
Submissions from 2010

Invasive aspergillus masquerading as chronic otitis externa: A case report and review of the literature, N Chhabra, PE Zapanta, and N Sadeghi

Neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin: A promising biomarker for detecting cardiac surgery-associated acute kidney injury, D. N. Cruz, C. Ronco, and N. Katz

Mastectomy and Contralateral Prophylactic Mastectomy Rates: An Institutional Review, S Damle, CB Teal, JJ Lenert, EC Marshall, and Q Pan

ADQI 7: The clinical management of the Cardio-Renal syndromes: Work group statements from the 7th ADQI consensus conference, A Davenport, SD Anker, and A Mebazaa

Primary care perceptions of otolaryngology, Mark C. Domanski, Samaneh Ashktorab, and Steven A. Bielamowicz

Primary care perceptions of otolaryngology, MC Domanski, S Ashktorab, and SA Bielamowicz

Extraintestinal Manifestations of Pediatric Inflammatory Bowel Disease and Their Relation to Disease Type and Severity, JL Dotson, JS Hyams, J Markowitz, NS LeLeiko, and DR Mack

Pediatric acute sinusitis: Predictors of increased resource utilization, DR Dugar, L Lander, A Mahalingam-Dhingra, and RK Shah

Breast implant salvage with the use of acellular dermal matrix following partial mastectomy, Warren A. Ellsworth, Mort Rizvi, Mike Lypka, Barbara L. Bass, and Jeffrey D. Friedman

Using methods & measures from network analysis for GUI testing, Ethar Elsaka, Walaa Eldin Moustafa, Bao Nguyen, and Atif Memon

How accurate is the accreditation council for graduate medical education (ACGME) resident survey? Comparison between ACGME and in-house GME survey, Bridget N. Fahy, S. Rob Todd, Judy L. Paukert, Melanie L. Johnson, and Barbara L. Bass

The monetary value of physician services in America: A survey of the general population, PC Frake, MC Domanski, RJ Howell, and T Troost

BP1 homeoprotein enhances metastatic potential in ER-negative breast cancer, Yebo Fu, Yi Lian, Kyung Soon Kim, Lei Zhang, A. Katharine Hindle, Fred Brody, Robert S. Siegel, Timothy A. Mccaffrey, and Sidney W. Fu

Computational surgery and dual training, Marc Garbey, Barbara Lee Bass, Christophe Collet, Michel De Mathelin, and Roger Tran-Son-Tay

Preface, Marc Garbey, Barbara Lee Bass, Christophe Collet, Michel De Mathelin, and Roger Tran-Son-Tay

Congenital laryngeal webs: Surgical course and outcomes, Steven Goudy, Nancy Bauman, José Manaligod, and Richard J.H. Smith

Reactivation of adiponectin expression in obese patients after bariatric surgery, A. Katharine Hindle, Claire Edwards, Tim McCaffrey, Sidney W. Fu, and Fred Brody

Identification of cardiovascular genes in omentum from morbidly obese patients with type 2 diabetes, A. K. Hindle, C. Edwards, T. McCaffrey, S. Fu, and F. Brody

Identification of crdiovascular genes in omentum from morbidly obese patients with type 2 diabetes, A. K. HIndle, C. Edwards, T. McCaffrey, S. Fu, and F. Brody

Identification of cardiovascular genes in omentum from morbidly obese patients with type 2 diabetes, A.K. Hindle, C. Edwards, T. McCaffrey, S. Fu, and F. Brody

Reactivation of adiponectin expression in obese patients after bariatric surgery, A.K. Hindle, C. Edwards, T. McCaffrey, S.W. Fu, and F. Brody

Adiponectin but not leptin is involved in early hepatic disease in morbidly obese patients, Anna Katharine Hindle, Claire Edwards, Alisha Mendonsa, Marcos Rojkind, Tim McCaffrey, Sidney Fu, and Fred Brody

The S-Plus lift: A short-scar, long-flap rhytidectomy, SB Hopping, S Janjanin, N Tanna, and AS Joshi

Volumetric facelift: Evaluation of rhytidectomy with alloplastic augmentation, S. B. Hopping, A. S. Joshi, N. Tanna, and S. Janjanin

Volumetric facelift: Evaluation of rhytidectomy with alloplastic augmentation, SB Hopping, AS Joshi, N Tanna, and S Janjanin

The S-Plus lift: A short-scar, long-flap rhytidectomy, Steven B. Hopping, Sasa Janjanin, Neil Tanna, and Arjun S. Joshi

Volumetric facelift: Evaluation of rhytidectomy with alloplastic augmentation, Steven B. Hopping, Arjun S. Joshi, Neil Tanna, and Sasa Janjanin

Epidemiology of acute kidney injury, E.A.J. Hoste, N.M. Katz, M.H. Rosner, M. Haase, and C. Ronco

Definition and classification of Cardio-Renal Syndromes: workgroup statements from the 7th ADQI Consensus Conference, A. A. House, I. Anand, R. Bellomo, D. Cruz, and I. Bobek

Otolaryngology resident perspective of proposed duty hour restrictions, R Howell, A Caggiula, M Domanski, and P Zapanta

Otolaryngology resident perspective of proposed duty hour restrictions, Rebecca Howell, Amy Caggiula, Mark Domanski, and Philip Zapanta

Miller fisher syndrome presents as an acute voice change to hypernasal speech, Rebecca J. Howell, Alexandra G. Davolos, Matthew S. Clary, Paul C. Frake, Arjun S. Joshi, and Houtan Chaboki

Miller Fisher Syndrome Presents as an Acute Voice Change to Hypernasal Speech, R. J. Howell, A. G. Davolos, M. S. Clary, P. C. Frake, and A. S. Joshi

Aprotinin confers neuroprotection by reducing apoptotic cell death, Y. Iwata, O. Nicole, T. Okamura, D. Zurakowski, and R.A. Jonas

Ibuprofen for neuroprotection after cerebral ischemia, Y. Iwata, O. Nicole, D. Zurakowski, T. Okamura, and R.A. Jonas

Using activated clotting time to estimate intraoperative aprotinin concentration, Y. Iwata, T. Okamura, D. Zurakowski, and R.A. Jonas

Unexpected pathologies in pediatric parotid lesions: Management paradigms revisited, EM Jaryszak, RK Shah, RJ Howell, CT Rossi, and NM Bauman

Acquired cholesteatoma presenting as a large pars squamosa temporal bone mass, EM Jaryszak, C Vanison, AL Yaun, and DA Preciado

Unexpected pathologies in pediatric parotid lesions: Management paradigms revisited, Eric M. Jaryszak, Rahul K. Shah, Rebecca J. Howell, Christopher T. Rossi, Nancy M. Bauman, and Diego A. Preciado

Impact of Obesity on Outcomes after Open Surgical and Endovascular Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Repair, III Johnson, ON, AN Sidawy, JM Scanlon, and R Walcott

Impact of Obesity on Outcomes after Open Surgical and Endovascular Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Repair, ON Johnson, A. N. Sidawy, J. M. Scanlon, R. Walcott, and S. Arora

Impact of Obesity on Outcomes after Open Surgical and Endovascular Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Repair, Owen N. Johnson, Anton N. Sidawy, James M. Scanlon, Roger Walcott, Subodh Arora, Robyn A. Macsata, Richard L. Amdur, and William G. Henderson

Impact of Obesity on Outcomes after Open Surgical and Endovascular Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Repair, Owen N. Johnson, Anton N. Sidawy, James M. Scanlon, Roger Walcott, Subodh Arora, Robyn A. Macsata, Richard L. Amdur, and William G. Henderson

Chopstick surgery: A novel technique enables use of the da Vinci Robot to perform single-incision laparoscopic surgery, R. A. Joseph, N. A. Salas, C. Johnson, A. Goh, S. P. Cuevas, M. A. Donovan, M. G. Kaufman, B. Miles, P. R. Reardon, B. L. Bass, and B. J. Dunkin

"Chopstick" surgery: A novel technique improves surgeon performance and eliminates arm collision in robotic single-incision laparoscopic surgery, Rohan A. Joseph, Alvin C. Goh, Sebastian P. Cuevas, Michael A. Donovan, Matthew G. Kauffman, Nilson A. Salas, Brian Miles, Barbara L. Bass, and Brian J. Dunkin

Lesion-specific outcomes in neonates undergoing congenital heart surgery are related predominantly to patient and management factors rather than institution or surgeon experience: A Congenital Heart Surgeons Society Study, T. Karamlou, B. W. McCrindle, E. H. Blackstone, S. Cai, and R. A. Jonas

Laparoscopic resection of a retroperitoneal cystic lymphangioma in an adult, Jason Kasza, Fredrick J. Brody, Fatima Khambaty, Khashayar Vaziri, and Brian Wallace

Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy for linear scleroderma, Jason Kasza, Fred Brody, Brian Wallace, Claire Lebrun, and Fatima Khambaty

Laparoscopy for stage IV melanoma in two organs, Jason Kasza, Francisco Espinel, Fatima Khambaty, Showkat Bashir, and Fred Brody

Laparoscopic resection of a retroperitoneal cystic lymphangioma in an adult, J Kasza, FJ Brody, F Khambaty, K Vaziri, and B Wallace

Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy for Linear Scleroderma, J. Kasza, F. Brody, B. Wallace, C. LeBrun, and F. Khambaty

Laparoscopy for stage IV melanoma in two organs, J Kasza, F Espinel, F Khambaty, S Bashir, and F Brody

Surgery in the Horn of Africa: A 1-year experience of an American-sponsored surgical residency in Eritrea, FM Khambaty, HM Ayas, and HM Mezghebe

Endoscopic management of iatrogenic duodenal perforation with linear-probe echoendoscope, Omar S. Khokhar, Dennis T. Nguyen, Lynt Johnson, Reena Jha, and Nadim G. Haddad

A trigger tool fails to identify serious errors and adverse events in pediatric otolaryngology, L Lander, DW Roberson, KM Plummer, PW Forbes, and GB Healy

Consensus Statement: Minimal Criteria for Reporting the Systemic Inflammatory Response to Cardiopulmonary Bypass, RC Landis, JM Murkin, DA Stump, RA Baker, and JE Arrowsmith

The transanal approach with laparoscopy or laparotomy for the treatment of rectal strictures in Crohn's disease, Taiwo A. Lawal, Jason S. Frischer, Richard A. Falcone, Kaveer Chatoorgoon, Lee A. Denson, and Marc A. Levitt

Minimally invasive treatment of fecal incontinence and constipation in children, M. A. Levitt and A. Peña

Editorial Comment, Marc A. Levitt

Preface, Marc A. Levitt

Evaluation and treatment of the patient with Hirschsprung disease who is not doing well after a pull-through procedure, Marc A. Levitt, Belinda Dickie, and Alberto Peña

The morbidity of constipation in patients with anorectal malformations, Marc A. Levitt, Adrien Kant, and Alberto Peña

Cloacal malformations: lessons learned from 490 cases, Marc A. Levitt and Alberto Peña

Fecal Incontinence and Constipation, Marc A. Levitt and Alberto Peña

Imperforate Anus and Cloacal Malformations, Marc A. Levitt and Alberto Peña

Pediatric fecal incontinence: A surgeon's perspective, Marc A. Levitt and Alberto Peña

Laparoscopic inguinal hernia inversion and ligation in female children: a review of 173 consecutive cases at a single institution, Aaron M. Lipskar, Samuel Z. Soffer, Richard D. Glick, Nelson G. Rosen, Marc A. Levitt, and Andrew R. Hong

Nonoperative Closure of Persistent Gastrocutaneous Fistulas in Children with 2-Octylcyanoacrylate, J Lukish, L Marmon, and C Burns

Thoracic neuroblastoma: A retrospective review of our institutional experience with comparison of the thoracoscopic and open approaches to resection, Marcus M. Malek, Kevin P. Mollen, Timothy D. Kane, Sohail R. Shah, and Chetan Irwin

Review of outcomes of primary liver cancers in children: Our institutional experience with resection and transplantation, Marcus M. Malek, Sohail R. Shah, Prashant Atri, Jose L. Paredes, Leigh Anne Dicicco, Rakesh Sindhi, Kyle A. Soltys, George V. Mazariegos, and Timothy D. Kane

Laparoscopic splenic-preserving distal pancreatectomy for trauma in a child, Marcus M. Malek, Sohail R. Shah, and Timothy D. Kane

Endoscopically guided thoracoscopic esophagectomy for stricture in a child, Marcus M. Malek, Sohail R. Shah, Aviva L. Katz, and Timothy D. Kane

Gastric electrical stimulation with enterra therapy improves symptoms from diabetic gastroparesis in a prospective study, Richard W. McCallum, William Snape, Fredrick Brody, John Wo, Henry P. Parkman, and Thomas Nowak

Gastric electrical stimulation with enterra therapy improves symptoms from diabetic gastroparesis in a prospective study, RW McCallum, W Snape, F Brody, J Wo, and HP Parkman

Prevention of cardio-renal syndromes: Workgroup statements from the 7th ADQI Consensus Conference, PA McCullough, M Haapio, and S Mankad

Advances in Automated Model-Based System Testing of Software Applications with a GUI Front-End, Atif M. Memon and Bao N. Nguyen

Surgical management of ovarian disease in infants, children, and adolescents: a 15-year review., Brett Michelotti, Bradley J. Segura, Indranil Sau, Sonia Perez-Bertolez, Jose M. Prince, and Timothy D. Kane

Sepsis in general surgery: The 2005-2007 national surgical quality improvement program perspective, Laura J. Moore, Frederick A. Moore, S. Rob Todd, Stephen L. Jones, Krista L. Turner, and Barbara L. Bass

Assessing the efficacy of the fundamentals of research and career development course overseas, EP Nadler, S Krishnaswami, SI Brundage, LT Kim, and TP Kingham

Differential Expression of Hepatic Fibrosis Mediators in Sick and Spontaneously Recovered Mice with Experimental Biliary Atresia, EP Nadler, X Li, E Onyedika, and MA Greco

Extramedullary hematopoietic tumor mimicking a thoracic nerve root schwannoma: Case report, EK Oermann, ND Coppa, M Margolis, and FA Sandhu

Cardiopulmonary bypass increases permeability of the blood-cerebrospinal fluid barrier, T. Okamura, N. Ishibashi, D. Zurakowski, and R.A. Jonas

Bezold's abscess in the setting of untreated HIV infection, N Patel, J Goodman, and A Singh

Pseudoachalasia Secondary to Metastatic Breast Carcinoma, J. M. Paulsen, G. C. Aragon, M. A. Ali, F. J. Brody, and M. L. Borum

Pseudoachalasia secondary to metastatic breast carcinoma, J. M. Paulsen, G. C. Aragon, M. A. Ali, F. J. Brody, and M. L. Borum

Posterior cloaca-further experience and guidelines for the treatment of an unusual anorectal malformation, Alberto Peña, Andrea Bischoff, Lesley Breech, Emily Louden, and Marc A. Levitt

Recurrent supraglottic pyogenic granuloma, treated with excision and topical mitomycin C, Katherine Perry, Joseph Goodman, and Steven Bielamowicz

Recurrent supraglottic pyogenic granuloma, treated with excision and topical mitomycin C, K Perry, J Goodman, and S Bielamowicz

MRI of the median nerve and median artery in the carpal tunnel: prevalence of their anatomical variations and clinical significance, C. Pierre-Jerome, R. D. Smitson, V. Moncayo, M. Abdelnoor, and M. R. Terk

Inducing CTLA-4-dependent immune regulation by selective CD28 blockade promotes regulatory T cells in organ transplantation, Nicolas Poirier, Agnes M. Azimzadeh, Tianshu Zhang, Nahzli Dilek, Caroline Mary, Bao Nguyen, Xavier Tillou, Guosheng Wu, Karine Reneaudin, Jeremy Hervouet, Bernard Martinet, Flora Coulon, Emma Allain-Launay, Georges Karam, Jean Paul Soulillou, Richard N. Pierson, Gilles Blancho, and Bernard Vanhove

Effective adoptive therapy of tap-deficient lymphoma using diverse high avidity alloreactive T cells, Z. Popmihajlov, F. R. Santori, D. Gebreselassie, A. D. Sandler, and S. Vukmanovic

Child with hypernasality, D Preciado

MUC5B is the predominant mucin glycoprotein in chronic otitis media fluid, D Preciado, S Goyal, M Rahimi, AM Watson, and KJ Brown

Cigarette Smoke Activates NF kappa B-Mediated Tnf-alpha Release from Mouse Middle Ear Cells, D Preciado, E Kuo, S Ashktorab, P Manes, and M Rose

Aggressive bronchoscopic management of plastic bronchitis., D Preciado, S Verghese, and S Choi

Continuing Medical Education. Overuse Injuries of Tendon and Bone: All the Small Things, S Pribut

The phantom limb experience and sensory phenomena in a relocated limb in a case of fillet flap used to reconstruct a massive wound proximal to an above-knee amputation, DB Price, RB Rosse, JW Henry, JJ Lenert, and AC Birk

Socioeconomic Disparities in Infant Mortality After Nonaccidental Trauma: A Multicenter Study, EL Rangel, RS Burd, and RA Falcone

Socioeconomic disparities in infant mortality after nonaccidental trauma: A multicenter study, Erika L. Rangel, Randall S. Burd, and Richard A. Falcone

Socioeconomic disparities in infant mortality after nonaccidental trauma: A multicenter study, Erika L. Rangel, Randall S. Burd, and Richard A. Falcone