Submissions from 2010
Immunological Barriers to Stem-Cell Based Cardiac Repair, Z Karabekian, NG Posnack, and N Sarvazyan
Identification of differentially methylated genes in normal prostate tissues from African American and Caucasian men, B Kwabi-Addo, S Wang, W Chung, J Jelinek, and SR Patierno
Chromium genotoxicity: A double-edged sword, KP Nickens, SR Patierno, and S Ceryak
Chromium genotoxicity: A double-edged sword, Kristen P. Nickens, Steven R. Patierno, and Susan Ceryak
Clonidine, an alpha2-receptor agonist, diminishes GABAergic neurotransmission to cardiac vagal neurons in the nucleus ambiguus, K. E. Philbin, R. J. Bateman, and D. Mendelowitz
Clonidine, an α2-receptor agonist, diminishes GABAergic neurotransmission to cardiac vagal neurons in the nucleus ambiguus, Kerry E. Philbin, Ryan J. Bateman, and David Mendelowitz
The heparan sulfate motif (GlcNS6S-IdoA2S)3, common in heparin, has a strict topography and is involved in cell behavior and disease., Nicole C Smits, Sindhulakshmi Kurup, Angelique L Rops, Gerdy B ten Dam, Leon F Massuger, Theo Hafmans, Jeremy E Turnbull, Dorothe Spillmann, Jin-ping Li, Stephen J Kennel, Jonathan S Wall, Nicholas W. Shworak, P N Richard Dekhuijzen, Johan van der Vlag, and Toin H van Kuppevelt
Heparan sulfates in the lung: structure, diversity, and role in pulmonary emphysema, Nicole C Smits, Nicholas W. Shworak, P N Richard Dekhuijzen, and Toin H van Kuppevelt
Proliferative and transcriptional identity of distinct classes of neural precursors in the mammalian olfactory epithelium, ES Tucker, MK Lehtinen, T Maynard, M Zirlinger, and C Dulac
Prostate apoptosis response protein 4 sensitizes human colon cancer cells to chemotherapeutic 5-FU through mediation of an NFkB and microRNA network, B.D. Wang, T. L. Olson, B. Frank, T. Luu, and A. K. Sharma
Shear-induced interleukin-6 synthesis in chondrocytes: Roles of E prostanoid (EP) 2 and EP3 in cAMP/protein kinase A- and PI3-K/Akt-dependent NF-?B activation, P Wang, F Zhu, NH Lee, and K Konstantopoulos
A conserved cysteine residue in the third transmembrane domain is essential for homomeric 5-HT3 receptor function, D. Wu, N.A. Othman, D. Sharp, A. Mahendra, and T.Z. Deeb
Prolonged Application of High Fluid Shear to Chondrocytes Recapitulates Gene Expression Profiles Associated with Osteoarthritis, F Zhu, P Wang, NH Lee, MB Goldring, and K Konstantopoulos
Submissions from 2009
In vivo glucuronidation activity of drugs in neonates: Extensive interindividual variability despite their young age, K. Allegaert, S. Vanhaesebrouck, R. Verbesselt, and J. N. Van Den Anker
Autonomic Nervous System: Central Cardiovascular Control, M. C. Andresen and D. Mendelowitz
Bypass of hexavalent chromium-induced growth arrest by a protein tyrosine phosphatase inhibitor: Enhanced survival and mutagenesis, D. Bae, T. C. Camilli, G. Chun, M. Lal, and K. Wright
Enhanced clonogenic survival induced by protein tyrosine phosphatase (PTP) inhibition after Cr(VI) exposure is mediated by c-Raf and Ras activity, D. Bae, T. C. Camilli, N. T. Ha, and S. Ceryak
Raf-independent, PP2A-dependent MEK activation in response to ERK silencing, D. Bae and S. Ceryak
Bypass of hexavalent chromium-induced growth arrest by a protein tyrosine phosphatase inhibitor: Enhanced survival and mutagenesis, Dongsoon Bae, Tura C. Camilli, Gina Chun, Madhu Lal, Kristen Wright, Travis J. O'Brien, Steven R. Patierno, and Susan Ceryak
Enhanced clonogenic survival induced by protein tyrosine phosphatase (PTP) inhibition after Cr(VI) exposure is mediated by c-Raf and Ras activity, Dongsoon Bae, Tura C. Camilli, Ngoc Tram Ha, and Susan Ceryak
Raf-independent, PP2A-dependent MEK activation in response to ERK silencing, Dongsoon Bae and Susan Ceryak
The 5-HT3 receptor - the relationship between structure and function, N. M. Barnes, T. G. Hales, S. C. R. Lummis, and J. A. Peters
Lung injury, inflammation and Akt signaling following inhalation of particulate hexavalent chromium, Laura M. Beaver, Erik J. Stemmy, Stephanie L. Constant, Arnold Schwartz, Laura G. Little, Jason P. Gigley, Gina Chun, Kent D. Sugden, Susan M. Ceryak, and Steven R. Patierno
Lung inflammation, injury, and proliferative response after repetitive particulate hexavalent chromium exposure, Laura M. Beaver, Erik J. Stemmy, Arnold M. Schwartz, Jesse M. Damsker, Stephanie L. Constant, Susan M. Ceryak, and Steven R. Patierno
Lung injury, inflammation and Akt signaling following inhalation of particulate hexavalent chromium, L. M. Beaver, E. J. Stemmy, S. L. Constant, A. Schwartz, and L. G. Little
Lung inflammation, injury, and proliferative response after repetitive particulate hexavalent chromium exposure, L.M. Beaver, E.J. Stemmy, A.M. Schwartz, J.M. Damsker, and S.L. Constant
Retinal waves are unlikely to instruct the formation of eye-specific retinogeniculate projections, Leo M. Chalupa
Visual development, L. M. Chalupa and B. Chapman
Direct Subunit-Dependent Multimodal 5-Hydroxytryptamine(3) Receptor Antagonism by Methadone, T. Z. Deeb, D. Sharp, and T. G. Hales
5-HT2 receptors modulate excitatory neurotransmission to cardiac vagal neurons within the nucleus ambiguus evoked during and after hypoxia, O. Dergacheva, H. Kamendi, X. Wang, R. A. Pinol, and J. Frank
5-HT2 receptors modulate excitatory neurotransmission to cardiac vagal neurons within the nucleus ambiguus evoked during and after hypoxia, O. Dergacheva, H. Kamendi, X. Wang, R. A. Pinol, J. Frank, C. Gorini, H. Jameson, M. R. Lovett-Barr, and D. Mendelowitz
The role of 5-ht3 and other excitatory receptors in central cardiorespiratory responses to hypoxia: Implications for sudden infant death syndrome, O. Dergacheva, H. Kamendi, X. Wang, R.M. Pinol, and J. Frank
The role of 5-ht3 and other excitatory receptors in central cardiorespiratory responses to hypoxia: Implications for sudden infant death syndrome, Olga Dergacheva, Harriet Kamendi, Xin Wang, Ramon Manchon Pinol, Julie Frank, Heather Jameson, Christopher Gorini, and David Mendelowitz
Mapping and identification of GABAergic neurons in transgenic mice projecting to cardiac vagal neurons in the nucleus ambiguus using photo-uncaging, J. G. Frank, H. S. Jameson, C. Gorini, and D. Mendelowitz
Mapping and Identification of GABAergic Neurons in Transgenic Mice Projecting to Cardiac Vagal Neurons in the Nucleus Ambiguus Using Photo-Uncaging, J. G. Frank, H. S. Jameson, C. Gorini, and D. Mendelowitz
Clinically relevant concentrations of di (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) uncouple cardiac syncytium, N. Gillum, Z. Karabekian, L. M. Swift, R. P. Brown, and M. W. Kay
Prenatal exposure of rats to nicotine causes persistent alterations of nicotinic cholinergic receptors, A. B. Gold, A. B. Keller, and D. C. Perry
Serotonergic modulation of the trigeminocardiac reflex neurotransmission to cardiac vagal neurons in the nucleus ambiguus, C. Gorini, H. S. Jameson, and D. Mendelowitz
Serotonergic modulation of the trigeminocardiac reflex neurotransmission to cardiac vagal neurons in the nucleus ambiguus, C. Gorini, H.S. Jameson, and D. Mendelowitz
Species-specific differences in translational regulation of dihydrofolate reductase, Y.C. Hsieh, N. Bansal, K. W. Scotto, D. Banerjee, and J. R. Bertino
Presynaptic actions of propofol enhance inhibitory synaptic transmission in isolated solitary tract nucleus neurons, Y.H. Jin, D. Mendelowitz, and M. C. Andresen
Presynaptic actions of propofol enhance inhibitory synaptic transmission in isolated solitary tract nucleus neurons, Young Ho Jin, Zhenxiong Zhang, David Mendelowitz, and Michael C. Andresen
Positional Identification of variants of Adamts16 linked to inherited hypertension, B. Joe, Y. Saad, N. H. Lee, B. C. Frank, and O. H. Achinike
Abolishment of serotonergic neurotransmission to cardiac vagal neurons during and after hypoxia and hypercapnia with prenatal nicotine exposure, H. W. Kamendi, Q. Cheng, O. Dergacheva, C. Gorini, and H. S. Jameson
Abolishment of serotonergic neurotransmission to cardiac vagal neurons during and after hypoxia and hypercapnia with prenatal nicotine exposure, H. W. Kamendi, Q. Cheng, O. Dergacheva, C. Gorini, H. S. Jameson, X. Wang, J. M. McIntosh, and D. Mendelowitz
Effects of N-cadherin overexpression on the adhesion properties of embryonic stem cells, Z. Karabekian, N. D. Gillum, E. W. P. Wong, and N. Sarvazyan
Effects of N-cadherin overexpression on the adhesion properties of embryonic stem cells, Z. Karabekian, N.D. Gillum, E.W.P. Wong, and N. Sarvazyan
AKT1 mediates bypass of the G1/S checkpoint after genotoxic stress in normal human cells, M. A. Lal, D. Bae, T. C. Camilli, S. R. Patierno, and S. Ceryak
AKT1 mediates bypass of the G1/S checkpoint after genotoxic stress in normal human cells, Madhu A. Lal, Dongsoon Bae, Tura C. Camilli, Steven R. Patierno, and Susan Ceryak
Development of an undergraduate Pharmacogenomics curriculum: Content and Application., T.J. O'Brien, F. Goodsaid, M. Plack, A. Harralson, and W. Harrouk
DNA polymerase zeta is essential for hexavalent chromium-induced mutagenesis, T. J. O'Brien, P. Witcher, B. Brooks, and S. R. Patierno
Genome Sequence of the Wolbachia Endosymbiont of Culex quinquefasciatus JHB, S. L. Salzberg, D. Puiu, D. D. Sommer, V. Nene, and N. H. Lee
Identification of Candidate Genes and Gene Networks Specifically Associated with Analgesic Tolerance to Morphine, J. D. Tapocik, N. Letwin, C. L. Mayo, B. Frank, and T. Luu
A Factor Graph Nested Effects Model To Identify Networks from Genetic Perturbations, C. J. Vaske, C. House, T. Luu, B. Frank, and C. H. Yeang
Delta receptors are required for full inhibitory coupling of mu-receptors to voltage-dependent Ca(2+) channels in dorsal root ganglion neurons, W. Walwyn, S. John, M. Maga, C. J. Evans, and T. G. Hales
Chronic nicotine alters cannabinoid-mediated locomotor activity and receptor density in periadolescent but not adult male rats., L. L. Werling, S. C. Reed, D. Wade, and S. Izenwasser
Submissions from 2008
Formation of cardiac fibers in Matrigel matrix, K. Bakunts, N. Gillum, Z. Karabekian, and N. Sarvazyan
Generation and escape of local waves from the boundary of uncoupled cardiac tissue, V. N. Biktashev, A. Arutunyan, and N. A. Sarvazyan
The promiscuous role of the epsilon subunit in GABA(A) receptor biogenesis, K. A. Bollan, R. Baur, T. C. Hales, E. Sigel, and C. N. Connolly
A new approach to scientific dissemination, Philip E. Bourne and Leo M. Chalupa
Excision repair is required for genotoxin-induced mutagenesis in mammalian cells, B. Brooks, T. J. O'Brien, S. Ceryak, J. P. Wise, and S. S. Wise
Excision repair is required for genotoxin-induced mutagenesis in mammalian cells, Bradford Brooks, Travis J. O'brien, Susan Ceryak, John Pierce Wise, Sandra S. Wise, John Pierce Wise, Edward Defabo, and Steven R. Patierno
Human follicular fluid heparan sulfate contains abundant 3-O-sulfated chains with anticoagulant activity., Ariane I de Agostini, Ji-Cui Dong, Corinne de Vantéry Arrighi, Marie-Andrée Ramus, Isabelle Dentand-Quadri, Sébastien Thalmann, Patricia Ventura, Victoria Ibecheole, Felicia Monge, Anne-Marie Fischer, Sassan HajMohammadi, Nicholas W. Shworak, Lijuan Zhang, Zhenqing Zhang, and Robert J Linhardt
5HT2 receptor activation facilitates P2X receptor mediated excitatory neurotransmission to cardiac vagal neurons in the nucleus ambiguus, Olga Dergacheva, Xin Wang, Harriet Kamendi, Qi Cheng, Ramon Manchon Pinol, Heather Jameson, Christopher Gorini, and David Mendelowitz
5ht2 receptor activation facilitates P2X receptor mediated excitatory neurotransmission to cardiac vagal neurons in the nucleus ambiguus, O. Dergacheva, X. Wang, H. Kamendi, Q. Cheng, and R. M. Pinol
Adult and periadolescent rats differ in expression of nicotinic cholinergic receptor subtypes and in the response of these subtypes to chronic nicotine exposure, M. B. Doura, A. B. Gold, A. B. Keller, and D. C. Perry
High affinity binding of epibatidine to serotonin type 3 receptors, R. C. Drisdel, D. Sharp, T. Henderson, T. G. Hales, and W. N. Green
Expression and purification of cysteine introduced recombinant saporin, Emine Günhan, Mimi Swe, Mine Palazoglu, John C. Voss, and Leo M. Chalupa
ATP facilitates glutamatergic neurotransmission to cardiac vagal neurons in the nucleus ambiguus, Heather S. Jameson, Ramon A. Pinol, Harriet Kamendi, and David Mendelowitz
Purinergic P2X receptors facilitate inhibitory GABAergic and glycinergic neurotransmission to cardiac vagal neurons in the nucleus ambiguus, Heather S. Jameson, Ramon A. Pinol, and David Mendelowitz
ATP facilitates glutamatergic neurotransmission to cardiac vagal neurons in the nucleus ambiguus, H. S. Jameson, R. A. Pinol, H. Kamendi, and D. Mendelowitz
Purinergic P2X receptors facilitate inhibitory GABAergic and glycinergic neurotransmission to cardiac vagal neurons in the nucleus ambiguus, H. S. Jameson, R. A. Pinol, and D. Mendelowitz
Recruitment of excitatory serotonergic neurotransmission to cardiac vagal neurons in the nucleus ambiguus post hypoxia and hypercapnia, H. W. Kamendi, Q. Cheng, O. Dergacheva, J. G. Frank, and C. Gorini
Recruitment of excitatory serotonergic neurotransmission to cardiac vagal neurons in the nucleus ambiguus post hypoxia and hypercapnia, H. W. Kamendi, Q. Cheng, O. Dergacheva, J. G. Frank, C. Gorini, H. S. Jameson, R. A. Pinol, X. Wang, and D. Mendelowitz
Locations of ectopic beats coincide with spatial gradients of NADH in a regional model of low-flow reperfusion, M. Kay, L. Swift, B. Martell, A. Arutunyan, and N. Sarvazyan
Structural determinants of Ca2+ permeability and conduction in the human 5-hydroxytryptamine type 3A receptor, M. R. Livesey, M. A. Cooper, T. Z. Deeb, J. E. Carland, and J. Kozuska
Propofol enhances both tonic and phasic inhibitory currents in sescond-order neurons of the solitary tract nucleus (NTS), S. J. McDougall, T. W. Bailey, D. Mendelowitz, and M. C. Andresen
Propofol enhances both tonic and phasic inhibitory currents in second-order neurons of the solitary tract nucleus (NTS), Stuart J. McDougall, Timothy W. Bailey, David Mendelowitz, and Michael C. Andresen
Role of purinergic and nicotinic receptors in the hypoxia/hypercapnia evoked excitation of parasympathetic cardiac vagal neurons in the brainstem, David Mendelowitz
Molecular correlates of laminar differences in the macaque dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus, Karl D. Murray, Carol M. Rubin, Edward G. Jones, and Leo M. Chalupa
Proteomic analysis of laser-captured paraffin-embedded tissues: a meolecular portrait of head and neck cancer progression, V. Patel, B. L. Hood, A. Molinolo, N. H. Lee, and T. P. Conrads
Isoflurane differentially modulates inhibitory and excitatory synaptic transmission to the solitary tract nucleus, James H. Peters, Stuart J. McDougall, David Mendelowitz, Dennis R. Koop, and Michael C. Andresen
Effects of nicotine on sensorimotor gating impairment induced by long-term treatment with neurotoxic NMDA antagonism, B. A. Rasmussen, D. C. Perry, J. O'Neil, K. F. Manaye, and Y. Tizabi
Molecular profiling of LGL leukemia reveals role of sphingolipid signaling in survival of cytotoxic lymphocytes, M. V. Shah, R. Zhang, R. Irby, R. Kothapalli, and X. Liu
Epibatidine application in vitro blocks retinal waves without silencing all retinal ganglion cell action potentials in developing retina of the mouse and ferret, Chao Sun, Colenso M. Speer, Guo Yong Wang, Barbara Chapman, and Leo M. Chalupa
Retinal waves in mice lacking the β2 subunit of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor, Chao Sun, David K. Warland, Jose M. Ballesteros, Deborah Van Der List, and Leo M. Chalupa
Controlled regional hypoperfusion in Langendorff heart preparations, L. Swift, B. Martell, V. Khatri, A. Arutunyan, and N. Sarvazyan
Closely linked non-additive blood pressure quantitative trait loci, E. J. Toland, Y. Saad, S. Yerga-Woolwine, S. Ummel, and P. Farms
Submissions from 2007
Interaction between spiral and paced waves in cardiac tissue, K. Agladze, M. W. Kay, V. Krinsky, and N. Sarvazyan
Vancomycin pharmacokinetics in preterm neonates and the prediction of adult clearance, B. J. Anderson, K. Allegaert, J. N. Van den Anker, V. Cossey, and N. H. G. Holford
Astrogliosis in EAE spinal cord: Derivation from radial glia, and relationships to oligodendroglia, P. Bannerman, A. Hahn, A. Soulika, V. Gallo, and D. Pleasure
A reassessment of the role of activity in the formation of eye-specific retinogeniculate projections, Leo M. Chalupa
Oxygen tension regulates survival and fate of mouse central nervous system precursors at multiple levels, H. L. Chen, F. Pistollato, D. J. Hoeppner, H. T. Ni, and R. D. McKay
Morphological properties of mouse retinal ganglion cells during postnatal development, Julie L. Coombs, Deborah Van Der List, and Leo M. Chalupa
5-HT2 receptor subtypes mediate different long-term changes in GABAergic activity to parasympathetic cardiac vagal neurons in the nucleus ambiguus, O. Dergacheva, K. J.S. Griffioen, X. Wang, H. Kamendi, C. Gorini, and D. Mendelowitz
5-HT(2) receptor subtypes mediate different long-term changes in GABAergic activity to parasympathetic cardiac vagal neurons in the nucleus ambiguus, O. Dergacheva, K. J. Griffioen, X. Wang, H. Kamendi, and C. Gorini
Cellular reorganization in the human retina during normal aging, Kasra Eliasieh, Lauren C. Liets, and Leo M. Chalupa