
Submissions from 2003

Occupational exposure to beryllium, R. Horsch, P. Lurie, D. Michaels, and S. Wolfe

Ultraviolet radiation and cutaneous malignant melanoma, C. Jhappan, F. P. Noonan, and G. Merlino

Causes of electrical deaths and injuries among construction workers., M. McCann, K.L. Hunting, J. Murawski, R. Chowdhury, and L. Welch

Modeling gene-environment interactions in malignant melanoma, G. Merlino and F. P. Noonan

Modeling gene-environment interactions in malignant melanoma., G. Merlino and F.P. Noonan

Environmental health science and the legacy of popular literature, D. Michaels

Disclosure in regulatory science, D. Michaels and W. Wagner

Animal models of melanoma: an HGF/SF transgenic mouse model may facilitate experimental access to UV initiating events., F.P. Noonan, J. Dudek, G. Merlino, and E.C. De Fabo

Mice with genetically determined high susceptibility to ultraviolet (UV)-induced immunosuppression show enhanced UV carcinogenesis, F. P. Noonan, H. K. Muller, T. R. Fears, D. F. Kusewitt, and T. M. Johnson

Mice with genetically determined high susceptibility to ultraviolet (UV)-induced immunosuppression show enhanced UV carcinogenesis., F.P. Noonan, H.K. Muller, T.R. Fears, D.F. Kusewitt, and T.M. Johnson

Incorporating susceptible subpopulations in microbial risk assessment: Pediatric exposures to enteroviruses in river water, R. Parkin, J. Soller, and A. Oliveri

Communicating water-related health risks: Lessons learned and emerging issues, R. T. Parkin, M. A. Embrey, and P. R. Hunter

Water-related risk communication: lessons learned and emerging issues, R.T. Parkin, M.A. Embrey, and P.R. Hunter

Incorporating susceptible subpopulations in microbial risk assessment: pediatric exposures to enteroviruses in river water, R. T. Parkin, J. A. Soller, and A. W. Olivieri

Ink4a/Arf deficinecy promotes ultraviolet radiation-induced melanomagenesis., J.A. Recio, F.P. Noonan, H. Takayama, M.R. Anver, and P. Duray

Risk-based approach to evaluate the public health benefit of additional water treatment, J.A. Soller, A.W. Oliveri, J. Crook, R.C. Cooper, and G. Tchobanoglous

Submissions from 2002

Clinical profile of 30 infants with acute pulmonary hemorrhage in Cleveland, D.G. Dearborn, P.G. Smith, B.B Dahms, T.M. Allan, and W.G. Sorenson

Mycotoxins, R.A. Etzel

Silicosis and lung function decrements among female ceramic workers in Italy, F. Forastiere, D.F. Goldsmith, A. Sperati, E. Rapti, and M. Miceli

A process to reconcile priorities among agencies responsible for environmental health risk., T.L. Guidotti and W.C. Herz

Occupational fatalities in emergency medical services: a hidden crisis., B.J. Maguire, K.L. Hunting, G.S. Smith, and N.R. Levick

Advice without dissent, D. Michaels, E. Bingham, and L. Boden

Inka41/Arf deficinecy promotes ultraviolet radiation-induced melanomagenesis., J.A. Recio, F.P. Noonan, H. Takayama, M.R. Anver, and P. Duray

Submissions from 2001

Is the water safe for my baby?, J.M. Balbus and M.E. Lang

Permanent respiratory impairment and upper airway symptoms despite clinical improvement in patients with reactive airways dysfunction syndrome., S.L. Demeter, E.M. Cordasco, and T.L. Guidotti

Indoor air pollutants in homes and schools, R.A. Etzel

Recommended library and electronic resources for occupational and environemntal physicians., T.L. Guidotti

Genetic probes of three theories of maternal adjustment: II. Genetic and environmental influences, D. Reiss, M. Cederblad, N.L. Pedersen, P. Lichtenstein, and O. Elthammar

Genetic probes of three theories of maternal adjustment: I. Recent evidence and a model., D. Reiss, N.L. Pedersen, M. Cederblad, P. Lichtenstein, and K. Hansson

The risk of acquiring hepatitis B or C among public safety workers: a systematic review., G. Rischitelli, J. Harris, L. McCauley, R. Gershon, and T.L. Guidotti

Serotype distribution of Salmonella isolates from food animals after slaughter differs from that of isolates found in humans, A.R. Sawari, L.S. Magder, P. Levine, A.M. McNamara, and S. Knower

Health risks posed by use of di-2-ethylhexyl phthalate (DEHP) in PVC medical devices: a critical review., J.A. Tickner, T. Schettler, T.L. Guidotti, M. McCally, and M. Rossi

Injury surveillance in construction: eye injuries., L.S. Welch, K.L. Hunting, and A. Mawudeku

Submissions from 2000

Injury and employment patterns among Hispanic construction workers, J.T. Anderson, K.L. Hunting, and L.S. Welch

Variations in Concepts of "Susceptibility" in Risk Assessment, J. M. Balbus and R. T. Parkin

Susceptibility in microbial risk assessment: definitions and nesearch needs, J.M. Balbus, R.T. Parkin, and M.E. Embrey

Social factors of susceptibility in risk assessment: application to microbial pathogens., J. Balbus and R. Parkin

Linking environmental cancer with occupational epidemiology research: the role of the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), D.F. Goldsmith

Bioterrorism and the public health response., T.L. Guidotti

Occupational epidemiology., T.L. Guidotti

Environmental security and public health: steps toward a new theoretical framework., T.L. Guidotti and J.M. Balbus

The Fort McMurray Demonstration Project in Social Marketing: theory, design, and evaluation., T.L. Guidotti, L. Ford, and M. Wheeler

Can varying concepts of susceptibility in risk assessment affect particulate matter standards?, R.T. Parkin and J.M. Balbus

Variations in concepts of "susceptibiity" in risk assessment., R.T. Parkin and J.M. Balbus

Acute hazards to young children from residential pesticide exposures., M.F. Spann, J. Blondell, and K.L. Hunting

Women in construction: occupational health and working conditions., L.S. Welch, L.M. Goldenhar, and K.L. Hunting

Injury suveillance in construction: injuries to laborers., L.S. Welch, K.L. Hunting, and J.T. Anderson

Submissions from 1999

Differential sensitivity of lung and brain to sulfide exposure: a peripheral mechanism for apnea., A.F. Almeida and T.L. Guidotti

Hunting, trapping, gathering, and other wilderness-related work., T.L. Guidotti

Indicators of cardiovascular risk among workers exposed to high intermittent levels of carbon disulphide., T.L. Guidotti and H. Hoffman

Support groups for injured workers: process and outcomes., J. Mignone and T.L. Guidotti

Nested case-control study of esophageal cancer in relation to occupational exposure to silica and other dusts., G. Pan, K. Takahashi, Y. Feng, L. Liu, and T. Liu

End-stage renal disease among ceramic workers exposed to silica., E. Rapiti, A. Sperati, M. Miceli, F. Forastiere, and D. Di Lallo

Fatal and non-fatal injuries from vessels under air pressure in construction, L. S. Welch, J. Weeks, and K. L. Hunting

Submissions from 1998

Simple visual reaction time in organolead manufacturing workers: influence of the interstimulus interval, J. M. Balbus, W. Stewart, K. I. Bolla, and B. S. Schwartz