Document Type
Journal Article
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Human rights education in humanitarian settings: opportunities and challenges
human rights, education, humanitarian, refugees, adolescents, Rohingya, Syria
Human rights education in humanitarian settings provides an opportunity for adolescent refugees to understand and exercise their human rights, respect the rights of others, and gain active citizenship skills. This paper examines non-formal education programmes and the extent to which they embed education about, through and for human rights; it draws on mixed method data from two diverse contexts–Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh and Syrian refugees in Jordan. We find stark differences in how human rights are reflected in non-formal education programming for refugees. In Jordan, the Makani programme integrates human rights across subjects and teacher pedagogy, and fosters skills for active citizenship. By contrast, in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh, a lack of basic rights hinders the delivery of meaningful human rights education for Rohingya adolescents. We conclude that human rights education should be a core pillar of humanitarian responses, but that it requires significant adaptations to contextual realities.
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APA Citation
Devonald, M., Jones, N., Guglielmi, S., Seager, J., & Baird, S. (2021). Human rights education in humanitarian settings: opportunities and challenges. Human rights education in humanitarian settings: opportunities and challenges, ().
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