Document Type

DNP Project


School of Nursing

Date of Degree

Spring 2024


Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)

Primary Advisor

Dr. Cynthia Allen


Background: To improve mental health outcomes, interventions must be rooted in a safe space within the community. Community-based outreach programs for African American men are becoming increasingly common, but whether they are an effective approach to improving Depression recognition and Mental Health Seeking Behaviors, remains unknown.

Aims: The purpose of this Quality Improvement (QI) project was to implement a community-based education program to assist African American male fraternity members in Seattle, Washington to increase their depression literacy, health-seeking behaviors, and increase access to community resources. Outcomes for evaluation consisted of the following three components: (1) depression literacy, (2) mental health- seeking behaviors, and (3) community resource access. Except for access to community resources, these variables were compared before and after the intervention.

Methods: An independent t-test was measured before and after intervention for analysis. Quantitative data was obtained via the Depression Literacy Scale and the Mental Health-Seeking Behaviors Survey. Results: Ten participants submitted their responses to the surveys pre-intervention, and one participant submitted their responses post-intervention. Pre-intervention, participant data indicated limited depression literacy (mean, [SD], 10.20, [2.20]) and neutral feelings regarding mental health-seeking attitudes (4.42, [.38]). Post-intervention data showed improvements in both depression literacy and mental health-seeking attitudes despite low respondent follow-up.

Recommendations: It was identified that community-based interventions provided a positive influence on depression literacy, mental health-seeking behaviors, and access to community resources. The use of community-based interventions is cost-effective and sustainable to help improve the health disparities surrounding behavioral health treatments amongst African American men.

Open Access


Available for download on Sunday, April 27, 2025
