Identification of North American Nursing Diagnosis Association-Nursing Interventions Classification-Nursing Outcomes Classification of nursing home residents using on-time data by android smartphone application by registered nurses

Document Type

Journal Article

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International journal of nursing knowledge




North American Nursing Diagnosis Association; Nursing Interventions Classification; Nursing Outcomes Classification; nursing homes; smartphone application


PURPOSE: We aimed to investigate the nursing process linkages formed by Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC) and Nursing Outcomes Classification (NOC) according to the primary NANDA-I diagnoses by registered nurses (RNs), customized to nursing home (NH) residents in Korea, using a developed smartphone application for NH RNs. METHODS: This is a retrospective descriptive study. Applying quota sampling, a total of 51 NHs from all operating 686 NHs hiring RNs participated in this study. Data were collected from June 21 to July 30, 2022. Data on NANDA-I, NIC, NOC (NNN) of nurses applied to the NH residents were collected through a developed smartphone application. The application consists of general organization and residents' characteristics, NANDA-I, NIC, and NOC. RNs selected randomly up to 10 residents and NANDA-I with risk factors and related factors over the past 7 days, followed by all applied interventions out of 82 NIC. RNs then evaluated residents through 79 selected NOC. RESULTS: We found the frequently used NANDA-I diagnoses, Nursing Interventions Classifications and Nursing Outcomes and Classifications applied for NH residents by RNs and developed the top five NOC linkages used to build care plan. CONCLUSION: It is time to pursue high-level evidence and reply to the questions raised in NH practice using NNN with high technology. The outcomes for patients and nursing staff are improved by the continuity of care made possible by uniform language. IMPLICATIONS FOR NURSING PRACTICE: NNN linkages should be used to construct and utilize the coding system of electronic health records or electronic medical records in Korean long-term care facilities.


Nursing Faculty Publications
