"Using a New Evidence-Based Health Workforce Innovation Research Framew" by Leah E. Masselink, Patricia Pittman et al.

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In the United States, changing demographics, rising costs, and the impact of new regulations and payment models arising from the Affordable Care Act have placed unprecedented pressures on healthcare providers to increase access to care, improve quality and to control costs. To meet these challenges, some providers are forming accountable care organizations (ACOs) while others are pursuing medical homes or other novel payment and care delivery models designed to help meet these challenges. Within established organizations such as federally funded community health centers (CHCs), healthcare leaders are exercising significant latitude in developing innovative solutions for meeting their patients’ needs more effectively and efficiently. One important way they are accomplishing this is through novel workforce arrangements that place health workers in new or expanded roles, new team arrangements or new locations. Key Goals

  1. To develop a framework that can be used to describe the drivers/motivators, mechanisms and outcomes of health workforce innovation so they can be used to guide future research in this area. This framework can help to identify patterns in emergent workforce arrangements, and can help researchers and planners to formulate hypotheses and study the implications of health workforce innovations in different contexts.
  2. To use the framework to compare and contrast health workforce innovations in community health centers and other ambulatory care settings. This information can help HRSA and other policymakers to understand the implications of health workforce changes for planning, education, and labor market projections, both in CHCs and in ambulatory care more generally.


Abstract and policy brief are also available for download.

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