Submissions from 2008
Dysferlin deficiency shows compensatory induction of Rab27A/Slp2a that may contribute to inflammatory onset, A. Kesari, M. Fukuda, S. Knoblach, R. Bashir, and G. A. Nader
Integrated DNA, cDNA, and protein studies in Becker muscular dystrophy show high exception to the reading frame rule, A. Kesari, L. N. Pirra, L. Bremadesam, O. McIntyre, and E. Gordon
Esophageal Foreign Body A Case of a Neonate With Stridor, N. Kim, N. Atkinson, and P. Manicone
An incurable disease, T. Kind
The digital divide : a comparison of online consumer health information for African-American and general audiences., Terry Kind, Jasmine Wallace, and Rachel Y. Moon
The Digital Divide: A Comparison of Online Consumer Health Information for African-American and General Audiences, T. Kind, J. Wallace, and R. Y. Moon
Trace element loss in urine and effluent following traumatic injury, C. J. Klein, F. H. Nielsen, and P. B. Moser-Veillon
Acute fatal presentation of ornithine transcarbamylase deficiency in a previously health male., O. D. Klein, D. R. Kostiner, K. Weisiger, E. Moffatt, and N. Lindeman
Psychosocial treatments for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, L. Knight, M. Rooney, and A. Chronis-Tuscano
Spectrum of fetal echocardiographic findings in fetuses of women with clinical or serologic evidence of systemic lupus erythematosus., A. N. Krishnan, C. A. Sable, and M. T. Donofrio
Psychometric characteristics of a measure of emotional dispositions developed to test a developmental propensity model of conduct disorder, B. B. Lahey, B. Applegate, A. M. Chronis, H. A. Jones, and S. H. Williams
Variation in pediatric hospitalists' use of proven and unproven therapies: A study from the Pediatric Research in Inpatient Settings (PRIS) Network, C. P. Landrigan, P. H. Conway, E. R. Stucky, V. W. Chiang, and M. C. Ottolini
Effects of Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education duty hour limits on sleep, work hours, and safety, C. P. Landrigan, A. M. Fahrenkopf, D. Lewin, P. J. Sharek, and L. K. Barger
A novel mouse model of x-linked cardiac hypertrophy, L. Leatherbury, Q. Yu, B. Chatterjee, D. L. Walker, and Z. Yu
GOTreePlus: an interactive gene ontology browser, B. Lee, K. Brown, Y. Hathout, and J. Seo
Herpes zoster with skin lesions and meningitis caused by 2 different genotypes of the oka vericella-zoster virus vaccine, M. J. Levin, R. L. Bebiasi, V. Bostik, and D. S. Schmid
Management of Anaphylaxis in Children, D. B. Liberman and S. J. Teach
Profiling of astrocyte properties in the hyperammonaemic brain: shedding new light on the pathophysiology of the brain damage in hyperammonaemia, U. Lichter-Konecki
Gene expression profiling of astrocytes from hyperammonemic mice reveals altered pathways for water and potassium homeostasis in vivo, U. Lichter-Konecki, J. M. Mangin, H. Gordish-Dressman, E. P. Hoffman, and V. Gallo
The role of ATP signaling in the migration of intermediate neuronal progenitors to the neocortical subventricular zone., X. X. Liu, K. Hashimoto-Torii, M. Torii, T. F. Haydar, and P. Rakic
Ganglioside depletion and EGF responses of human GM3 synthase-deficient fibroblasts, Y. H. Liu, Y. Su, M. Wiznitzer, O. Epifano, and S. Ladisch
Management of anemia in the newborn, N. L. C. Luban
Do-not-resuscitate orders and/or hospice care, psychological health, and quality of life among children/adolescents with acquired immune deficiency syndrome, M. E. Lyon, P. L. Williams, E. R. Woods, N. Hutton, and A. M. Butler
Do-not-resuscitate orders and/or hospice care, psychological health, and quality of life among children/adolescents with acquired immune deficiency syndrome, M. E. Lyon, P. L. Williams, E. R. Woods, N. Hutton, and A. M. Butler
Aggressive infantile embryonal tumors, T. J. MacDonald
Phase I clinical trial of cilengitide in children with refractory brain tumors: pedriatric brain tumor consortium study PBTC-012, T. J. MacDonald, C. F. Stewart, M. Kocak, S. Goldman, and R. G. Ellenbogen
Protein kinase C delta localizes to secretory lysosomes in CD8(+) CTL and directly mediates TCR signals leading to granule exocytosis-mediated cytotoxicity, J. S. Y. Ma and S. Radoja
Genetic and clinical heterogeneity in eIF2B-related disorder, J. Maletkovic, R. Schiffmann, J. R. Gorospe, E. S. Gordon, and M. Mintz
Satellite NG2 progenitor cells share common glutamatergic inputs with associated interneurons in the mouse dentate gyrus, J. M. Mangin, A. Kunze, R. Chittajallu, and V. Gallo
Index of suspicion, J. Maniscalco, A. L. Dryer, A. Marks, M. Yunghans, and S. B. Pierson
Factors associated with adverse neurodevelopmental outcomes in infants with congenital heart disease., A. N. Massaro, M. El-dib, P. Glass, and H. Aly
Phase 2 trial of recombinant tumor necrosis factor-alpha in combination with dactinomycin in children with recurrent Wilms tumor, H. J. Meany, N. L. Seibel, J. Sun, J. Z. Finklestein, and J. Sato
Ethical and logistical considerations of multicenter parental bereavement research, K. L. Meert, S. Eggly, J. M. Dean, M. Pollack, and J. Zimmerman
Reactivations in Multisystem Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis: Data of the International LCH Registry, M. Minkov, M. Steiner, U. Potschger, M. Arico, and J. Braier
Novel Therapeutic Targets in viral myocarditis, S. D. Miyamoto, R. L. DeBiasi, and C. S. Long
Reducing the risk of sudden infant death syndrome in child care and changing provider practices: lessons learned from a demonstration project, R. Y. Moon, T. Calabrese, and L. Aird
Does obesity affect injury incidence and outcome?, S. N. Morrison and K. K. Christoffel
Balloon angioplasty with stenting to correct a functionally interrupted aorta: A case report with three-year follow-up, T. M. Musso, M. C. Slack, and T. T. Nowlen
Dysferlin deficiency enhances monocyte phagocytosis: a model for the inflammatory onset of limb-girdle muscular dystrophy 2B, K. Nagaraju, R. Rawat, E. Veszelovszky, R. Thapliyal, and A. Kesari
Protein profiling of formalin fixed paraffin embedded tissue: Identification of potential biomarkers for pediatric brainstem glioma, J. Nazarian, M. Santi, Y. Hathout, and T. J. MacDonald
Exposure to oxygen and head growth in infants with bronchopulmonary dysplasia, T. H. Nesterenko, B. Nolan, T. Hammad, and H. Aly
Effect of antibiotic pretreatment on cerebrospinal fluid profiles of children with bacterial meningitis, L. E. Nigrovic, R. Malley, C. G. Macias, J. T. Kanegaye, and D. M. Moro-Sutherland
Clinical and molecular analysis of arylsulfatase E in patients with brachytelephalangic chondrodysplasia punctata, M. Nini, C. Matos-Miranda, M. Maeda, L. Chen, and J. Allanson
Vocational basis: a potential pitfall in the use of key informant interviews in pediatric community needs assessments, K. Nothrip, C. Chen, and J. Marsh
Design and rationale of a randomized trial comparing the Blalock-Taussig and right-ventricle-pulmonary artery shunts in the Norwood procedure, RG Ohye, JW Gaynor, NS Ghanayem, CS Goldberg, and PC Laussen
INSIG2 gene polymorphism is associated with increased subcutaneous fat in women and poor response to resistance training in men, F. E. Orkunoglu-Suer, H. Gordish-Dressman, P. M. Clarkson, P. D. Thompson, and T. J. Angelopoulos
Childhood brain tumors: Accomplishments and ongoing challenges, R. J. Packer
Iron depletion limits intracellular bacterial growth in macrophages, P. N. Paradkar, I. De Domenico, N. Durchfort, I. Zohn, and J. Kaplan
A review of medical school programs that train medical students as teachers (MED-SATS), L. M. Pasquinelli and L. W. Greenberg
Report of the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute and National Marfan Foundation Working Group on Research in Marfan Syndrome and Related Disorders, GD Pearson, R Devereux, B Loeys, C Maslen, and D Milewicz
Outcome of unrelated donor stem cell transplantation for children with severe aplastic anemia, E. D. Perez-Albuerne, M. Eapen, J. Klein, T. J. Gross, and J. M. Lipton
Bassinet use and sudden unexpected death in infancy, J. Pike and R. Y. Moon
Outcome of management strategies for bk virus replication in pediatric renal transplant recipents, D. P. Puliyanda, M. Toyoda, A. Z. Traum, F. X. Flores, and S. Jordan
Virologic response using directly observed therapy in adolescents with HIV: An adherence tool, J. B. Purdy, A. F. Freeman, S. C. Martin, C. Ryder, and D. K. Elliott-DeSorbo
Treatment of recurrent clear cell sarcoma of the kidney with brain metastasis, V. C. Radulescu, M. Gerrard, C. Moertel, P. E. Grundy, and L. Mathias
Personalized therapeutics: HIV treatment in adolescents, N. Y. Rakhamanina, E. V. Capparelli, and J. N. van den Anker
Epidemiology of new cases of HIV-1 infection in children referred to the metropolitan pediatric hospital in Washington, DC, N. Y. Rakhmanina, A. Sill, A. Baghdassarian, K. Bruce, and K. Williams
Adolescent-Sports Concussion, C. C. Reddy, M. W. Collins, and G. A. Gioia
Clinical NOE C-13 MRS for neuropsychiatric disorders of the frontal lobe, N. Sailasuta, L. W. Robertson, K. C. Harris, A. L. Gropman, and P. S. Allen
New concepts in perinatal hypoxia ischemia encephalopathy, J. Scafidi and V. Gallo
Early Postinduction intensification therapy improves survival for children and adolescents with high-risk acute lymphoblastic leukemia: a repot from the Children's Oncology Group, N. L. Seibel, P. G. Steinherz, H. N. Sather, J. B. Nachman, and C. Lelaat
Lipoprotein profile changes in children after renal transplantation in the modern immunosuppression era, K. Sgambat, J. He, R. J. McCarter, and A. Moudgil
Caspase activation in fetal rat brain following experimental intrauterine inflammation, A. Sharangpani, A. Takanohashi, and M. J. Bell
Inhibition of TLR activation and up-regulation of IL-1R-associated kinase-M expression by exogenous gangliosides, W. P. Shen, K. Stone, A. Jales, D. Leitenberg, and S. Ladisch
The crystal structure of N-acetyl-L-glutamate synthase from Neisseria gonorrhoeae provides insights into mechanisms of catalysis and regulation, D. Shi, V. Sagar, Z. Jin, X. Yu, and L. Caldovic
Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation: use in meconium aspiration syndrome, B. L. Short
Iron metabolism and lipid peroxidation products in infants with hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy, B. O. Shouman, A. Mesbah, and H. Aly
Human gene therapy, consent, and the realities of clinical research: is it time for a research subject advocate?, T. J. Silber
Cinacalcet is efficacious in pediatric dialysis patients, D. M. Silverstein, K. K. Kher, A. Moudgil, M. Khurana, and J. Wilcox
Hearing screening outcomes for persons with intellectual disability: A preliminary report of findings from the 2005 Special Olympics World Winter Games, A. K. Sinha, J. K. Montgomery, G. R. Herer, and D. L. McPherson
Blood transfusions in children: a multi-institutional analysis of practices and complications, A. D. Slonim, J. G. Joseph, W. M. Turenne, A. Sharangpani, and N. L. Luban
IMMULITE (R) 2000 age and sex-specific reference intervals for alpha fetoprotein, homocysteine, insulin, insulin-like growth factor-1, insulin-like growth factor binding protein-3, C-peptide, immunoglobulin E and intact parathyroid hormone, O. P. Soldin, J. R. B. Dahlin, J. King, and S. J. Soldin
Youth and parental attitudes toward fighting, B. S. Solomon, C. P. Bradshaw, J. Wright, and T. L. Cheng
Dystrophin-deficient cardiomyopathy in mouse: expression of Nox4 and Lox are associated with fibrosis and altered functional parameters in the heart, C. F. Spurney, S. Knoblach, E. E. Pistilli, K. Nagaraju, and G. R. Martin
Diagnosis and treament of neonatal diabetes: an united states experience, J. Stoy, S. A. W. Greeley, H. Ye, A. N. Pastore, and K. B. Skowron
Post hoc analysis of calfactant use in immunocompromised children with acute lung injury: Impact and feasibility of further clinical trials, R. F. Tamburro, N. J. Thomas, S. Pon, B. R. Jacobs, and J. V. DiCarlo
Outbreak studies of a GII-3 and a GII-4 norovirus revealed an association between HBGA phenotypes and viral infection., M. Tan, M. Jin, H. Xie, Z.J. Duan, and Z.-Y. Fang
Protein expression of platelet-derived growth factor receptor correlates with malignant histology and PTEN with survival in childhood gliomas, H. K. Thorarinsdottir, M. Santi, R. McCarter, E. J. Rushing, and R. Cornelison
The American Orthopaedic Association's "own the bone" initiative to prevent secondary fractures, L. L. Tosi, R. Gliklich, K. Kannan, and K. J. Koval
Clinical significance of peripheral blood Epstein-Barr viral load monitoring using polymerase chain reaction in renal transplant recipients, M. Toyoda, A. Moudgil, B. A. Warady, D. P. Puliyanda, and S. C. Jordan
Ten-year survival of children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia: A report from the Children's Oncology Group, M. E. Trigg, H. N. Sather, G. H. Reaman, D. G. Tubergen, and P. G. Steinherz
N-carbamylglutamate markedly enhances ureagenesis in N-acetylglutamate deficiency and propionic acidemia as measured by isotopic incorporation and blood biomarkers, M. Tuchman, L. Caldovic, Y. Daikhin, O. Horyn, and I. Nissim
Cross-sectional multicenter study of patients with urea cycle disorders in the United States, M. Tuchman, B. Lee, U. Lichter-Konecki, M. L. Summar, and M. Yudkoff
Rethinking pediatric assent: From requirement to ideal, Y. Unguru, M. J. Coppes, and N. Kamani
Diagnosis and Management of Skin and Soft Tissue Infections in Children, N. Uspal and D. Agrawal
Sensitivity and specificity of decreased CSF asialotransferrin for eIF2B-related disorder, A. Vanderver, Y. Hathout, J. Maletkovic, E. S. Gordon, and M. Mintz
Emergency department treatment of primary headaches in children and adolescents, D. M. Walker and S. J. Teach
Progress in the curative treatment of childhood hematologic malignancies, A. S. Wayne, G. H. Reaman, and L. J. Helman
Signposts along the NIH roadmap for reengineering clinical research, R. L. Williams, S. B. Johnson, S. M. Greene, E. B. Larson, and L. A. Green
Utility of oligonucleotide array-based comparative genomic hybridization for detection of target gene deletions, L. J. C. Wong, M. T. Geraghty, R. Quan, U. Lichter-Konecki, and J. Wang
The endotracheal tube air leak test does not predict extubation outcome in critically ill pediatric patients, A. T. Wratney, D. K. Benjamin, A. D. Slonim, J. He, and D. S. Hamel
Effective rescue of dystrophin improves cardiac function in dystrophin-deficient mice by a modified morpholino oligomer, B. Wu, H. M. Moulton, P. L. Iversen, J. G. Jiang, and J. Li
Mathematical modeling off corticosteroid pharmacogenomics in rat muscle following acute and chronic methlprednisolone dosing, A. H. Yao, P. E., D. C. Dubois, R. R. Almon, and W. J. Jusko
Adenovirus-mediated gene transfer to renal glomeruli in rodents, X. Ye, M. Jerebtsova, X. H. Liu, Z. Li, and P. E. Ray
Cardiovascular assessment of fetal mice by in utero echocardiography, Q. Yu, L. Leatherbury, X. Tian, and C. W. Lo
Effectiveness of a clinical pathway for the emergency treatment of patients with inborn errors of metabolism, D. J. Zand, K. M. Brown, U. Lichter-Konecki, J. K. Campbell, and V. Salehi
Effect of ascertainment and genetic features on the phenotype of Klinefelter syndrome., Martha P D Zeger, Andrew R. Zinn, Najiba Lahlou, Purita Ramos, Karen Kowal, Carole Samango-Sprouse, and Judith L. Ross
caBIG (TM) VISDA: Modeling, visualization, and discovery for cluster analysis of genomic data, Y. Zhu, H. Li, D. J. Miller, Z. Y. Wang, and J. H. Xuan
A ground truth based comparative study on clustering of gene expression data, Y. Zhu, Z. Wang, D. J. Miller, R. Clarke, and J. H. Xuan