"An Analysis of the Medicaid IMD Exclusion" by Sara J. Rosenbaum, Joel B. Teitelbaum et al.

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Medicaid & SCHIP; Legal


This report examines the Medicaid Institutions for Mental Disease (IMD) exclusion, one of the very few instances in which federal Medicaid law prohibits federal contribution to the cost of medically necessary care furnished by licensed medical care providers to enrolled program beneficiaries. The report begins with a brief overview of Medicaid's role in financing care for conditions and illnesses classified as "mental diseases" under professional medical guidelines and the allocation of state and federal funding responsibilities under Medicaid. The report then reviews the elements of the Medicaid IMD exclusion, as well as key judicial and administrative rulings related to the exclusion. The report concludes with a discussion of certain policy considerations related to the exclusion.

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Health Policy Commons



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