
Submissions from 2005

In their own words: lessons learned from those exposed to anthrax., J.C. Blanchard, Y. Haywood, B.D. Stein, T.L. Tanielian, and M. Stoto

Preventive care in the United States: are blacks finally catching up? [see comment], J. Blanchard and N. Lurie

Simplifying prehospital analgesia: why certain medications should or should not be used for pain management in the field, B. Bledsoe, D. Braude, M. W. Dailey, J. Myers, and M. Richards

Simplifying prehospital analgesia. Why certain medications should or should not be used for pain management in the field., B. Bledsoe, D. Braude, M.W. Dailey, J. Myers, and M. Richards

CT Scan Use in the Evaluation of Patients with Abdominal Pain does not Result in a Higher Diagnostic Yield (abstract), J Brown and R Shesser

Drowning and near-drowning in children and adolescents - A succinct review for emergency physicians and nurses, A. E. Burford, L. M. Ryan, B. J. Stone, I. M. Hirshon, and B. L. Klein

The pediatric risk of hospital admission score: A second-generation severity-of-illness score for pediatric emergency patients, J. M. Chamberlain, K. M. Patel, and M. M. Pollack

Regional highlights in global emergency medicine development. (review), M.K. Doney and D.J. Macias

Funding emergency medicine development in low- and middle-income countries. (review), M.K. Doney, J. Smith, and G.B. Kapur

Genetic discrimination by insurers as a result of genetic research and testing: A comparison of national policies, R. I. Freishtat, Y. Joly, D. Avard, M. Ellenberg, and B. M. Knoppers

Activated T(II)2 lymphocytes express NKG2A, -C and an NK-like phenotype, R. I. Freishtat, S. B. Meyers, and L. M. Mitchell

A randomized, double-blind study comparing morphine with fentanyl in prehospital analgesia, M. Galinski, F. Dolveck, S. W. Borron, L. Tual, and V. Van Laer

Using distance-based technologies for emergency medicine training and education, T. Haile-Mariam, W. Koffenberger, H. W. McConnell, and S. Widamayer

Using distance-based technologies for emergency medicine training and education. (review), T. Haile-Mariam, W. Koffenberger, H.W. McConnell, and S. Widamaye

2006 guide to technology: vascular access. Pump away high-risk infusion errors, B. Jacobs

The United States twenty year experience with bombing incidents: implications for terrorism preparedness and response., G.B. Kapur, H.R. Hutson, M.A. Davis, and P.L. Rice

Measurement of carbon monoxide in simulated expired breath, E. Lapostolle, H. Gourlain, M. N. Pizagalli, P. Le Toumelin, and F. Adnet

Six core competencies and seven deadly sins: a virtues-based approach to the new guidelines for graduate medical education., G.L. Larkin, M.P. McKay, and P. Angelos

Are one or two dangerous? Sulfonylurea exposure in toddlers., G. Little and K.B. Boniface

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) notes. Graduated driver licensing systems... including commentary by McKay MP, M. P. McKay

Can the car tell us who needs the trauma team? (editorial), M.P. McKay

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration(NHTSA) Notes. Graduated driver licensing systems., M.P. McKay

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) notes. Breath test refusals in DWI enforcement: an interim report., M.P. McKay and H.G. Garrison

Reducing drunk driving: what is the role of the emergency physician?, M.P. McKay and H.G. Garrison

Current recommendations for treatment of severe toxic alcohol poisonings, B. Megarbane, S. W. Borron, and F. J. Baud

Cerebral and plasma kinetics of a high dose of midazolam and correlations with its respiratory effects in rats, B. Megarbane, N. Lesguillons, M. Galliot-Guilley, S. W. Borron, and H. Trout

Flunitrazepam does not alter cerebral distribution of buprenorphine in the rat, B. Megarbane, S. Pirnay, S. W. Borron, H. Trout, and C. Monier

Epidemiology of Epistaxis in US Emergency Departments, 1992-2001., D.J. Pallin, Y.M. Chng, M.P. McKay, J.A. Emond, and A.J. Pelletier

Effect of dietary supplements on hemostasis: A case of bleeding in context of research and surveillance, M. E. Palmer

The use of high-dose epinephrine for patients with out-of-hospital cardiopulmonary arrest refractory to prehospital interventions, M. D. Patterson, D. A. Boenning, B. L. Klein, S. Fuchs, and K. M. Smith

Reflections on becoming a specialty and its impact on global emergency medical care: our challenge for the future, M. T. Rapp and G. Podgorny

Are one or two dangerous? Tricyclic antidepressant exposure in toddlers. (review), T.G. Rosenbaum and M. Kou

Are one or two dangerous? Opioid exposure in toddlers, D. K. Sachdeva and J. M. Stadnyk

Understanding diversity among prehospital care delivery systems around the world. (review), N. Sikka and G. Margolis

Are 1-2 dangerous? Chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine exposure in toddlers. (review), E.R. Smith and W. Klein-Schwartz

Priorities in global emergency medicine development, J. Smith and T. Haile-Mariam

Therapeutic hypothermia. An old treatment gets a new look., D.J. Swinhart

Submissions from 2004

Bispectral index monitoring quantifies depth of sedation during emergency department procedural sedation and analgesia in children., D. Agrawal, H.A. Feldman, B. Krauss, and M.L. Waltzman

Development of URGENCY 2.1 for the prediction of crash injury severity, G. T. Bahouth, K. H. Digges, N. E. Bedewi, A. Kuznetsov, and J. S. Augenstein

Computerized Tomography Scan Use is Rising Faster than other Investigational Modalities in the Emergency Department Evaluation of Patients (abstract), J Brown and R Shesser

CT Scan Use in the Evaluation of Emergency Department Patients with Non-specific Abdominal Pain is Increasing Despite Decreased Patient Acuity (abstract), J. Brown and R. Shesser

Recalibration of the pediatric risk of admission score using a multi-institutional sample., J. M. Chamberlain, K. M. Patel, M. M. Pollack, A. Brayer, and C. G. Macias

Reducing errors and promoting safety in pediatric emergency care., J.M. Chamberlain, A. Slonim, and J.G. Joseph

ED evaluation of infants after an apparent life-threatening event., A.D. De Piero, S.J. Teach, and J.M. Chamberlain

ED evaluation of infants after an apparent life-threatening event, A. D. DePiero, S. J. Teach, and J. M. Chamberlain

Not all child safety seats are created equal: the potential dangers of shield booster seats, E. A. Edgerton, K. M. Orzechowski, and M. R. Eichelberger

Admission predictor modeling in pediatric interhospital transport., R. J. Freishtat, B. L. Klein, S. J. Teach, C. M. Johns, and L. S. Arapian

Admission predictor modeling in pediatric interhospital transport, R. J. Freishtat, B. L. Klein, S. J. Teach, C. M. S. Johns, and L. S. Arapian

Changes in the Public Safety Officers' Benefits Law improve coverage for emergency responders, E. S. Gaull

Ketamine for procedural sedation and analgesia by nonanesthesiologists in the field: a review for military health care providers, GT. Guldner, B. Petinaux, P. Clemens, S. Foster, and S. Antoine

Tension chylothorax caused by occult trauma, JL Jenkins, F Dillard, and R. Shesser

Are 1-2 tablets dangerous? Beta-blocker exposure in toddlers, J. N. Love and N. Sikka

Racial/Ethnic Differences in Parent-Child Smoking Communication, E. Mahabee-Gittens

Commentary: Supersized vans: A supersized problem., M.P. McKay and F.G. Vaca

2004 JEMS salary & workplace survey, K. A. Monosky

Coronary Embolus Secondary to a Prosthetic Mitral Valve and Subtherapeutic Anticoagulation, B Petinaux, R Shesser, B Rah, and J. Reiner

A critical review of the causes of death among post-mortem toxicological investigations: analysis of 34 buprenorphine-associated and 35 methadone-associated deaths, S. Pirnay, S. W. Borron, C. P. Giudicelli, J. Tourneau, and F. J. Baud

Recognition and management of pediatric fractures by pediatric residents., L. M. Ryan, A. D. DePiero, K. B. Sadow, C. A. Warmink, and J. M. Chamberlain

Are 1 or 2 dangerous? Clozapine and olanzapine exposure in toddlers., D. C. Wong and L. A. Curtis

Submissions from 2003

Overview of injuries in the young athlete., T.A. Adirim and T.L. Cheng

Preprocedural fasting state and adverse events in children undergoing procedural sedation and analgesia in a pediatric emergency department, D. Agrawal, S. F. Manzi, R. Gupta, and B. Krauss

Is elevated plasma lactate a useful marker in the evaluation of pure carbon monoxide poisoning?, M. L. Benaissa, B. Megarbane, S. W. Borron, and F. J. Baud

Racial and ethnic disparities in health: An emergency medicine perspective, J. C. Blanchard, Y. C. Haywood, and C. Scott

Racial and ethnic disparities in health: an emergency medicine perspective., J.C. Blanchard, Y.C. Haywood, and C. Scott

Removal from patient care duties after smallpox vaccination - is it really necessary?, R. Darling, J. Waeckerle, J.D. Grabenstein, and K.L. Koenig

In-flight medical events and aircraft diversions: one airline's experience, E.F. Delaune, R.H. Lucas, and P. Illig

Family/domestic violence: How to intervene? How to prevent?, T. Haile-Mariam

Protective equipment for health care facility decontamination personnel: Regulations, risks, and recommendations, J. L. Hick, D. Hanfling, J. L. Burstein, J. Markham, and A. G. Macintyre

Establishing and training health care facility decontamination teams, J. L. Hick, P. Penn, D. Hanfling, M. A. Lappe, and D. O'Laughlin

Homeland Security and Public Health: role of the Department of Veterans Affairs, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, and implications for the public health community, K.L. Koenig

Strip and shower: the duck and cover for the 21st century, K.L. Koenig

Triage: do we need new concepts?, K.L. Koenig

Derm and doom: the common rashes of chemical and biological terrorism, K.L. Koenig and C. Boatright

Department of Homeland Security working group on radiological dispersal device (RDD) preparedness, medical preparedness and response sub-group: medical response to radiologic casualties, K.L. Koenig and R. Hatchett

Stroke associated with pulmonary embolism after air travel, F. Lapostolle, S. W. Borron, V. Surget, D. Sordelet, and C. Lapandry

Questions of readiness: 6 professionals share their thoughts on the challenges facing first responders, P. Maniscalco, B. Clements, R. DeLorenzo, C. Bausch, and B. Morgan

Local emergency response: enduring the rhetoric while trying to define readiness, P.M. Maniscalco, J. Denney, K. Holtermann, and D. Kaniewski

WMD defined - nuclear - response to radiological incidents ΓÇô Part I, P.M. Maniscalco and S. McElrath

WMD defined - nuclear - response to radiological incidents - Part II, P.M. Maniscalco, S. McElrath, and K. Holtermann

WMD defined. Nuclear: response to radiological incidents, P. M. Maniscalco and S. S. McElrath

Emergency response to radiological incidents: WMD defined: part II, P. M. Maniscalco, S. S. McElrath, and K. A. Holtermann

An abstract, abnormal anomaly. The mystery of seizures and how to treat them in the field., K. Monosky

An abstract, abnormal anomaly: the mystery of seizures & how to treat them in the field, K. Monosky

200-city survey: JEMS' annual report on EMS operational & clinical trends in the country's 200 most populous cities for 2002 [corrected], K. A. Monosky

The slow steady climb, K. A. Monosky

2003 JEMS EMS salary & workplace survey: the slow steady climb, K.A. Monosky

200-City Survey. JEMS' annual report on EMS operational and clinical trends in the country's 200 most populous cities for 2002, K.A. Monosky

Implications of hospital evacuation after the Northridge earthquake, C.H. Schultz, K.L. Koenig, and R.H. Lewis

Implications of hospital evacuation after the Northridge, California, earthquake, C. H. Schultz, K. L. Koenig, and R. J. Lewis

Training of medical professionals and the delivery of health care as related to cultural identity groups, C. J. Scott, M. Martin, and G. Hamilton

What are the barriers to the use of outpatient enoxaparin therapy in deep venous thrombosis?, N. I. Shapiro, J. Spear, S. Sheehy, O. Lander, and J. Brown

Children with special health care needs: a template for prehospital protocol development, T. Singh, J.L. Wright, and T.A. Adirim

Nerve agent attack: a dangerous threat to emergency responders & the public, S. C. Suprun

Submissions from 2002

The reality of modern bio-terrorism response, J.A. Barbera and A.G. Macintyre

Winning Plays: Essential Guidance From the Terrorism Line of Scrimmage, P.S. Beering, P.M. Maniscalco, H.T. Christen, S.B. Storment, and A.D. Vickery

Disaster Response and Recovery: Will Years of Work Be Destroyed In Seconds?, P.M. Maniscalco

EMS Response to Hazardous Environments, P.M. Maniscalco

Prepare Your Service for Terrorism, P.M. Maniscalco

Understanding the Response to Acts of Terrorism, P.M. Maniscalco, H.T. Christen, and G.F. Dickens

Situational Awareness In Terrorism/Tactical Violence Responses, P.M. Maniscalco, H.T. Christen, and R Walker