Submissions from 1983
New endogenous benzodiazepine receptor ligand in human urine: Identity with endogenous monoamine oxidase inhibitor?, Angela Clow, Vivette Glover, Ines Armando, and Merton Sandler
Independent effects of estradiol on water and food intake, J. A. Czaja, P. C. Butera, and T. A. McCaffrey
Effects of female hormonal condition on body weight of male partners: Dependence on testicular factors, J. A. Czaja, T. A. McCaffrey, and P. C. Butera
Endogenous urinary monoamine oxidase inhibitor: the benzodiazepine connection., V. Glover, I. Armando, A. Clow, and M. Sandler
Intravenous digital left ventriculography at rest and with atrial pacing as a screening procedure for coronary artery disease, Rodney A. Johnson, Alan G. Wasserman, Roy H. Leiboff, Richard J. Katz, George B. Bren, P. Jacob Varghese, and Allan M. Ross
Diagnostic difficulties in chronic fibrous encapsulated peritonitis, G. V. Kopysov, V. V. Ivanov, and M. I. Kogan
Determinants of transstenotic gradients observed during angioplasty: An experimental model, Roy Leiboff, George Bren, Richard Katz, Robert Korkegi, and Allan Ross
The impact of an ECG computer analysis program on the cardiologist's interpretation. A cooperative study, John A. Milliken, Hanna Pipberger, Hubert V. Pipberger, Mathew A. Araoye, Recep Ari, Gary W. Burggraf, Ross D. Fletcher, Richard J. Katz, Emigdio A. Lopez, John L. McCans, and Albert M. Silver
Right ventricular thrombus formation in association with acute myocardial infarction: Diagnosis by 2-dimensional echocardiography, Stephen A. Stowers, Roy H. Leiboff, Alan G. Wasserman, Richard J. Katz, George B. Bren, and Irene Hsu
Insensitivity of the cold pressor stimulation test for the diagnosis of coronary artery disease, A. G. Wasserman, L. Reiss, R. J. Katz, R. Leiboff, P. Cleary, V. M. Varma, R. C. Reba, and A. M. Ross
Submissions from 1982
Catecholamines levels and parotid secretion in children with chronic atopic dermatitis, H. Crespi, I. Armando, O. Tumilasci, G. Levin, J. Massimo, M. Barontini, and C. Perec
Pulmonary effects of acebutolol, a 'cardioselective' beta adrenergic blocking agent, R. DiBianco, K. J. Dickie, S. Singh, R. J. Katz, R. B. Costello, J. S. Gottdiene, A. R. Laddu, and R. D. Fletcher
Treatment of frequent ventricular arrhythmia with encainide: Assessment using serial ambulatory electrocardiograms, intracarciac electrophysiologic studies, treadmill exercise tests, and radionuclide cineangiographic studies, R. DiBianco, R. D. Fletcher, A. I. Cohen, J. S. Gottdiener, S. N. Singh, R. J. Katz, H. R. Bates, and B. Sauerbrunn
Evaluation of technician audiovisual scanning of ambulatory electrocardiograph recordings utilizing the rapid oscillographic printout technique of validation, R. Dibianco, R. J. Katz, R. D. Fletcher, R. Bortz Costello, J. S. Gottdiener, and S. N. Singh
β-Carbolines as selective monoamine oxidase inhibitors:In vivo implications, Vivette Glover, J. Liebowitz, Ines Armando, and M. Sandler
Intraoperative retrograde balloon angioplasty of the left anterior descending coronary artery for reperfusion of jeopardized proximal branches, R. J. Katz, R. H. Leiboff, B. L. Aaron, M. Mills, A. G. Wasserman, and A. M. Ross
A randomized controlled trial of intracoronary streptokinase in acute MI: Preliminary (cautionary) observations, R. Leiboff, A. Ross, and R. Katz
Pictet-Spengler condensation products, stress and alcoholism: some clinical overtones., M. Sandler, V. Glover, I. Armando, and A. Clow
Noninvasive detection of multivessel disease after myocardial infarction by exercise radionuclide ventriculography, Alan G. Wasserman, Richard J. Katz, Patricia Cleary, Vijay M. Varma, Richard C. Reba, and Allan M. Ross
Submissions from 1981
Immunosuppressive effect of antilymphocytic serum on experimental giardiasis - A pilot study, A. Aggarwal, A. Bhatia, and V. K. Vinayak
Sympathetic nervous system response to graded exercise: Effect of beta-blockade, Marta B. Barontini, Carlos A. Feldstein, M. Ines Armando, Angelica Marchezotti, Gloria M. Levin, Antonio Vilches, Alberto Olivieri, and Jose E. Burucua
Cellular and humoral immune responses in rats experimentally infected with Plasmodium berghei, A. Bhatia, A. Aggarwal, and V. K. Vinayak
Arrhythmogenicity of encainide. The role of QT interval, G. B. Bren, P. J. Varghese, R. J. Katz, and A. M. Ross
Acebutolol and left ventricular function: Assessment by radionuclide angiography, Richard J. Katz, Robert DiBianco, Steven Singh, Rebecca Bortz, H. Richard Bates, Bertrum Sauerbrunn, Atul R. Laddu, and Ross D. Fletcher
Hemodynamic cardiac constriction without anatomic myocardial restriction or pericardial constriction, Bruce M. McManus, George B. Bren, E. Arthur Robertson, Richard J. Katz, Allan M. Ross, and William C. Roberts
Myocardial metabolic and hemodynamic effects of dobutamine in heart failure complicating coronary artery disease, R. G. Pozen, R. DiBianco, R. J. Katz, R. Bortz, R. J. Myerburg, and R. D. Fletcher
Long-term functional restoration of the paralyzed hemidiaphragm in the dog, Linda Sigmund, Don Rigamonti, and Eric Nylen
Adoptive transfer of immunity in giardia lamblia infection in mice, V. K. Vinayak, Anita Aggarwal, Aruna Bhatia, S. R. Naik, and R. N. Chakravarti
Protective effect of immunodepression on experimental malaria infection, V. K. Vinayak, A. Bhatia, and A. Aggarwal
Submissions from 1980
Effect of corticosteroid and irradiation on experimental giardia lamblia infection in mice, A. Aggarwal, G. L. Sharma, A. Bhatia, S. R. Naik, R. N. Chakravarti, and V. K. Vinayak
Disturbed immunological responsiveness during Plasmodium berghei infection, A. Bhatia, A. Aggarwal, and V. K. Vinayak
Pulmonary effects of a 'cardioselective' beta blocker, Robert Di Bianco, Kenneth J. Dickie, Steven Singh, Richard J. Katz, Rebecca Bortz, Allan Simpson, Samuel V. Spagnolo, Ross D. Fletcher, and James M. Raver
Role of aminophylline in refractory heart failure: a comparison to the vasodilator sodium nitroprusside, the old and the new, R. Dibianco, S. P. Rosenfeld, R. J. Katz, A. G. Simpson, R. D. Fletcher, and S. Singh
Effects of acebutolol on chronic stable angina pectoris. A placebo-controlled, double-blind, randomized crossover study, R. DiBianco, S. Singh, J. B. Singh, R. J. Katz, R. Bortz, J. S. Gottdiener, D. H. Spodick, A. R. Laddu, and R. D. Fletcher
Operant conditioning permits voluntary, noninvasive measurement of blood pressure in conscious, unrestrained baboons (Papio cynocephalus), Daniel S. Mitchell, Herman S. Wigodsky, H. Herbert Peel, and Timothy A. McCaffrey
Acquired resistance in experimental giardiasis, V. K. Vinayak, G. L. Sharma, A. Aggarwal, and S. R. Naik
Submissions from 1979
Calculation of critical forces with the elasticoplastic rolling of conical shells, R. N. Fridman and M. I. Kogan
Glutamate as a CNS transmitter. I. Evaluation of glucose and glutamine as precursors for the synthesis of preferentially released glutamate, Anders C. Hamberger, Grace Han Chiang, Eric S. Nylén, Stephen W. Scheff, and Carl W. Cotman
Noninvasive diagnosis of left ventricular pseudoaneurysm. Role of two dimensional echocardiography and radionuclide gated pool imaging, Richard J. Katz, Allan Simpson, Robert DiBianco, Ross D. Fletcher, H. Richard Bates, and Bertram J.L. Sauerbrunn
Surgical treatment method for nephroptosis, V. V. Krasulin, O. A. Laskov, and M. I. Kogan
Submissions from 1978
Stimulus evoked increase in the biosynthesis of the putative neurotransmitters glutamate in the hippocampus, Anders Hamberger, Grace Chiang, Eric S. Nylén, Stephen W. Scheff, and Carl W. Cotman
Sustained parasympathetic augmentation by edrophonium: Electrophysiologic studies, R. J. Katz, R. D. Fletcher, and R. DiBlanco
Statistical considerations in determination of ventricular volume from echocardiographic and angiographic data, Richard Simon, Larry Norton, and Richard Katz
Submissions from 1977
Retinal phlebitis in the Irvine-Gass syndrome, Neil F. Martin, W. Richard Green, and Lisa Warsinger Martin
Submissions from 1975
Etiology, pathogenesis and classification of torsions of the greater omentum (Russian), N. M. Nikolaev and M. I. Kogan