
Submissions from 2001

Palliative forequarter amputation for metastatic carcinoma to the shoulder girdle region: indications, preoperative evaluation, surgical technique, and results., J.C. Wittig, J. Bickels, Y. Kollender, and K.L. Kellar-Graney

Whiplash injury determination with conventional spine imaging and cryomicrotomy, Narayan Yoganandan, Joseph F. Cusick, Frank A. Pintar, and Raj D. Rao

Combined Effects of Estrogen and progesterone on the anterior cruciate ligament, W.D. Yu, V. Panossian, J.D. Hatch, and S.H. Liu

Submissions from 2000

Reconstruction of hip stability after proximal and total femur resections, Jacob Bickels, Isaac Meller, Robert M. Henshaw, and Martin M. Malawer

The incidence of pathologic changes of the long head of the biceps tendon., A.M. Murthi, C.L. Vosburgh, and T.J. Neviaser

Women and the orthopaedic surgeon: Changing the relationship, Laura L. Tosi

All-trans retinoic acid and interferon-α in the treatment of a patient with resistant metastatic osteosarcoma: A case report, James A. Welker, Robert M. Henshaw, James Jelinek, Barry M. Shmookler, and Martin M. Malawer

The percutaneous needle biopsy is safe and recommended in the diagnosis of musculoskeletal masses: Outcomes analysis of 155 patients at a sarcoma referral center, James A. Welker, Robert M. Henshaw, James Jelinek, Barry M. Shmookler, and Martin M. Malawer

Glenohumeral motion in patients with rotator cuff tears: a comparison of asymptomatic and symptomatic shoulders., K. Yamaguchi, J.S. Sher, W.K. Andersen, and R. Garretson

Submissions from 1999

Extraspinal bone and soft-tissue tumors as a cause of sciatica: Clinical diagnosis and recommendations: Analysis of 32 cases, Jacob Bickels, Neil Kahanovitz, Cynthia K. Rubert, Robert M. Henshaw, David P. Moss, Isaac Meller, and Martin M. Malawer

Effect of ankle and knee position on tension in the Achilles tendon, William L. Davis, Robert Singerman, Panagiotis A. Labropoulos, and Brian Victoroff

Letter to the editor [2] (multiple letters), D. C. Fithian, A. E. Page, L. L. Tosi, and J. M. Lane

Letter to the editor [1] (multiple letters), K. B. Freedman, L. L. Tosi, and J. M. Lane

Cryosurgery in the treatment of giant cell tumor: A long term followup study, Martin M. Malawer, Jacob Bickels, Isaac Meller, Richard G. Buch, Robert M. Henshaw, and Yehuda Kollender

Febrile response after knee and hip arthroplasty, J. A. Shaw and R. Chung

Submissions from 1998

Diabetic hand infections, S. F. Gunther and S. B. Gunther

Minimally invasive posterolateral lumbar arthrodesis, P. A. Moskovitz

Three novel type I collagen mutations in osteogenesis imperfecta type IV probands are associated with discrepancies between electrophoretic migration of osteoblast and fibroblast collagen, Adriana P. Sarafova, Hyeon Choi, Antonella Forlino, Anna Gajko, Wayne A. Cabral, Laura Tosi, C. Michael Reing, and Joan C. Marini

Ensuring the success of women in academic orthopaedics, Laura L. Tosi and Henry J. Mankin

Osteoporosis prevention and the orthopaedic surgeon: When fracture care is not enough, L. L. Tosi and J. M. Lane

The female athlete. The triad of disordered eating, amenorrhoea and osteoporosis, R. V. West

Submissions from 1997

Proposed curriculum model for resident education in pediatric orthopaedic surgery, Richard H. Gross, Peter F. Armstrong, Morey S. Moreland, William W. Robertson, George H. Thompson, and Laura L. Tosi

Dislocation of the hip in myelomeningocele. The McKay hip stabilization [1] (multiple letters), M. B. Menelaus, N. S. Broughton, L. L. Tosi, B. D. Buck, S. S. Nason, and D. W. McKay

Osteogenesis imperfecta, Laura L. Tosi

Submissions from 1996

Ligamentous instability of the knee in children sustaining fractures of the femur: A prospective study with knee examination under anesthesia, Steven L. Buckley, Peter F. Sturm, Laura L. Tosi, Michael D. Thomas, and William W. Robertson

Hand infections in patients with diabetes., S. F. Gunther and S. B. Gunther

Delayed reduction of traumatic knee dislocation: A case report and literature review, Robert M. Henshaw, Matthew S. Shapiro, and William L. Oppenheim

Orthopedic Trauma Surgeons' Attitudes and Practices Towards Bloodborne Pathogens, Melissa L. McCarthy, Michael J. Bosse, Michael Ann Preas, William G. De Long, Stephen F. Gunther, and Berton R. Moed

Dislocation of the hip in myelomeningocele: The Mckay hip stabilization, Laura L. Tosi, Brian D. Buck, Stephen S. Nason, and Douglas W. McKay

Submissions from 1994

The relationships of skeletal injuries with trauma score, injury severity score, length of hospital stay, hospital charges, and mortality in children admitted to a regional pediatric trauma center, Steven L. Buckley, Cathy Gotschall, William Robertson, Peter Sturm, Laura Tosi, Michael Thomas, and Martin Eichelberger

Struthers' ligament and associated median nerve variations in a cadaveric specimen, S. F. Gunther, D. DiPasquale, and R. Martin

Fit of the uncemented femoral component and the use of cement influence the strain transfer to the femoral cortex, Murali Jasty, Daniel O. O'Connor, Robert M. Henshaw, Timothy P. Harrigan, and William H. Harris

Percutaneous intramedullary fixation of long bone deformity in severe osteogenesis imperfecta, K. A. McHale, J. J. Tenuta, L. L. Tosi, and D. W. McKay

Bone mineral content of the spine and proximal femur in female patients with hip fracture, G. W. Soghikian, S. A. Boden, and P. A. Labropoulos

Operative treatment of syndesmotic disruptions without use of a syndesmotic screw: A prospective clinical study, K. Yamaguchi, C. H. Martin, S. D. Boden, and P. A. Labropoulos

Submissions from 1993

High assembly strains and femoral fractures produced during insertion of uncemented femoral components: A cadaver study, Murali Jasty, Robert M. Henshaw, Daniel O. O'Connor, and Dilliam H. Harris

Latex allergy in spina bifida patients: Prevalence and surgical implications, Laura L. Tosi, Jay E. Slater, Catherine Shaer, and Lucille A. Mostello

The surgical implications of latex sensitivity in children with spina bifida, L. L. Tosi, J. E. Slater, C. M. Shaer, and L. A. Mostello

Submissions from 1992

A prospective and blinded investigation of magnetic resonance imaging of the knee: Abnormal findings in asymptomatic subjects, S. D. Boden, D. O. Davis, T. S. Dina, D. W. Stoller, S. D. Brown, J. C. Vailas, and P. A. Labropoulos

The internal anatomy of the median nerve in the region of the elbow, Stephen F. Gunther, Dorren DiPasquale, and Robert Martin

Rubber-specific IgE in children with spina bifida: Identification and management, C. M. Shaer, J. E. Slater, L. A. Mostello, and L. L. Tosi

Submissions from 1991

Letters to the editor, Scott D. Boden, Panos A. Labropoulos, and James C. Vailas

Submissions from 1990

MR scanning of the acutely injured knee: Sensitive, but is it cost effective?, Scott D. Boden, Panos A. Labropoulos, and James C. Vailas

Hip fractures in young patients: Is this early osteoporosis?, Scott D. Boden, Panos Labropoulos, and Richard Saunders

Correspondence (Reply), S. D. Boden, P. A. Labropoulos, P. R. McCowin, W. F. Lestini, and S. R. Hurwitz

Chronic infections., S. F. Gunther

Infections of the hand. Introduction and overview., S. F. Gunther

The role of ender rodding in tibial fractures with an intact fibula, Andrew S. Levy, Louis E. Levitt, Stephen F. Gunther, and Merrick J. Wetzler

Posterior radial head dislocation without ulnar fracture, Daniel J. Pereles and Panos A. Labropoulos

Submissions from 1989

Retinyl acetate–induced arthritis in C3H‐Avy mice, Scott D. Boden, Panos A. Labropoulos, Bruce D. Ragsdal, Pietro M. Gullino, and Lynn H. Gerber

Mechanical considerations for the syndesmosis screw. A cadaver study, S. D. Boden, P. A. Labropoulos, P. McCowin, W. F. Lestini, and S. R. Hurwitz

Mycobacterial infections, S. F. Gunther and C. S. Levy

Efficacy of cortisone injection in treatment of trigger fingers and thumbs, Michael R. Marks and Stephen F. Gunther

Submissions from 1988

The effect of cryosurgery and polymethylmethacrylate in dogs with experimental bone defects comparable to tumor defects, M. M. Malawer, M. R. Marks, D. McChesney, M. Piasio, S. F. Gunther, and B. M. Schmookler

Submissions from 1987

When does mass screening for open neural tube defects in low-risk pregnancies result in cost savings?, L. L. Tosi, A. S. Detsky, D. P. Roye, and M. L. Morden

Submissions from 1986

Multiple flexor tendon xanthomas and contractures in the hands of a child with familial hypercholesterolemia, Stephen F. Gunther, Andrew G. Gunther, Jeffrey M. Hoeg, and Howard S. Kruth

Submissions from 1985

The embedded ring. Case report and review of the literature, T. B. Fleeter and S. F. Gunther

Dorsal wrist pain and the occult scapholunate ganglion, Stephen Flack Gunther

Submissions from 1984

A new technique for obtaining iliac bone grafts, George L. Grillon, Stephen F. Gunther, and Peter W. Connole

Submissions from 1982

Irreducible palmar dislocation of the proximal phalanx of the thumb—Case report, Stephen Flack Gunther and Christopher Joseph Zielinski

Hematogenous Serratia marcescens osteomyelitis of the carpal scaphoid from an indwelling radial artery catheter, Eric L. Knutson, Charles S. Levy, James A. Curtin, Harold Allen, and Stephen F. Gunther

Kienböck's disease—Update on silicone replacement arthroplasty, David M. Lichtman, A. Herbert Alexander, Gregory R. Mack, and Stephen F. Gunther

Cranial-nerve palsies complicating Jefferson fracture. A case report, C. J. Zielinaski, S. F. Gunther, and Z. Deeb

Submissions from 1981

Retinyl acetate arthritis in C3H Avy mice, L. H. Gerber, P. Labropoulos, J. L. Decker, and P. Gullino

Congenital fusion of the scaphoid and trapezium—Case report, Christopher J. Zielinski and Stephen F. Gunther

Submissions from 1980

Congenital anomaly of the cervical spine: Fusion of the occiput, atlas, and odontoid process. A case report, S. F. Gunther

Submissions from 1979

A hand infection from A. calcoaceticus (M. polymorpha), J. R. Schneider and S. F. Gunther

Submissions from 1978

Removal of os supranaviculare from a runner's painful foot: A case report, L. Zwelling, S. F. Gunther, and E. Hockstein

Submissions from 1977

Experience with atypical mycobacterial infection in the deep structures of the hand, Stephen F. Gunther, Robert C. Elliott, Robert L. Brand, and John P. Adams

Submissions from 1976

Mycobacterium kansasii infection in the deep structures of the hand. Report of two cases, S. F. Gunther and R. C. Elliott

Submissions from 1975

Diazepam * hypnosis for orthopaedic manipulations, Stephen F. Gunther

Submissions from 1974

An avoidable soccer injury, Stephen F. Gunther