The role of a colon resection in combination with a Malone appendicostomy as part of a bowel management program for the treatment of fecal incontinence

Document Type

Journal Article

Publication Date



Journal of Pediatric Surgery








Bowel management; Colon resection; Constipation; Enema; Fecal incontinence; Laxative


Purpose Surgical options previously described by us as part of a bowel management program for the treatment of soiling and fecal incontinence include (1) resection of a megarectosigmoid to reduce a patient's laxative requirement or (2) a Malone appendicostomy in patients who require enemas. We have found that some patients may benefit from both procedures. Methods We reviewed 18 fecally incontinent patients with structural or functional disorders of the anorectosigmoid (16 ARM, 1 spina bifida, and 1 SCT) who underwent both procedures. Results Of 18 patients, the enema regimen prior to resection had an average volume of 681 ml of saline (Range 400-1000 ml) and 60 ml (Range 48-117 ml) of additives (glycerine, castile soap and/or phosphate). Following the colon resection, the average volume of saline and additives was 335 ml (Range 130-650 ml) and 25 ml (Range 0-60 ml), respectively, a 50% reduction for both (P < 0.01). The time for enema administration and evacuation was reduced by 25%, and the enemas were more effective, rendering the patients clean in 18 of 18 cases (follow-up was 3 months to 21 years). 2 patients later demonstrated that they could be managed with laxatives alone. Conclusion In patients with poor continence potential and a megarectosigmoid, combining a colon resection with a Malone appendicostomy can make the enema more effective. In some rare cases we found the resection may allow for a better response to laxatives. © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

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