Submissions from 1992
Maternal Cigarette Smoking during Pregnancy: A Risk Factor for Childhood Strabismus, Rosemarie B. Hakim and James M. Tielsch
Agreement between maternal interview- and medical record based gestational age, Rosemarie B. Hakim, James M. Tielsch, and Lai Chu See
Race, Macular Degeneration, and the Macular Photocoagulation Study, Lee M. Jampol and James Tielsch
National Outcomes of Cataract Extraction: Increased Risk of Retinal Complications Associated with Nd.-YAG Laser Capsulotomy, Jonathan C. Javitt, James M. Tielsch, Joseph K. Canner, Margaret M. Kolb, Alfred Sommer, Earl P. Steinberg, Marilyn Bergner, Gerard F. Anderson, Eric B. Bass, Joseph Canner, Alan M. Gittelsohn, Marcia Legro, Neil R. Powe, Oliver P. Schein, Phoebe Sharkey, Donald M. Steinwachs, Debra Street, and Donald Doughman
Ocular Trauma in the United States: Eye Injuries Resulting in Hospitalization, 1984 through 1987, Joanne Klopfer, James M. Tielsch, Susan Vitale, Lai Chu See, and Joseph K. Canner
Further characterization of interactions between gamete surface antigens of Plasmodium falciparum, Nirbhay Kumar and Benjamin Wizel
Nucleotide sequence of a Plasmodium falciparum stress protein with similarity to mammalian 78-kDa glucose-regulated protein, Nirbhay Kumar and Hong Zheng
Recognition of Plasmodium falciparum asexual stage antigens by antibodies in sera from people exposed to Plasmodium vivax, N. Kumar, J. P. Polgar, and P. Lubega
Calf Lung Surfactant Extract Prophylaxis and Retinopathy of Prematurity, Michael X. Repka, Mark L. Hudak, Cameron F. Parsa, and James M. Tielsch
Xerophthalmia and growth in preschool Indonesian children, Ignatius Tarwotjo, Joanne Katz, Keith P. West, James M. Tielsch, and Alfred Sommer
Glaucoma care update: An introduction, James M. Tielsch
Outcomes research for glaucoma: A new approach to the evaluation of therapeutic response, James M. Tielsch
Screening for primary open-angle glaucoma: Alternative strategies and future directions, James M. Tielsch
Submissions from 1991
Cholera in Africa: lessons on transmission and control for Latin America, R. I. Glass, P. A. Blake, R. J. Waldman, M. Claeson, and N. F. Pierce
Occupational lead exposure and strabismus in offspring: A case-control study, Rosemarie B. Hakim, Walter F. Stewart, Joseph K. Canner, and James M. Tielsch
Induction and localization of Plasmodium falciparum stress proteins related to the heat shock protein 70 family, Nirbhay Kumar, Gary Koski, Masakadu Harada, Masamichi Aikawa, and Hong Zheng
Racial differences in the cause-specific prevalence of blindness in east baltimore, Alfred Sommer, James M. Tielsch, Joanne Katz, Harry A. Quigley, John D. Gottsch, Jonathan C. Javitt, James F. Martone, Richard M. Royall, Kathe A. Witt, and Sandi Ezrine
Relationship Between Intraocular Pressure and Primary Open Angle Glaucoma Among White and Black Americans: The Baltimore Eye Survey, Alfred Sommer, James M. Tielsch, Joanne Katz, Harry A. Quigley, John D. Gottsch, Jonathan Javitt, and Kuldev Singh
A population-based evaluation of glaucoma screening: The baltimore eye survey, James M. Tielsch, Joanne Katz, Kuldev Singh, Harry A. Quigley, John D. Gottsch, Jonathan Javitt, and Alfred Sommer
Socioeconomic Status and Visual Impairment Among Urban Americans, James M. Tielsch, Alfred Sommer, Joanne Katz, Harry Quigley, and Sandi Ezrine
Racial Variations in the Prevalence of Primary Open-angle Glaucoma: The Baltimore Eye Survey, James M. Tielsch, Alfred Sommer, Joanne Katz, Richard M. Royall, Harry A. Quigley, and Jonathan Javitt
Efficacy of vitamin A in reducing preschool child mortality in Nepal, K. P. West, J. Katz, S. C. LeClerq, E. K. Pradhan, J. M. Tielsch, A. Sommer, R. P. Pokhrel, S. K. Khatry, S. R. Shrestha, and M. R. Pandey
Identification of a continuous and cross-reacting epitope for Plasmodium falciparum transmission-blocking immunity, Benjamin Wizel and Nirbhay Kumar
Submissions from 1990
Using surveys in Mozambique for evaluation of diarrhoeal disease control, Julie Cliff, Felicity Cutts, and Ronald Waldman
Visual Impairment in a Rural Appalachian Community: Prevalence and Causes, Mohamad R. Dana, James M. Tielsch, Cheryl Enger, Ellen Joyce, Jeanne M. Santoli, and Hugh R. Taylor
The effective case management of childhood diarrhoea with oral rehydration therapy in the kingdom of Lesotho, Douglas L. Hatch, Rene C. Vreuls, Michael J. Toole, Mpolai Maseila Moteetee, Ivy Monoang, Celine M. Ngatane, David M. Gittelman, and Ronald J. Waldman
Stage-specific gametocytocidal effect in vitro of the antimalaria drug qinghaosu on Plasmodium falciparum, Nirbhay Kumar and Hong Zheng
Human immune response directed against Plasmodium falciparum heat shock-related proteins, N. Kumar, Y. Zhao, P. Graves, J. P. Folgar, L. Maloy, and H. Zheng
Surveillance and control of meningococcal meningitis epidemics in refugee populations, P. S. Moore, M. J. Toole, P. Nieburg, R. J. Waldman, and C. V. Broome
Diagnosis and management of acute respiratory infections in lesotho, Stephen Redd, Mpolai Moteetee, and Ronald Waldman
Variations in cataract management: Patient and economic outcomes, E. P. Steinberg, M. Bergner, A. Sommer, G. F. Anderson, E. B. Bass, J. Canner, A. M. Gittelsohn, J. Javitt, M. M. Kolb, N. R. Powe, D. M. Steinwachs, J. M. Tielsch, and J. P. Weiner
Determinants of Hospital Charges and Length of Stay for Ocular Trauma, James M. Tielsch and Leonard M. Parver
Blacks at Greater Risk for Blindness-Reply, James M. Tielsch, Alfred Sommer, and Joanne Katz
Blindness and Visual Impairment in an American Urban Population-Reply, James M. Tielsch, Alfred Sommer, and Joanne Katz
Blindness and Visual Impairment in an American Urban Population: The Baltimore Eye Survey, James M. Tielsch, Alfred Sommer, Kathe Witt, Joanne Katz, and Richard M. Royall
Cost and efficiency considerations in community‐based trials of vitamin A in developing countries, James M. Tielsch and Keith P. West
Prevention of Excess Mortality in Refugee and Displaced Populations in Developing Countries, Michael J. Toole and Ronald J. Waldman
Prevention and control of measles in emergency situations, M. J. Toole, R. W. Steketee, R. J. Waldman, and P. Nieburg
Health problems in developing countries: An overview, M. J. Toole and R. J. Waldman
Priority health interventions in developing countries, M. J. Toole and R. J. Waldman
Submissions from 1989
Loss of maternal measles antibody during infancy in an African city, Francois Dabis, Ronald J. Waldman, George F. Mann, Daniel Commenges, Gabriel Madzou, and T. Stephen Jones
Tuberculosis control in refugee settlements, Hans L. Rieder, Dixie E. Snider, Michael J. Toole, Ronald J. Waldman, Jerzy Leowski, H. Gerard ten Dam, Karel Styblo, Michel Gabaudan, and Michel Tailhades
Time Trends in the Incidence of Hospitalized Ocular Trauma, James M. Tielsch, Leonard Parver, and Belavadi Shankar
ADEQUACY OF REFUGEE RELIEF RATIONS, Michael J. Toole, Phillip Nieburg, Ronald J. Waldman, and Bobbie Person-Karell
Measles prevention and control in emergency settings, M. J. Toole, R. W. Steketee, R. J. Waldman, and P. Nieburg
Submissions from 1988
Immunity to sexual stages of malaria parasites, R. Carter, N. Kumar, I. Quakyi, M. Good, K. Mendis, P. Graves, and L. Miller
Improper practices for diarrhoea treatment in Africa, Francois Dabis, Alain Roisin, Joel G. Breman, Antoinette Helal, and Ronald J. Waldman
The epidemiology of measles in a partially vaccinated population in an African city: Implications for immunization programs, François Dabis, Abdourahmane Sow, Ronald J. Waldman, Placide Bikakouri, Joseph Senga, Gabriel Madzou, and T. Stephen Jones
Antibodies to Plasmodium falciparum gamete surface antigens in Papua New Guinea sera, PATRICIA M. GRAVES, RICHARD CARTERS, THOMAS R. BURKOT, ISABELLA A. QUAKYI, and NIRBHAY KUMAR
Risk factors for fatal diarrhea: A case-control study of African children, Patricia M. Griffin, Caroline A. Ryan, Makase Nyaphisi, Nancy Hargrett-bean, Ronald J. Waldman, and Paul A. Blake
Village and household clustering of xerophthalmia and trachoma, Joanne Katz, Scott L. Zeger, and James M. Tielsch
Plasmodium falciparum gene encoding a protein similar to the 78-kDa rat glucose-regulated stress protein, N. Kumar, C. Syin, R. Carter, I. Quakyi, and L. H. Miller
Vitamin A supplementation for refugees and famine victims, P. Nieburg, R. J. Waldman, R. Leavell, A. Sommer, and E. M. DeMaeyer
Intraobserver and Interobserver Agreement in Measurement of Optic Disc Characteristics, James M. Tielsch, Joanne Katz, Harry A. Quigley, Neil R. Miller, and Alfred Sommer
The epidemiology of trachoma in southern Malawi, J. H. Tielsch, K. P. West, J. Katz, E. Keyvan-Larijani, T. Tizazu, L. Schwab, G. J. Johnson, M. C. Chirambo, and H. R. Taylor
The association between inadequate rations, undernutrition prevalence, and mortality in refugee camps: Case studies of refugee populations in Eastern Thailand, 1979 - 1980, and Eastern Sudan, 1984 - 1985, Michael J. Toole, Phillip Nieburg, and Ronald J. Waldman
An analysis of mortality trends among refugee populations in Somalia, Sudan, and Thailand, M. J. Toole and R. J. Waldman
Submissions from 1987
The Prevalence of Glaucoma Among Eskimos of Northwest Alaska, Sheila M. Arkell, David A. Lightman, Alfred Sommer, Hugh R. Taylor, and James M. Tielsch
Target antigens of malaria transmission blocking immunity exist as a stable membrane bound complex, NIRBHAY KUMAR
The 230-kDa gamete surface protein of Plasmodium falciparum is also a target for transmission-blocking antibodies, I. A. Quakyi, R. Carter, J. Rener, N. Kumar, M. F. Good, and L. H. Miller
Acquired disorders affecting the immune system and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, James M. Tielsch, Martha S. Linet, and Moyses Szklo
Trachoma grading: Observer trials conducted in southern Malawi, J. M. Tielsch, K. P. West, G. J. Johnson, T. Tizazu, L. Schwab, M. C. Chirambo, and H. R. Taylor
The epidemiology of trachoma in Chiapas (Mexico)., M. Wilson, E. Keyvan-Larijani, F. Millan-Velasco, J. M. Tielsch, and H. R. Taylor
Submissions from 1986
Blindness and visual impairment in southern Malawi, M. C. Chirambo, J. M. Tielsch, K. P. West, J. Katz, T. Tizazu, L. Schwab, G. Johnson, J. Swartwood, H. R. Taylor, and A. Sommer
MEASLES CONTROL IN AFRICA, Francois Dabis, Ronald J. Waldman, Abdourahmane Sow, T. Stephen Jones, and Gabriel Madzou
Chronic lymphocytic leukemia and acquired disorders affecting the immune system: A case-control study, Martha S. Linet, Lee D. McCaffrey, Richard L. Humphrey, Ronald Brookmeyer, Mark L. Van Natta, James M. Tielsch, Wilma B. Bias, Jan A. Markowitz, Seldon C. Kravitz, and Moyses Szklo
Incidence of aplastic anemia in a three county area in south carolina, Martha S. Linet, Lee D. McCaffrey, Moyses Szklo, Jan A. Markowitz, Steven G. Warm, Lyle L. Sensenbrenner, James M. Tielsch, W. Fred Morgan, and James D. Bearden
Prevalence and severity of xerophthalmia in Southern Malawi, James M. Tielsch, Keith P. West, Joanne Katz, Moses C. Chirambo, Larry Schwab, Gordon J. Johnson, Teferra Tizazu, Jack Swartwood, and Alfred Sommer
Direct-Smear Fluorescent Antibody Cytology as a Field Diagnostic Tool for Trachoma, Martha C. Wilson, Francisco Millan Velasco, James M. Tielsch, and Hugh R. Taylor
Submissions from 1985
Phase separation in triton X-114 of antigens of transmission blocking immunity in Plasmodium gallinaceum, Nirbhay Kumar
Plasmodium gallinaceum: Critical role for microtubules in the transformation of zygotes into ookinetes, Nirbhay Kumar, Masamichi Aikawa, and C. Grotendorst
Biosynthesis of two stage-specific membrane proteins during transformation of Plasmodium gallinaceum zygotes into ookinetes, Nirbhay Kumar and Richard Carter
An Apparent Cluster of Aplastic Anemia in a Small Population of Teenagers, Martha S. Linet, James M. Tielsch, Jan A. Markowitz, Lyle L. Sensenbrenner, Lee D. Mccaffrey, Steven G. Warm, Sandra F. Vanderslice, W. Fred Morgan, James D. Bearden, and Moyses Szklo
Submissions from 1984
Phase separation of the receptor for immunoglobulin E and its subunits in Triton X-114, G. Alcaraz, J. P. Kinet, N. Kumar, S. A. Wank, and H. Metzger
Target antigens in malaria transmission blocking immunity., R. Carter, L. H. Miller, J. Rener, D. C. Kaushal, N. Kumar, P. M. Graves, C. A. Grotendorst, R. W. Gwadz, C. French, and D. Wirth
A surface protein expressed during the transformation of Zygotes of Plasmodium gallinaceum is a target of transmission-blocking antibodies, C. A. Grotendorst, N. Kumar, R. Carter, and D. C. Kaushal
Study of malaria incidence in Bishrampur Block (Palamau)., N. Kumar
Biosynthesis of the target antigens of antibodies blocking transmission of Plasmodium falciparum, Nirbhay Kumar and Richard Carter
AETIOLOGY OF CATARACT, Alfred Sommer, Hugh Taylor, James Tielsch, and Sheila West
The epidemiology of vitamin A deficiency and xerophthalmia., J. M. Tielsch and A. Sommer
Submissions from 1983
A winter outbreak of acute histoplasmosis in Northern Michigan, Ronald J. Waldman, Albert C. England, Robert Tauxe, Teresa Kline, Robert J. Weeks, Libero Ajello, Leo Kaufman, Berttina Wentworth, and David W. Fraser
Submissions from 1982
Aggregation and calcium-induced fusion of phosphatidylcholine vesicle-tubulin complexes, N. Kumar, R. Blumenthal, M. Henkart, J. N. Weinstein, and R. D. Klausner
A new tubulin-binding protein, Nirbhay Kumar and Martin Flavin
Modulation of Some Parameters of Assembly of Microtubules in vitro by Tyrosinolation of Tubulin, Nirbhay KUMAR and Martin FLAVIN
Gel filtration in 6 M guanidine hydrochloride of the α-subunit (and its fragments) of the receptor for immunoglobulin E, Nirbhay Kumar and Henry Metzger
Aspirin as a Risk Factor in Reye's Syndrome, Ronald J. Waldman, William N. Hall, Harry Mcgee, and George Van Amburg
Submissions from 1981
Outbreaks of Campylobacter enteritis in two extended families: Evidence for person-to-person transmission, Martin J. Blaser, Ronald J. Waldman, Timothy Barrett, and Arvid L. Erlandson
Interaction of tubulin with phospholipid vesicles. I. Association with vesicles at the phase transition., R. D. Klausner, N. Kumar, J. N. Weinstein, R. Blumenthal, and M. Flavin
Taxol-induced polymerization of purified tubulin. Mechanism of action, N. Kumar
Preferential action of a brain detyrosinolating carboxypeptidase on polymerized tubulin., N. Kumar and M. Flavin
Interaction of tubulin with phospholipid vesicles. II. Physical changes of the protein., N. Kumar, R. D. Klausner, J. N. Weinstein, R. Blumenthal, and M. Flavin
Submissions from 1980
Genetic factors in chronic obstructive lung disease., H. A. Menkes, B. H. Cohen, D. A. Levy, P. Kreiss, S. Permutt, and J. Tielsh
Submissions from 1974
Cellular and molecular correlates of the decline in responsiveness of cartilage and thymus to growth hormone in aged animals, G. P. Talwar, N. Kumar, M. R. Pandian, and P. D. Gupta