beverly Long


Safety and feasibility of the three-port robot-assisted hysterectomy across uterine weights., Paul Tyan, Jordan S. Klebanoff, Michael Frangieh, Alexandra North, Savannah Smith, Richard Amdur, Jamil Kazma, and Gaby N. Moawad


Phthalate Exposures and MicroRNA Expression in Uterine Fibroids: The FORGE Study, Ami R. Zota, Ruth J. Geller, Brianna N. VanNoy, Cherie Q. Marfori, Sana Tabbara, Lisa Y. Hu, Andrea A. Baccarelli, and Gaby N. Moawad

Submissions from 2019


Outcomes of women age 40 or more undergoing repeat cesarean or trial of labor after cesarean, Homa Ahmadzia, Kathryn Denny, Susanne Bathgate, Charles Macri, Scott C Quinlan, and Alexis C Gimovsky


Impact of human immunodeficiency virus, malaria, and tuberculosis on adverse pregnancy outcomes in the United States., Homa K. Ahmadzia, Najma Khorrami, Jené A. Carter, Juliana Stone, and Richard L. Amdur


Can we improve the gestation-adjusted projection (GAP) method for prediction of birth weight in morbidly obese women?, Homa K. Ahmadzia, Laura Sanapo, Samantha M. Thomas, Chad A. Grotegut, and Brita K. Boyd

Use of preimplantation genetic diagnosis to stop transmission of cardiac rhythm disorder in one family a case report, Addison Alley, Charles Macri, and David Frankfurter


Perceptions, Relationship, and Management of Morbidly Obese Patients and the Role of Robotic Surgery., Henri Azaïs, Gaby Moawad, Catherine Uzan, Geoffroy Canlorbe, and Jérémie Belghiti


Long-term denosumab treatment restores cortical bone loss and reduces fracture risk at the forearm and humerus: analyses from the FREEDOM Extension cross-over group., J P Bilezikian, C J F Lin, J P Brown, A T Wang, X Yin, P R Ebeling, A Fahrleitner-Pammer, E Franek, N Gilchrist, P D Miller, James A. Simon, I Valter, C A F Zerbini, C Libanati, and A Chines


Descriptors of Vulvodynia: A Multisocietal Definition Consensus (International Society for the Study of Vulvovaginal Disease, the International Society for the Study of Women Sexual Health, and the International Pelvic Pain Society)., Jacob Bornstein, Mario Preti, James A Simon, Sawsan As-Sanie, Colleen K Stockdale, Amy Stein, Sharon J Parish, Gianluigi Radici, Pedro Vieira-Baptista, Caroline Pukall, Micheline Moyal-Barracco, and Andrew Goldstein


Restoring Genital Hiatus to Normative Values after Apical Suspension Alone Versus with Level 3 Support Procedures, Charelle M. Carter-Brooks, Jerry L. Lowder, Angela L. Du, Erin S. Lavelle, Lauren E. Giugale, and Jonathan P. Shepherd